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sulfur burps stomach pain

same deal other people are saying they have.  so i've been to seea a doctor like 5 billion times.  sometimes i have to go to the hospital the pain gets so bad.  although not so much anymore now that i know how to "controll it i.e. deal with it.  i eat something and it just doesnt digest sits in the stomache until my body decided to clean itself out completely.  i get sulfur burps and bad gas.  the gas and burps dont always happen and then i have to go to the hospital because the build up of gas is so extreme.  no one can tell me what this is.  it ***** because it's 5:30 am and the second time this week.  I eat no animal producand primarily raw food so i wonder what it is that is causing this.  definitely not dairy like some people have said.

This discussion is related to Sulfur burps, vomiting, diarrhea.
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I know how you feel. I am just getting over yet another one of what I call my rotten egg disease episodes. I`ve been tested for giaridia-negative, I have crohn`s and Gerd but doc finds no connection they say, I think they think i am nuts, lol. I have elevated LFT`s and they have been high for awhile now. They say the Lft`s may be my fatty liver. I was actually good for about 7 months with no episodes. then about 3 weeks ago I had a couple mild cases of it just the belching. then the other night while eating dinner I started to feel nauseus and my rotten egg burps arrived as well as the extruciating wonderful severe stomach/abdominal pains. About hour later came my usual rotten egg smelly puke and soon as I finish puking I have to hurry and sit on the bowel to have my rotten egg diarreah. this time My vomit and puke looked almost the same, lol. I puked this past episode about 7-8 times. was up all night with the stomach pain and diarreha pouring outta me. The diarreha is what I call SICK diarreah. I get diarreha from my crohn`s disease almost daily but this is different. My belly 2 days later is still bloated and now I have rotten farts and diarreha is slowly going back to normal, lol. well at leat i hope so my stomach just made a bad noise, lol.My husband loves it when i get this, lol. he doesn`t have to even ask. He can smell it before I can even tell him I`m having an episode. No doctor seems concerned or can even give a clue of what this is. It is so horrendous, and it has to be something. I see so many people with the same exact symptoms online all too with no diagnosis. I don`t get it ???? How can so many of us have this and dr`s never heard of it?? even gastro`s???? also I am not lactose intolerant. I say it has to be something with our liver, GERD, crohn`s, colitis, etc. I have no clue but feel for ya :) do you have any of the things i have??? any other symptoms you get, not this??
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Hi, I'm a nutritionist.  I have seen this before and SOMETIMES it is a stomach acid problem.  Traditional doctors don't know how to test or test this.  You must have a test called a Heidelberg Gastrogram  (google this).  See if you can find a holistic doctor in your area that does this test.  If not, it would be well worth it to go out of state to have this test done.  I suffered from a very, very, low ph.  No traditional doctors could figure this out.  I burped and gased all the time.  My stomach was always upset.  Then I had this test.  They found I produced like NO hydrochloric acid in my stomach.  They then prescribed pills that, over time, fixed the problem and I've been cured for years.  You will be too.  Good Luck!
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For the gas, try taking Activated Charcoal capsules.  You may have to take 5 at a time to get relief.  They may or may not work.  But try them.  Don't take them if your on medication of any kind though.  They will absorb your meds.
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I used to have them when I was young everytime I ate boiled eggs. So I stopped eating boiled eggs and never had them since. I eat fried and sometimes scrambled eggs and don't experience in any burbs related to the eggs whatsoever.
The sulfuric smell is from the yolk and it usually come about because you are consuming the yolk of the egg while it's still Intact, whether runny or well cooked. But once mixed in with the egg white, it's somewhat diluted and does not have the same effect.
Hope that helps.
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It could be Celiac disease. I'm having the same issues. Look at the symptoms of Celiac. It can cause lactose intolerance, elevated liver enzymes, mouth sores (kanker sores ) b12 deficiency, IBS, stomach distension, gas, bloating, and foul smelling burps and gas..etc. Just a suggestion anyway...
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Have you solved this yet? This used to happen to me. It was my gallbladder and ICV valve. I took a supplement for my gallbladder, by Standard Process. And I quit eating popcorn which I think triggered the episodes. All better for a year now!
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PLEASE READ - I am going to share with you what changed my life for the good.

