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Increased PVC

I am a 44-year-old male.  I was diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse 13 years ago.  It was seen on the echocardiogram as a mild case.  I run about 20-30 miles a week and have been doing so for the last 15 years.  I am also on 10mg of Plendil for High Blood pressure.  Otherwise my health is excellent.

I have experienced PVC and PAC's one or two a day over the years.  About 4 months I started to feel them more frequently, about a couple per minute.  After extensive testing, my Cardiologist determined from an Event Monitor these were PAC
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     I am a mother of a twelve year girl who has heart palpations since she was five and a half.  The palpations seemed to be going away.  This was the diagnosis the doctors gave us, that she would grow out of them.  Well, this past six months have been a nightmare.  She has heart palpations that have lasted up to 36 hours.  One nurse clocked her at 145 tics a minute.  She is now seeing a specialist.  So far we have not been told anything definite.  I am worried.  Today, the doctor has suggested a drug called Toprol.  I am worried about giving a twelve year old heart medicine.  Everything I have read here and other places seems to be dealing with adults only.  Does anyone have any info or places I can get more info about this condition and or this drug?

                                       Please help,
                                       desperate mother
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     I am a mother of a twelve year girl who has heart palpations since she was five and a half.  The palpations seemed to be going away.  This was the diagnosis the doctors gave us, that she would grow out of them.  Well, this past six months have been a nightmare.  She has heart palpations that have lasted up to 36 hours.  One nurse clocked her at 145 tics a minute.  She is now seeing a specialist.  So far we have not been told anything definite.  I am worried.  Today, the doctor has suggested a drug called Toprol.  I am worried about giving a twelve year old heart medicine.  Everything I have read here and other places seems to be dealing with adults only.  Does anyone have any info or places I can get more info about this condition and or this drug?

                                       Please help,
                                       desperate mother
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I just wanted to add to my previous comment, that when I do get the fast heart rate, I notice my hands shake , and my legs get jittery. I know it makes me extremely nervous when the palpitations start up, because before the med. I was used to them, since the med. it has helped quiet them down, but now when they start up now I think, I take the med. why are they starting up?
As soon as they slow down the jittery feeling goes. Also most of the time when they start up , I first have a funny feeling in my stomach. Like a tensed up, knotted up tight feeling. That's usually how I know when my pulse is racing. The stomach thing too goes when the racing slows down.
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I'm 39 and have been dealing with all my heart arrythmias since I was 33. The first thing I can remember feeling was a weird feeling in my head, just for a split second, and then it was gone. This was in 1990, then in 1993 one day my heart starting racing, I guess I was under stress at that time. This kept up everday, it would sometimes start up after a meal, or when I get up in the morning, or if drinking just a half a glass of wine.
The next thing I experienced was a weird flutter and my heart was either beat slow or screwy, then I cough or do something with a quick motion, and it would go from the screwy beating to a super fast rate, then back down to normal, and sometimes with this event I get a hot flushed feeling in my face. This event would happen every couple of weeks or so, the palpitations everday. In feb. of 1998 this one day my heart started up like ususal, but it didnt slow down at all. I ended up in the E.R. that evening, after a day from the time I got up that morning until seven that evening of fast racing, flutters, etc. Since then I seen a cardiologist, and had tests and he tells me all is fine, despite I continue to have all these symptons. I have been on Toprol 50mg. twice daily for a year now. It has helped but there are  days I feel fine , hardly no symptons, then there are days I have alot of symptons. This past friday I had all these things, and then saturday I felt good I had nothing. Then this morning I would feel these funny beats every once in a while, sometimes I fell them in a row, like bump, bump, bump, fast together, then normal after that. And like friday , when I got up today my heart starting beating super fast, I can feel it in my left ear. Before the med. I always used to feel it in my ear, the med helped stop that, but today when it was beating fast I did feel it slightly in my ear. So today my main complaint is the fast beating on an off and these funny beats, I guess there called extra beats or pvc's? The night I went to the E.R. they told me at that time it was sinus tach. I am looking for work, my car just died, and my husband is going for an operation, and his aunt just past away yesterday, and my parents who are in their 70's are moving from a home they had for the past 22 years to an apt. this friday. Could all these things, plus menses, bring on these symptons?
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Hi Louise...I'm intrigued by your success with iridology and homeopathy.  I agree with you, these things have helped me with different ailments like colds, pains and spasms (BTW, if you have a cold, try Alpha CF, when you first feel it coming on.  It really knocks the cold out before it takes hold!).  I never thought of checking with iridology.  What homeopathic remedy are you using?  I've been taking a Hawthorn capsule, for about 4 weeks now.  There's a liquid version that worked for me in the past, and my health food store just got it in today.  I bought a couple of bottles.  We'll see. Lately, my arrythmias have improved.  What have I done differently?  Two things I can think of:  I don't clench my teeth as much, because I caught myself doing this too much.  The other thing is that I've been wearing more loose-fitting pants.  I'm working on dropping about 20 lbs, in spite of the Holidays :-).  Maybe some of you folks can try what I did, and see if it makes any difference...it could just be the arrythmias subsiding anyway, though.
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Hi, I have suffered palps for 8 yrs now and the only thing that has helped me was going to see a Homeopath/Iridologist. She had a good look into my eyes and we discussed my past and present lifestyle, to cut a long story short after taking the prescribed treatment I have felt a lot better and my Palps/Tacycardia have been a lot better. I was very sceptical at first but she has really helped me, I would reccomend this road to anybody that is anxious to get some relief from this upsetting condition.

