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Valtrex CAUSING an outbreak

Hi Everyone,

So I've had herpes for nearly five years now and have never had a problem with getting frequent outbreaks.  All the same, when I started dating my boyfriend almost a year ago, who does not have herpes, I chose to go on valtrex preventatively just to take that extra step to not transmit it to him.  Well, even though we're still together, the herpes has been an issue and we haven't had sex in a very long time, lets put it at that.  This leads me to my problem currently with valtrex... because we don't have sex I've been bad at taking the valtrex regularly and have a tendency to go on it for a little while and then stop taking it for a while and back and forth.  I just forget to take it because we're not having sex.  But so what I've noticed the past two or three times I've gone back on it is when I do so I get an outbreak almost immediately.  I'll have no signs at all of an outbreak before going back on the valtrex, but the next day after taking it I'll have a sore.  Needless to say it's not making me happy since I'm not getting outbreaks not on it.  I know though if he knew this was happening it would freak him out even more then he already is.  Has this happened to anyone else or does anyone else know of this happening to others?  And if you do does any one have any idea as to why this is happening?  Should I just stay off of it completely or if I stop being an idiot and going on and off, on and off will it stop?  Thanks so much for the help!
15 Responses
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I just came to see if anyone else experienced worse and more frequent outbreaks on valtrex/generic. I"d not been taking it for years due to feeling like it made outbreaks frequent and worse. But I recently met a  great guy, started taking it to be "safe" and ended up with the WORST case ever. It wasn't so bad, because delaying that first sexual encounter helped us to REALLY enjoy it when we did. I ran out of the Valtrex, and was debating getting more. We do use condoms, and practice good hygeine, and I honestly feel for me the risks are lower unmedicated since I have fewer and less severe symptoms. That first medicated one was SO BAD and seemed to last forever. I was miserable. Thanks for the validation!
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207091 tn?1337709493
I am one that tends to get side effects from meds, too, so I feel your pain on that one.

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Lol thank you Grace.  I do though want to again address waringblender because I'm not quite sure why you are being so defensive and rude about this.  Many people get adverse side affects to medication.  You may not, but that does not mean that other people don't. Unless you show me your medical degree, and even then that wouldn't mean much to me with some of the doctors out there today, I think you should just not be so negative towards people.  What happens to your body when you take medication does not mean it's going to happen to everyone else and vise versa.  But because you don't feel that the side affects mean anything doesn't mean that they're not going to affect other people.  The side affects I've gotten from two other medications, besides valtrex, were not on the list of side affects, so I didn't just read it and then make it up in my mind thereby being psychological.  They were side affects that very few people experience but I unfortunately ended up being part of that small minority.  And both times I had to go to a doctor to change the medication and in one of those instances I had no idea that it was the medication that was causing the problems, it was the doctor that told me that it was and took me off the medication at which time the problems stopped.  They were actual physical signs, things that I can not control or make up in my head, that were happening to my body.  So please, like I said before, before you decide to be all negative and rude to other people you should ask first.  Or keep your negative thoughts to yourself and don't bother posting them.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
oh give it a break already!!!  

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I'm sorry - I didn't mean to pry.

Just in case, here are the main listed side effects of Valtrex ( acyclovir is made up of practically the same molecular structure )

"Headache, Diarrhea, Confusion, Decreased kidney function
Dizziness, Nausea and vomiting, Abdominal Pain, Disturbances of liver function "

Although the liver disturbances aren't mentioned on the valtrex webpage, it's worth taking a look at what's written. I especially don't like the phrase : "It is not known whether Valtrex reduces the risk of spreadîng genital herpes in same sex couples"

"Spreading" ??!! - why can't these people use the term "transmission". The use of language is highly relevant: "Go and spread your herpes elsewhere," said Dr Troy... But then again, he's only an actor playing a part ( and probably getting a hand out from GKS at the same time lol )

Also, it's important to remember that herpes transmission remains unlikely in sero-discordant couples. Studies proclaim that daily valtrex helps to protect partners - but the risk is never zero - and valtrex only lowers this risk by 1 - 2 %. As well, shedding studies are pretty mind-boggling aren't they? Why would anyone want to go and swab themselves daily ( thus increasing the likelihood of spreading?) - unless they were really poor and needed the money. It's a cold sore ffs.

I believe that many people are being shamed into spending useless amounts of money on unnecessary daily medication. Internet sites are not really helping - seeing as most of these are sponsored by BigPharma and love to coin phrases such as "the spread of herpes" which is "highly contagious". Ms Warren, and Dr HHH have both disclosed their financial ties with GKS. I wouldn't put my trust in what these people say: I've seen written proof of this - one shouldn't always believe what's written online.


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Side effects as listed on drug package inserts are there mainly as a CYA for the drug companies. Most of the side effects are experienced by a tiny percentage of participants in the clinical studies, which you seem to acknowledge.

Your assertion that you are in the "tiny minority" of those experiencing side effects for each drug you take (or even most of them) is implausible at best.
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207091 tn?1337709493
Oh the rest of the advice is free.  ;)

That's what happens when you post on an internet message board - you get the rest of it.

