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Having 1.03 HSV1 Result

Hello Everyone!
Hope you are all well.

I was just told by my PCP that I tested positive for HSV1 with a result of 1.03.  When researching it I noticed that is was like a low positive. When speaking to my doctor I asked him what in the world did I do to get this? He said not to worry that almost everyone carries with this virus.
I have been together with my husband for almost 16 years and married with him 1 year.  We have 2 beautiful children together and I am a mess emothionally.  I had an HSV1 and HSV2 test before and they have always been negative. So I am very stressed about this result.  I do not even let my husband touch me or kiss me for that matter since I do love him very much and do not want to give him anything that I have.  He tells me he does not care that if I leave him because of this is silly. That is he gets it he gets it but I do not share his same view. I am a true mess at this moment. Please help!!!!!!

21 Responses
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897535 tn?1295206435
"But he tells me he does not care where I have it that he wants us to stay as normal as possible and that if he gets it so be it."

Your result is negative, so not sure why you still seem to be worried about this. If you are concerned about herpes, your husband would absolutely need to be tested - it's a two way street here.

I think the other poster planted the idea about you having genital HSV1 - disregard it.
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Thank you so much Grace for you response.  Should I get retested or should I just ignore and keep living my life as usual and see if I ever get a symptom?  My husband and I sure have had our ups and downs in our marriage nothing is perfect. I love him very much and if I didn't know he loved me before I sure know it now lol.

I am afraid I might have it (down south) and never had a symptom or anything and I might pass it on to him.  I wouldn't want to be the cause of anything like that for anyone.  But he tells me he does not care where I have it that he wants us to stay as normal as possible and that if he gets it so be it.  

I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to my children. They are the most important thing in my life. I sleep, eat and live for them everyday.  They are what keeps me together. And I want to be as educated as possible so that I can teach them the correct thing and they won't be freaking out as I am today.  
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Thank you soooo much Petal130.  Indeed you brought some confort to me.  I am praying and hoping it is negtive.  I do not know if to retest and if I do and my numbers go up I will probably be a bigger mess from before.  My husband said he is not gonna get tested and that he does not care.  I have not had any sexual contact with him for a while and I am afraid that if I do he will get it if I have it and he doesn't.
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101028 tn?1419603004
indeed your hsv1 is negative. no reason for any concern.

statistically 1 out of every 2-3 people you know has hsv1. Even though you are testing negative for it, your husband might even have it - you won't know unless he gets tested though I completely agree with the sentiment of you've been together 16 years, who really cares at this point??  Oral herpes is incredibly common and nothing you should ever be scared of dear - be educated about it so you can pass on common sense advice to your children when they are older and need to start being aware of such common infections :)

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897535 tn?1295206435
Your doctor is incorrect; anything below 1.09 is negative (although Grace is our test results expert and we leave the analysis for her!)

Herpes testing - if you and hubby want to know statuses - it's a two way street. But after 16 years, is there a reason you got tested?

Even if you did have it - indeed family members (that big smooch from Auntie) are typically who to thank for it. Your question, " I am wondering if i could have gotten it from any of my family members that regularly get cold sores and are so loving and affectionate with me" is pretty much a big yes for most of us (but, not you based on your testing). More than 1/2 the adult population has oral herpes (with only about 30% every having symptoms to know it). By the time we make it to the old folks home, more than 80% will have it.

So is it a big deal? Nope. Are you overreacting as to not touching or kissing your husband, or for that matter your kids? Very much so (even if you actually had herpes). It's not the plague or impetigo, dear. But if you both want to know your herpes status (HSV1 and HSV2), then you can both get IgG type specific blood tests.

Lastly, even IF you were positive, no reason to to think it is anything but oral herpes.

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Patience lol I was going crazy waiting for them to respond and was excited when they did! Grace and Petal pop in daily and answer posts. They are great arent they? lol Im in a dilemna right now because a therapist made my gf feel disgusting and this certaintly isnt something to feel disgusting aout since she was never sleeping around with anyone.

Feel free to read other posts even the medical forums from the doctors. Youll learn a great deal of this as I have :)
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Yeah OMG I just noticed. Your thread was what incouraged me to make one of my own :). Thank you! How could I get a hold of them?
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Trust me you are very normal, this doesnt change the person you are!! My gf has it and she is still the same girl I met before this. This is just something we deal with together. Grace is the guru for hsv :) She has really calmed my anxiety as I have been trying to help my gf with hers. Read my post on "Genital hsv 1 What am I dealing with". Grace and Petal have been great at filling me in with the info. They will give you the nitty on hsv and what to expect.
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I don't know what NORMAL is anymore. :(
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Who is Grace and how can I speak to her? :)
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Yea my gf just went to a therapist and told her nasty things. In my opinion I do not see it as a big deal as it is only a skin condition. And you might not ever outbreak. A lot of people have this orally and they never have an outbreak or dont experience any symptoms. Most people confuse them with canker sores but they are no where near that. Its two completely different things.

