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HSV 2 Positive Result

Hello, I had intercourse with my husband on Sunday and it was a bit uncomfotable. I noticed a few days later that my labia minora was a little swollen and red near the vagina entry. I went to the gynecologist on Wednesday and the doctor told me it looked like herpes. I have looked at pictures online and my vagina looks nothing like any of them. I don't even have any of the other symptoms. The doctor did a scrape culture and sent me to get tested for HSV 1 and 2. Today I went again and my results said HSV 2 >5. Is there any way that this was a false positive? I have been married for 3 yrs without any sign of this disease and neither has my husband. The last time I had unprotected sex with a man was more than 6 yrs ago other than my husband. Is it possible that it was dormant all this time?
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That's definitely a positive score.

If the husband is concerned about it, he can get a blood test too to see where he's at. If he's positive, though, I guess you won't really know who had it first.  It's also possible if he's positive that you both came into your relationship with it.

Does your husband have a mistress or has he been fooling around on the side? I guess that's also a consideration, although the more likely scenario is that one or both of you had it when you met.
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I asked him about him being with someone else that Wednesday when I found out about the potential of having it, and he said no. I've never had any outbreak that I know of and even now it's not the typical outbreak you read about. My doctor prescibed zorivax ointment for it. He doesn't think it's necessary to take an oral medication.

Does this positive test score mean I have herpes or have been exposed to it? Is there a difference or do both scenarios mean having it for life?
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605092 tn?1220126704
funny how they say that you have been exposed to it... im like wont you just say what you mean... and that means... that yes you have it... you have been exposed to it... and it may just be lying dormant... to answer your question... yes, i believe that it means that you have it and will have it for life.

crazy stuff :-/
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101028 tn?1419603004
Your provider isn't very well versed in treating herpes if they prescribed topical zovirax for a recurrence :(  You might as well rub crisco all over the lesions for as good as the zovirax works. It's clearly stated in the prescribing info that it's ineffective for treating genital herpes recurrences. Your provider wasted your money on it :(

At this point your hubby should get himself a type specific herpes igg blood test to see what his status is. If you are both hsv2+ then no worries about transmission and it's a comfort thing only. If he's hsv2 negative then you had this since before you met him and never knew it.  The herpes handbook at www.westoverheights.com is a terrific resource for both of you to read. I also recommend watching the patient counseling video on the site too - it goes over a lot of the ways you are probably feeling right now.  The handbook offers suggestions for how to treat herpes as well as how to reduce transmission to your hubby if he is hsv2 negative. It's free to read online or to print out which is why we recommend it regularly here :)

Once you've read about how to treat your herpes and know hubby's status, decide how you want to treat your herpes if at all.  If your regular provider is resistant to prescribing your the oral herpes medications that actually work then you'll need to find a new provider.  

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"Being exposed to it," "being a carrier," "being dormant"   -- All of this is code for "I have herpes but can't acknowledge having it."

I agree - just cut to the chase and say you're positive or negative or you are infected or not infected. Yeesh.
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I have read that the igm test is unreliable, if that is the test that was performed on me, what are the chances that my >5 score is a false positive?

I saw two doctors about it this week, the first one game me valtrex and the other gave me the zorivax ointment. Apparently this is supposed to be my first outbreak. The one thing that gave them the impression of herpes on Wednesday is already back to normal with the exception of the scrape from the culture.

This is a hard thing to accept...
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494623 tn?1278279352
Do not look at herpes pictures on the Internet they always show the very worst cases,in fact don't read anything on the Internet except the site Grace mentioned in her post,anything else will just send you on some mad rollercoaster of doubt/anxiety/confusion.... been there/done that and it is so not worth it.

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Can anyone tell me whether a postive IGM of >5 is likely to be a false positive. I have been devasted since yesterday and am truly hoping that if I retest it will be negative. I know there may be little chance of that happening, but I guess I am just having a hard time coping right now.

The doctor I spoke with on Friday when I got my results told me that I shouldn't worry because my husband wouldn't get it from me, that we can get this from sitting on toilets, and prescribed a medicine that will do me no good in the future. I am truly frustrated.

