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Friday Figh Song 04-23-04 and other posts

"Blowin' In The Wind"

How many weeks must a man do this tx
Before he can be virus free?
How many sides must he face in one day
And hope that they don
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Had to use this thread because all other posts done.

I'm interested in what you both said in another post.

72 & 83 weeks?  How did you accomplish that?  I am a geno 1 and both my doc and the University hospital said that they wouldn't treat after 48 weeks.  From what I've read there is probably an extended response time for geno type 1.

Thanks, Robin
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walkinghorse, i'm so sorry about all your problems with tx...migrains are unbelievable in pain...i have had them before...they make you feel like throwing up the pain is so intense...i completely understand how a person could not live with that pain...

as for the word i used, "manipulation",well i promise you i wasn't talking about you manipulating the dr for pain meds...you have a right to be treated for your pain...i am in total agreement with your heart about your "dr.do little"...he should have done everything in his power for you to be able to stay on those meds...perhaps your note to him will help others in his practice...i hope so...unless he's too hard headed as you suggest...:O( boo,hoo...

here's what i was thinking,after reading your post the other day; that your plan was to give him the letter as sort of a "threat", that he better start treating you for those migrains...or you will be forced to stop the tx do to the pain...so perhaps i should have used the word threat instead...but,i didn't realize you had already stopped the tx...so "threat" wasn't what you were talking about either, so...

after what you recently posted i'm not sure i completely understood your first post that i initially responded to. i think i may have misunderstood where you were comming from on that one...deeply sorry...

i'm also sorry i put you in the position of feeling like you had to explain why you went off treatment...that is a personal choice that only you have a right to decide...you are in my prayers and i do really care about what happens with you...please keep us posted...sandi
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Hey man, another wonderful song......I hope this time tx will be the last for you....I sincerely wish you the best!!!!! Much Love, Cindee
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Great song.  I was able to even keep the tune to this oldie but goodie, thanks.

Louise: I can relate to everything you are saying.  I have taken a severe beating through this tx, I am on modified work duty, 20 hrs @ home 20 hrs @ office and I still end up having to use 9 - 10 hrs every two weeks of sick time.  I am 32/48 tonight, I have lost 45+ lbs. since treatment began, and I feel and look just like the woman from the movie "Shallow Hal".  You guys know the one I'm talking about, the nurse that goes out with the guy that walks on his hands.  It is TOTALLY GROSS, I feel exactely how she looked and I really starting to look like her TWIN SISTER.  I also feel very frail and weak and ugly.  However, my husband has been just wonderful, he has really taken over things and is holding our family together and he has promised me an end to all this soon and I just have to believe in him.  I hope you have a good support system, in does make a huge difference in your tx.

I haven't been around in a long time, it's just like I fell off the face of the earth.  Been way toooooooo sick to go into all the different things since I last came here.

I hope everyone is still here, and may God fill us all with His strength and peace to walk us all Through the TX".  
Love to all!
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I also developed hyperthyroid on tx.  I was able to complete 24/24 and am undetectable.  I'm having my 4 week thyroid panel and CBC done today.  I'm still feeling a little of the effects from the thyroid, but much better than when I was in the middle of it!  What happened about your thyroid?  Did it go back to normal or did you have to have meds/procedure done?  I'm told mine could go hypo for a while and then return to normal.  I can relate to your feeling horrible comment.  That was really extreme and I never want to go through it again!  I hope your tx goes well and that you have minimal sides. caruu
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Yo Baby, its shot night again an' I'm a gonna kill me some more of those pesky liver varmits!!! YeeHaw!!! Die you little Godforsaken critters!

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Sorry to hear you had a thyroid problem!  I hope your panel goes well...

My thyroid drama...ugh!  Like I said, I went hyper 3 years ago and the endocrynologist gave me beta blockers to slow it down and told me I was at risk for Hashimoto's thyroiditis (underactive autoimmune thyroid disease).  After being hyperactive, my T4s slid into the low range, so my doc gave me Synthroid until I got back to "normal" range.  I took Synthroid for 6 mos and doc said I was "ok" and took me off the Synthroid.  That's when things got really crappy.  After 2 weeks I started swelling up like a balloon (including my throat and tongue) and the doc said it "didn't have anything to do with my thyroid - go see an ALLERGIST"  So, I went to the allergist who put me on anti-histamines (1 Zyrtec AND 1 Allegra per day) for a year.  Just awful and it didn't solve the swelling problem.  Time to be my own Dr. again!!!  I went into major research mode and found out that people with Hashimoto's can test in "normal" range, but still have symptoms and should be treated.  I found myself a new thyroid specialist who told me I'd probably had Hashimoto's for 20 years, possibly triggered by the hcv, but never new it.  Anyway, he put me back on Synthroid immediately and within days, I started feeling MUCH better.  I'll be on it for the rest of my life, and it's helping with my 2nd go-round with tx.  Had some thyroid swelling early on, but it has disapated.  

