250084 tn?1303307435

Beamish, scratchinhead, others

Okay, Rglass showed up but haven't seen a few on here since the BIG CHANGE! Plus their on tx (not out 'living' life again) so you guys and a few others haven't seen....where you at?

52 Responses
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131817 tn?1209529311
Wow,  just woke up again and found that Obama won South Carolina. Interesting he won 54 to Hillary 27. Edwards was close to Hillary.  I wonder if he can sustain this on super Tues. We have to mail in our votes. we live in too small a place to have a polling place. Thing is that it was 81% black votes that Obama got that helped him get this win.

This is a very interesting election!
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315996 tn?1429054229

I'm not skiing on tx. I'm not on tx. I'm going to ignore my HCV until someone comes up with a faster, more effective cure. I'm not rich, gotta look for the good ski deals. I'm not a great skier but it's like dancing, when it clicks, IT CLICKS!! Big change in my abilities was when I got rid of my big penis skis and changed over to women's skis. I can't think fast enough for those big penis skiis. I have a lot of friend skiers and I tell them: "you are building your castle on sand, spending a fortune on ski lessons when all you need to do is back off on what type of skiis you are using". Big penis's run into everything and knock over everything.

I wish HCV technology was as advanced as ski technology! I just got my feet balance/alignment analyzed by computer. You could see where the pressure was in my boots and why my legs were getting overly tired. Too bad I couldn't see my liver like that: "ah, look, I need to add some NAC here, and some PPC over there, and squeeze when the soluble fat shows up. Maybe stick a wedge there to hold the liver in place when I turn."

I need about 5-6 hours outdoors every weekend or more to maintain my sanity. I think it is because of all the great conversations I have with myself (seriously). The worst day outdoors is better than the best day indoors. I would think someone on tx could at least get up and walk around. Latest studies show that 45 minutes of walking a day cuts the chance of sickness by half in old people. Has something to do with the "marine corps" of the immune system coming out and cleaning up for 3 hours after the exercise. If you can't do 45, do 20, do anything. Easy for me to say, I'm not on treatment so hang in there.

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148987 tn?1287805926
You sed: BUT, your picture is just too d*m funny, BTW. keep forgetting to tell you that.
Can she sue you now? Hep C slander?
Say if , like, someone sent it in to the enquirer....what would the rumor be :}

What would be even funnier is if Kaleid Sheik Mohammed sued me.
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131817 tn?1209529311
Okay,  I don't remember that link.. Can you send it to me Ihorn?  I am so angry!  I got the dam flu again and my kids are here from Oregon.  Slept most of the morning, thew up all night.  I hate this! I was clicking my heels Monday, I felt so good!  Even after tx I am not able to have a few normal days with all the post sx. What is awful is that I can't count on the days I will feel good.  I am feeling sorry for myself at the moment.
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250084 tn?1303307435
I-horn, tried it before they took it down? Got the e-mail, worked, LOL, that was good, knowing their 80% full of bull makes it even funnier :} ...or sadder!

Pro....LOL! Somehow I 'felt' a joke in that comment :}
I agree, skiing on tx....I was so proud I got some biz done yesterday, went out to eat (ate it all!), went shopping, came home and did laundry, and was nice alllll day....and I was proud!!
  Even a trip anywhere, to the airport, walking ACROSS the airports, all that, passed on a couple! Figured it's a lot to spend to lay around the hotel room.

Just stamp and mail your reply, may get it sooner :}

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148987 tn?1287805926
They took down my LiNKz0r !! I'll email it to you.
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Avatar universal
Dialup or not, had to at least acknowledge this quote
"my scroll finger hurts! " That sucks, if it wasn't for my scroll finger, I'd have no ongoing relationships at all!!!!!.............;^)
I can't believe some of you are skiing/boarding...jeez, I live at a ski area, close enough to where sometimes at night the cats grooming on the mountain wake me up !! But I haven't entertained the thought of skiing since starting tx, I'd be lucky if I could make one run (g)..
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250084 tn?1303307435
Couldn't pull up ur blog. Too tired, pillows are screaming for me...

BUT, your picture is just too d*m funny, BTW. keep forgetting to tell you that.
Can she sue you now? Hep C slander?
Say if , like, someone sent it in to the enquirer....what would the rumor be :}

Spelled 'rumor' as roomer 1st...gotta go to sleep!

