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Results say No herpes/ Symptoms say Yes Herpes


About 5-6 months ago I had unprotected sex with a female and I contracted something that I thought was herpes.

I had all of the tell tell signs, sore throat, fever, cold sores, painful urination, everything. i got a couple of tests done (4 to be exact), and everything came back negative. That's testing for all STIs and HIV/Herpes.

Ever since then I ha d had no breakouts since. The doctors gave me Valtrex even after the negative results and everything has been fine. I've had sex with 4 partners since then (all unprotected) and everything has been fine with the exception of my last partner.

She had all of the symptoms I had when I first thought I had the virus.  I've gotten tested again to make sure that I don't have anything and I've even checked with the other sexual partners and they have came back clean.

My question is, if this is not herpes like the 4 different results say, then what could it be?

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Let's try to make some sense of this.

No question you have a HSV1 infection. This makes you just like 60% of the adult population. Most likely this is a oral infection based in what you describe.

When you were infected is an open question. Most people are infected in their youth. Some as adults with a sexual partner.

You still don't specify whether this is an IgG test although let's assume it is. The antibodies would not suddenly appear at that level in a succession of tests that you indicate. I there suspect you had the wrong testing for herpes initially and hence may not have ruled out a long term infection.

It now seems possible that through oral sex you have passed the infection to the genitals of your partner. Although rare is can happen even while you have no visible cold sores. The virus is always active and living in you. Sometimes it makes its way to the skins surface and a few of these times will cause cold sores, but not always.
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So I got my results back and im still confused.

My HSV1 came back with a >5.00
My HSV2 came back with a >0.90

In writing it says I've been exposed to the HSV1 virus but it is not active, in that case, how did my last partner get all of my symptoms?

On another sheet it says HSV1, and 2 are negative

We both had symptoms of the HSV2 though.

What could all of this mean?
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So I got my results back and im still confused.

My HSV1 came back with a >5.00
My HSV2 came back with a >0.90

In writing it says I've been exposed to the HSV1 virus but it is not active, in that case, how did my last partner get all of my symptoms?

On another sheet it says HSV1, and 2 are negative

We both had symptoms of the HSV2 though.

What could all of this mean?
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So I got my results back and im still confused.

My HSV1 came back with a >5.00
My HSV2 came back with a >0.90

In writing it says I've been exposed to the HSV1 virus but it is not active, in that case, how did my last partner get all of my symptoms?

On another sheet it says HSV1, and 2 are negative

We both had symptoms of the HSV2 though.

What could all of this mean?
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1998092 tn?1391242845
Was your very last test a blood test? Which brand/kind, and what was the ab count (the number)?

How long ago did she present with symptoms?
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This may or may not be herpes, but if it is, and what you describe indicates some reasonable chance that it is, then HSV1 is a real possibility.

You may well have been infected with oral HSV1 6 months back. It is even possible you have been infected longer, even since you were very young. If that was true then maybe you had an outbreak of oral HSV1 that was assisted by an unrelated illness that gave you some other symptoms.

Transmission rates are not high per episode. Hence a handful of episodes in most cases will not result in transmission. Those women could also have had HSV1 meaning further infection is not at all probable.

Through oral sex an oral infection can transfer to genitals.

I recommend you and your partner seek firm diagnoses. She should have a swab test and blood test immediately. It must be IgG antibodies type specific for HSV1 and HSV2.

I am also still vague on what tests you have had, but I do know the Westernblot will give you a conclusive answer to your status.
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Her cold sores are below the belt. Mine were above. That's what I don't understand

I'm the only person she has been with and it didn't happen til we had sex.

I've had sex with three other people before her and nothing has happened, all negative results after being tested.

But my last partner has all the symptoms I had.
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I'm also assuming this test was 5 months after you first noticed the lesion? You need 16 week from symptoms to test for a conclusive negative.

Let's also assume that the test was for IgG antibodies, but you must confirm this from the lab report. Any other test, such as PCR or IgM is not conclusive.

Then, one of two things will be true.

First possibility, you do not have herpes... aren't you glad you don't pay for this advice!

Second though is that you are amongst about 10% of people who are infected with HSV1 who do not test positive on commercial blood tests. You have a couple of options. Have a fresh sore swabbed on your face or obtain a Westernblot test for HSV.

I'm not really sure what else it could be. Does this partner really have cold sores up or down?
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The lesions were only in my mouth.

I also have my results from the lab both stating that I was negative for HSV1 and HSV2.
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Let's take it slowly... if I understand correctly, there was an sexual partner 5-6 months ago that straight after you developed symptoms.

Are you saying that these symptoms were only on your mouth in terms of lesions?

What tests did you have to confirm the negatives regarding herpes that you refer to? They must be IgG antibody tests type specific for HSV1 and HSV2 to have credibility.
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Thanks for your response.

I just took a test today and it was for all STI's/HIV/Herpes.

When I had my outbreak it was not on the genitals, but hers are. That is what's scaring me.

No the cold sores weren't swabbed because they were healed at the time (around my mouth). They only drew blood every time.
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Focussing on the last test you have had, what kind of test was it and what were the exact results?

Are we talking about genital herpes here? Where the cold sores swabbed at the time?
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
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STDs can't be transmitted by casual contact, like hugging or touching.
Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.