Congrats on finishing up!!!!  Praying for your SVR!
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I have the same questions on - hyperthyroisism.  I see the thyroid specalist for the first time on Tuesday, and I'm totally in the dark about treatment of it.  It's hurry up & wait, I guess!  Today was 39/48.  I was undetectable early on.      I looked it up on the internet, but am more confused than before...oh, well.

Happy Friday, Everybody... one more DOWN!!
Still lookin' up!
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Cuteus-I am not trying to teach my Doc a lesson. At first I quit Tx because of migraines, which made me so sick I could not hold anything down. (my first one was three days long) By then I was too scared to take anything because I continued to have headaches and was scared I would have another migraine. And there are many other reasons that made me quit and not start back up. I was becoming suicidal and agraphobic. I was totally helpless. People kept coming by or calling to check on me and I did not want to answer the phone or door. I would take a xanax, rush to get my bloodwork done and come back in my house to "hide". I also have a sick Dad and a almost crippled Mom who need me. (there is no one to help them) The Grandchildren that I raised from almost birth have not seem me in almost 5 months. (they are 9 and 7,very sad and don't understand why their Meme doesn't see them anymore-they are living 1 1/2hrs away) I needed my sanity and life back NOW. I can always treat later. (I hope) The doc didn't give me a choice when I started. I was so shocked, I just jumped when he said "jump".

LvdbyGod-I have pain meds, I wasn't tring to manipulate him into giving me more. I was hoping he would help me stop the migraines (except for a shot, nothing helps my migraine) Do a test, send me somewhere, anything. Above all I wanted him to understand why I had stopped treatment and maybe give me a liver bx to see if I'm making the right decision.

If my letter to him helps just one person he is treating, it will be worth it. I don't want to sue someone or get anyone in trouble. I made the decision to stop based on my pain, frame of mind, family situation and not receiving the care I needed to work through all this. I admire and respect a Doctor, but they put their pants on the same way I do. I would of expected this doctor to discuss my/his feelings with me. Explain why he thinks I'm wrong. Instead he decided that his word was god and he didn't have the time for me. He's been "hardened" by his profession and lacks compassion. I'm sorry for him. I hope the next time he's in a hurry, trying to get away from the office and he has a really scared and hurt patient at his door he will stop and think about the time he let his patient down.   KK
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Many thanks for your post.  Just started reading up on hyperthyroid.
My hep nurse has tested my thyroid a couple of times during tx, but has never seemed overly concerned.
Been looking back on all my test results & can't seem to find T4/TSH?  Could it be listed under anything else????
Best wishes with your on going battle.....keep your chin up & hang in there!!!

Vicki....always there with kind words of comfort.....thanks sweetheart, hope your doing okay?  Gonna be going off line soon ready for the big move, but will e mail you in the next few days & hopefully catch up.....chin up & keep smiling!  Love & hugs.

Wishing everyone a lovely weekend!  Hang tight!!!!
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I was planning on contacting Extreme Makeovers and have them do a whole show of post hep c tx heppers, as our ultimate gift.  Then the thought of weeks of pain after surgery got me rethinking...ummm...any one up for it?
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Looking up - hyperthyroid, eh?  Bummer.  In general, there are two types of hyperthyroid problems.  This first is thyroiditis (inflamation of the thyroid) which short term is usually treated with beta blockers until your T4 levels fall back to "normal" levels (no real long term effects).  The second type (much more rare) is called Graves disease, which is a long term autoimmune hyperthyroid problem and calls for more serious tx.  Good luck at the dr's & keep us posted!

Louise, the dr. has to request thyroid level blood tests separately - their not part of the cbc.  Two simple tests:

T4: Thyroid hormone level.  Above normal range means hyperactive (overactive) and below range underactive.

TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.  If the # is high, thyroid is underactive.  Low # or zero means too much T4 in the bloodstream already.  Lot's of GI's, including mine, track TSH on a regular basis during tx.  