First of all I am so sorry to read about how many people are going through similar if not the same horrendous symptoms and in most cases don't get answers from doctors. I was this person. I'm a 22 year old female and spent over a year and a half of suffering. Weekly.

Sum up of symptoms:
1.) Always started with sulfur burps aka egg burps. Disgusting.
2.) Within an hour I would need to go to the bathroom, literally, every 10-15 min and would sit on the toilet for up to 30min-45min at a time. Straight liquid diareah. Never.. ending..
3.) Shortly after that is when the worst part began: unbearable abdominal pain. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life - fetal position worthy on the bathroom floor. I would cry for hours. I usually have a very high pain tolerance but this was just too much.
4.) Then vomiting would begin. I would throw up constantly and often at the same time as diareah - as in sitting on the toilet with a bucket on my lap.
5.) This would all last between 8-12 hours before finally slowing down, and even then it would take days to fully recover.

**let me say this: I spent months and months with a food diary and changing my diet. I went gluten free for two months, lactose/dairy free for several months and then both gluten and lactose free for a long time. NOTHING WORKED. I wasn't drinking caffeine, alcohol, never smoked to begin with, etc. Relatively healthy my entire life aside from this nightmare.

I've had many doctors visits and no one could help. Finally got to a Gastrointestinal office where they performed almost 30 different tests through stool testing, blood work, x-rays, endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Everything came back clear and fine! From celiac, chrones, thyroid, parasites, acid reflux, you name it!! It was all fine. How. How was this possible??

Well. Since I couldn't rely on my doctors I had to rely on myself - learn about my own body and listen to it. I've had almost two years to learn and the result have been amazing.

Here are some tips:
**everyone is different, as you have probably read throughout your desperate searches for answers and cures, but the following changed my life**

When you are currently sick I found these couple things to make it a tiny bit easier:
1.) First of all: Vaseline. As soon as you know your being hit with an "episode" start applying it to your bum. Don't wait till its strained. I don't know about all of you, but within two hours its quite painful down there to go.

2.) I brought a heating pad with me EVERYWHERE. This worked wonders for the abdominal pain and cramping. It didn't always go away entirely but it certainly improved.

3.) DON'T EAT. of course drink water to stay hydrated but if you feel even just "a little off" then stop your food intake. I discovered that this helped with nausea among other things, a lot. As hungry as I may be. Just don't. Trust me.
4.) Sit up! As much as you want, as tired as you are, don't lie down. I would prop myself up with pillows and sleep sitting up with my heating pad and this helped soooo much. It helps to reduce pressure on your insides and between the bathroom trips, nausea and pain it is all reduce by quite a bit by simply staying upright.


This is what saved me: APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.

Yes. This disgusting little gem was my hero.

The above tips were for if you still get sick. But Apple Cider Vinegar, for me at least, stops all symptoms in their tracks and before you know it your back to normal.
Basically, I would get an egg burp or if I felt funny before any burps, I would IMMEDIATELY grab ORGANIC AND UNFILTERED apple cider vinegar. Mix 2 table spoons with a glass of apple juice or water and drink it. Literally within 20min the burps are gone and I don't get sick at all. I repeat that maybe two or three more times throughout the day and it would totally prevent an episode of feeling like death.

Soon enough I added it to my nightly routine instead of waiting to feel kinda sick. I wanted to see if I could prevent it all together rather than starting to feel sick and stopping it in its tracks.

Every night for about a month I would have my ACV mix before going to bed. That was when I stopped getting sick. I was eating like a normal person and loving life. I slowly stopped taking it every night and maybe do it twice a week and I have still been fine for about 5 months. I went from getting my "attacks" about 3-5 times a month to not at all. Amazing.

Please try this. And be patient with it. Like I said, it took me some time to get the hang of how much worked and how often, but the results were beyond amazing. I am so thankful to have found my personal answer.

