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Okay, Symtoms are real, not in head, if you can't get HIV through Hand Job than What can you get ?

guys,  you  have  been noticing that I do not spend much time on board, but enjoy my life, but yet,  I have symptoms left  and right.  

I still  have fatigue, muscle weakness, eye pain, pressure in the head, hard time to breath, lymph pain over the body, ear aches, pain, and echo problem.

All i had was a hand job, then why am I suffering so much ? I do not think it is anxity,.

Remember I had ARS type 2 weeks after exposure.

If this is not HIV, than what can it be ?

Yes, call me sick and stupid, but my symptoms are real. I am seeing my doc on Friday, to get MRI and other stuff to do to rule out any other stuff.

37 Responses
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Did you cheat on your wife b/c you are sooooooooooo full of guilt it sounds to me. Get a test or shut the F*ck up geez. You do not have hiv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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At this point I am convinced GOLOKA is just posting to get a rise out of everyone.  And it seems to be working.  
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172023 tn?1334672284
You said:
"Yes, my doctors said, I should take one. But I said No.  Thank you for the support, we will see what happens."

So....what are you here for?  If you won't take a test, then follow your own advice and wait (not sure for what) and "see".

Take a test, or stop whining about not knowing.  
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Man, fudge you, you don't have the symptoms I d o. I do not care what freaking CDC, says ... If you  have symptoms, you got something...
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Yes, my doctors said, I should take one. But I said No.  Thank you for the support, we will see what happens.
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Assuming that your doctor actually told you that it is possible to get HIV from a hand job, my guess is that your doctor does not have any experience with HIV at all. It is not rare - it never happens. I have never read of a confirmed case of someone getting HIV from a hand job. But, given that your doctor somehow believes it is possible, what did he advise you to do? Any doctor laboring under such a false assumption surely would have recommended an HIV test by now, yet you did not mention that he did so. What was the doctor's recommendation?

Equally ridiculous is your assertion that stress is playing no part in your current predicament. You are (I will choose to believe, for now) so consumed with the idea of somehow having gotten HIV from a hand job that you cannot see the forest for the trees. None of the "symptoms" you have listed off an on here even much sounds like HIV to me. What they do sound like is someone who is suffering crushing guilt induced stress and anxiety. And really, that's the issue here, anxiety.

So, you have one thing left to do at this point. Go get a test. Until you man up and just do it, I don't think I would like to continue this conversation. It is pointless and does you no good. Go get the test, finally, just go get the test.
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No doctor advised you that you can contract HIV from a handjob. As Lizzie Lou advised you, seek the help of a mental health professional.
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186166 tn?1385259382

#1   fire your doctor...he is as dumb as a box of rocks

#2  find a good psychiatrist to help you sort through what is reality and what is not.  

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yes, hindu. Yes, told my doc , he says its possible to get it, but unlikely, says, you gotta be pretty unlucky to get it.

Its rare , but happens.

See, I would have not mind, IF I HAD NO SYMPTOMS, STRESS DOES NOT cause, pains I having.

Tell me ?
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I go back and forth thinking that you might be a troll, and a particularly good one at that, or just some really mixed up and desperate individual who needs more help than anyone here will be able to provide. I suppose I will err on the side of caution, because, really, even if you are a troll, this should be entertaining.

Ok, which Asian religion would look so down on someone who has HIV? Krishna, perhaps, or maybe Hindi. Just curious. And, you didn't answer my question about how you are feeling about having received a hand job. I would like you to do so before I continue this conversation. Also, I assume you spoke to your doctors about your belief that you have HIV. What did they say to this?
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I had collar bone pain too....its stress.
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and  WTF, fudge is a pain  around my collar bone area,  like  sharp pain.

I forgot  to ask my doc, becuase  I list too many symptoms
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Yes, I want to  get tested, but I can't do it with my insurance, what is the best method ?

Q: If I have to go on meds, will insurance still pay for it or will they cancel it ?

Q: I have constant mouth sore, cankor sores, cuts, fatigue, itching , body aches, oh men, these aches are so bad , that they are over my body, its like I got sick 2 weeks from exposure and I have never go over it.