Rock on and kick some serious dragon booty!
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Hi again all,
Well after all your good advice to not put the cart before the horse I decided to go to the hospital and get a copy of my test results.
I guess I will be joining the club.
I left the hospital armed with my test results and went to the doctor. The gastrowhatever doc couldn't see me but the cardiologist did. I have gobs of blood test results that all have initial next to them and have no idea what I am looking for or at for that matter.
What is tx everyone is talking about??
The Cardiologist said that I need not speed up my appt with the gastroguy I apparently contracted Hep C 26 years ago when I was 12 and had a blood transfussion after a car accident.
He said I waited this long 2 more weeks would not make a difference.
I dont have any results for the cirhossis yet but my spleen is enlarged to 15.4 cm in dia. w/ no focal lesions and liver is consistant w/ fatty infiltration and no focal lesions.
does the fatty thing just mean I am fat?
I know these sound like stupid questions you are all so informed.
any advice on what I am looking at would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance
hope I didn't mess up someones thread but this was the only plac I could post.
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No worries about breaking into the thread!  That's what we're here for....SUPPORT!  Majneni posted this list of websites back on 4/12.  Great place to start researching : ) Also, make sure you have a good GI (Gastroenterologist) and when you see him/her, don't be afraid to ask tons of questions.  Your best weapon is to get as educated as possible and make the decisions which are best for you.  Peace be with you : )

(4/12 from Majneni)
Get the basics on the FAQ's of these general HCV sites:
http://www.liverfoundation.org/ (American Liver Foundation)
http://www.hepcassoc.org/links.html (many links)

http://www.themedicineprogram.com/info.html (helps pay for meds if you can
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The problem with the thyroid is that "tracking it" during tx doesn't always do much good. One week it's fine, and the next week it's "gone", sometimes permanently. That was my experience, anyway.
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Great song eyedeas,went outside and started blowing in the wind but ran out of breath real quick- at least I gave it a try - I guess the neighbors probaly said Harley Dude finally lost it.

Hey Chev, thought about you at work today- there is an old saying here- you toss a coin in the Mississippi River at sunrise and make a wish and it will come true- so the first on my wish list was you, and then I wished for SVR for the rest of these fine folks on this forum- the only problem was I used up all of my change (lol)- there's alot of you on here and you need a coin per wish. Had a great day, brought my bike to work and it feels so nice to just ride straight into the sunrise- I saw you did lucky #(13)- WOW your over the hump- not long now Chev - I guess most of the way through tx you think your normal, but your really not actually 100% sane- Maybe about 60% normal- what a ride this was, what a trip, what an experience- you see I'm tripping right now rattling on and on. Sure wish I would have coppied all my posts and responses from a year ago- I bet we forgot half the crazy stuff we said and did (lotff)- well chev just needed to talk to someone- have a good night and don't let the bed bugs bite- L-Harley Dude - x
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3 years ago when I did the 3x week shots/riba (IntronA, Rebatrol), I lasted 7 weeks on tx due to severe sides.  I lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks, really scary since I started around 135.  Turns out my thyroid blew at about 4 weeks and I was hyperthyroid which caused rapid heart rate and pulse, speeding metabolism and I felt HORRIBLE.  Didn't find out it was thyroid until 2 weeks after stopping tx.  Have you had your thyroid level (T4/TSH) checked?

This tx is funny.  This time I'm on Pegasys (woo-hoo, 23/48 last night - almost 1/2 way!) and I've GAINED weight.  Probably around 10 pounds.  Argh.  

Kim, thanks for the song : )

Everyone, have an AWESOME weekend.
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Great song once again, Eyedeas.....thankyou.....hope you don't mind, but I have a question & didn't want to waste a thread on this.....


I'm coming up to 22/24, (clear at 12!)

  I lost a huge amount of weight within weeks of starting tx.  My hep c specialist put me on Ensures from week 6 - 18 to try & stop me from losing more, which seems to have helped, however, I just can't get back to what I was.....my appetite, though not great, has slowly improved through tx.  While I realise this is not hugely important to some, it really is to me.....tx has aged me considerably (amongst other things) & all confidence I had, is gone.  I look & feel a mess but am still truely thankful that tx seems to be working for me (knock on wood)

Did any of you people out there find that once you stopped tx, your weight and appetite got back to normal?  If so, how long did it take after tx?

Wishing you all the very best,
Many thanks,
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Excellent and right on point!  Happy Friday everyone and have a nice weekend.
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