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Snook,,,,Voice from Texas

Snook,,,I think its great that someone your age is involving themselves in these issues that face our nation. The apathy in your age group is far to prevelant.  However some of your info sounds like talk radio.  I actually live in the state of texas and I can tell you that our state is suffering from 4 yrs of bush administration.  After his cut in funding,,,our education system is now ranked in bottom 20 states for graduating students.  The cost of healthcare in texas is still on the rise even though he passed tort reform,,,,we are still waiting on it.  The city of houston is now ranked #1 in air pollution.  We have Mr Bush to thank for that as he relaxed the pollution control laws.

Another thing I laugh at,,,,the year 2000, he ran as a uniter not a divider.  The country is more partisan then it has ever been before and the same is specially  true in texas.  As for Kerry being a coward...Where was George W Bush in the Vietnam war? Hmmmm Hiding behind Daddy's purse strings??? We still have not seen any records of his air national guard service but we see John Kerry with 2 silver stars, 3 purple hearts and over a year active in combat in Vietnam.  He has been there and seen it and knows what war is and knows it must be used as last alternatives.

Hey,,,just for the record,,,I am not a die hard Democrat but have always looked at both sides and the person that is running.  You might benefit from seeing Farenheit/911 as I also do listen to Rush Limbaugh ever once in awhile...
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I am sorry for your anger towards my comments.
Yes, I do not have kids
Yes, I have two little sisters in Public school system
Yes, I have three close friends that are teachers in public school sytem, and one that is in private. What you see in lack of education in public schools is from teachers and administration turning their backs, just as many have you have done to my posts, and finding an excuse to blame. I have gone through the public education system, I have ADD, and an incredibly high IQ. I actually had a full scholarship to Duke University, when I was only in 7th grade, as I was pulled aside for over the top SAT scores. I ranked in the top 2% of scores on the SAT's, and took the high school SAT's, in 7th grade, and scored a combined 1023.. That is why I was offerd a scholarship. All this with overcrowed schools, ADD, drug use, skipping school, and just a I don't give a *uck attitude.
Again, excuses can justify everything, but actions can fix them.

In Florida now, children are expected to read, and know their alphabets before starting kindergarten. Puts emphasise on parents, and many just can't find the time right??
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Hey,,,This could go forever and just goes to show,,,noone can change minds and viewpoints,,,We could talk until we are blue and still be at square 1.  I started the thread and should know better,,,,LOL  DonL has some very good points and I agree totally,,, Snook,,,Truce..Lets see if we can figure out how to beat this disease together and get back to HCV..
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Again, no one reads my posts. The only political remarks are those brought by comments TO me!! Find an excuse to sit back and watch people die from a disease that should be 100% curable. People die from this disease, because most do not find out about it till they are too sick, it IS the silent killer. Justify your actions to do nothing, except for the good of yourselves, and label me a racist. My feelings are not hurt, I am not going to cry, I am just digusted by the Americans perception of reality, and the reasoning behind their decisions.What do any of us have to fight for, if others can find an excuse to sit back, and discourage those that try. Is this not why America is politically split right now?? Nobody helping the other guy out, justifing their noninvolment on an excuse??  
Arrogant pompass @ss, if that is what you would like to call me, great. But look back at where the insults and stereotypes stem from.  I am done, I will take my protest and awarness for HCV and carry it on my back alone. No one else can handle the burden, right?? Justify your decisions by bias remarks, and watch Americans, and people of all colors and creeds die because excuses are overpowering of reasoning and truths.It is a sad day in America!! Live with your decisions, and do not cry about unjust treatment!!!
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I wasn't going to get into your political musings BUT when you mentioned Baby Bush and how he has turned education around in Florida, I really have to jump in.  Snook - you do not have kids, so I will forgive your ignorance on this matter (and I say that with only warm thoughts of you, and not as an insult).  I however have an 8 year old son.  After one year in kindergarten, I could see that the public school system in Florida SUCKED and pulled my son out of public school and placed him in a private school for learning disabled kids.  My son's IQ has been tested in the extremely high range, however, he has a learning disability that makes it almost impossible for him to learn to read and he has ADD.  The public school system offered him nothing, NOTHING, to assist his problems.