My gfs GYN also told her that hsv 1 was not a big deal as everyone has it and it will do nothing but just be annoying. My gf is 23. So you can imagine how she felt that she has always thought of this as being bad and you have people telling you its no big deal which it isnt. People just associate it with a stigma. No one needs to know but your husband. But hsv 1 is so common. Just by reading the forums you can see how many people have this and comment on this. It will do little to no effect in your daily life. You are normal!
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Mine was IGG 1.03
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Was it an IGG or IGM? IGMs shouldnt be ordered because they cross react. 1.03 is low but not positive. Grace would be better to explain this. Ive seen on other forums that <1.10 is considered false positive.
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My doctor said I was probably exposed sometime in March since the levels are so low and that it does not mean I will ever get an outbreak. That most people do not have an outbreak and they do not know they even have it since it is so common.  I hate the fact that they say is so common. I mean really.

I feel like your GF I feel my life is over like I don't deserve to live. Some people tell me I should get professional pshy help and it mught help, but some of those doctors could make you feel even worst and I and trying to cope with it on my own.
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I have not in anyway had any symptoms and well my husband and I never got tested before getting married. Back in February I was tested and was negative.  Now in April I tested positive with an index of 1.03. So I am not sure what the heck happened. I know he has not cheated on me or slept around and I have not cheated on him. So I am not sure what happened in between February and April.  
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Your husband needs to get tested. As adults hsv 1 is almost always transmitted through passionate/rough kissing. My gf for instance was negative for both. I dated her before she got with her ex bf who passed his hsv 1 to her. He had oral hsv1 and she was uanware of it as he thought it wasnt a big deal and was for the most part in denial that it was herpes. After 2 days of exposure she had her initial outbreak and of course it was from him as he developed a sore on his lips shortly after.

Have you had an outbreak of any sort orally or genitally? At this point no clear way of knowing where your hsv 1 is if you have it. You will need to be retested, most importantly your husband. Did you guys test before getting married?
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I guess what frustrates me the most is the fact that I have no idea how I got it since I have always been negative for it.  When doing my research I noticed that it does not have to be sexually transmitted. I am wondering if i could have gotten it from any of my family members that regularly get cold sores and are so loving and affectionate with me.  

And if that is the case so be it I have never pushed any of my family away do to HSV1 but I am affraid they might do it to me.  However, I am very scared of having an outbreak of some sort.  Do you know if outbreaks are do to how high or low your index is?

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I know I thought I was the only one, my gf has ghsv 1! I agree with your doctor you shouldnt let this get to you plus you are married with children. From what I know since its a low positive its considered in the range of a false positive. Chances are if you do retest and get a number over 3 I think then thats definitely a positive and you have hsv 1. Its a very common virus moreso a nuisance. Children pick this virus up from putting toys that were in others childrens mouths in theirs! Its not terminal it wont kill you or pose any long term damages on your body. My gf had a tough time dealing with her diagnoses and still has her days but I know its justa pesky skin condition like the chicken but not entirely like the chicken pox. Almost everyone in the US has hsv 1 orally and a small portion have ghsv 1.

Dont let this take over your mind. Listen to your husband hes not making it a big deal. I dont have hsv 1 my gf does. When she told me I told her the exact same thing your husband told you I made a commitment to her and we will both deal with it no matter what.
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I meant live with myself! sorry.
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My doctor told me it was a low positive and that he sees no reason for a retest. I do not know what to do!

No he does not want to get tested he says he doesn't care. He says he married me cause he has loved me for the 16 years we have been together. My daughter is going to be 15 and my son is 8. He said that as long as he is not going to die from it he does not care :').  I love my husband to death but I wouldn't be able to leave with myself if he got something from me.

And yes I am from the bronx and it is great to know someone from the bronx is in fact on this forum. :)
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Was your husband tested to see what his status for hsv 1 is? 1.03 is a low positive and you would have to retest to know if it really is a positive.

I noticed your from the Bronx :) Its nice to know Im not the only one on this forum from the BX.
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