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cig smoking 2 cents worth

just to let you know if you have been smoking a long time your body has adapted to this and by quitting you are actually signalling your body to clear extra toxins and putting yourself at a higher risk...smoking and  disease are genetically predisposed..how many people do you know that quit smoking and all of a sudden they are in the hospital with heart attack, stroke and other issues...moderation is the key..i have smoked 10 a day for 25+ years and had a recent cxr..and they couldn't even tell i smoked..just my opinion..
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My mom smoked 5 packs a day!!! Yes, she was a chain smoker. She NEVER even had a cold that I can remember. Doc always told her she had great lungs.
Now I smoke too, chance are not as high for me to get "lung cancer" because it does not run in the family. I have tried to quit many times, I can quit, but cant stay quit,...I dont know why.
I would never advocate smoking, (my daughter thinks its awful)
I do believe certain habits and diseases we have a predisposition for. Alcohoism runs amuck in my family, so it was not surprising that it became an issue for me. I no longer drink.
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107513 tn?1232286464
Heres a little link fo you to read, even just a few cigarettes increase likelyhood of disease, and added health risks.
<a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4265600.stm">cigarette link</a>

I just don't know why people attempt to justify ignorance? Cigarettes are bad for your health, your personal hygiene, and overall character. Point blank. If people that smoke regularly did not think that themselves, they wouldn't attempt to stop, or keep making excuses as to why they do it. If you want to kill yourself slowly and look like a fool in the process, more power to ya!!! But please, quite making excuses as to how it does no harm! Really, it's pathetic!
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I agree 100% about the health part. As to whether I possess "bad character" because I smoke,.........I think that is going a little far.

Whats your vice?
Eat too much?
Watch too much TV?
Wear 100% polyester suits?
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Sounds like youve lived a HARD life!!
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since we're chipping in our two cents worth, the old farts here, I don't have an opinion on.  They got hooked before they knew any better.  Young people on the other hand, I kinda agree with snook.  If I smell smoke on someone interviewing to work in my lab, thats about three black marks. I assume they are stupid, or why would they start something when they know the outcome?  As for quitting causing some kind of chain reaction, as a biologist, thats not believable.  Yall old farts remember ul brynner.... "if you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quit" just before he died.  My hubby believed him.
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I also agree with Snook but do have to say,,,To quit is a hard road  and yes we all do have some addiction of something or lean on something to some degree.  Some people just love the habit too much to put down or they are willing to take the chance of risking their life.  My dad smoked from a young age until 60 and then his problems started,,,,Dr told him to quit as there were some spots showing up on lungs,,,,then the enphesema came in and he said thinking back all those years back to his younger days,,,,he has no idea how he even got started on such a bad habit except back in the day,,,,it was the thing to do!
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107513 tn?1232286464
Funny, I also started young, about 13... I smoked marlboro reds, before switching to Newports. I smoke till about 21, when I started waking up hacking and coughing up the same wonderful stuff. Quit within a week, and never looked back. My buddies always smoke out on the boat, or when we're out, and of course I still get a little craving, but will NEVER fall back into the pattern. Not gonna die of something I brought on myself!

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Some say people with lung cancer have noone else to blame but themselves.

some others say people with hepC have noone else to blame but themselves.

It is easy to judge others,

Stand and be judged,.............how well would any of us fare under the microscope?
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It all makes sense now
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Hi it's good that you are attempting to stop smoking and good on you for being so honest.

You are failing to stop smoking because you are trying to justify your smoking with excuses of healthy family history.

The truth is you and anyone who smokes are doing themselves harm! Smoking harms your whole body by robbing it of oxygen (every cell, internal organ and blood) each cigarette you smoke is causing you harm.

Smoking is not only physically addictive it is very habit forming and psychological addictive. You need to remember you are chemically addicted (physical); emotionally addicted (habit formed) and psychological addicted (your brain and body are fooling each other into believing you enjoy and need cigarettes to feel better).

This is the hardest addiction to beat *however* you can do it if you know how!

The truth is your withdrawal symptoms feel similar to feelings of anger, anxiety and agitation; so every time you feel under stress, have an argument or get over stimulated your brain associates those feelings with feelings of withdrawal; so your brain sends messages to tell you to smoke a cigarette to feel better, calmer and more relaxed.
*In reality you can not feel calmer or more relaxed while smoking as (nicotine is a stimulant) not a relaxant. The nicotine makes your heart race faster, at the same time your veins close smaller, and you are robbing yourself of oxygen because smoke is full of carbon monoxide this is placing your heart, brain and veins under stress and increasing your chances of heart attack and/or suffering a stroke.

*Caffeine is a stimulant and should be avoided while you are trying to stop smoking*

You are also increasing your chance of cancer, lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, cancer) and thrombosis (blood clots) which increase the possibility of heart attacks, stroke, and amputations. I hope you are more informed and more likely to understand how addiction works and why you are failing in your attempts to stop smoking.