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250084 tn?1303307435
LL .............Hillary say's sorry too :}
Hoping you got that as the sarcasm intended :}

.......If they had done their jobs, they would not have been deceived...............

......Did anyone else notice the look on Hillary and Obama’s face when asked how would the Affordable Health Care {that both candidates guaranteed) would be available to ALL AMERICANS, under their administration, be paid for if the people’s income would not allow them to afford “Affordable Health Care.”  They both looked like a Deer caught in The Headlights. I wanted to yell, for once tell the truth. The same people that are struggling to take care of our own Health Care. We will have the additional burden. Yes, me and you...................

Yes...yes they did....me too!....and yes!
And my basis for that one liner political post of mine.............
.........if the 2 that are going to be the choices (expected 'choices') are who I'm hearing they are....not happy with either!

.......CAN YOU TELL IT IS A BAD RIBA DAY? ..........
With the choices right now, than half Americas having bad Riba days.
(of which, BTW, I have felt the worst of past week or so myself. Least it took 16-17 weeks!)

See. I'm following a bit :}
2 post and worn out...so much for the 'normal' day!


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148987 tn?1287805926
tEh cAniDaTeZ oF teH cHaNg0rZ !!

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250084 tn?1303307435

And another isn't MIA! Pro said dial up has limited her coming here a lot, a few haven't been around much since the change. The scrolling is driving me nuts tho...my scroll finger hurts! (and the joke for this is ???)

D*m girl, I sure hope you are able to do 6mths being acute but do all the research you can and hopefully some here can give some input. You have other health problems and you talk about them like ..."I went in for another cup of coffee today (transfusion!)", ya' make it sound so not 'heavy'! I know you have the ...oh forgot it....n-something anemia blood problem, all along with this and are at the ER/ in hospital so much. It'll be great if Gish feel's you'd SVR with 6mths. What are your Riba/peg dose's at and you were UND ? When?
  Sorry on the mouth ulcer :{ My sis suffered with them thru chemo,  like paper cuts , may be 'small' but so painful.
And thru it all you say 'I'll quit whining' :}, whine girl! I have been with much less reason.
  Okay, who else we missing here?  

Feel better soon!  This stuff is so wierd, shots hitting me harder now (lower dose's too), with each one, last couple days awful and got up today and went 'wait a minute here, I feel SORT OF normal"?????  Felt 'good' (according to tx 'good') and was thinking..."somethings wrong, I feel too normal", lol!! And now I am thinking...hmmmm, how WILL I feel tomorrow? I could do this rare day a few more times :}
Wishing you a 'normal' few days!

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131817 tn?1209529311
I can't tell you how many events I missed in my 47 weeks and then more post tx after the hospitalizations and the fibro.  I am glad he stuck with me. I bit his head off more than once, along with everyone else's. We had a fire while on tx and had to pack and move out. What an ordeal! Besides the fact we have Giants, Warriors and 49 season tix. I used to go to the games with him. Couldn't do it so many times and he felt really lonely and wondered if I even cared anymore. Spouses have a hard time with tx. John told me he wished he had never let me do it. And I am sure if I want to re-tx we will be having a long conversation.  I stopped making appt's, I just couldn't keep them. Some days were good and most were awful so I quit making them.  My life was on hold. My life became slaying the dragon and learning how to do so. I had an awful dr. and so it was on me to find things out about this disease. Many times John just didn't understand and was hurt and lonely going to those events alone. I just couldn't help it.  I had a rough time, mainly due to the Neulasta I had to take for WBC. I made it to the lab, sometimes with a ride there. This is no picnic and spouses really suffer. I would advise when a day comes that you are feeling good, do something special for her, so she knows you care.

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206807 tn?1331936184
Yep, I can tell you are having a bad Riba day. lol  That's okay I had many. I am surprised I am still married!

I just P1ssed Off my wife because she asked me if I felt like I could make it to her Great Aunt’s 100th Birthday Party tomorrow. I told her no and to just tell her I was there, she wouldn’t know the difference anyway. She didn’t find the humor in it.
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131817 tn?1209529311
Yep, I can tell you are having a bad Riba day. lol  That's okay I had many. I am surprised I am still married!  Good thing I had the sense not to drive much.

