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Are my arrhythmias dangerous?

I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and paroxymal hypertension in my twenties. I've always felt skipped beats to some degree. About three years ago I had onset of paroxymal atrial fibrillation, this was diagnosed in the emergency room. My heart rate was 153 bpm and irregular. I've had about twelve bouts of this atrial fibrillation since this time. It does seem to be triggered by stress, but no one can figure out the cause. Echos show a mild mitral valve prolapse, that's all. I started having many skipped beats around October last year. I went to the doctor, who put a holter monitor on. It showed approximately 680 skipped beats in the 24 hour period. She diagnosed this as PSVT. I then followed up with my cardiologist who did a thallium stress test, which revealed all was normal. He then put a holter monitor on last week. The computer print out said I had 1,127 narrow beats within the 24 hour period. I believe that, as my diary showed almost constant skipped beats. My cardiologist told me I was imagining them, that I had only truly had 14 skipped beats, and that the computer errored.He feels it's my esophagus causing this. If it was my esophagus, why would I feel skips in my pulse? Does any of this sound dangerous to you? I am currently on tenormin 25mg t.i.d. It doesn't seem to help this PSVT from occuring. The only two things I know is they are worse at period time, and they are worse depending on how I move (bending over can cause them to start) and once they start sometimes they just won't quit for awhile. Is there a cure for all of this? I am also wondering if these "narrow beats" which he also referred to as PAC's are to do with the atrium and maybe my heart is trying to convert into a-fib full time rather than paroxymal? Any info you can give me is much appreciated. Thanks.
53 Responses
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Please, those of you with irregular heartbeats, (and almost any other physical problem) PLEASE have the levels of vitamins and minerals in your blood checked.  (Nutritionists that are Holistic practitioners will do it)
I added one, yes I said ONE vitamin and all irregular heartbeats stopped.  No medical Dr. was able to stop them.  Will now work on the rest of my problems.  I had a triple bi-pass in 1997.  Have an enlarged heart, COPD, Hypothyroidism, and Emphysema.  The operation also left me with a constantly swollen leg which will never go down, and on-again off-again depression.
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I'm sorry but it really annoys me when Drs say: don't worry, they won't kill you, but there is no active research into this area.
acne won't kill you but there is plenty of research into curing this conditon
ditto for irritable bowel syndrome
athletes foot
Sorry, its been a really bad PVC month.

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If anyone would like to correspond about being anxious and helpless about irregular beats, please e-mail me ***@****  I am female, 38 and very paranoid.  These irregular beats rule my life even though some days I may only get one or two.  I had an ablation for racing heart four years ago, now fortunately I only have irregular beats from time to time, some feel like a flutter others thud, some pause for what feels like forever.  My knees go weak and I get nauseous immediately, I am always waiting for the next funny beats.  Of course the Drs say do not worry they will not kill you.  Trisha
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I just read another response on these arrhythmias, there seems to be an awful lot of common symptoms with them. I am still maintaining this is some disorder that doctor's have not yet put together. How many of you suffer mvp, psvt, atrial fib along with these arrhythmias? How many of you have low blood sugar? How many are worse at period time <women only>? How many of you have anxiety disorder/panic attacks, etc? How many have any type of blood pressure probs? Whether paroxymal or just elevated hypertension? After eating a large meal you feel them, diet high in sugar, these also point to a blood sugar problem. I do know...with my first attack of atrial fibrillation <the ONLY one I went to ER for> they did bloodwork, my glucose came up at 180 which is way high. Alcohol IS a trigger for this problem and the pac,pvc's, BUT NOT THE CAUSE. Stress is a trigger BUT NOT THE CAUSE. There are several "triggers" as we all know but in my opinion, they can't find the cause because they haven't yet diagnosed the disorder. There are just WAY too many of us out there with the same symptoms and it's too coincidental I think. Give me your opinions, I welcome the input.
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A related discussion, Massaging Sides of  Throat Relieves Symptoms was started.
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A related discussion, what is going on with me and is it life threatening was started.
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I am a 30 year old male. I had several episodes of sinus tachycardia since I was 18. But recently my problem got worse.
EVERY morning my heart starts racing with minimal exertion.
Even if I walk for only 20 meters my heart rate is 120-130 per minute. I go to normal phase late in the evening. Then, I can walk, even run without problems. If I get stressed during my "morning" phase I get tachycardia of about 150-160 beats per minute.
Does anyone know why  this is happening only in the morning.
I usually get stressed when I feel a PVC beat (I have them 1-2 per day) or I anticipate tachycardia. Since there is always something to upset you in the morning, I could not function any more. I am scared to go to my work place since last time
I had an episode while driving. This was a week ago and I am at home since then. I started taking ATENOL. It works fine but I do not know how long I can use them without problems. Does anyone know how long should I be on ATENOL? I have heard that beta blockers can have  severe side effects like heart failure and cardiac arrest.



