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Testing, testing...

...just curious how the new social media tags work.  I noticed nothing happens when I click on the tags in a thread someone else started so I'm starting my own to see how that works.  Could be that I'm using Firefox so I'll try it from IE as well.   So....nothing to see here, folks. Just a crazy woman indulging her curiosity .....  
33 Responses
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9648 tn?1290091207
It makes a pop-up so you can post to the various social networks. Do you have your pop-ups blocked?

I could do it with yours so it doesn't have to be a thread you started.
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Thanks GB....no, pop-ups are not blocked.  I could do it with my own thread.  Interesting...still testing....
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427265 tn?1444076436
I can get to my Facebook login but I didn't go any farther in case it posted it and I couldn't figure out how to delete it.
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92903 tn?1309904711
Just a crazy woman indulging her curiosity .....  

The next time you take to "indulging" yourself  (I love those Candian colloquisms) how about videoing it and posting it up to youtube? Or at least email me a copy :)  
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92903 tn?1309904711
Uh-oh. I might have given MH a new social media idea :(

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1185591 tn?1264648444
When I click on the "twitter" link it is trying to open:

which leads me to believe they are still testing this(Testing--testing). When I develop website I use "#" as a dummy link. It is not working testing in 3 browsers, all allow pop-ups too.

Usually on sites that have this capability it is usually through a third party software, such as Tweetme for twitter. You may have seen this on many sites, I have one on my blog, which you have to login using your twitter account, then it posts it to twitter.

I am actually surprised to see the social media tags here, maybe this is a form of advertising to this site, but not sure. I am not concerned personally(it is a form, which can be found through Google), but there might be people here you would not want thier information being posted on tweeter.

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It works for me on my own thread.  I was able to tweet and facebook it.  For Facebook, it required me to have a Facebook account, which I do, and log into it, which I did and then I can email it to anyone I like or post it on my wall, I suppose - I didn't go as far as posting it.  I did, however, email it and chose to email it to one of my personal accounts.  That was successful and I was also able to forward it from my personal account.  I was able to click on the link and open the Medhelp thread just fine from either of those.

I was also able to Tweet it in pretty much the same manner - click on the Twitter link, log into my Twitter account which I have but don't use like most people and it puts a link to the thread in there.  I didn't click Update, I stopped at that point, not really wanting to tweet it.

All that is not really a big deal in the bigger scheme of things as I suppose anyone could do the same by simply doing a copy-and-paste of the thread and post it on their Facebook or tweet it, for that matter.

I think what bothers me is the fact that the inclusion of the links is like a suggestion that it's an acceptable premise to Facebook or Twitter the threads in this forum.  While I'm aware that this isn't really private here (which causes me concern when people post so much personal information about themselves here), unless people are specifically looking for information about HCV with a Google search or seeking out something like this forum, they're not going to really come across the conversations here.  They'd have to come TO the information for the most part.   Suggesting that people Facebook and Twitter the information is like suggesting that people take the conversations we have here and take them out to the world and share them with everyone who comes to their Facebook page or who is following their tweets, regardless of who they are - like broadcasting the contents here.  I think that changes the whole tone of things here and in a way that I don't really care for at the moment.  Just still chewing on the whole concept.
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"The next time you take to "indulging" yourself  (I love those Candian colloquisms) how about videoing it and posting it up to youtube? Or at least email me a copy :)  "

I guess you're kind of sweet on us "Candians" , eh?  Now there's another one of those slightly different American spellings .. us Canadians spell that "colloquialisms".  That's us, always adding an extra letter in there somewhere although usually it's a "u"

When you get the copy of me indulging my curiosity, just remember that sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.  

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96938 tn?1189799858
I think that Goofy was referring to either the yeast infection or to the geese, not necessarily to the up north people population.  And, for the record, I'm not being derogaty.
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87972 tn?1322661239
Too funny!
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92903 tn?1309904711
I think what bothers me is the fact that the inclusion of the links is like a suggestion that it's an acceptable premise to Facebook or Twitter the threads in this forum.  

I'll match your "acceptable" and raise you an "encouraged".
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"I think that Goofy was referring to either the yeast infection or to the geese, not necessarily to the up north people population.  And, for the record, I'm not being derogaty."

I think yeast infected geese are the ones who are flying south proberly ... look out, Florida.
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"I'll match your "acceptable" and raise you an "encouraged".

I'll fold - better put and more to the point.
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Our new "share this" feature allows us to share information such as posts and journals on Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. By sharing links to the site, it allows people to find information that may be helpful to them, information that may be critical to their condition that they may not have known was available.