**Try hypnosis or positive self-talk (every night) while lying in bed before sleep; repeat a positive phrase about how you want to stop smoking, and how you will be successful. Imagine spending the extra money you will save on a nice holiday.
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Good morning and this is just my take here too. I've heard the "quitting smoking can be bad for you" argument a number of times through the years and really don't think it holds much water. I do agree that some of us, myself included, are unusually sensitive to addiction and I've wrestled with my share of them. As for genetic predisposition, you surely can't pick your parents but you can't get hooked on cigarettes unless you smoke them either. I quit a 30 year, pack and a half a day habit six years ago and in doing so did not shock my system into any diseases or into the hospital. I know many other people who have quit smoking who, like myself, got nothing but good results from doing so. Any negative effects from quitting smoking really stem from smoking, not quitting. Actually I felt better almost immediately, started waking up mornings without hacking and feeling like a brick was on my chest, and have saved almost $10K from not buying the damned things. 10 a day? More power to ya! I guess I just don't have that moderation gene :)   - Lee
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I couldn't agree more,...on every point!!!
I guess, all excuses aside,...........
I just don't want to quit bad enough, I still enjoy some aspect of it.
For those that have reached that point where they could quit, my hat is off to you. We all grow at different rates. I have discovered truths that some still have yet to learn, forgive me that you have grown faster in this area of your life than I have.
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I have smoked since I was 17 and am 51 now.  Don't preach at me about additions.  Most of us have had one or another.  I have tried the patch, the gum, anything on the shelf.  Did not help me to quit and your suggestion of hypnosis; I've done that too.  I hate that I smoke; but honestly when I work, unless I tell them I smoke, they don't know and are shocked. I do not smoke at work. I do not smoke in my vehicles, nor do I smoke in my house, this has been since my kids were born over 16 yrs.  And going out of my way and making it harder to smoke did not help.  I have 16 years sobriety and this is the only one addiction that I have had the hardest time with. I have come to the conclusion that if they do not open a detox center for smokers to quit.  Well, that is I believe the only thing that will conquer this for me.  Unless you have some Miracle I do not know about.  

Let me explain, its awesome that some of you are able to quit.  But, it can be way harder for others.  Our bodies are different, our lives are different.

Just my opinion.

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This is such an American "problem" to go around JUDGING other people and their habits! I know many people raised in other countries who find this fact about America laughable.
So far not ONE perfect person has been born. Those casting stones need to look in the mirror. To claim you "care" about them dying or getting cancer from smoking is just bogus. You could care less you just want to toot your own horn and feel superior, period.
You don't like smoke? Too bad. I don't like your smelly breath or your too loud voice or your enormous rear end that takes up two places at the ball park but I was taught to be polite and keep it to myself because I was taught that the ONLY judging I was to do was of MYSELF. People use "health concerns" to justify their rude behavior and smoking is the easiest to wave your self righeous banner over, it used to be drinking and I am sure some other thing will catch the attention of the self righeous in the future. Unless and until YOU are free of "bad habits" which INCLUDE being a buttinsky and thinking you are superior to others for ANY reason then you should check yourself. He who is free of fault can cast the first stone and he has yet to be born.
You want to worry about your health, go for it, other than that mind your own business. If you believe in God you should reread the Bible, read the part about judging others.
ANYONE who smokes is harming their health, PERIOD but that is THEIR business. So what if you aren't genetically predisposed to lung cancer, you dang well can get Emphyesema and a whole list of other ailments but that is YOUR business. We are all dying one way or another regardless of smoking or any other behavior. You can never engage in a bad habit in your life and you will still die of something.

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Many doctors do NOT advise trying to quit smoking while doing tx. Before or after is fine.
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I smoked 1-2 packs a day for 20 years but stopped 20 years ago. I understand how hard it is to quit because I literally tried over 50 times.

There is a misconception that because you've tried unsuccessfully to quit in the past, you won't be able to quit in the future. In fact, at least one study concluded that the more times someone tries to quit the more likely they are to be successful. In other words, your chances of quitting the 50th time may be greater than the first. Or, another words, persistence really does pay off.

My second most successful "quit" was through an organization called "Smokenders". http://www.smokenders.com/ Can't recommend this approach enough. Got me to quit for over two years. A year later, I put down cigarettes for good by going cold turkey. Without "Smokenders" don't think I would have been able to. It's a group program -- and I personally hate group programs -- but one day the relization hit me I wasn't going to be able to lick this problem on my own.

For all those who have tried to stop, who want to stop, but have given up -- remember, it doesn't matter how many times you've failed in the past, you only have to be successful ONCE. If gum, patches, and cold turkey doesn't work, try Smokenders. If Smokenders doesn't work try hypnosis. If that doesn't work, look at a picture of your children, or in the mirror, or talk to your pastor or rabaii. Just keep trying and you will be rewarded.