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i've been dealing with these symptoms since I was in college, am now 43 and a mother of two teenagers. Thank God they are good kids...because stress, whether good or bad seems to be my biggest enemy.  I have given up my teaching job (7th graders) because I get too involved with them and there goes my heart, My life is not normal, I'm becoming more and more afraid of everything, i'm having strange panic attacks, have a hard time going into stores with bright lights...is this sounding crazy? I was told I have a mild MVP with mild regurgitaion...I have had everything from arteriogram to tilt table test......nothing, just the MVP, but still I have this awful arrhythmia. The last dr. I saw was one at St. Luke's in Houston .  He put me on tambacor, 50 mg twice a day, plus toprol XL twice a day, and ativan 1mg twice a day to try and control the panic episodes...I don't want to die yet, last night I was quite sure I wouldn't make it until this morning.....sometimes I get dizzy and fall with this thing.....I went back for a checkup the Dr. says I'm doing great!  Well, I'm not doing great, I feel like my life is falling apart.....there's got to be someone out there with answers...I am depending solely on God at this point..
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well I want to tell you that I too have this problem with the heart.I am now on rythmol 150mg three times a day.It helps alot and there are still some days that I dont feel well.
I am now going for a thallium test and I am nervous about that.
I am gladd I found this site and thanks for letting me post  sincerly mediumkat
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I am 43 and started having rapid heart beats about 5 years ago.  I was put on HS Covera after a year or so, and continued on that until November of 2000.  I would have the rapid heart beat about every 5 months.  My husband was a fireman and if the pager went off at night, that might trigger the rate.  Or if I was woke up from the phone; have it sometimes right after lunch.  My heart will make 2 "thumps" and then it's racing big time.  Is this the "fluttering" some of you talk about?  Or is this the "skipped beats" you mention?  My fast rate feels normal and nothing irregular shows up on tests.  Normally I could make it stop by (1) blowing on a balloon (2) Holding my breath or (3) breating in and out of a paper bag.  In October, I couldn't get it to stop and I couldn't get the count.  I went to the doctor and after about 2 hours he sent me to the ER.  They gave me something (I forget what it's called) in the IV to stop the heart.  The cardiologist I went to recommended going to a speciaolist and seeing about oblation.  7 months went by and recently I had another spell at 1:00 a.m.  About 2 hours long; I finally got it to slow down by last resort of breathing in the bag.  Cardiologist and general doctor refuse now to refer me to a specialist.  Say it doesn't happen often enough and they need to just change my medicine.  Since Nov. 2000 I've been on Verelen(sp?) PM 300.  This is frustrating.  For years, I've cut out caffeine, chocolate, sugar (I love jelly beans, and may does that bring it on).  One of my cousins had this and she passed out every time it happened.  I only passed out the first time it ever happened.  I feel fine while it's going on.  My cousin had the oblation in January 2001 and she's doing great.  