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Hi Nancy
I too suffer with pvc's/pac's and the muscle twitchings in legs and arms. These are called fasiculations and im my case are benign. I have had EMG and MRI to rule out progressive illness. However, I feel certain that they are in some way connected with my PVC'S. With me, the muscle twitching began around four years ago, with the pvc's, some 2 months later. I have had all the cardio tests and been met with much scepticism.Here in the U.K. I have found doctors are not interested in the PVC phenomonon which is both worrying and annoying. Good luck and strength to all.
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Hi Nancy!  I do not get spasms in my leg, but do feel them occasionally in my left arm.  Also, before I had the numbing in my face, I had an awful eye twitch that came and went for two months.  Neuro and reg. doc. are baffled, and I don't have risk factors except for being overweight.  Doc. told me to try Xanax and it did help a little.  Anxiety could really make my arm ache.  I feel so much better when I walk and I do do daily excercises.
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Wow, I was beginning to think I was the only one who gets that adrenal surge!  It sounds like it affects some of us differently, too.  For the last couple of days, I've contemplated why I get these, with the skipped beat.  I'm beginning to think that, somewhere way-back-when, perhaps I had a few skipped beats...then my mind thinks, "Uh oh...".  Of course, if you worry too much, you'll get a surge of adrenalin, right?  Well, as time went on, maybe my mind/body connection got more in sync, to the point where I instantaneously get a skipped beat, and adrenalin-like surge!
But this surge only lasts a second, as I've said before, and I can feel it centered where my heart is.  Who knows.  Anyway, I've been trying to re-train my responses, and telling myself that there's no need (subconciously) to feel a stress reaction to the skipped beats.  So far (knocking on wood), I think it helps lessen the reaction...Try it, and see if it helps, and let me know , okay?
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I also get the rush after a hard skipped beat. It also seems to start some sort of chain reaction. My left sinus area starts draining mucous down the back of my throat like a faucet. That can last awhile afterward. If I get another skipped beat after that, the mucous starts pumping down my throat and I may get three skips after that. Weird
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Hey there everyone. I hear alot out there about the panic or adrenaline rush that comes with these irregular heart rythms. I want you all to know that i was also driven nuts with them and the therapist nor the prozac, paxil and other various meds didnt help any. It made them worse. I had to know why i was experienceing panic like symptoms with these episodes. I was not obsessing over them and really didnt pay much attention to them until my body went into this panic or fight or flight state. I found thru lots of research that i really had no control over this panicy stuff. In simple terms, when your heart is not pumping properly (even tho it is not life threatening) your automatic nervous system kicks in to help it out. Sending the adrenaline up. Xanax helps me with these episodes but does not totally prevent them or stop them. I lay on the floor, close my eyes and think myself into a very pleasent place. I realized i wasnt thinking my way into them when i learned this technique. Mine will last up to 3 hours and i am exhausted and cold at the end of it. On my last 24hr holter i had over 15,000 pvc's, over 2,000 pac's. And that was a good day for me. I am currently undergoing a EP study and i managed to catch a run of 12, but i only felt 3 flops and it took my breath. I have other symptoms now such as dizziness that floors me suddenly and explosions in my chest that really freaks my heart out. I also have idiopathic cardiomyopathy with some heart muscle damage, unknown cause.
  Good luck to you all and i hope this makes you feel better about what you are going thru. It does help to know you are not crazy and these symptoms are "normal", your bodies way of dealing with them. God bless you all.
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Hi Nancy:

