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Anyone on a Viramidine Study

I am looking for anyone who may be on the Viramidine Study. I started pills last week(or a placebo0, and the Injetions using the Redipen start in about 3 more weeks. I know the information we share here my be somewhat limited, but I am looking to share the tx experience with others. If you are currently under way with tx, please share any sx info, or anything else you care to share. Best of luck and thanks.
43 Responses
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It is time for everyone to ignore Kalio2 from this moment foward. Do not respond, discuss or acknowledge any and all comments this idiot makes.
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The person who wrote this piece is one huge smelly piece of **** just like you my friend, whose mouth is paid for by Howard F. Ahmanson Jr. and his wife Roberta, a wealthy and secretive Orange County, Calif., couple who have generously funded the anti-evolution movement and other right-wing causes that advance their fundamentalist Christian outlook. You one of those flat earth people are ya? Is he your hero? These are the Intelligent Design folks buddy, only problem you disprove their little theory.

I would disregard anything he says as well as anything written by the Fraser Instutite whose studies into Canada's health care system are funded directly by the American health insurance lobby, with a few bucks thrown in from the Pharms. Seems those nice folks have have an agenda, and doubt the hard working American taxpayer has a place in that agenda.
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I wish it could be as simple as a universal health plan similiar to the one you speak of to fix the mess in the U.S. Can I ask you how many illegal aliens do you take care of in Canada, the #'s you mentioned about CA did it break down the # of illegal aliens having babies born in the U.S. If people are of able body and mind in Canada do they have to work? How many children can welfare mothers have, see this also breeds another generation of welfare recipients. There are many more examples of what taxes our medical care system here, but I'm sure I've already p**sed off enough people.
I'm half Native American, we were the first people to recieve what is known today as welfare; when the whites first took our land. People always ask me if I get money from the government, I say "no - I work!" I just don't believe the government should take care of us. I see many people spend there money in many ways that I wouldn't, yet they expect the government to pay for their healthcare. Just one man's thoughts.   Peace
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I just had throw in these thoughts on the health insurance discussion:  

"As with any good or service that is provided by some specific group of men, if you try to make its possession by all a right, you thereby enslave the providers of the service, wreck the service, and end up depriving the very consumers you are supposed to be helping. To call "medical care" a right will merely enslave the doctors and thus destroy the quality of medical care in this country, as socialized medicine has done around the world, wherever it has been tried, including Canada."

...excerpt from HEALTH CARE IS NOT A RIGHT by Leonard Peikoff, Ph.D. Delivered at a Town Hall Meeting on the Clinton Health Plan Red Lion Hotel, Costa Mesa CA December 11, 1993

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Health care does not grow on trees or fall from the sky. The assertion of a right to medical care does not guarantee that there is going to be any health care to distribute. The partisans of these rights demand, with air of moral righteousness, that everyone have access to this good.

But a demand does not create anything. Health care has to be produced by someone, and paid for by someone. One of the major arguments offered by supporters of a right to health care is that health care is an essential need.

What good are our other liberties, they ask, if we cannot get medical treatment for illness? But we must ask, in return: why does need give someone a right? Fifty years ago, people whose kidneys were failing needed dialysis every bit as much as they do today, but there were no dialysis machines. Did they have a right to protection against kidney failure? Was Mother Nature violating their rights by making their kidneys fail without a remedy?

It makes no sense to say that need itself confers a right unless someone else has the ability to meet that need. So any "right" to medical care imposes on someone the obligation to provide care to those who cannot provide it for themselves.

from: http://www.objectivistcenter.org/showcontent.aspx?ct=14&h=53
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What you seem to have missed is the reality that all of society pays for health care. The problem with the United States is that it does this is a very strange way. Somewhere between the patient and the Doc, billions are skimmed off by private corporations.

With those who have a HMO or managed care style insurance, someone decides what is best for the patient. That person should be the Doc, in many cases this decision is taken away from the Doc. Ask a doc what reference based pricing for meds means. There is no free. The system presently employed in the States puts the US at huge disadvantage on a global basis. Ask GM or Ford or any other multi national player how they feel about being on an uneven playing field. You might be surprised by their answer. Ever wonder what a healthy medically insured workforce is worth. Take a gander at your trade deficit; it might give you a few billion dollars to ponder on. It is so easy to bring in illegal immigrants to the health care debate, but it is a diversion, and has nothing to do with the subject.