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I dont know what you fellas make of this,but it happened to me.Just after my wife died I started to get the butterfly/ missed heart beat symtoms. I went to my local GP and he done the usual and told me it was due to stress and gave me medication and informed me that I would be OK in about three months. This did not happen. On my way to work one day I felt faint and fell to the ground.I picked myself up and continued to work. The next day it happened again. I decided to pay a visit to the nearest doctor straight away. He stuck all sorts of sensors over my body and informed me that my heart was fibrilating and sent me to hospital for more tests. It was revealed there that the problem was my thyroid. I was put on a dose of tablets, Approx 200 a week (Neomercazole and Warfarin tho I never took the Warfarin when I found out it kills rats),until they had worked out the correct dosage to bring my thyroid to a satisfactory state. Though my butterflies and thumping heartbeat has not gone completely away, all I have to do when I get them is take a couple of Neomercazole tablets for a couple of days and they are gone for some time. Needless to say I do not worry any more as it is now 15 years since it started, and my comment here is proof that these things will not kill, but I am sure that worry will. My local Gp still insists that he was right and Neomercazole is not fixing the problem. I have made this comment thinking that maybe this might be worth consideration by others.
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Dear JanW, Hi, As you read the comments on this forum, you can see you are not alone in the way you feel. It is easy for a cardiologist to say don't worry, but unless he or she is experiencing the same annoying and unnerving symptoms daily, they will never truly understand the fear it causes a patient. However, the extra beats are usually found to be benign after a complete cardiac workup, and the next step is to try and desensitive yourself to them( another stock answer from a cardiologist) this is not easy. Try to find answers from your gynecologist concerning hormone connections. Search this forum in the archives for helpful comments from others in finding ways to cope with the PVC's, including meds used. I have been using this forum for a few months, and find myself more relaxed and better able to deal with the daily palpitations just knowing I am not alone. Good Luck and I hope you find the answers you need.
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I am so glad that I have found this heart discussion forum.
I am a 52 year old female who has been plagued with PVC's most of my life but never as bad as I have had them since this past January.  They seem to be more numerous right after eating but I do have them off and on inbetween meals.  I have been searching the web for answers as two doctors have told me that all my heart and blood tests are fine.  My doctor doesn't believe that the glucose tolerance test is accurate so he doesn't give them only the fasting blood test which would show only diabetes.  I have been told, on other forums relating to hypoglycemia that I might either have reactive hypoglycemia or be carbohydrate intolerant and that might be causing me to have so many PVC's. I have changed my diet to a very low carb, higher protein diet three times a day with a plain yogert snack before bedtime. NO CHANGE. I have worn the holter monitor and had EKG's.  The holter monitor showed the PVC's but a cardiologist said they weren't the kind to be worried about.  Easy for him to say!!!! When you have to live with them day in and day out, it's a problem and worry!!! My doctor called me yesterday, after running another blood sugar test and adrenial gland test and said that they are both fine but he is willing to put me on a mild beta blocker. I am willing to try anything right now.  I have wondered for a long time about this being homone related too, as I take Estrogen, thyroid medication for being hypothyroid and cholestral medication.  I know it isn't thyroid related because I have had these PVC's even when my thyroid is running a little below normal.  Right now it is where it's supposed to be.
Is is really true that these PVC's aren't dangerous to our heart muscle?  It makes you wonder when you have hundreds a day that you aren't doing something to the heart. It wasn't meant to beat abnormal.  Any comments would sure be appreciated.
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I've been reading some of your comments on arrhythmia, and I want to add my own experience.  I have what I call heart flutters.  I started noticing them maybe 6 years ago. They seemed to be happening with increasing regularity, so I asked my doctor about them. Like so many of you, my doctor said it is arrhythmia, and nothing to be alarmed about.

About 3 years ago another doctor found out that I needed medication for hypertension and low thyroid level.  After I started taking these medications the heart flutters almost completely stopped. I was so relieved not to be getting them, but I was also rather upset to think that my heart flutters may have been caused by my needing these meds.  Well, in the last couple of months the heart flutters have returned! I just cannot believe that these feelings are normal.  It feels as if a huge, strong butterfly is fluttering in my heart. This evening I had a series of particularly strong flutters, they not only scare me, they make me feel as if I can't get enough oxygen.  I really don't think that the feeling that I need more oxyegn has anything to do with my being alarmed.  I also feel a little weak after this happens.