There was a lot of false information from the CIA. They were the ones that relied on one little guy for theirs. Not too smart. Legacy of Ashes explains it better. I still think there was a lot of hysteria about 9/11 and wanting to get the culprits. Bush and congress were given false information on WMD. The way Bush phrased the bill he sent to congress made it sound like he was going to check things out before rushing into Iraq. I wouldn't have voted for it because I saw no reason to go there. Saddam wasn't the one who blew up the towers. We should have focused our attention on Bin Laden. We also shouldn't have given the task to the Afgans to go into those caves.

I know this won't be a popular stand, but I think we would have been better off to leave Saddam in power. We sure wouldn't be in the war we are now. After all he was OUR Saddam, we funded him. Our focus totally shifted out of nowhere. I think Bush had a grudge against him, b'c of his father. We still have few troops in Afganistan and Pakistan. I heard that Gates is sending Delta force in there. It's about time. We should have done it in the first place and maybe later focus on Saddam. He really wasn't involved or a threat IMO.  

Yes, congress is to blame, but Bush put us there bottomline and I won't forgive him. I don't really forgive those that voted for war, but I can get past that.  You are correct, congress would be patting themselves on the back if we had "won". There is no winning this war. Like Vietnam, I don't see it happening. We created a real mess in Iraq...now the terrorists ARE there. Saddam wouldn't have permitted it. I see no end and I say we cut our losses and get the hell outta there. Send those boys to New Orleans or to help rebuild our infastrure, not theirs.  

So you think Huckabee...he is a person one can like. His consumption tax scares the hell out of me so there is NO way I would support him, of course along with his far right religious issues.  

I really don't think we need someone to balance the left. The dems out there are so far to the right of me I am going to hold my nose and vote for one of them!  
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264121 tn?1313029456
ffer a mouth ulcer, right where my tongue joins my mouth, and its back so far, I can't even medicate it. yeah.  ok.  done whining.  LOL next time you ask where everyone is Lady Lauri, be careful what you ask for ;)
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264121 tn?1313029456
Hey, I'm still here and treating, I'm just pretty miserable lately and haven't gone online.  Hasn't had anything to do with the site change.  I'm pretty much ok with that since they toned down the brightness.  Still in the process of getting the consult set up with Gish.  I'm getting my medical records for them, which takes a while due to all of the hospitalizations.  And I was back in for a couple days this week (saturday and got out monday) for a fifth blood transfusion, so that adds more to the mass.  I'll feel much better when I can get an official recomendation on whether or not to alter my riba dosage, or to go with a shortened treatment (six mos instead of twelve) since I'm an acute, or anything else he might care to throw into the mix opinion wise.  And I have a HUGE mouth ulcer in a place where there should be an edict from on high that no one should ever su
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206807 tn?1331936184
Ah c'mon RG you know who you like best of the republicans. Please tell us who will serve us best if the Dems don't win.

That is a tough question because not one of them has completely convinced me that they are 100% prepared for ALL Aspects of the Job or should I say 100% qualified for the Job. It even looks worse for the democrats. As far as National Security goes, I would have to go with McCain, but the 25-year comment he made still boggles my mind and scares the Hell Out of me. I don’t care enough about Iraq to be there now, let alone 25 years from now. To Hell with Iraq, Rebuild Flora/Bama (It’s a Gulf Coast Thing). Romney is just like Obama and Monica Lewinsky’s Ex-Boy Friend’s Wife. He is just another fake, lying, politician. Huckabee I am concerned about his lack of Foreign Policy. He has stuck his foot in his mouth a couple of times but there is something about his character I trust. Maybe this country has swung to far to the Left and He may be what we need to balance things out. No, I don’t think there will be any Book Burnings. If I had to vote today (and this my change tomorrow), I would probably go with Huckabee.
Did anyone else notice the look on Hillary and Obama’s face when asked how would the Affordable Health Care {that both candidates guaranteed) would be available to ALL AMERICANS, under their administration, be paid for if the people’s income would not allow them to afford “Affordable Health Care.”  They both looked like a Deer caught in The Headlights. I wanted to yell, for once tell the truth. The same people that are struggling to take care of our own Health Care. We will have the additional burden. Yes, me and you.