Bottom line is someone is benefiting greatly from the present system, but it seems it not the patient. When the patients needs comes first, Doctors and medical staff second, then all those that are presently sucking billions out of the system, last, then maybe affordable health care will be available to all. Personally I think it is a disgrace that many seniors go without food to pay for medications that cost 50% to 90% less in other countries. That is a sad commentary on your wonderful system. One can cut and paste all sorts of stuff on post it on the internet. Doesn
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We definitely live in a different world and I'm glad we do. Peace
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I was going to post a new thread asking where you were but unfortunately it seems all new threads were taken up.

Anyway, haven't seen you post as much lately.  How are you?  Hope all is going well.

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If you could actually find something recent it would of course be refreshing. Truth of the matter is that piece was torn to shreds and the writer fired for basically making stuff up. The balance between Canadian doctors heading south has always been in Canada's favor with a greater number coming from the States. In the last few years more and more American doctors are showing up. It is now a problem as Canadian docs don't like the competition. Seems many like the higher quality of life Canadian
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107513 tn?1232286464
Canadian Healthcare? My Gawd, we have got to be kidding right?

Here's a little link for the kiddies to ponder on!!
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. Is it all possible to find something that represents both sides with some truth, rather than the usual right-wing BS you usually come up with, as serves no one, especially those suffering from chronic disease. Below are the wonderful folks who fund this ****. There are so many lies in the piece it is laughable. We have done this dance before snook, check out who the writers are, if they actually work where they claim they work and if it was actually published anywhere aside from this crappy rag you posted. There are problems with both health care delivery systems. There is no perfect world. But at least have the fortitude if you feel the need to post to check out what you are posting as this style of yours makes you look very foolish to say the least.

PS: Most Canadians have basic health care either on a monthly premium basic or through their income tax. Most Canadians also have supplemental health care they purchase through private companies.

This are the fine folks who fund the rag at the link you posted.
The overall objective of the Bradley Foundation, however, is to return the U.S. - and the world- to the days before governments began to regulate Big Business, before corporations were forced to make concessions to an organized labor force. In other words, laissez-faire capitalism: capitalism with the gloves off.
To further this objective, Bradley supports the organizations and individuals that promote the deregulation of business, the rollback of virtually all social welfare programs, and the privitization of government services. As a result, the list of Bradley grant recipients reads like a Who's Who of the U.S.Right. Bradley money supports such major right-wing groups as the Heritage Foundation, source of policy papers on budget cuts, supply-side economics and the Star Wars military plan for the Reagan administration; the Madison Center for Educational Affairs, which provides funding for right-wing research and a network of conservative student newspapers; and the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, literary home for such racist authors as Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) and Dinesh D'Souza (The End of Racism), former conservative officeholders Jeane Kirkpatrick, Jack Kemp and William Bennett, and arch-conservative jurists Robert Bork and Antonin Scalia.
Other Bradley grantees include the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation; the Hoover Institute on War, Revolution, and Peace; and the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.There are the major conservative publications, such as The Public Interest, The National Interest,and The American Spectator. And there are organizations set up to play specific roles in promoting the right-wing agenda, such as the Institute for Justice, a public interest law firm that promotes privatization and deregulation, and the National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, a vehicle for building support for privitization in low-income communities
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Sorry to see,,,,no responses,  How long you doing tx for?  I finsihed 52 weeks last January and had about all sides that are listed or at least they came and went but at different times.  So far SVR,,,so its definitely worth it but the tx can be bad at times,,,Best of Luck to you!
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Thx for the response, I am sure more will follow. When I start treatment in 3 weeks, it will be for 48 wks, just hope the sides are mild so I can last the tx. I feel fine, Geno 1, stage 2, grade 1.
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we had all better agree to disagree..Politics is such a dirty business,and no one is going to win this debate;which,i feel Andy has conducted w/ considerable elan..Try to remember that it.doesn't make me an American basher to recognize truth about problems in our system..
Can we get on with informing and supporting fellow hep-c folks..?
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Thats you right to believe what you want. But when andy or anyone else tells a flat out lie it does no one here any good at all. But i quess that doesn't matter to you.
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Insurance is availabe to all, many companies have opened group policys up for the individual to join. When I was self employed I had a few options to insure myself. These policies were just as comparible to the insurance I have now. I opted to spend that money elsewhere as many other people are doing now. The money I excessively spent could have easily paid for a health insurance package. We all choose where we want to spend our money, if I choose to party 24/7 and not pay for a health insurance policy; why should someone else pay that for me. Even people that work at fast food resturants have the opportunity to be insured, but they would rather take that $15-20 a week and have a party.
There are people that honestly don't have the means and capabilities to do this on their on, and I'm for helping those. But the ones that make selfish decisions and then think the slack should be taken up by the government, charity groups, and others is just wrong. People must be held accountable for their own actions and bad decisions, society as a whole should not be responsible. Just one man's thoughts.   Peace
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Snook if all you can find is very old references to individual problems with Canada
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Guys you are missing the point, did any one read my post above this one?  We are paying for life benefits for goverment workers  who has the best in the world. Please read it.