This feature makes it easier for people to share information, information people were already sharing by posting links to posts and journals on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. This feature was created in response to the fact that MedHelp information was already being shared. By creating this feature, we have not altered any of the privacy measures that are in place. Public information remains public, friends only information is still friends only, and private information is still private. If a member shares a journal or user group post that is private, others will still not be able to access it. For example, by sharing a friends-only journal on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace, only your friends will be able to view your journal.  If they are not a MedHelp friend, the link will take them back to your profile.  Sharing a post from a private user group will link to the private group's join page, keeping the group's content totally private unless the user joins and access is granted. Posts in forums have always been public and remain so.

As with all public posts on the Internet, please keep in mind that search engines may pick up your post and make it visible to others online.  Therefore, as always, never reveal personally identifiable information. Our new "share this" feature is a way to help others find MedHelp and all we have to offer, connecting us to those who need support or can lend a hand to our members.

If you have accidentally entered personally identifiable information, we can remove it for you. Send a link to the page with the information and quote the information you wish removed to our Contact Us link below.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if we may be of further assistance or if you have any other questions.

And check out FlashDude's other thread here about internet privacy.

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233616 tn?1312787196
I suppose that makes some sense...but have you counted how many "I had se.x with a blow up doll and want to know if I'm infected" questions we already get???

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(Steve_MHModerator wrote)
"And check out FlashDude's other thread here about internet privacy. "

Steve, I did just that.  I noted that "FlashDude" had his membername changed because someone came to him and identified him via the net.  He also noted that he seemed to suffer from discrimination after revealing his HCV positive status to the public.  Great!  Now he is *somewhat* incognito.

The fact remains that MedHelp has provided the means of people posting information about themselves, photos, profiles, medical trackers and such and now is taking steps at encouraging the sharing of this data without informing those people that they are taking this step.

I know people who have lost their jobs after disclosing their HCV status.  I could link you to a long list of such "crimes" against people with HCV.  They aren't illegal per se.  States have "right to work" laws where people can be fired without notice and apparent cause.  People have the right to avoid people that they fear as a possible disease vector.  Posters do not always get information "right" on MedHelp, but your new updates will allow that all information, the good, the bad and the ugly or incorrect get shared the very instant it gets posted.  Such is progress.

I have seen cases where people have had their assistance cut off from some unthoughtful post on a board.  We are seeing situations where people suffer legal consequences from posting on the internet.  I commonly see people share information (yes, and misinformation too), or personal joking around that could be an embarrassment were it to be shared at their workplace.  Whose business is it if someone has IBS as a result of TX or erectile issues due to taking an antidepressant?   I have seen many sad situations arise out of people who have been outed and have suffered discrimination on account of fear and ignorance that surrounds this disease.  We could be talking about people jobs, loss of employment, being cut from assistance programs and other issues that can negatively impact on peoples lives and their treatment.  How would you like it if it became public, your post where you mentioned your infection vector (such as drug use) or had a question about the sexual transmission particulars?  

Being on this side of the fence, I can tell you that it feels as though the forum has encouraged the posting of personal information and is now in the business of spreading any and all information made by members.
You can placate yourself or us and tell us that the internet was never *really* private.  We share at our own peril.   I guess that some of us have.

I feel that one of the reasons for MedHelps success was the focus on content.  On some occasions (and this is one of them) I feel that it has shifted towards the number of hits that it can generate or the number of ads that it can place.

In the end.....it is the members who provide the content; the actual product that MedHelp is selling.  I encourage people to take a close look at their posts, their blogs, their medical trackers and reflect....... do I want this shared by tweet or facebook to strangers or employers?

MedHelp was so busy asking yourself if you *could* do this you never asked if you SHOULD.  If you did ask yourself that question, you surely didn't ask your membership, the very people whose information which will be shared.  What does MedHelp get for encouraging the disbursement of our personal information and writings?  Their number of "hits" goes up and they continue to enhance their google ranking.  This increases their ad revenue I would guess.  Our personal data whether it is prose, posts, blogs is only worth a fraction of a cent worth of revenue..... or maybe a penny....as much as a dime?

It's worth more than that to me.

Thanks, I guess for the "heads up."  This is how we find out.  For some people it should mean taking down some posts or personal information and strongly considering what they post in the future.

That's just my personal take on it from where I sit today.  


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I think my nickname is too personally identifiable and I should be more incognito.