One last Rant. I am so sick of the Excuses I voted for the War because I was deceived. If they had done their jobs, they would not have been deceived. The threat of WMD didn’t just pop up over night. It had been going on for years I hate to have to keep defending Bush but the information is not correct. Iraq taunted The UN for years over inspections and even refused to allow them into some parts the Country.
They didn’t vote one day and we were dropping Bombs the next day. There where plenty of time to make a stand and say “maybe this is not such a good Idea after all and we need to put more thought, discussion, and re-vote on this. If this war would have been a success, they would be bragging about how they voted for it and the WMD would be irrelevant.

Basically they are saying” I voted to send our Country into War. Out of Emotion because of False Information. They expect me to take their insults about The Bush Administration (Whom I Don’t Support) seriously when they are guilty of the same thing.
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131817 tn?1209529311
Yep, both voted for the war, but Bush really tricked them into thinking he was going to go through UN inspections first. I don't think the congress that voted for this expected him to rush right in and they were not happy he did. I wouldn't have voted for it. Why the hell did we have to go there in the first place, the terrorists were in Afganistan not Iraq.  
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250084 tn?1303307435
tho he voted to send them in the first place i guess but he does say sorry.......

Hillary say's sorry too :}

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250084 tn?1303307435
I am trying to keep up here :{ , with the candidates, but not doing so good in it right now!
All I will say is that if the 2 that are going to be the choices (expected 'choices') are who I'm hearing they are....not happy with either!

Keep talking, I need info., lol

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250084 tn?1303307435
sfbay, going in and out of seclusion right now! And have my 1st cold on tx! Glad your feeling better and enjoy the kids :}

cajun, hi there. Yes the new forum is....not so great :{ The scrolling is driving me nuts and a few aren't posting much. Proactive said she has dial up and nearly impossible so she's not here much now.
So sorry about you hubby :{ The chemo (any!) is so hard. Are you saying he'll get a bone marrow transplant? I was in the room when a 2yr old recieved his donor marrow, what an awakening exp. his battle was. What will he do at City of Hope? Not 'up' on this with your husband, confused on 'shrinking', Hodgekins, bone marrow?? 'splain more :}
Hang in there and keep the faith. Know you need it right now,


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392759 tn?1200786083
I havn't heard all of Edwards raves but kind of liked the way he started doesn't take big corporate checks to fund his campain. I think he put him self on a budget? probably stuff him up though and seems to be interested in helping the workers get a better deal.Wants to bring your troops home tho he voted to send them in the first place i guess but he does say sorry.I think only Obama was out spokenly against that way back when.Hmm
Huckabee sounds rediculous and your country surely would't vote to be put back into the dark ages (maybe the world is flat after all)
McCain a war boy and havn't heard him much any way or any of the others except Hillary of course. (o:
Well good luck with that and good luck with where ever you are in your tx (o:
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250084 tn?1303307435
  scratchin.....A ski trip!! Here I'm worried your in a hospital, sick. Awww gee, you poor thing :}
My tx ends in March, and 50th b-day in shortly after (omiGod!) so I am going wherever there is still some snow! Got a list of after tx treats for myself :}
Glad your haning in there.

Beamish/frijole....yep, UND at 4 and only 6 more to go. Life is good, tho I am not the sweetest person these last few weeks! using the ol' tx excuse :}

Politcal comment to follow.

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131817 tn?1209529311
I like Edwards haircut!  It is to bad he doesn't get the press. He is running a pretty negative campaign, not a good one. All he is saying is that he is going after this group or that group and nothing else. Doesn't say how. Bush is a numbskul and I think even the republicans think so.  Where I sit, who is the best one of the republicans. God forbid it is McCain who will keep us in war for 25 years, or Huckabee who will burn all books that mention creationism, Guliani who can only claim 9/11 and not much more and Mitt Romney who is such a phony for changing positions as the wind shifts.  I dunno, perhaps Romney is the best choice. But how the hell do you trust him? He speaks with two tongues.  I would love to believe him on some issues but it is sure hard when he changes postions to suit the election population.  

Extremely interesting election though. Fun to watch.  Your little Johnny most likely would be up anyone's butt if they were running the US as prez.  
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