As a business man who owned 2 businesses and payed medical for my employees and my family for years,I was up set when my son in his senior year of High school was very sick and his medical bills were very high.  On the renewal date a few months later the Insurance company decided to drop us. I contacted my lawyer and was informed that there is nothing I can do.  It appears that the insurance co. has more rights then I, because I owned a small  business only large companies were protected.  Mean while my son was still sick and much care which I paid out of my pockets.  This all because of the lobbist in Washington who are paid back for their contrabutions.

So you see I've been there and found out how the system works.


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I'm not sure I'm understanding what you mean. we don't deserve goverment help we paid for. Note I am certainly no brain child when it comes to laws, politics, and insurance. But my views...
I certainly agree with an earlier post of yours that the condition of our health is 100% effected by everything from genetics to lifestyle choices, good or bad, occupations etc., not just by hep c.. My penchant for toxic substances as well as occupation related choices-working  in insulated crawl spaces with no mask on for years for example, all effected my overall  health. Do I have a responsibility  in that, yes. Can I be responsible and work within the system available whether it
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"This is the deal, the hospital must bill the patient for 120 days, if they receive nothing, they must send the person to collections, if they still receive nothing, then that money is put into a 'pool' which is submitted to Medicare who then pays the hospital! YES! You heard right! Most people don't know this and it is not advertised by the hospital since they actually want you to pay them first, the time it takes to wait for the pool payment takes a while and they would rather get the money faster, from the patient."

Hey C...is this just for people WITH Medicaid or without also?  When I was billed the $48,000 I filled out all of the paperwork to apply for everything and was DENIED because my unemployment wage put me too high to be eligible for anything (Really LOL how pathetic).  So...I have been paying them and will have to until death I am sure.

If I did not pay them...would this "pool" pay? or would my credit be blasted forever?  I obviously dont have $48,000 and am probably only down to $47,500 right now seriously.

You can email me at home or post in here and that would be great. Certainly I want to pay my way through society but if there is monies that are to be used towards this I would not mind knowing about it.

No I'm not lazy and I am FULLY insured now but at the time the government LOOPHOLES kept me from receiving any assistance - even though I consider at only receiving less than $400 a week with two minor children to sole support -myself to have been in the LOW INCOME LEVEL. But they did not.  A whopping $20,000 a year yowza thank GOD I was not on for too long. How can anyone live on that?

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I apologise-my previous post was in reply to your c31 post.
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I know you like to argue with me, as an independent hairstylist for 20 years I have been offered numerous opportunities to join group insurance policies. I've lived in CA and NV but these companies where national. I will not list out links and documentation for my opinions. If you feel so strongly about disproving my statements, do your own research. You could search the internet to find companies that sign individuals to existing group policies.    Peace
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I did not miss that point, I just tried to ignore it...shhh... I am now one of those workers, for the past 5 yrs, and yes, we do get everything, actually I work for the county so we get less than the police force here, which is the highest paid in the country and the most arrogant. But we do get a lot. No premiums and small copays, it is what allowed me to become free of hcv so that I can continue to pay taxes and FICA, so I guess I am sort of paying my way. I do resent people in the system to milk every thing they can, from all sides; providers and recipients. Now that I work for Medicaid, I see the big loopholes, the drain, and the lobbysts trying to secure their slice of the pie.  I also know what it is to try and live on 10,000 a yr with two kids, it is not pretty and the welfare system made it hard on me, especially when I tried to finish my bachelor's so that I could earn a decent living. They both helped and hindered me from advancing. But that is another story. My daughter was on the equivalent of Husky in NYS, CHIPS, even while I work for a health care provider, anything to keep the kids healthy. But CHIPS does not ask for repayment after things get better financially, I am surprised your insurance does. I think every one should be afforded the same opportunity to inexpensive, quality health care. I would pay more in taxes so that all can be eligible, if the abuse of benefits can be controlled.  I am very fortunate to have finished the BA (took 25 yrs) and now got the benefits I got. I would like to see a more balanced system, that is for sure.
good luck, and I am glad you have insurance available in CT for the kids, it is the least the states should offer.
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If you believe in the Bible do you believe the part that says "if you don't work you don't eat" or "you reap what you sew"    Peace
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