Please DO NOT start espousing what Baby Bush has done for the education system in Florida.  He has taken lottery proceeds that were supposed to be earmarked for education and squelched them away so that our teachers don't get paid squat, classrooms are overcrowded and out of control and he rests his laurels on the FCAT results.  Oh please!!  Teachers are so busy teaching the FCAT that kids don't even get an education any more.

I'm sorry.  I am not mad at you.  You can believe what you want about the education system in Florida.  But until you have a kid that's mired down in it, and especially for kids with special education issues, then, please, don't profess knowledge or experience about it.
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Please. Fan the flames to motivate people to speak-out, stand-up, and fight for HCV on this forum all you wish - it is on topic.

Take your unrelated political/social commentary elsewhere. You are out of line.
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I would hope that everyone in here that has this disease is concerned enough to find out more about this and coming to this forum to learn more would be also,,,,concerned enough to vote. Snook seems to think he is the only one in here with enough sense to go vote LOL

Britgirl,,,You wonder why other nations look upon America as arrogant pompous a@@@@.....This is a prime example,,,isn't it?
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Hitler's Germany. Mike
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Racism does not exist, except in weak minded people looking for an excuse!!! Prove me wrong!!
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Sorry, I'll try to be politically correct..
I do not understand your train of thought, but would recommend you looking into a new area of employment, such as criminal justice.. Does that sound any better??

DonL, I know that you have analyzed my posts down to the tee, to come back strong and hit me where I'm weak, but have I been out of line?? I have only responded to direct comments made by others before me, yet I'm the glorifier??All I am trying to do, is get people off their (assets), like derail said, and do something positive that CAN make a difference. It is my reputation that draws the political remarks, and is this not the insult, or the unjust behavior?? Am I not the one being stereotyped, and sent on the defense??I'm trying to do something positive, and again Americans, or ALL people seem to just look for an excuse to get out. It is sad, and almost reason enough to loose faith!!
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I totally agree with britgirl on the racism comment. Once someone makes a comment like snook made anything else he says has got to be discounted big time. It's sad to think that people really see the world like that. Mike
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My god, I am still trying to understand your logic?? How is camel riding extremist an insult. Is this not just a honest observation?? Is it derogatory in any way?? Are their any middle easterners out there that are insulted?? Am I not called political stereotypes here?? Are we not all labeled some how?? Man, I will have to the NAACP to fight for me, as I do not want to be called a HCV sufferer anymore, it is a violation of my civil rights!! Damn man, get real!!! Again, look at all of your perpectives, everything that I post is bombarded with political rants, from everyone, and YOU ALL loose focus. I am not glorifing Bush, or pushing for his reelection, all of you bring those things up, and I am on the defense. There has to be another perspective for every situation. It just goes to show, how Americans, HAVE closed their eyes, and given up, to overlook the facts, and focus on excuses!!
Only a few actually go out to the polls and vote. Now most are the upper class, and wealthy, as it is in their best interest to have someone in office to protect their wealth. Now is that not who the politicians lobby for, as they are the ones voting, and the ones they have to answer for?? If ALL Americans got out and voted, politicans would be petrified, as now they would have to listen, and be accountable for all Americans. Quite sitting in the bleachers, waiting for the perfect opportunity, as the time is now, and we must not let it go by!!
It is election time, and now is when citizens are heard!! Voice yourself now, and politicans will address the concerns as they are looking for reelection..Again, nobody reads my posts, just overlooks the meaning and rambles about politics amd Bush!! Stop overlooking the inevitable, face reality today, and stop blaming it on politics!!! Britgirl, I have absolutely no idea, where you get your logic?? Please, stop watching propaganda movies lik F 9/11, and wake up!! People are dying, and you focus on excuses?? You would make an excellent defense attorney for murderers..
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So you did join this rant. A few months ago i got blasted left righ and centre for pointing out the amount of$ pouring into Africa and the middle East in the form of F18s F16ss Cruise missiles and now more than 10000 Iraquis dead. Parts of Africa starve hiv is rampant and bush didn't go to Vietnam? Is that the it politics. In the UK we joined you and now find that our own gvmnt twisted the truth and we are stuck there to. There is no was against terroism ask Sharon. I no nothing about purple hearts etc is that how you measure policy. This war /or walkover has split Europe to will we ever fogive the French. Nothing is gonna shift until an American with the brains guts and determination toresolve the Israli and Palastinian terrorism ends. And maybe challange the silent deaths of hiv tb hcv mrsa and all the new virusis bacteria plus poverty.
Sam Hall
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I always thought it was an unjustified stereotype to believe that Americans really called Arabs "ragheads", and now Snook man refers to "camel riding extremists"!!! Can we have a little less racism around here?
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Unfortunately, you're right. Planning to postpone the election in case of terrorism is the first step in a right-wing coup. And, when there is a terrorist attack, say, Nov. 2, how paranoid do you have to be to wonder if the Bush team allowed it to happen let alone set it up.

