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unprotected ooral in wien, pls help me evaulate my risk

hello i posted this on another board too but i will try to ask here as well:

unprotected oral sex please help me evaulate my risk

first of all thank you for this wonderful message board that offers a lot of information, experience and so on.

also, please, excuse my bad english but i hope i will be able to describe my situation understandably. ...

about three months ago i had unprotected oral sex with a CSW in Wien, Austria. She gave me some protected oral sex, then i gave her some unprotected oral sex and then we had soma protected vaginal sex (for a couple of minutes, like 2 - 3, very short). that was all. she was very dry when and i was giving her the oral and it was very superficial (i wasn´t inserting my tongue inside her vagina or anything like that). It was just licking, maybe a bit of sucking her private.

i know LEGAL csw´s have to test regularly in Wien, i think she was legal because after the sex i saw that she was writing some evidence like from when to when i was there and so on. so maybe she was legal and they have to do this because of governemnt orders. but maybe she was an illegal CSW.

before the sex i asked her if she is clean from HIV and she said she didn´t have it but you can never trust these. Also it was significant that she was very careful on her, not to catch anything, she din´t let me finger her, she was controlling the condom before and after and so on. But still that doesn´t guarantee nothing. Also shw was checking my penis if there are any sores, rashes and so on. Basically she was evaulating my likely health situation.

a couple of days after the encounter i had some low grade fevers on and off (not more then 98.5 - 98.7 Fahreheit), iwas very tired and fatiqued. I was experiencing a lot of nausea. No night sweats, no high fevers, no swollen lymph nodes (at least that i could notice), no body wise rash (but some rash on my face, the doctor said it was an allergy to specific clothing caused by collar), no sore throat. I lost about 2 kgs of my weight during those 3 months. Also my skin is kind of tight, sensitive and dry, itchy sometimes. These three months have been very hard and i have been thru a lot of anxiety and depression, panic attacks (and i still am going thru this).

i didn´t have no "major" flu liek illnes, but for a couple of days i feel like "will be flu" a couple of days i don´t and then again.

Please is there any significant risk and need i go tested or should i forget about it and move on with my life?
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186166 tn?1385259382
* This HIV Community is a place to discuss HIV Prevention based upon the criteria established by MedHelp’s doctors.

Reported Report SpamAbuseLIZZIE LOU  

"As far as HIV is concerned, there is no known risk of getting HIV from performing oral sex on an infected partner, even if that person's genital secretions get into your eyes or if you swallow"  DR HOOK

There is no debate (among experts) about the HIV risks associated with oral sex.  The risk is so low that almost nobody who cares for HIV infected patients has ever had a patient believed to have been infected that way.  Among experts, it's a semantic issue about using terms like "no risk" and "very low risk".  There is no difference between my or Dr. Hook's use of "low risk" and other experts' "no risk".

"And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex.  Please educate yourself about the real risks.  If you stick with oral sex and condom-protected vaginal or anal sex, you have no HIV worries and very little worry about other STDs. "   DR HANSFIELD

"I am sure you can find lots of people who belive that HIV is transmitted by oral sex, but you will not find scientific data to support this unrealistic concern..."   DR HOOK

"HIV is not spread by touching, masturbation, oral sex or condom protected sex."- DR. HOOK

in the public HIV Prevention forum of MedHelp, TEAK and the other moderators maintain that oral sex in all forms is a zero risk activity. Would you agree with this assessment?  

The observation on thousand and thousand of observations is that HIV is not spread by oral sex (of any sort).  DR. HOOK

"With regard to the question you ask, I will repeat, as I’ve said more times than I can think- there are NO credible cases in which persons have acquired HIV through performance of oral sex- none!!.  The chance that you will be the first is ridiculously low.  You are more likely to be hit by lightening while reading my reply to you. DR HOOK

"HIV is not spread by masturbation, through oral sex, through kissing or other casual contact." DR HOOK

"There is no credible evidence that HIV is spread through oral sex, with or without the presence of cuts or blood in the persons mouth."- DR HOOK

"Oral sex. there is no evidence that HIV is spread through giving or receiving oral sex"- DR HOOK

"HIV is not spread through oral sex."  DR HOOK

"HIV is not spread through giving or receiving oral sex"   DR HOOK

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thanks for support but why some many people claim that they got infected just by oral? i have browsed some boards and i understand soem of these people are ashamed (maybe?) to admit, that they did some unprotected anal/vaginal too, but all of them... that´s doubtful. also many people that are actually positive and have been for some years claim live on youtube that oral sex does pose a risk for transsmition and don´t recommend to do it unprotected. unfortunately i saw this videos only after my encounter, still they claim that the transsmition preferably happen when a penis is inserted into the mouth, when the mouth lick the vagina it´s a lower risk (by what they say).

thanks for support tho i hope things will be ok
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No risk. Oral sex is a safe sex.
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