I am supposed to get the results from my culture on Tuesday. Is there anything else out there that can resemble these antibodies? Once I pickup a copy of my blood work on Tuesday I will post it here and see what you guys think.

My husband isn't too worried about this. He feels like if he doesn't have it now he will one day and it's OK because he loves me. It's been hard though.... he expects me not to keep crying about it and getting depressed about it.
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101028 tn?1419603004
If your igg is >5 then this is a well established infection and just your first obvious recurrence. If it's a herpes igm then you need to repeat the test with the proper igg test. As I said - hubby needs tested too because this absolutely, positively did not come from a toilet.  Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection which means you need to have sex to get it. Now if you are having sex on a toilet seat - whole different scenerio of course.  Unfortunately I think some providers don't want to deal with herpes when it's diagnosed in a long term relationship and just say things to try to make the patient feel better.  

Hang in there - it is difficult I know when different folks are telling you different things but we work very hard around here to make sure only accurate information is given out on this forum.  Sounds like hubby is trying to support you but because he's not the one with the painful lesions going on right now he just doesn't quite understand the mix of emotions you are going thru.  Give both of yourselves time and explain to him that you might just need to be a little bit sad about it for awhile.  If he's smart - he'll say yes dear and then take you out for dinner :)  

Feel free to ask any questions you have as you come up with them - just keep adding them to this thread so that we can see your "whole story" easily :)


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I read up on Valtrex and their prescribing information said that if you don't start taking the medicine within 72 hrs of first symptoms it may not work at all. The zovirax ointment I was applying is actually making me feel worse. Before applying any ointment I had no discomfort and now I have a tingling sensation.

Everything I read about Herpes said that the lesions look like blisters. I do not have anything like that. I don't know what the heck to think at this point. I am going to wait until Tuesday to find out my culture results and to see which blood test was administered. When I went to the doctor on Friday he did a pap because he saw some discharge, and told me I possibly had an infection. I haven't cried today... hopefully if it turns out that I have this disease it becomes easier to deal with it soon.
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I have been doing some research and I came across info about VZV. If I had the chickenpox as a child is it possible that the test administered to me picked up on that and not HSV II? Apparently VZV is a form of herpes and all herpes viruses are similar including a pattern of active symptoms followed by latent inactive periods that can last for months, years, or even a lifetime.

Does anyone know anything about a relation between the two when it comes to testing?
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101028 tn?1419603004
There are 8 different viruses that are a part of the herpes virus family. think of it as being all the "smiths" in the phone book - they share some characteristics but they have little in common.  That's how the herpes viruses are too. They share the common characteristic of once you have them, you have them in your body for life. Other than that they don't have very much else to do with each other.  The newer igg tests we have now are now influenced by other viral infections like the older ones from over 10 years ago were.  The herpes igm test is totally worthless and you can't rely on its results at all if indeed that was the way you were tested.   Once you get the results of your testing back you'll have a much better idea of if additional testing is needed or not. once hubby gets tested too - even more answers for both of you.

Don't use the zovirax cream any more. It's not worth it.

Did they also give you medication to treat your vaginal infection too?  If so what medicine? Did they say if it's a yeast or bacterial infection?

I know it's a long time until tuesday when you can get more answers :(  Hang in there and try not to dry yourself crazy doing tons of reading. Once you have more solid answers you'll be able to better concentrate on what to do next.


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They did not prescribe any medication for the vaginal infection. I believe he did a pap because he used the speculum and I felt some discomfort when he was swabbing around in there. He did not mention he was performing the pap or anything about when I would get results.
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101028 tn?1419603004
I see I made a typo in my last reply - I meant the newer igg tests we have now are NOT influenced by other viral infections like the older ones 10 years ago.

Ask tuesday what infection they thought you had and why they didn't treat it.  They probably didn't do a pap test since it can be abnormal due to other infections going on but they probably sent off a specimen for testing for infections I"m sure while they were in there.  

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