The sad state of HCV research is a legitimate topic for this forum. Snook is completely right here, to try to get us off our butts to stir things up.

I agree with Britgirl and I have been trying to point out that insults and stereotypes do not a discussion make. However, in the current American scene, there is no debate, only insults. If Person A did something wrong or stupid or that can be made to appear wrong or stupid, that is used to invalidate all of Person A's ideas. (Pick the stupidest thing you've ever done. Is that the "real" you? Pick the best thing. Is that you? Why is black or white the standard for politicians?) It is a sad time for my country and, unfortunately, the world.
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Here here, also justsaw on the news that amajor humanitarian crisis is taking place in east Sudan where potentialy3/4million people are facing starvation after there villages were burnt. Should we intervene. Or hold of a bit like North Korea who have real soldiers real wmd.
San Hall
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Hi!!!!! I knew it was you I always look for both names, I know you have trouble with your screen names.My friend doesn't qualify for medicaid they say she makes to much,but for her it's barely enough to make ends meet. The day after I posted she found a DR that says he will work with her and get her the free meds.Thank you for your concern for my friend.......How are you doing? I have a appt. tomorrow to have my eyes ck. I've been having some problems with them. I hope your not having a hard time of it,and I understand not needing any extra pressure while on Tx. but I hope you will come here if you need help.There are a lot of good people here. Keep me informed about your daughter and be well.
(((((Big Hug))))) Debra
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donl (( ;-} ))
There is not going to be an election, the machinery is at work to try and steal yet another one.  it is deja vu all over as yogi would say.
If someone has data on how many relatives and friends of this administration are getting maimed in Iraq as they fight side by side with the not so wealthy mobilized troops, I want to know them.
If action for hcv is the intention in these rantings, why is the glorification of bush and the nullification of the dissenters always brought up?
posting the name of bills and congressperson sponsoring them and the address to write to support them is all that is needed, Not the fanning of "Master Bush".  
I tried...
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you are really starting to carry the fight ,my friend. Stir the pot for action, any action to try to get the pols off their asses(or is it assets) and do something for all the people not just to get re-elected Stand up for the rights of all in your country. If more people became motivated to respond to the pols,
something will happen for the good. ........Daryl
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My arch nemesis, Where have you been lurking?? Where might my insults be?? If I have insulted anyone hear, I apologize, as all that I have stated are as much factual as the comments you just stated.. What are you questioning??
Bush did serve, democratic propaganda
Rich boy, yes, but what is Kerry?? Is this a fault of his own??
Liar, Did Clinton not look all Americans in the eyes on national TV, and in front of a Senate Committee where he swore an oath to tell the truth and lie to us all??What is he lying about??How many terror threats and scares do we get everyday as a nation. Most thought it was just another false alarm, but blame him, why not his advisors?? If they thought it was a REAL threat at the time, it would not have left the table. Your CIA advisor is just selling books, so keep making him rich..
Again, everyone wants to debate politics, and not what I am addressing. I am not your so called bad guy,(radical republican extremist), but a guy with a concern about my future. I do not want to die because people are as ignorant enough too believe that their is nothing they can do to change our future. Or possibly the future of someone down the road. We can debate all night, and I can give a remark for everything thrown, but will that help HCV awarness. Why avoid what is brought to the table, and what needs to be addressed right now, by all of us?? Isn't that what the democratic congress has been doing for years..Putting things off.
What I am pissed off at is that everybody seems to except what they are dealt. What happened to " United we stand", as Rev was qouting the constitution earlier?? Do we not stand together anymore, or has the middle east extremist accomplished their goal?? Focus my friend, and do something positive.
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Debra I hope you see this. Your friend lives about 10 minutes from me. The Dr. that posted had a great resorce for you. also Baylor Hospital in Dallas also has some great programs. Does your friend qualify for medicaid?
Please ask her to make some phone calls to see if she can get some help. I can look also if you like just let me know

