
I've written here on the forum and to the experts a couple of times, trying to sort out and deal my fears of having contracted herpes. Dec. 2009 after drinking and some not smart choices, I lost my virginity to someone I didn't really know a friend of a friend. I had an STD panel excluding herpes, and wrote in to the expert forum and both Doctor HHH, and Edwards didn't feel it necessary to receive herpes blood testing unless I absolutely wanted, and both my GYN and primary doctor have said the same. Dr HHH suggested counseling because my fears were so great which I did, and had a little success.

Since 2009 I have had ongoing symptoms of vaginal pain, and have been to my GYN, Primary doctor, and basically any doctor I could see numerous times for any and every little pain I felt, and each time being told that they see nothing that the pain I feel is most likely due to anxiety.  I have never had any sores or bumps until recently Dec 29 I went to see my primary doctor freaking out due to raised under the skin like bumps on my labia which were itchy she took a look and said they did not look suspicious of herpes at all and looked like maybe sebaceous glands and that everything else looked normal.

The bumps never went away and I feel they have actually multiplied and are once again itchy, (maybe due to my constant bothering and looking at them) when I stretch the skin they look like white spots could they be Fordyce spots? I have an appointment next Tuesday for my annual with my GYN my main question is should I try to get in earlier? My anxiety is really getting the best of me and I would really appreciate your advice.

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101028 tn?1419603004
herpes lesions will come and go with definite periods of no symptoms in between recurrences. it's doubtful that these are herpes from your description.

you need the peace of mind of testing to move on so why not get it so you can deal with this for once and for all?  

11 Responses
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1174003 tn?1308160819
Anytime.  Feel free to let us know how things go and ask us more questions.  :-)  Good luck in school.  
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Thanks you guys so much for your time and the help I appreciate it so much!
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1174003 tn?1308160819
There is a planned parenthood in the San Antonio area.  


That will help you with cost (I know what life is like as a college student.) and they will know a lot better on STD's and testing then anyone as they spend a lot of time dealing with them.  If you continue to run into problems and questions let us know.  
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101028 tn?1419603004
bv commonly causes redness and irritation too.  
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Thanks for the reply I know but the nightly exam is not good on my part but its kind of turned to habit. My provider is not very educated in herpes testing and and says that you can only be tested with lesion. I attend school in San Antonio.

I will ask today about the STD panel and she what my providers says

Thanks again for your reply
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1174003 tn?1308160819
The constant looking in the mirror nightly isn't helping you at this point.  It is fueling your fear.  Trust me I know what you are going through as I have been through the same fear and I know grace can tell you.  So I speak from experince.    

You are seeing your provider and given the situation the chance that this is yeast/bacterial you have a good idea that these bumps could be from that.  I would tell your provider plain and simple you want an STD panel and for that panel to include herpes igg testing.

According to your profile you are in Texas.  If you can give me an idea of the city I can tell you about where to look for some answers.  That may offer testing a little cheaper. I am from Texas as well and pretty familure with our major college towns.  Though I reside in our famous border city.  
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Hi again Grace,

I am taking your advice and going to try and seek out a blood test once I have the money saved. But in the mean time I went to the my GYN Tuesday, and they tested for yeast and bacterial and I tested positive for bacteria which is definitely  something not new to me but last night after my shower I was looking with a hand mirror and notice a small red raw like area (a little bit smaller than a pencil eraser) at the very bottom opening of my vagina you have to open the lips to see. I didn't have any reason to look just paranoid since the whole thing and always do a nightly exam now but now that I know the red spot is there is has begun to hurt.I have no pain with urination or anything like that, but I'm completely freaked out and have made another doctors appointment for tomorrow my question is does this sound like herpes or could it just be irritation from the bv?

So sorry to be a bother and really do realize that I need the blood test to move on but until then thanks so much for answering.

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Thanks again for the advice
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101028 tn?1419603004
if you have the money, order up your own testing through an online testing site like healthcheckusa.com or tstd.org. both run about $110 depending on the area you live in.  you can charge it to a credit card.  you can sometimes find cheaper sites too if you look around.  
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Thank you for you time and responding.

I've been thinking on getting a blood test but seem to go to doctors who do not know much about herpes.

I'm terrified to have the test I'm only 20, in college and still in my parents care my GYN and primary doctor seem to be pretty uneducated in herpes so both say that I can't get tested without lesions. My parents are pretty much tired of hearing about because I've been to the doctor many times and they all say I'm fine. I know there is online testing and things but I'm absolutely terrified and don't have the money. I'm seeing a new GYN Tuesday so maybe I can get the courage to ask him about testing. Because I am at my wits in and feel like I'm going crazy and have not been enjoy life as much as I used too, due to my constant worrying about herpes. I'm really just at a loss of what to do.

thanks again for you time
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.