I talk to my doc, and he said, if you do it with insurance, they will keep a eye on it.

He also said,that when you are first infected with HIV, you feel like a bad flue, that last for ever.

In his office, there is another doc who is HIV Specalist, so he says, when they have ARS, they are pretty sick, and pretty bad fever.

And thats what I had, I had a fever, at 14 days and after that, I feel like I could never get over the flu, I still have muslce aches, and pain and all the other symptoms.

My Religion is from a Asian Culture,, and they look bad as having HIV.

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Seriously....are you not going to test?  I sure yyou will be much more respected in your religion for being such a pansy.  I am concerned for you because you are obviously freaking out.  Simply get a test and put this to rest. (that rhymed).  As far the shark tank Jaguar mentioned....if you continue to stress like this, it might not be a bad idea.
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At least you're not as crazy as the guy who thought he got HIV when his exposure was fingering a chick with a condom on (Yes, a condom on his finger)?

Please, if you are so convinced you already have HIV, go to the doctor and at least get it confirmed, even though you will be surprised with the result.
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you are crazy!!!!
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That was funny man.  Really laughed out loud on that one.

Goloka, you are one crazy mofo.  If you are indeed religious, then I can see how this would affect you.  Religion plays an interesting part in HIV paranoia.  But, part of me thinks you are simply trolling with some expertise.  So, good job.  It's definitely good for a laugh.
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>Guys, you  are correct, why am I a little *****, well I am from a strict relgion, and If they >find out, I am done

Ahhh, so, things start to make a bit more sense, now, to me at least. Would it be true to say that the root of your fear is that those who are also in your strict religion would look down upon someone who received a hand job in a massage parlor? Also, can you explain a bit more about your religion, and also how you yourself feel about having gotten a hand job in a massage parlor.

Personally, I don't think you're anything more or less than someone who finds themselves in a moral dilemma. You have crossed some internal or external moral boundary, and now feel the need to continuously punish yourself with thoughts of HIV. My guess is that, yes, your "symptoms" are indeed solely the product of your fevered guilt complex. Of course, that is just a guess.

Another question, are you afraid to discuss all of this with your doctor? If so, why?
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Go to a DOCTOR, noone here is a medical doctor and your symptoms mean nothing to most of us.

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why dont you just go and get a test.
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I think the biggest concern for me, is that I may of have had open wound, and she may of had cuts on her hand.
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Guys, you  are correct, why am I a little *****, well I am from a strict relgion, and If they find out, I am done

Think about it, I bleed easy, my mouth has so must sores, now, my butt itches, stiff neck, lymph pain in the  collar bone, neck, and in the throat, groin, and armpit.

Runny nose alot, getting sick alot, abnormal blood report, liver pain, liver results high.
Burning Pain in the body, arms, and legs, back, back pain, back aches.

When  you  say , symptoms are never indicator, than WTF are they indicating, that I am healthy

What else can it be ?

Yes, I need to start my treatment, but should you rather not and die and let anyone find out ??

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You're going to die a young man GOLOKA, but its not going to have anything to do with HIV...
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Who is trying to scare him? If he really, truly believes that he has HIV, OK. Do I think he has HIV? What rational person would?

The issue here is that Goloka thinks he does. So, my question to him is: what is he going to do about it? That is what I am curious about. If he's really convinced, even without the benefit of a test to confirm his fears, then shouldn't he be addressing the problem in a more productive manner than coming here? I think he should. My suggestion is this: he should sit down and have a serious conversation with his doctor about this. Lay out his fears, why he thinks he has it, and then ask what he should do. I think his doctor would be very interested in his situation, and may be able to help (more so than strangers on an Internet forum, don't you think?). That's what doctors are for, after all.

So, get to it, Goloka, and then come back and tell us what the doctor advised. After that, I'll be willing to listen to anything you have to say. You have an appointment for the doc to look at your skin problem, why not take advantage of the good timing and have that conversation during the same appointment?
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