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Question about tx and the sun

Hi All,  I will be finishing my tx April 30 and I'm interested in booking a vacation to the Islands, My husband said if i made it through this we were going. Any how we usually go a couple of times a year and we both tolerate the heat and the sun well, we use protection. I remember the nurse telling me i could not go in the sun during tx, not that i have had to worry about that in the Great white north. How long after tx is over before you can go in the sun, and also does anyone know how long after tx it takes for WBC and nuetriphils to get back to normal? I was thinking of booking the trip for the end of May.  Thanks
23 Responses
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Someone else will have to answer your question on sun exposure for you,  however, I live in SouthWest Florida and that's pretty much sun country 12 months out of 12.  While I do not bake in the sun, I am outside daily for a short while.  We have a boat and was just out on that last weekend, and am outside daily.  It makes me feel better, but like I said, I don't bake in it, and I do wear sun protection.  Hope you do make that vacation trip.
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163305 tn?1333668571
I wonder about sun exposure since I've been living on my deck loving the hot sun though I try to keep it off my skin. I'd guess the problem is more about our skin's reaction to tx, rather than about test numbers. It takes weeks for the medicine to kick in, I'd think it'd take a while to detoxify. I'd go to the islands and avoid sun on my skin. Wear long loose clothes and a big hat. And if you are in the sun, slather on the sunscreen. None of my doctors here in California told me to stay out of the sun. Bon Voyage!
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146021 tn?1237204887
The islands as in Hawaii or Mustang Island!:)
I have no idea, but I bet these meds stay in our bodies for awhile. You may not have too much energy back right away also, the end of May gives you a month.
Have fun,
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Ladybug lol.......I don't think i care if i have energy.......i just want warmth and the sun and the ocean. We think we will go to Jamaica again, we love the people. I have to confess i do some sun bathing, i enjoy a little glow, and i do spend a lot of time in the ocean and unfortunately there is no shade there. I will ask my  DR about the sun thing too. It was the nurse who told me and although she is smart, i don't remember seeing any warnings on the tx package. Thanks to all
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179856 tn?1333547362
When on interferon avoid all sun and tanning beds and stuff like that.  I should think as soon as it was out of your system you would be ok.

I made the big mistake and didn't listen - and went tanning once while on treatment to get rid of the grey look...it was bad beacuse I was then purple.
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I know......how do people who live in sunny climates do it. I miss the sun soooo much.
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146021 tn?1237204887
Misunderstood by mankind, I am too! I didn't start tx during the summer months because everyone was complaining about how the heat made everything more unbearable. Course, I was just post-poning till I ran out of excuses!
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whenever I was on tx and in the sun too long,,,I would start breaking out in a rash,,,,of course I'm fair but just tried to not be in sun for long periods!

Myown,,,you never took your dose???  Here,,,take 2,,,,haha  it will all work out!
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I was told by a doctor (one that I didn't tx with) that she wouldn't start tx during the summer months because you cannot go in the sun while on interferon.
Well what would she do if she was a doctor in Florida or California or somewhere else where the sun is alway shinning? Made no sense to me. Unless she was afraid because I am light skin, but still was ridiculous as far as I am concerned. She could have told me to just avoid the sun. I guess I look like I don't 'listen' to doctors orders.

I'm so misunderstood.

Where's Tator and Honey with my zanax or valum or whatever they wanted me to take. I want it now I think. hehe
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146021 tn?1237204887
Myown posted below that she was dead set against drugs and wanted me to have her meds! Thanks, pass a few pills over here!
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96938 tn?1189799858
A trip to the islands in May sounds like a good time, good place and  an appropriate reward for making it through tx.  By then, sun exposure should not be an issue for you.  A few weeks ago you posted, I'm not sure of the topic but I think it was about energy levels or hgb.  I remember thinking at the time that if I was in the great north, as you are, the summer might be a good time to tx.  There's a little logic behind that.  Living in cold climates your body is likely spending a good amount of energy keeping the internal furnace going.  The body's need to generate heat is an energy user.  So my logic is that reduce the demands of the body and maintain, or pace, the overall  use of energy - an important comodity on tx.  It's one of the reasons I decided to start tx in the fall, rather than the peak of the summer here in Florida.  Although I'll be on tx a full year, it made sense to me.  May have no basis in reality though.  So, when you do this island getaway thing, do you ditch the kids and leave them in Saskatoon or someplace like that?
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Yes bug so glad you see that I am misunderstood. Always have been too, not just of recent. A song that spoke right to my heart years ago and still does to this day is BB Kings, "Nobody loves me but my moma and she could be jive'n me too."

uh hmmmmm No-bodee luvs me but my moma and she could be jive'n me to. Ah yeah yeeeaaah yeaah ah huh da da da

honey pass the pills, don't give them to bug, you promised me. The song will sound better if I slur my words.
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Good Morning Ladies!   lol well,,,at least you two are keeping up your humor while feeling like do do!  Thats important!  Myown,,,I understand totally not wanting to get hooked on anything else,,,you already are hooked up with enough but I had my dr prescribe xanax for terrible days and honestly I only used 3 of them but those 3 days may have saved someone else's neck ha
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lol Glad those pills saved that persons neck. That was good that you only took 3 pills,though.

