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HSV Lesions?

05 diagnosed for genital herpes, single red dot size of a pencil eraser on the outside of the vaginal area.  

6 years prior to my diagnosis i developed sporadic break outs of  sores/lesions, resembling a canker/cold sore, circular and oblong in shape, varying in size, no larger than a pencil eraser.  

These lesions were followed by extreme itchiness and appeared on my wrists, back and recently on my lower calf, primarily on the right side of my body.  

Recent breakout looked like 3 - 4" long morse code lesions varying in shape, length and size,  traveling upwards from my ankle. Itchiness and sore during 1 1/2 months healing process.

Possible HSV related lesions?   Something else?  Any suggestions?

16 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
How did they diagnose you as having herpes? do you know if you have hsv1 or hsv2?

The best thing to do is to get your leg lesions cultured and typed. they very well could be herpes simplex or they could be many other things.

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hi grace,

thank you.

kinda hoping someone out there might've recognized these symptoms . . . .

diagnosed by an OBGYN @ Kaiser after a culture was taken, due to the pain and feeling like i had the flu . . .she confirmed her diagnosis as genital herpes.  didn't say and i didn't know there was a difference  . . . .until i found your forum and another in the last two weeks . . .

will make an appointment . . . .and let you know.

jus' me,

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101028 tn?1419603004
well it could be herpes but taking 1 1/2 months to heal really does point in the direction of it being something else going on.  Lots of odd things out there.

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this thread has me concerned now.

I have had lots of systematic symtpoms, malaise and backache but no visible genital sores.

now I have something very similar to curious1957 on my left and to a lessser extent my right ankle. the sores itch like hell at times but were nearly healed at 2 weeks.

genitel herpes appearing on my ankle?

am I losing my mind here or do I need ot go get cultered...?
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Losing your mind.
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waringblender - do you think so really? I appreciate your frustrations with thoae of us with somewhat "questionable" symptoms  - but its real tough when you read others stories the same as your own. these damn things are itchy and look like what the above person describes. I know, I just need to get on with things, but I am trying to protect someone here as well. thanks anyway.
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So what you're telling us is that you had skin-to-skin contact with a person with HSV-2 at the site of your ankles - both of them?

Sorry, but we have gone beyond "questionable." We are now into the "ridiculous."
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I see your point, I really do - and its a good one.
how about the person in this thread though, I know its not been confirmed as HPV on the legs but they say they have it and it is possibly appearing on legs and wrists... etc...

I can accept it is sounding ridiculous now. I hate it as much as anyone else.

does anyone know if herpes could show up in this way?
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101028 tn?1419603004
I'm sticking with herpes on the brain.

Do yourself a favor and turn off the computer and stop obsessing over this. Go do some volunteer work even if it's just helping an older neighbor with some basic chores. Hell come mow my grass for me :)  You are way over the top with your worries about this at this point.  

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thanks Grace. I wish it were so! the outbreak on my ankle looks quite typical, though the sores are red they are in fact painless. two ankles with similar outbreaks together... perhaps thagt indicates primary infection?

anyhow , if anyone has any info for me form experience or otherwise I would love to hear their story.

sorry for being freakishly crazy about this, its just I know something is not right.

ok, Grace I will try hard to turn off this pc right now. best advice at horrible time like this.
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101028 tn?1419603004
There is nothing else we can do for you.  Continued follow up with your provider is the best course of action.

oh and bring a paintbrush and a ladder when you come to mow my grass - I can keep you busy for weeks :)

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there you are!

maybe my healing process takes longer cause i'm an insulin dependent diabetic for years . . .actually thought these lesions were diabetic related . . . . . ..

now i'm wondering if i possibly auto-infected my self ?

any comments?
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I dont know anything about that unfortunately.

so you were diagnosed from having sores on your legs?

mine are painless and sometimes itchy. does this sound familiar to you?
did yours blister each time? I have not noticed blisters yet.

it is a nightmare. this forum does help though.

Grace - I understand, I will follow up with the doctor. but do you think I should have them cultered by a herpes doc?
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101028 tn?1419603004
No it's not autoinnoculation. No worries there. The virus can cause symptoms in odd places sometimes.

Since you are diabetic I advise following up on this immediately. You don't want to neglect any lesions on the legs/feet. You don't even want to see what I've seen because of diabetes  - trust me on this one.

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no blistering, just itchy itch off and on for a couple of days or so, then there it is . .

04' saw a Dermatologist, non-Kaiser:
Itchy rash on the rigjht side of my butt-cheek.  
Examined the lesion (on my wrist), claimed to be familiar w/lesions like mine and diagnosed me w/ sensitive skin, (PS Kaiser docs were clueless. . . . .)

Suggested avoiding all products w/fragrances, cigarettes and coffee.  
Prescribed anti-itch pills and cream.

I avoided fragrances.
At that time, i thought the meds helped, but these funky healing lesions (unlike normal healing, mine do not have a scab that mounds over the middle , it's flat w/ a dimple in the middle - ) continued to appear off and on.

Now, how did this familiar looking lesion end up on my BF's (of 2 1/2 years)  back and tummy?   He has yet to experience a genital outbreak and prefers to be tested when the time comes.

what do your lesion look like?   as they heal?

waiting for a lesion so i can get it swabbed and cultured.

now, where are they when i caould use a good swab - cultured sized one!

thank you all for your insight, input and humor . . . .

i'll bring the ice-tea for grace's lawn mowing event!

jus' me,
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same as you  - itchy on and off

its a small area at the front of my ankle - and has about 4-5 small red sores. entirely painless to scratch but as I say itch on and off.
as they heal - well, I have them around 2 weeks now and I think they were healing (not really scabbing, just fading...) but they are back to square one as I have picked them.
I have some back pain too and had a malaise for a few weeks.

I dont know if any of that is familiar to you - but if it helps thats good.

I think I may have to see a specialist to swabbed.

I cant tell you what kond of mental pain this is bringing. its a nightmare.
also got to control the urge to post here. as Grace says, they cant help me anymore.

hope you feel better
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Millions of people are diagnosed with STDs in the U.S. each year.
STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.