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I cant believe what just happened,i was carrying a air cond on a shopping cart and just etering my building and a maintence cleaner said to me you cant enter the builiding with the shoopig cart and i right away lost it...i rasied my voice and used the F word and was just being really upset,..he metioned after i lost it it was a fire regulation code thing...i am disgusted wiyh myself now...i went back and apologizes to himw and explained i was streesed from my job loss but didnt mention i was on TX of course...what just happen scared me...i will admit im naturally a hot head sometimes...but this just happened so fast...it was like a aswtch went off in my brain...my question is

is there anything to take for this?...i mean like in pill form...maybe a mild valium...think ill call my doc today and ask some questions...i feel like a jerk now
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I like Ativan for situational anxiety. It is generally believed that the interferon and not the ribavirin is responsible for short tempered outbursts and/or sudden rage or anger but the alliteration in "Riba Rage" seems to propagate this misconception the ribavirin is primarily responsible. This point has been made here countless times but the myth continues. Regardless I like Ativan though many prefer a longer acting drug. At times I would just feel myself getting on edge and take an Ativan and I really never even felt it - like we usually feel this type of drug - but I was no longer on edge. I was at ease again.
It worked for me anyway.
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Thanx...i am now doing some research on anger manegment,its the first time ive ever done this...very interesting subject,expressing anger can even be addictive..i have treid a script for ativan a few weeks ago and it did calw me down from my worry...im not a big fan of taking any pharma drugs,but maybe thios time i will try a mild valium...i found the tivan just improved my sleep...i hate when i explode like that...i feel so bad after...i did have a rough child hood..im thinkn this is part of my problem as both my parents were weekend drinkers and they didi fight constantly...not shifting the blame on them mind you...but ill tell...i have been tru alot in this life..
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179856 tn?1333547362
Sorry Rocker.....I think everybody going through treatment has been through one of those episodes with someone, we all know what that feels like both during and after when you just wanna crawl in a hole and hide.  You know the story where I yelled at my chronically ill daughter with COPD and told her to stop breathing? It's true. it's embarrassing but if I could yell at my kid for breathing to loud when that function takes more energy than anything else for her and she's almost died three times as a result - then yelling at a maintenance worker.......yup easy to happen.

You ain't alone on this one.  Ribarage Interferon Madness whatever it really is - it will soon be over when you finish and are svr so hang in there.
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I know just how you feel. That anger just bursts through sometimes. I remember when my daughter was on the maternity ward giving birth to our 4th grandchild. Grandparents were not allowed in the labor rooms. I asked a nursse to tell my son-in-law that we were there and to please come out for a minute and let us know she was alright. I sat down in the only waiting room for maternity which was shared with the NICU(neo-intesive care). After 20 minutes I went back and asked the nurse to go to my daughter's room and ask my son-in-law to come out for just a second. The nurse refused to give me any information due to hippa rules. She said she would do that. Again no one came out. I was really getting scared and angry. So I picked up my cell phone and tried to call the hospital just as a NICU nurse came out and yelled at me for using my phone by NICU which was not allowed. I went off on her so bad that my husband turned bright red. I used words I didn't even jknow that I new.

Anyway I told the story to my hep doc who after laughing cause it was so out of character for me, he said he would switch me from Paxil to Effexor and I couldn'tr believe how well that worked for me.

So, I hope you find something that works for you and I hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.
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Im leaning you cant elimate anger.it will always "live" in us,we just have to manage it in a more suitable way...there will always be idiots a a-holes in this life...but this morning this poor guy was just doing his job...he wasnt being rude at all to me..i just thoght he was being a jerk tho by saying i could not use the shopping card...before we could,but they changed the rules in my complex...i admit tho...it still gives me no right to lose it...im doing shot 29 of 36/48 tonite...im getting close to ending this madness
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Take an ativan (just 1) and then forgive yourself!  Next time you will do better.  As you say, you are getting close to the end.

Happy memorial day to you.

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We celebrated Victoria Day just this past weekend....we are still ruled under the UK.
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626749 tn?1256515702
Sometimes there is not a pill for everything...

This is what works/worked for me.
When ever I felt the onset of an anger burst, immediately would stop or at least slow way down what ever I was doing, take a deep breath or 2 and repeat to myself,
'a good man is slow to anger'... 'a good man is slow to anger'...'a good man is slow to anger'...'a good man is slow to anger'..'a good man is slow to anger'
I keep repeating this to myself and usually as fast as the anger started it declines.
Soon  what ticked me off in the first place doesn't seem so bad now.

