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does this sound like herpes? Long post with extensive history

My last sexual contact was 3 years ago, I am with my current girlfriend now. It's been a year. priorly, I did not have a sexual experience for two years. I had a scabies episode 6 months ago. I'd wore a short of a friend that had crusted scabies caused by his suppressed immune system due to his kidney transplant. The rash appeared between my thighs first, then I heard that he was diagnosed.

Me and my current girlfriend both did the permethrin treatment two times. I have a very problematic / atopic skin so I experienced a wide range of post scabies symptoms including continuing rashes, eczema which I still deal with, and post scabies nodules on my thighs, buttocks and genitals. They first appeared after around 10 days post treatment. The ones on my genitals were mostly on my testicles. They were firm, round, and very itchy. I read extensively about the post scabies nodules, and learned that they were caused by the overreaction of the immune system. I applied tee tree oil on them and they slowly (took months) went away. I also had them on my penis. Around the head, and sometimes on the shaft as well. The ones on my shaft didn't break but were firm and very itchy. The tip ones, however, sometimes broke and oozed fluid. It was probably because of irritation (masturbation etc.) NONE OF THE NODULES WERE PAINFULL, NOR DID I EVER FELT DISCOMFORT FROM THEM APART FROM ITCHING.

Last week, approx. 6 months after the initial treatment, I felt one nodule on my tip again. It came with itching not localized on the nodule itself, but around the head like the first time. Me and my girlfriend did not have sex, but engaged in mutual masturbation, and frottage which might have caused irritation on the nodule and caused it to break and ooze fluid again. I did not feel any pain during that process. However, I began questioning the possibility of herpes. I think it is important to note that my sexual history isn't extensive. I had two girlfriends previously. I didn't engaged in any penetrative sex with the first one (only oral) which was around 5 years ago (I am 25 years old). I engaged in some frottage and mutual masturbation with the second girlfriend. I tried penetration once without a condom, but it didn't happen otherwise I would know. She didn't mention me having herpes, nor did she complain about having an outbreak. When I asked her about her STD status, she said that she never got tested but would use condoms for any penetrative sex, and I believe her. This second relationship lasted 4 months. I never experienced any type of genital discomfort or itching before my permethrin treatment.

Considering my history and symptoms, Do you think that it is herpes? Can I have such a delayed first outbreak? Can I have herpes lesions without pain and burning for the first outbreak? Mind you, my first nodules on my testicles and shaft did not break open and ooze fluid. I can't remember feeling sick either.

Thank you
2 Responses
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207091 tn?1337709493
Why did you think herpes? Was it just because of the location?

Because you have hsv1 already, if you were to get hsv2, it might be milder, and you might not get all of the symptoms someone else might when newly infected - you might not feel ill, for example.

That said, I see no reason to think this is herpes. You can always get one of the sores cultured and find out if it's herpes. That's the easiest and most reliable way to find out.

You don't have a lot of risk. You already have oral hsv1, so your chances of getting genital hsv1 are very low, and you haven't had a lot of chances to get hsv2.

I'd be surprised if this was hsv2.
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Thank you so much for the reply Jessi! The main reason was the location of the spots, yes. Also, I don't want to be the reason why my current girlfriend gets infected by herpes. Even though I do not know her hsv status, and she had many more partners before me ı don't think she ever got tested for herpes either since it's not included in the typical STD checks in Turkey where I live. I don't think its hsv1 because of my already acquired partial immunity. Also, since I do have oral herpes, I do know how an outbreak starts. The tingling, very sensitive lesion area, and the pain after the lesion forms is very familiar to me. I did not experience any pain while the penial sores was forming or when it opened up and oozed fluid. I was about to get a IGG test today from a private clinic, but they offered me to do a IGm and IGg test together, and from what I read on askexpertsnow.com from Doc Terry, the Igm test is pretty useless. So, I opted out from it. It was pretty expensive anyways.

That said, I'd like to pick your brains on something. What would make you think that it is herpes? Could you elaborate on that please?
Also, I had bit of pain at the tip of my penis for 3 days or so, but it was after me and my girlfriend engaged in frottage (irritation), so that might be the cause of it. I did not notice any ulcers at the tip during that 3 days period. The lesions are almost gone now with some redness left. They will probably leave some scarring behind since I had them after my post scabies nodules. Classic herpes lesions don't leave any scarring after healing I think. That would also add to the probability of not being herpes.
I didn't say I thought this was herpes. I don't see any reason to think it is. You have a good explanation for the symptoms you have.