I too get the adrenaline surges. The Dr. sort of looked at me sideways when I told him that. I have been wearing the king of hearts monitor for a while. I have caught plenty of pvc's and pac's and I finally think they could correlate the surges of adrenaline I feel. A few times it has shown up as my heart race increasing for a few beats, like from 65/70 to 90 and then right back down, only for a few beats. I sometimes feel a bit wierd in the head, not sure if it is lightheadness and a tapping kind of feeling in my chest, which I think is when it slows down. I don't actually feel it race. He does not seem worried about it, but it drives me nuts, I can have 1 a day or 20 a day....I'll let you know if I find anything out also...
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Hi Frog...just curious, do you also have any muscle twitches in your limbs?  I've been getting them in my upper legs, and sometimes around my left shoulder.  Could we be having twitches and spasms near our heart area, and that's what is causing the PVC/PAC feelings?  I read somewhere (maybe on this Forum) that there's a tissue mass near the heart, that can sometimes spasm, and feel like skipped beats.  Anyone have comments about this?
BTW, my electrolytes, blood sugar and thyroid all tested okay, but I'm still taking lots of vitamins.  I understand dehydration can add to skipped beats, so I've been drinking whenever I can.
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Hi Nancy.  When I read over your comment, and saw that your doctor was checking you for perimenopause, it really jumped out at me.  I just turned 44, and the last two years I have been have these symptoms that are driving me crazy.  I have a lot of left arm achieness that goes from my arm to my chest, where i will get what I suppose are skipped beats.  I also get short little tugging or twitching feelings in my left chest wall.  Now I have started getting short periods of numbness in the left side of my face.  My doc. is baffled, and has sent me for a MRI and an MRA which were both completely normal.  The thing that I keep telling my doc, (both reg doc. and the neuro.), is that I had these same exact symptoms when I tried using the Pill 12 years ago.  They went away when i stopped the pill.  And these episodes seem to coinside with my cycle now.  Symptoms get worse around ovalution.  Anybody else experience any of this, and think it is hormonal related?
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I too have been getting lots of these arrythmias lately, in the past 2 or 3 weeks.  I'm not a smoker, and drink only occasionally.
My daily coffee was a watered-down cup in the morning, and decaf once in awhile.  The arrythmias I get feel like a skipped beat, with a quick surge of an adrenalin-like feeling in my chest. It just lasts for a split second, and goes with the stronger heartbeat. Anyway, I had the 24 hour Holter monitor put on last week, and did my daily routine...exercise, work, etc.  I'll bet I recorded around 30 of those skipped beats!  Well, when I got the results, I was baffled.  The general conclusion was "acceptable" rhythm.  It recorded no (or maybe 1) PVCs.  There were 13 PACs.  Also, I had periods of fast heartbeat, possibly coinciding with my activity.
So there wasn't any specific correlation to the 30 skipped beats
(that's what I call them) and the report!  And my doctor doesn't know why I get those adrenalin-like surges, when I have the feeling of a skipped beat.  She's doing tests to cover other possibilities, from perimenopause to any pituitary or adrenal tumors (which she doubts I have, as I don't have all the symptoms).  Has anyone have any idea what causes the adrenalin-like feeling in the chest?  Does anyone else have them?
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Does anyone out there know how many palps is a lot?  I get one big thud or skip every 10 minutes or so?  Is that a lot or a little?
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Have you had any side effects from the Tambacor?  I too was giving a prescription, but I am too scared to try it.  How much are you taking a day?
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I too have frequent PVC's, they were driving me crazy. For almost 2 months I was having up to 10 extra beats a minute. My Cardiologist assured me that they were not dangerous. He put me on Tambocor. I know I am still having them but I sure can't feel them like I could. I know there is some controversy about Tambocor but it is sure helping me.
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I can only say I understand what you are experiencing.  I am 34 years old and for some reason in March of this year my PVC's/PAC's started increasing and drove me crazy.  I had all the tests done and nothing found.

I also run, now 45 miles per week.  I am also convinced that keeping plenty of fluids in your body makes a difference, and stress also plays a role. Even though sometimes we discount this I feel stress is very significant.

This cycle will probably peter out over a period of time if you can just try to ignore them.  That is what I do anyway.  I now probably get a handful a day.

Good luck to you

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i"am a 47 year old male. i recently started have heart skips they happen about every 5 to 10 minutes. i have had them before but they weren:t so freqent. i thought coffee may have something to due with it and i stopped drinking coffee three days ago. when i wake up in the morning they seem to have slowed the frequency.
but once i get moving they start. i due smoke and i think its plays apart. i try cutting down but its hard. it really scares me
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It is interesting that your Cardiologist actually suggested supplementation!  Most will not agree that supplements will make any difference.  You can try Co-Enzyme Q-10 and fish or flax seed oils seem to have some possible benefits.  I know a few cardiologists who are big on Co-Q10. (One doctor who performed surgery on a close friend likes Vitamin E and Co-Q10)

I have noticed that products containing nutrasweet give me pac's


Best of Luck

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Dave, your increased awareness of them is the problem, it almost becomes a vicious pattern, try to take your mind off them, i know its not easy, but you will notice a relief.  Good Luck
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Sometimes people start having more (or less) PACs and PVCs with no good reason identified. Sometimes stress causes this, even if there is no immediately apparent source of stress. If they are bothersome to you, you could discuss with your cardiologist the option of starting medications such as beta blockers that can reduce the frequency of extra heart beats.
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