7251241 tn?1389564212

Left arm pain 24\7

Could regular arm pain, pins and needles in left and now right arm be a sign of a undiagnosed heart problem? No matter what I do it just wont go. Literally scared out my mind. Had ECG in feb 2013 and again in Nov 2013 and they're normal, plus x-rays plus bloods. Going out my mind with it. Just carnt seem to get answers. X
17 Responses
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7251241 tn?1389564212
So was you getting pins and needles when having a heart attack or the way I do.....just all the time. I have had 2 times ECK, 3 times X-rays, so many blood. I have an up-coming blood test - I am being tested for levels of chlorestoral, iron, Vitiam B12 & so on. How was your heart disease diagnosed may I ask as I will request these tests. X
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7251241 tn?1389564212
Would a ecg twice not pick this up though? X
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7251241 tn?1389564212
So you think I have heart disease? I'm only 21, young and healthy. I don't get chest pain with though?? Xxx
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7704267 tn?1393478236
Also, as I read farther into the thread. I've been having another type of pain that seems to travel from arm to arm across my chest, neck and once even behind my left eye. It is also a ceasing/gripping pain. I've mentioned it to my gen practitioner last visit but I wasn't given a reason for it. He is an older man than me, (I'm 50 under VA care),  and I have to ask after his investigations to get anything out of him. I still don't know its cause.
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7704267 tn?1393478236
At times I get a nasty ceasing pain in my right arm. It hasn't happened for some years, it'll be back. This particular pain comes from sneezing. It is from compression. I'd always thought it was a heat attack, as we see so many people in the movies get, (Ford in Superman). I would not say that your problem is compression necessarily. I also have pins and needles in my r/l arms that is from heart disease. Even as expensive as heath care is I'd get things check out, at least you would know.
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7251241 tn?1389564212
I've had this out with so many doctors so many time, its the sensations in my body causing the anxiety, not the anxiety causing the pins. I am not having panic attacks nor anxiety when this happens, like now....I am sat on my sofa, breathing ok & its flying up and down my arm, my arm is just covered in it. I have panic attacks in the past and I can differate the pin's and needles. Doctors have finally said they do not feel it is anxiety. I just find the whole situation anxious as I have no idea what is causing this (head, heart or neck) I find not knowing drives me mad. I don't denie that I have anxiety, but as I said like right now I'm not anxious and its up and down my arm. Xxx
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No, not a stroke, and nothing to do with the heart or blood vessels, based on your description.   But there are fairly serious neurological disorders associated with pins and needles sensations that spread in certain ways.

However, we have to be aware that the same sensations can be associated with plain old anxiety and panic.  Has your doctor told you that anxiety is your problem?

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7251241 tn?1389564212
It is rare that it's in my fingers, it's the lower arm, middle and top. Doesn't matter what I do it won't go. It's so fustrating because it makes me so anxious. Xx
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7251241 tn?1389564212
Could it be dangerous? Like an on-coming stroke? Xx
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7251241 tn?1389564212
No I havnt. My dr is keen on saving money and refuses to let me see special help. Xxx
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Pins and needles that move upwards from fingers should probably be checked by a neurologist.  Have you seen one?
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7251241 tn?1389564212
I also get pin's and needles in my legs aswell the min I sit down. It can get very painful. I've also noticed that my fingers on left hand sometimes go numb and I get tingles in thumb but rare. As I have repeated, it all started in the lower arm, was chronic but now spread right up the arm, every single day I get it :( xx
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7251241 tn?1389564212
I also have a inflamed sernum (breast bone) and chest wall pain that is chronic. Dr said that aswell, it's been 2yrs and nothing has happened and because of my age (21) it is highly unlikley it is heart. The pain from my neck has now spread to my sholder and the tightness can be felt in the arm. X
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7251241 tn?1389564212
It all started with pins and needles in the lower arm, but over time it has now spread all over the arm & now to the right. I've had ecg and all normal, its there all day and all night, part of me has anxiety over the heart but been told it would of happened. Not on any medication at all for neck, chest or arm. Its just like a constant tightness all the time, carnt move my head left or right as I can feel the muscle to tight to move. Xx
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What medication(s) are you on?
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Agreed with erijon.  Pins and needles sensation(also called parasthesia) is most frequently a manifestation of nerve compression.   It would not hurt to see an orthopedist to find out if you have any cervical nerve/disk problems.
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159619 tn?1707018272
Sounds more like a nerve issue in your neck, heart pain rarely just manifests in the arms with no other symptoms.
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