Is the IgG you can get a type specific one? Will it differentiate between type 1 and type 2? If it doesn't, it's a waste of your time and money. You already have type 1, so if it doesn't give you separate results for each, it's going to be positive, and you won't know if it's for type 1, or both type 1 and 2.

The IgM is absolutely useless. It's wrong at least as often as it is right, and it also isn't type specific. It can also be reactive during an outbreak, and might pick up on established hsv1 antibodies. No one really knows why it's wrong so often. Definitely don't waste your money on that.

Herpes sores do not leaves scars. They might be red for a time after - maybe a week or so - but then the skin will return to normal.

You seem really concerned that this is herpes. You've talked to a doctor on AskExpertsNow, you've done some research. You really have such low risk for it.

I don't know if you realize how low the chances of you getting hsv2 from a woman are. If you were in a long term, monogamous relationship with someone who had hsv2, and all you did was avoid sex when she had symptoms, you'd have a 4% chance of getting hsv2 from her PER YEAR. Not per encounter - per year.

If you used condoms OR she took daily meds, like valacyclovir, it would be 2% per year. If both of those were used, it would be 1%.

I really don't think you have cause for concern here.
Thank you so much for this extended reply Jessi. I indeed talked with Doc Terri. She initially said that my blisters and oozing is concerning and I might need a test. However, after explaining my sexual history, she replied a couple of minutes ago saying that "Well, that is all very helpful indeed, and it decreases my feeling that you need an HSV 2 antibody test.  When people tell me they have spots on their penis and they open and ooze, I surely get concerned about HSV.  But your sexual history doesn't sound terribly risky.  Condoms reduce transmission from women to men so condoms are definitely not perfect, but they are useful. I can't say with certainty that you don't have HSV but it seems a lot less likely given your sexual history." I had explained to her that I did have frottage and genital rubbing with my previous girlfriend, and before that, I only had oral encounter with one individual like I explained it to you. However, if I ever get lesions again, I will get them checked out since it will be even further apart from my scabies episode. I will not get sexual with my girlfriend during that time. For now, I understand that my chance of having hsv2 is miniscule and can be ignored.
Terri is the best there is.

I don't know a whole lot about scabies, but if you and your gf are trying to get rid of them, I would think it's a good idea to avoid genital to genital contact while you have symptoms.

Also, you need to be treating your bed sheets, towels, etc. Wash those in hot water frequently, etc.

Well, scabies is a mystery on their own. I am 100% confident that we are cured since we didn't infect each other after treatment. However, even though the scabies are dead, their waste stays in the skin causing a skin reaction after treatment. Permethrin itself is a pretty abrasive lotion too, so two of them combined can cause problems.
Unlucky ones like me can experience what is  called "post scabies syndrome". which includes continuing rashes, blisters, dystrophic eczema which I also developed on my hands and feet, and nodules. you can find the pictures in this article,. They look exactly like the ones I had.


These can take a long time to heal. However, that does not mean that the scabies aren't cured. People often think otherwise and re-apply the cream causing a chain reaction of symptoms and treatment. I heavily applied the cream between my thighs and groin area. One could even say that I applied too much. Therefore, the first two to three months were horrible. I had constant itching, folliculitis, and nodules that itch terribly. That is why I mentioned my scabies episode at the beginning of my post. I was dealing with nodules when I first experienced the disturbances around my groin, therefore herpes never crossed my mind since I knew that the whole range of other symptoms I had pointed out something different. However having them again after some time made me question. Looking back, I can now say to myself that "You didn't think the problems you had were herpes related when they were much worse, so why are you so worried about it now?" You eased my worries. Thank you
Wow, sounds miserable!

I'm glad I helped ease your worries. Go do something fun this weekend. You certainly sound like you need it. :)
Thank you Jessi. I need to finish some translations first because I'm an interpreter :). I will try to look over this paranoia and move forward. I tend to dwell on things that are not completely resolved in my mind, but I think there is no reason to worry anymore. I will try to fight off the urge to get tested. At least for now since I do not experience anything currently. Staying away from the internet might help as well.
Staying away from the internet ALWAYS helps. :)

Hope you are doing well. :)
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I forgot to add, I do have cold sores around my mouth and nose time to time. Meaning I do have HSV-1 since childhood.
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