I hope more than anything that this helps you guys too.
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his is so cool to no someone nos wat im talkin about..this is a deadly sickness.your so right for all the symtoms.I get it every week and im down for the count for 3 days.Its like im being poisoned and im dying wen it happins,I cant even walk,cause im so dissy from it.I read someones comment they said they had a test done called a Heidelberg Gastrogram and found that she wasn't producing any stomick  acid and the food was rottening in our stomack.That makes a lot of sence to me man..
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Wow! thank you so much for this tip my boyfriend has never had this problem before and he is very sick with all these symptoms and the egg burps OMFG!! I will get some ACV for sure! that's awesome and i'm glad you are feeling better :)
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Pancreas inflammation? tell them to check Lypase (Spelling) levels. This will kill you if untreated. Go to ER and insist.  If you can't hold down a mouthful of water and liquid coming out all three orifices you will dehydrate really fast. I lost 56 lbs in less than 12 days and ended up in hospital for 2 weeks while they tried to get me back to normal levels. GO TO ER. Modern ailments kill fast.
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OK..  this is scary!!! However, I have had this for 30 years and true that the stinky burps are horrible and that it is something one won't forget but the PAIN is the worst. Worse than child birth but equivalent to a major tooth ache. At least for ME! Apple Cider Vinegar listed above is something I would gladly do if (& I say IF) I could drink it BUT I have tried multiple times AND I can't do it!
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Omg  Amanda tips I am dying to know how your situation turned out! All of my symptoms are the exact same!!! I have had every test that could be done and all came back fine!!  Suffered with this for an entire year being tested for everything under the sun ultimately ended up back at my regular practitioners office and he treated me with mega anabiotic's. Surprisingly it was gone for five years until about a year ago it came back. Again I was treated with anabiotic's and they worked and it was gone for about a year at this time. It came back about a month ago  went back on the anabiotic's but unfortunately it did not work for me this time. In the last week I have gone on herbal medications (ginger, neem, oregano, etc) AND ASV. Have been fine for about 8 days now. I am dying to know how this turned out for you and talk to someone else who has actually suffered from the exact same thing!! I think it's bacterial overgrowth of the intestines, but I'm no MD. Makes perfect sense that ACV would work as it is a natural microbial agent. Please let me know if it rebounded for you!!!
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I am definitely with you a the way on this! Looking for answers TOO!
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Like others on this post, I have had all the same symptoms for quite some time (over a decade) and I even tried the apple cider vinegar as well like the other response here. Even with taking the Apple cider vinegar, which was rough, I still had the issues.

Oddly enough, I have now (as of this post) gone almost 4 months without any issues. Seeing as how this was happening before at least twice a month, not having any issues for 4 months is HUGE for me.

For me, I noticed that when eating things with peanuts in it (peanut oils or peanuts in general) that is when I would have the stomach issues. Here's the thing though, it's not like I would eat anything with peanuts in it and then have issues immediately or even the next day. It seems to me that my stomach issues with the sulfur burps and the vomiting and diarrhea only happened if somehow this built up in my system. I don't know how to explain that better, but lets say I go out today and have chinese food, that might not bother me today, but lets say today I eat chinese food, and then tomorrow I eat from a place that uses peanut oil for their french fries or something, well then a day or two after that, I would begin to have the 24 hours of hell that is all the symptoms of the stomach issues.

Because of having the issues for about 12-13 years, lately I have been scared that tomorrow i am going to wake up with the sulfur burps, but so far, I have been waking up for the past 4 months with no issues. I would definitely encourage anyone who is reading this to really evaluate and look at a possible build up of a food allergy in their system. If things change, I will post again here, but I truly think I have solved my issues, and I hope this post can help someone solve their issues, because when the doctors cant figure it out, and nothing you do seems to help, like for me and the apple cider vinegar, you just feel like you'll have this the rest of your life and thats extremely depressing to think about.

If this has helped anyone here, please post a comment and let me know! I appreciate it.
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