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Are my arrhythmias dangerous?

I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse and paroxymal hypertension in my twenties. I've always felt skipped beats to some degree. About three years ago I had onset of paroxymal atrial fibrillation, this was diagnosed in the emergency room. My heart rate was 153 bpm and irregular. I've had about twelve bouts of this atrial fibrillation since this time. It does seem to be triggered by stress, but no one can figure out the cause. Echos show a mild mitral valve prolapse, that's all. I started having many skipped beats around October last year. I went to the doctor, who put a holter monitor on. It showed approximately 680 skipped beats in the 24 hour period. She diagnosed this as PSVT. I then followed up with my cardiologist who did a thallium stress test, which revealed all was normal. He then put a holter monitor on last week. The computer print out said I had 1,127 narrow beats within the 24 hour period. I believe that, as my diary showed almost constant skipped beats. My cardiologist told me I was imagining them, that I had only truly had 14 skipped beats, and that the computer errored.He feels it's my esophagus causing this. If it was my esophagus, why would I feel skips in my pulse? Does any of this sound dangerous to you? I am currently on tenormin 25mg t.i.d. It doesn't seem to help this PSVT from occuring. The only two things I know is they are worse at period time, and they are worse depending on how I move (bending over can cause them to start) and once they start sometimes they just won't quit for awhile. Is there a cure for all of this? I am also wondering if these "narrow beats" which he also referred to as PAC's are to do with the atrium and maybe my heart is trying to convert into a-fib full time rather than paroxymal? Any info you can give me is much appreciated. Thanks.
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It either sounds like PSVT or Atrial Fib neither of which are life threatening. When you have Atrial fibrillation it can beat real fast or not so fast but it flutters like crazy, feels like there is a bird loose in your chest. A quick cough or movement will sometimes restore it, and you can go in and out of that rhythm. If you aren't getting dizzy/passing out, don't worry but if you do then get it checked immediately.
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I posted a comment last night about 12:30a.m.  About a half hour before that I had the arrythmia that scares the hek out of me. I described it above. At 12:00p.m. today I had it again. Weird twelve hours later. Being it is saturday, and even though I have had this thing alot in the pass, it seems to be more frequent now, I tried to call my cardio, but the office was closed. The cardio taking calls, called me back about 3:00p.m. and he really doesn't know my problems. I have never been to him. But from what I describe about this thing, he said it sounds like maybe supra ventricular tachcardia. But this is only over the phone. He asked if I have had an echo, I have, also if I have mvp. I was told by my doctor, that by the echo , I dont. My sister has, she also has wpw. From 1985 her problems really began, she was on a ton of med. Shes a rn in the recovery room, and all the meds. she was on would knock down an elephant. In 1996 one night she passed out, ended up in the er and then at the hospital. They did an ablation a couple days later. I cant believe all the problems she had, for that amount of time, and it totally cured her. My nephew one day heart rate just flew. He had a monitor and was recorded one day at 245 while on a med. He had an ablation (he''s 15) an had an accesory pathway in the same place as my sister. They are aunt and nephew, he's cured also. My mothers heart rate the same thing. She is 73 now and has been on inderal since she was about 43. But me and my sisters problems are worse than my mothers. She seems to be fine on the inderal all this time. These things are so complex to diagnosed and treat, it seems that way to me.
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I noticed when I do get this episode that scares me, it starts out with a slight flutter, then I feel the pulse in my neck, and my heart is either beating real slow, or last night and today when I got this, it was beating fast but not in a normal rythym. Sinus tachcardia is a fast beat, but in normal rythym. This was like my heart all of a sudden went out of normal rythm and threw some beats very fast and all together. It is almost like it is beating fine, then all of a sudden it goes out of sinc, then if I cough, that kicks it into a normal beating. Even though I had this many times in the past, and had the holter and event monitors, nothing was ever recorded. But now it seems like it is happening more, this week I want to see if I can get one or both of the monitors. I hate the holter monitor. Being that it is uncomfortable, and hard to sleep with the electrodes and monitor hanging down. I always feel Im going to pull the electrodes off by accident. I just hope after all this time I can finally get all my symptons recorded, and hopefully get treatment that might be more helpful.
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I noticed your comment which prompted me to ask you a few questions. Do you also suffer from atrial fibrillation? Do you have low blood sugar? I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia when I was pregnant with my first child, and I do notice the pvc's pac's can be worse when I haven't eaten. Sugar will also aggravate them. There seems to be many similarities with people and these symptoms on this bb. I wonder if we all have some syndrome they haven't yet formally diagnosed. Just wondering, the good news is we are all still alive to post about them still :) Any input would be appreciated!
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My pvc's and pac's are definetly related to hormones although the doctors say no.  I get them when I am ovulating and then really bad the 36 hours before i get my period.  I am on digoxin now and that has helped quiet them some.  Not as strong so not as annoying.
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My symptoms and diagnosis are very similar to Laurie's.  I've been diagnosed with mild MVP and experience very frequent PVC's which intensify around the week of my period.  My cardiologist has tested my glucose levels to see if that may be the cause, but after suffering from this for two years now, I am almost completely convinced that mine must be hormone related.  The first time I experienced very frequent PVC's was when I became pregnant with my first child and the doctor immediately dismissed them as hormone related.  They disappeared for years and now have returned (and I am definitely not pregnant!)  I am 37 years old and wonder if I am experiencing hormonal changes due to the onset of perimenopause which is causing the PVC's.  I am seriously considering trying birth control pills to see if they will regulate my hormone levels and hopefully reduce my PVC's.  I wonder if anyone else out there has tried this.
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