Hope everything works out the way you want it to.

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Thank you very much Grace for answering the question I actually asked.  I may look into the acyclovir.

As for waringblender, your comment pertaining to my adverse reactions being psychological I think was a little out of line.  I have had problems in the past with various medications that doctors have put me on for one reason or another causing bad side affects.  Side affects that only the tiny percentage of people who take them get.  It's not psychological, they are physical medically documented side affects that doctors have diagnosed and taken me off of the medication as a result.  So before you go and accuse someone's comments as being psychological I think you should ask a bit further.

And AJ, I appreciate your concern over my boyfriend but that's really not the advice I was coming here for, I'm sorry if I made it sound that way.  I only gave the back story because I knew if I didn't I'd have people asking me why I bother taking it at all if I don't really need it.  And I only mentioned the fact that we aren't having sex because I also didn't want people to think that I was being negligible and increasing my chances of giving it to him by not taking it regularly.  I'm not worried about my relationship, like you said, thats for me to deal with him about and not on a forum.  That's why the only real thing I wanted to know was whether or not valtrex can sometimes cause some people to have more outbreaks.  Which Grace was very kind in answering.

Thanks again for all of the help!
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Do you believe that changing meds will bring a solution? Isn't it just as likely that, as with Valtrex, you'll continue your habit of missing pills?

My advice to you would be the following: if you don't suffer from recurrences, then daily medication is a waste of time, as well as a waste of money. Contrary to what some folk want us to believe, shedding rates vary greatly from person to person, and it is therefore highly likely that you - with so few obs - will not be doing much shedding.

Another question concerns your relationship. Do you still want sex with your boyfriend? Does he still want sex with you? A year is not a long time, -and you also say that you've not had sex for a long time... If, instead of discussing these issues openly and frankly with your boyfriend, you are choosing to seek advice on an anonymous forum, then however will you solve your problems. You say that suppressive Valtrex was your choice, - but it sounds like your bf is worried about becoming infected. If so, then perhaps it's time to give him an ultimatum. Does he still want to be with you or not? The herpes - and therefore the issues - won't go away until you both accept your responsabilities. If he chose to be with you, then transmission worries are also his to share. Even if he does become infected eventually - it's only a cold sore ( would he be freaking out as much if you suffered from cold sores on your mouth? ).

Talk to him, - not us. And if I were you, i wouldn't bother with the anti-virals anymore. Let your body deal with the virus naturally - it seems to have been doing a pretty good job so far.



PS Years ago, I used to treat my lip sores with acyclovir cream. Worked wonders at first, less so after a while. In fact, while one sore was being treated, another would pop out on the other corner of my lips. Stopped using and have been fine ever since - tiny obs which heal quickly and which are mostly unnoticeable..
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101028 tn?1419603004
chances are good they will never do studies with acyclovir to see if it reduces transmission. It's generic and the sad truth is there's no money to be made in selling more acyclovir at this point.  That said - acyclovir when taken properly reduces ob's and shedding at the same rate as valtrex does.

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There are 3 different antivirals used for herpes, and they all help to reduce transmission.

"Always getting adverse effects" to medication sounds psychological.
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Thanks so much for the information.  Is Acyclovir proven to prevent transmission to a partner without herpes?  I thought  valtrex was the only one, and the only reason I take it is to prevent transmission.  My body, unfortunately, tends not to react well to medication.  I always get adverse affects.  It's getting a bit annoying.  Thanks again for the help!
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101028 tn?1419603004
for whatever reason - for a very small percentage of folks this does happen.  If you think you can remember to take a pill 2x/day - I'm with Jess - give acyclovir a try.

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Thanks for the info AJ.  Oh I know all of the odds.  And I've gone over all of them with him.  It's a long complicated story that I dont want to get into but I'm happy with him despite the sex stuff so for me, right now, it works.  We'll see how I feel in the future.  

Yeah I was remembering to take it when we were having sex(we used to) but since we stopped I never remember.  Like I said, I rarely get outbreaks, maybe once a year, without the valtrex so I dont even think about it.  I only take it to help lessen the chance of giving it to him.  But it's been frustrating now when I get them as soon as I go back on it.  I'm going to just try to stay on it constantly and see what happens.  If I find myself getting more outbreaks I'm stopping it all together.
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207091 tn?1337709493
My guess is its because you aren't taking it regularly.  Some people do report that they seem to get more obs on valtrex than not, so you might consider giving acyclovir a try.  However, that's twice a day, and if you aren't remembering once a day, twice a day might not work for you either.

But why are you with a guy who is so freaked about it?  Don't you deserve to be with someone who doesn't care about such a low risk?  

If all you do is avoid sex during an outbreak, he has a 4% chance of getting it a year, or a 96% chance of not getting it.

If you take the antivirals, then it drops to 2%, or a 98% chance.  

Those are some pretty good odds, ya know?

I have hsv2, and I couldn't be with someone who was freaked out to have sex with me.

Has he even tested to know if he has it or not?

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