Can you change my nickname from Trish77 to Trish007?  That oughtta do it.
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I agree with Willy.
MH should know better. But, it's not always easy to do the right thing once profit becomes the primary motivating factor....oh yeah, along with "Proper Decorum".
Is MH trying to ruin this place? It sort of looks that way to me.
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Thank you Mike for your feedback.  I think Trish and a few others have questioned if this is a *great* new feature or not.  I decided to vent a little, but since then have been wondering if I'm suffering from Andy Rooney chronic malcontentia.  ; )  It helps to hear what others think.

When I visit my profile it complains that I'm only 75% "complete".  MedHelp and others NEED my picture, birthday, favorite color. ; )  
Inquiring minds want to know!!!

Our "Profile" pages are about the only thing that we are allowed to edit ourselves here.  We are not given the ability to edit our posts.  I'm not sure that I would I want to try to read what I have written and try to sus out what is private or what could be used. (not in one sitting anyway).  I sure wouldn't want to draft a requistion to MH detailing what I'd like to remove from a 1000 odd number of posts.  Frankly, most of what I have posted is fine for publication; most has not been personal (that is, it may expose my personality, but not my personal data to the extent that I care).  That may not be true for many members.

I feel that many members are just as guarded. However, many people show up here under a form of duress needing information about their exposure.  I feel that MedHelp should protect them more, not move to make export of information more easily shared.  I also feel that with the various features offered here MedHelp is encouraging us to expose ourselves further, as if to say; "it's cool- you are in your "community".

MedHelp tries to foster a sense of community (thank you for that).  I just feel a little unsettled when it seems as though some of that is becoming a medium of exchange.  I'm more than aware that none of this is private, but members deserve more protection than is being offered and I note that the pendulum at this moment seems to be that MedHelp wants it tweeted, and posted on walls of Facebook and the like.  If management was listening, there are starting to be a lot of stories about problems and abuses which occur when too much information is shared with people.  I personally feel as though the pendulum is swinging back towards more privacy.  

As a parent of children that have recently become adults I find that I am no longer privy to their medical records (without their consent, of course).  
Yet I find that I can look at peoples medical records here, I could share them I suppose; tweet them to a HR department or boss.  What on earth!!!  The default setting on these should be PRIVATE; not PUBLIC.  I am very uneasy with the comfort level and ease in which personal information gets shared, how difficult it is to get it edited at this site (we cannot edit our posts) and how impossible it is to get it deleted or retracted once it has been shared on Facebook.

I just mention this for members and management to consider.  


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One nice aspect is that you can restrict viewing photos and journals to only your friends.
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"One nice aspect is that you can restrict viewing photos and journals to only your friends.
Mike ."
Agreed, but that is not the default setting.

I can delete my cookies and show up here unlogged and look at virtually anything;
members profiles
members posts
notes to members
friend list
members personal trackers; labs, mood, diet, pain, etc.

This could probably be as easily secured as by ticking a few feature specific boxes by an admin that pertained to member/guest permissions and default settings.

Should they be private?  Well, that is a question for the owners or membership, but the decision currently that virtually anybody can see anything except PM's, with the exception where members can opt out and make photos invisible, perhaps except to friends.  

I guess that you can infer that I believe in a more protective and private stance, but who knows?  Maybe (*apparently*  ; )) I am way out of step.

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I just made a point - I in no way meant to - nor did I - suggest that I was happy with the privacy situation.
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In no way did I assume you support the status quo.  You made that clear in the earlier post.  I was just using the reply as a springboard to show just how open it is.

I'm self employed but on occasion I have applied for work and I'm always a little cautious about what would turn up in an internet search by a HR department.  It's a common matter of fact now that you are asked for an e-mail address.  For some people this privacy issue could be an issue of getting work or not, keeping a job, or therefore having insurance.

When people lose their job (which I have seen happen several times) they can thereby lose their house or insurance and become very likely to slip between the cracks in this economy.  No insurance often can = no health care and TX.  This is how a privacy issue can become a "life and death issue."  I somehow see more potential problem than benefit to the members.  On the other hand, maybe employers don't care if employees read and post at MedHelp while they are at work.  ; )  They won't care at all when they see the posts from here on the Facebook "wall" made during business hours.

As mentioned, I'm out of step and haven't a Facebook page either and I'm beginning to think that may be a good thing.  I'm under the impression that many co-workers communicate on Facebook. (while employers or HR dept merely observe and notate)

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1016618 tn?1420553262

Hmm pears Steve Pops in spills his guts and mosies along.
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