Its me gonagetbetr,
Also at delphi forums there is a site coffee chat that has a link to some places that offer help for free also check out Janis and Friends
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You guys have been busy while I've been writing.

John Edwards single-handedly caused malpractice insurance to rise. It's true. He admitted it.

Didja ever think that healthcare is a business and designed to "increase shareholder value?" You don't think that contributed even a little bit to rising health care costs?

Do you truly believe that Kerry got a Purple Heart from hiding face down in the bushes? Let's say for the minute it's true. Where were Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz while this was going on? They all declined to serve and bought their way out. So who's the coward?

As far as waffling, which is worse? 1) Making up your mind once and moving forward without taking any new facts into account or 2) looking at new information and changing your mind? Things are not as simple as a John Wayne movie. Sometimes everyone has a point.

Leeches? Again, give you the benefit of the doubt and say they are. You think W. did any leeching off of his families' money and wealthy contributors or doesn't that count.

Snook, keeping informed and looking around is the best thing we can do. I think that the system is broken, but reducing everything to an easy insult doesn't really contribute to fixing it.
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What would you like to know, my friend?? I have alot of info stored up hear on the war in Iraq also, if you are looking for answers. I am young, but knowledgable and do alot of homework on topics before making comments. Imagine what the gas prices would be if we hadn't gone over there, and what other acts of terrorism would have been endured by americans before the UN approved action?? Look at how a couple camel riding extremist have effected our economy, and the way THEY have divided our country and our people!!

But lets keep it focused on what we are all battling on this forum right now, the reality that hep c is, or might be killing us.. Regardless of who gets elected, or who you or I will vote for, we are still not recieving the amount of attention and funding that HCV needs. It is election time, and now is when people listen to possible voters, and make promises!! Now is the time to write!!
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Cuteus is smart enough to stay out of it, but apparently I am not.

Look, it would help your arguments enormously if you wouldn't insult indviduals instead of arguing with their point of view. To quote a deeply philosophical movie, Mean Girls--at the end, our heroine is in a Science match with another school. She looks at the girl who is on the other side and in her head disses everything about her, from her shoes to haircut, until she realizes that no matter how this girl dressed, she could still beat her, so our heroine gets serious and starts using her brains and her knowledge of math and wins. (Ta Dah!)

The point, of course, is that I could call Bush a hypocritical draft dodger rich boy moron liar f*ck-up and it would feel good. However, to document it is worth more:
hypocritical: unfunded No Child Left Behind "compassionate conservatism", "I am not a nation builder" no one in his administration except Powell served in Vietnam, yet they attack the patriotism of actual combat vets who disagree with them.
draft dodger: no record of Air Reserve attendence
rich boy: yeah,
liar: contrary evidence presented by Richard Clarke, 9/11 Commission to name two non-partisan sources. (Clarke served every administration from Reagan to W. in counter-intelligence so he has a lot of credibility.)
f*ck-up: every business he ran before being governor, post-war management of Irag, record deficits.

Granted Bush had help, but you see my point.

You said you liked to debate. Debate me and use information. Cheesy insults are too easy to dismiss.
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Way to go!  I'm with you all the way on this one.
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