This may or may not work for you Rocker.
The Key is, you must find a coping mechanism for your anger. Preferably without added drugs and Before you do something you regret and cant take back.

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I'd get him a little gift and apologize again. Your doorman is very influential and getting on his bad side is not a good idea. I'd even mention that you're treating a health problem with medications that are known to put you on edge.

Treating anger management issues long-term is an excellent idea but don't stress over it now. Just keep thinking how much closer you're getting to the end of tx and then you can fix the other stuff.

I don't have anger management issues but you would never have known it during tx. I had interferon insanity often enough that I turned off the ringer on our home phone to choose when to talk to people. l started this after one call I picked up two months ago. I haven't talked to that person since - oh, only my brother.

Flowers are cheap in the grocery store these days. Pick up some for the doorman to give to his wife, so he doesn't take out his frustration with you on her.
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750120 tn?1252455030
Yep, _ _it happens.  You are right about it is always there in some of us.  The meds just help bring it out at times.  What I've been doing is praying to God to help me to not be "so hard."  I come from a pretty rough background like a lot of us.  As a result, I don't trust and I tend to be always ready to fight or die (PTSD ****).  I've found myself getting very hardened while on treatment.  It keeps me cut off from other's, which is protective on my part but sorely maladaptive.  Just keep reminding yourself not to be so hard.  Practive it all of the time and you'll get some peace.
I'm not in agreement with taking meds for everything.  Sometimes we just need to buck up and get our head/heart right.
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Just thought i would pass this along..this is spose to be the best and cheapest way to protect your skin


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Flowers are cheap in the grocery store these days. Pick up some for the doorman to give to his wife, so he doesn't take out his frustration with you on her

Excellent advice....and she was there at the outburst too.
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yes ,it happens to me .Ive been on tx 13 weeks ,and Im still ,DAILY having to be aware of ,how short tempered I am .  
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276730 tn?1327962946
I had the anger issue so so bad. I cant even express how bad it was. Im a very calm mild mannered person and I absolutely turned into a crazy short fused person/
I disliked myself so much.

Felt good to be calm again after tx ended!
I took Celexa 20mg a day ..it helped so some degree.
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751342 tn?1534360021
My most recent episode was at the repairman who was to fix my central air conditioning unit the other day. They told me he would call after noon. I had my Accounting final at 6pm which had been a huge source of stress for me. He calls at like 5:15 pm while I'm driving to school. I said something to the effect of "I was expecting you to call sometime during the business day." His response was something like "it is part of MY business day."  I was actually annoyed at my step kid who was supposed to be home shortly after noon to wait for him. I ended up leaving work around 1:30 and she wasn't there. She called later around 4:30 and said she was stuck in traffic coming back from the mall. I'm thinking, "what happened to being at the house as close to noon as possible?". Well, the repairman got the heat. It wasn't even that bad, no f bombs, but I felt bad at taking my stress over the final and my kid out on someone else. I was going to tell you, Rocker to take your Ativan. I've been doing my Xanax at night only to try to keep it from building up in my system, and getting me addicted. It's the weakest dose, prescribed to take twice a day. So far, so good. Taking it at night helps me sleep, too.
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614034 tn?1304356440
Hi,  I just finished reading all the posts about the anger issue and realized I didn't have that.  I had depression big time but not anger.  I will not take anti-depressants because of the side effects I get from them.  I did take xanax for anxiety and to help  me sleep.  It is nowhere near as addictive as valium is.  I still take it now and then and use it to help me get to sleep unless I've had a really active day and am physically tired.  If xanax, it's easier to spell than alprazolam the generic, does not appeal to you there are herbs too.  Like catnip, valerian, chamomile and if I'm not mistaken you weren't advised against herbs right? So that's an option.  Of course, there's nothing like the apology and sincere regret you expressed to your doorman and a gift is a thoughtful touch.  I am very open about having been in tx for hepc, I guess because I feel it's from contact with my late husband rather than from drug use, altho I did do some of that (very little) in the early 80s, but since I had no liver damage etc and I did share his toothbrush and cared for him without gloves at the end it made more sense that it was from blood contact with him.  Either way I believe the public is coming to be more compassionate about this illness than it used to be.  If you've always been a hot head anger management will be a good thing whether you're on treatment or not! LOL  I wish the best for you and hope you can be happy.  June
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My list is too long and I do get regretful and beat myself up afterward. But I do go to the person and appologize. We are suppose to have emotions. And anger is one of them. You did the right thing by appologizing, stop beating yourself up. Because you meant it. Pills can help take the edge off and I do use them.
On the treatment I have spoke out and said things to people I wouldn't have before. Some needed to be said. Then on the other hand there is the road rage incident! I started to buy a bumper sticker which said "Don't **** me off I'm on drugs".
My first month off treatment and the drugs coming out of my system, I let a person who needed it have it. I say, "I came off swinging and hit the ground running".
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751342 tn?1534360021
I have heard that depression is actually anger directed inward. I wonder if anyone else has heard this or if it is my foggy brain telling me lies! Good to know Xanax is less addictive than Valium. They are all part of that benzo family, and those are very nasty indeed to come off if you do get a tolerance.
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Just dropped of some flowers to the main office for them to pick up...im glad i didi this,makes me feel like a human being again
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96938 tn?1189799858
Since you were carrying an air conditioner I'm guessing the "F" word was Freon? Take it easy on yourself.  If you have no regrets, you have no conscience. But, if you know that you can be tipped over an edge, you have the responsibility to rein yourself in.
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729288 tn?1251254433
What I call my xanaxs are CHILL PILLS!