I feel good today so I guess it will just come and go. As I said some of it may be from this time of life too.(menopause)

I always wondered why a 50 year old man would leave his wife for a 20 year old girl.I thought it was a sexual thing, but no men aren't as shallow as I thought... now I know the answer. ..The 20 year old girl has 30 more years before she hits menopause and by then the guy will be dead. Men are alot smarter than I gave them credit. hehe
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86075 tn?1238115091
you gotta point about the menopause, in terms of older men liking much younger women, but it might be a little bit about "look what I got on my arm dudes!" type of thing, and their own mid-life crisis...and they do have their own type of menopause too...and let's face it, younger women are naturally going to be much more impressed with an older man's knowledge then an older woman who has knowledge of her own,...I personally like being equal there, and like men with a "sensitive" side, but that's just me...

I have this very good friend, he's 63, though he looks much younger, his new girlfriend is 24! ha ha! He said he was sitting in her parent's house and he was older then her own father, by more then a few years...he felt kinda "creepy" he said, ha ha! When I talk to him I'll ask, how's Frank and Mia? he gets pssed...what I find irritating though, is if a 63 year old woman was with a 24 year old man, people would be in an uproar! Can you imagine a movie starring Hellen Mirren and Leonardo De Caprio, their age difference would be the whole point of the movie...but I remember dozens of movies with age differences on the other side and it's all cool...why I oughta...

But I hear you on this menopause, hep, whatever mood-swing stuff..God knows what I'll be like on treatment, cause I get some of that stuff now, I was yelling at the kid yesterday, and I'm not a yeller...I felt really bad about it, even though she told me she was taking a "nap" and I found her in the bedroom chatting with her friends on her laptop...

sometimes, if I'm feeling really irritated, I just won't come on here or boards like this...and I usually know when people are merely being irritable caused by the treatment, or if someone is just plain old negative and mean, vast majority of people are just irritable from the disease and the drugs...glad to see you My Own, gotta give ourselves a break, even if no one else will, ha ha!
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Women and men are just the same - they want the best they can get. I have had older women come on to me and at times I've yanked them right out of their wheelchairs and shown them the time of their long, long lives. So there you have it. Mike
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86075 tn?1238115091
good point...he he he
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lol You are absolutely right that the old guy wants to be seen with a young chick. His EGO is like having room darkening shades pulled down over his eyes because he can't see that everyone is laughing at him. I'm laughing at him and I don't even know him. You can tell him I'm laughing so my laugh don't go to waste. ha!

And yes you are right the older women with young guys everyone talks about them. But I mean think about it Foresee, if we were with some guy 20-25 years younger, WE  would know that it looks ridiculous and we would only invite the guy over in the middle of the night so no one sees. Ha! Women  know people laugh at this stuff. We would know we were only USING THE GUY and that the guy just happened to have a thing for older women. It would be a mutual arrangement. The guys with youn girls get so pumped up and really think the women loves them. hardy har har. Yeah loves his Maserati and yacht. ha!

But tables are turning now I feel. More and more young guys are really going for older women, but still if someone is looking for a serious relationship, who would want to bother?There is an expiration date on relationships such as those. Women don't live for the moment as much as guys. I might get some hate mail over that statement, but its true.

I always liked guys my age or a little bit older. I'd rather be with a guy that I can have fun with, that's nice, good conversation and sense of humor. Wash board abs are a nice extra, but not necessary. Ha!

I think who or what type of guy we liked when we were 20 changes as we become middle age. With men, the type of girl that they wanted to be with when they were 20 is still the same when they are 60. ha! Men are jerks. ha! I think I'll call my husband in here to read my post just incase he doesn't know that he can become a jerk if he doesn't resist temptation. ha!

Yeah don't worry about the tx though. The mood swings can come and go, but you probably will have good control, I think. To me as long as it doesn't feel like I'm tripping on acid, I'll just have to deal and so will everyone around me. ha!

But the hormones at this stage really is crumby, but things could be worse.

Good talking to you as always.
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86075 tn?1238115091
My Own, can't you just say what you think for darn sakes! Geeez! Quit beating around the bush, will ya! You crack me up! Man, I thought "I" was upfront, lol...well, I haven't had any late night bootie calls from any 20 year olds lately, but maybe that's because I'm due??? .... The way I'm going now, if that happened, they'd have to Medivac me out of my appartment by helicopter - straight to the ER!...he he he! You keep on going girl, you will beat this thing, nothing is going to keep you down....I'd bet on it!
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"I always liked guys my age or a little bit older. I'd rather be with a guy that I can have fun with, that's nice, good conversation and sense of humor. Wash board abs are a nice extra, but not necessary. Ha!"

You can't have fun with a 25 year old with washboard abs????? ;-)

Don't mind me the mind was just wandering!!!!  

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The way I'm going now, if that happened, they'd have to Medivac me out of my appartment by helicopter - straight to the ER!...he he he!
lol Ha!

For real though,,,most men become much more fun to be with once they reach 40, I believe.  And 50 and up even better. I think women and men enjoy one another more as we get a little older. My husband was always a nice guy, but I like who he is now at this age even better.

Okay nighty-night.

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Guys are so much nicer over 40 though, really. You know that, we all know that. When My husband was younger he was still a good guy, but I like who he became as he got older.

But maybe we can hang a picture of a young guy with wash board abs on the bedroom wall. I'll blame you when my husband see's it. ha! Cindy made me do it.
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86075 tn?1238115091
of course I agree with you! a little character, knowledge, hard knocks and life experience can enrichen a man beyond measure, and if they are lucky, these things can give a man a great sense of humor as well - to be able to cope with it all ...but, uh...like Cindy said, you can't think of any fun you could have with a 20- year-old with washboard abs???? HA HA HA HA! nighty night My Own...
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