-- Jim
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Probably as good a place as any to mention that cigarette smoking is associated with fibrosis progression and lower SVR rates in genotypes 2 and 3 in one very large study.

From the Win-R trial: "Tobacco smokers with genotype 2 or 3 HCV had significantly lower SVR rates than non-smokers. However, this difference was not observed among genotype 1 patients... Smoking data was available for 2865 out of 4223 patients (68%) included in the primary efficacy analysis; of these, 894 (31%) were smokers and 1971 (69%) were non-smokers. and used data collected from almost 2900 smokers. More here: http://www.hivandhepatitis.com/2006icr/ddw/docs/060206_a.html

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137025 tn?1217764741
As I violenty chew my nicorette gum and fidget in this chair, I have to say I understand the goodness in quitting the smokes, whether it be the way my clothes smell or how well my lungs will serve me the rest of my Hep C impacted life.  Please just don't judge me if I fail to quit again, we all have experienced sooo much judgement for our virus and I'm not even sure how I contracted it.  So while I enjoy my humanity and how imperfect we all are and how those imperfections link us all together, I will keep chewing this gum and going totally out of my gourd.  Ya'll have a great, smoke free day.  I know I will, and resent every freaking, stressed,climbing the walls, frustrating minute of it!!
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If you going to quote this study quote the rest of it as the study suggest it needs to be look into more.

It not fact yet.

The study was not designed for that purpose  


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As far as knowing how hard is is to quit smoking goes, most of us who have smoked for a long time and have quit successfully do know how hard it is to quit and stay quit. We don't always talk about failed efforts through the years, but more often about when and how we were finally able to quit and the benefits of doing so. I quit at age 47 after trying numerous times in my twenties, thirties and forties. Having been there, we also realize just how irritating it is to smokers and those struggling to quit for non-smokers and ex-smokers to jump up on a soapbox and start preaching and scolding about smoking. There are always some don't see it that way too. When I finally got clean and sober from 20 years of drug and alcohol addiction, I watched over and over as newcomers preaching the "gospel" of sobriety too loudly often ended loaded or dead within a few months. In my experience theres few better ways to push an addict away from help than to preach and scold to him. Encouragement and empathy, without compromising honesty, almost always work better. Telling it like it is without being preachy is an art. However, co-signing addict bulls**t only enables addicts to stay sick.

I don't subscribe to the notion that smokers only harm themselves. The effects of smoking, second hand smoke and rising insurance and medical costs affect us all. I'm wondering if my two cats who died of cancer years ago didn't suffer from my smoking. Food for thought. I've sure had my role in adding to everyone's health care costs too and am still using an inhaler for COPD after 6 yrs off cigarettes.  Guess if you ever need my insurance premiums to help pay for your ventilator costs, you're welcome to them. I'm sure glad someone somewhere coughed up the $35K for my HCV Tx over the last year. Peace out and hey, did my last peg last night! A week of Riba and I'm done....
- Lee
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I posted the full-link to the study in my post above, so anyone interested could read. I have also never told anyone to stop smoking during treatment against their doctor's advice. Nor, in fact have I told anyone to stop smoking, as I firmly believe that as adults these are individual decisions.  Just trying to put a study and some of my experiences out there that hopefully will help others. Had I started treatment as a smoker, I doubt I would have been able to stop during treatment. For me, treatment was about survival, and probably would have tried anything within reason -- including smoking -- if it helped me continue. In fact, my doc recommended that I smoke Pot (actually medical marijuana) for nausea early on, and the only reason I declined was because pot doesn't agree with me. Hope this clarifies.

-- Jim
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No one has EVER quit a habit because of any other reason than they alone decide to, period. Addiction does not respond to "shame on you" self righeous judgements and does not respond to attempts from others to shame them into it through guilt. People quit if and when they are ready and no amount of hot air preaching will change that. No aw will change that.ZERO chance of success. All it does is serve to make you feel superior to your fellow man. Admonitions are worthless with addictions, ask any recovered addict. MYOB is still the best thing you can do. You have NO power over others actions. Anyone casting stones at anyone is wasting their breath and should tend their own garden. When you walk on water, maybe someone would listen but I doubt it.
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I wonder if the stress of quitting is more deadly than the smokes. Hey, another excuse for yet another study! All we need are participants willing to die, some get to smoke the rest have to quit.
pick your poison.
Personally I don't want to live so long my eyes and my mobility **** out while my lived a clean life shell of a body lives on.
I plan to go out laughing, hopefully just after engaging in a romp in the hay and not before my post coital smoke and glass of wine.

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It is not smoking per se that shortens your life, it is the AMOUNT you smoke. Less than 10 a day has NO negligible health affect, that is fact.

Stp smoking and in 5 years your life expectancy is the SAME as a nonsmoker, that's a fact.
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