Can this really be normal?  I don't know anyone else that gets these, except the people on this board. LOL

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Well we all have the same symptoms and everyone tells us not to worry.  How ridiculous! Do any of you have defense mechanisms that you use while having these symptoms?  I've done some research.  For rapid heart rates - drink cold fluids.  I drink cold milk. To get the heart rate down, do deep slow breathing (in through the nose, out through the mouth - do a count down from 10).  Take your pulse before and after - you should see a difference.  Cardiologists also suggest burping or passing gas.  I also slowly walk around the house.  Above all tell your loved ones, friends and co-workers so if this happens they can help calm you down by talking or back massage etc. or if need be they can call 911 for you.
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Which Vitamin was it.  I take a multivitamin along with Vit E and garlic
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which vitamin did you add??
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I have been researching skipped beats/ectopic heartbeats for years and I am only 23.  I started to get them when I was 18 years old.  Something happened to me during that time and it startled me and ever since then I have been getting skipped beats.  A couple times a year my heart would all of a sudden go into overdrive-I am not sure if would have been a panic attack of some sort or what.  It happened at a carnival and I almost went crazy.  my heart was thumping very fast.  I thought that I was going to die.  It was never that bad.  I have complained to my primary care dr (who is a cardiologist) and he never seemed to care.  Over time, he did a few ekg's and and echo and they call came back in good health!!!  However, i could not stop complainging about them.  I have been trying to diagnose myself, which is a terrible thing to do, oever the internet.  I seeked a second opinion.  I wore a holter for 48 hrs and she said that I had 3 skipped beats (ectopic).  Then I went to her again and she ordered me a king of hearts for one month.  I actually called her today cause she never called me back with results.  It has been almost 6 months.  I am trying to figure out what is wrong with me, since no one else will.  It may be hormonal and it does occur after I eat.  I read on info about stomach spasms, but I am not sure.  It goes away some weeks, but then it will happen lots after.  I would love for someone to reply to this.  I wrote numerous comments on other search engines, but never received replies!!!!
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Im not a doctor, I just post things here as well. I just read your last post and like yourself I post some things above asking for some ideas or answers what the things I experience could be, but have not had any response. I have things like the fast heart rate, that feeling like an extra beat or it feel like your heart did a quick somersault. For me even on Toprol I still feel it all, but ALOT better with the Toprol. Recently my dose has been increase, it has seems to help. What I get it somewhat simular to you. Sometimes when I bend down to pick something up, I'm fine, but when I stand back up, my heart takes off. For a few seconds it beats fast, and I feel slightly lightheaded. Some days Ill get this when I get up out of bed in the a.m., while bending down, after eating a meal, after walking up a flight of stairs, and it is ALWAYS worst around that time of month. I have been going to a cardiologist since July 1999, I guess he has an idea, but I have never been told anything specific. I hope we both can get some ideas from here.
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Hi all...I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a more replies to my query:  Why, when I bend over, does my heart go into an irregular beat?  Also, is this common?  I hope a doctor will answer me.  EKG's show everything is normal.  Does anyone else have this?  When I bend over, my heart stays in that mode; the second I straighten up it goes back to normal rhythm.  I have no other symptoms; I feel great.  But I'm so scared of this.  Perhaps it's just my hiatal hernia...would a doctor please answer me?  Thank you in advance.
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One more comment...if a doctor answers this, PLEASE be gentle with me as I'm terrified and am very prone to panic attacks.  I sure hope that positional irregular beat is nothing to worry about.
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Hi Raven,

I would suggest that you get a copy of "The Schwarzbein Principle".  It addresses many of the concerns you have and tells
you how to eliminate them through a balanced diet - combination
of carbs, protein and fat.  Most people do not have that balance
and it causes in many cases, rapid heart beats, acne...The book
is a collaboration of doctors who have treated patients with a
variety of ailments over the years with great success.  You can
order it over internet or at any bookstore.  I've just started
eating better and feel an improvement already.  Hope this helps.
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