Dont let it get to you. I know you feel bad about it but like portann said a small gift and another apology may do the trick. Ive been finding myself quiet excitable lately and I am thinking they need to up my dosage of AD's.

Good luck and hang in there.
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149675 tn?1416673133

As Mike mentioned earlier, it is the interferon not the riba. There is a lot of research on this. I also had major issues that came up. i went from fairly easy going to snapping on a cop and a particularly large fellow on another occasion. I actually wanted them to engage me. I was raging bad, kind of scary. I guess I thought beating their fists up with my face was a good idea. Luckily for me they did not oblige me. Both times totally out of character for me. If you have a short fuse to begin with it may get shorter. This can become a serious issue for some. Talk to your doctor and tell him or her what is going on. If they are knowledgeable about HCV they will take appropriate actions.

I am not sure that Vallium is more addictive then Xanax. They are all part of the Benzo family and are highly addictive. They use valium to help wean people off Xanax. Xanax has a shorter half life and the levels drop faster in blood causing worse withdrawl. Valium has a longer half life and the drop is not so sudden and can control the weaning process better. At least that is how I understand it. Like I said they are all addicitve. Just be aware so you are not blindsided.

The most important thing is you stay the course on treatment. If you and your doctor think the interferon is causing show stopper problems then I would use them. Coming off benzo's is much better than HCV and the damage it can cause.

Keep in mind I am anti drug. I refused to take AD's and benzo's when my doctor told me I needed them. It got to the point where I had to take them. I was not happy about it. They helped get me through and to stay the course. I am now done and UND. I am weaning off and have no problems.

Good luck.
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547836 tn?1302832832
Rocker you are so sweet for apologizing and dropping off flowers.  i'm a natural hot head myself, but i always seem to keep stuff inside me and let them burn slowly, when i'm frustrated or angry, i'm usually silent unless i feel like i have to scream.  yes i realize how contradictory that sounds LOL

i'm sure they'll understand, we're all humans and people have bad days.  even though very few people can actually understand what treating people such as us can feel at times, i still believe we all have a little compassion in us to make it through.
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614034 tn?1304356440
The reason I said valium was more addictive is that I was on it a LONG time ago and found myself waking up and looking for it which was when I quit it.  I don't notice the xanax really much either way so I feel it's not so addictive.  I did use oxycontin during tx since I was in a great deal of pain and weaned off that onto Darvon, which I hear is like strong aspirin and am moving more toward natural arthritis treatments but still want to be as active as possible which the darvon allows.  I was also told by my MD that the valium was more addictive.  Hey we are all individuals and react to things differently so whatever gets us through the night, the tx and life is good.  Anti abuse is good.  The ADs gave me such sides I hated them.  And yes depression is anger turned inward or as my late husband used to say, anger is a finger on the hand of depression.  Guess I was pretty angry!!  Just turned it inward....alot.  Not now tho!!!  Take care all and hug your dog, watch funny movies or talk to friends and family.  Love to all.
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