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burning inside tip of penis

a little over a month ago, i had unprotected sex with a female who approximately 2 weeks later was diagnosed as having HSV2.  i still haven't presented with any of the obvious symptoms such as bumps or warts on my penis, but i've experienced an on-again off-again burning sensation just inside of the tip of my penis.  most of the time i would say it's simply irritating, though for a day or two about a week ago it did move up to what i would call painful.  i went to the doctor on the second "painful" day and he ran blood tests for herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea, all of which came back negative, and he also did a urine analysis, which came back clean.  after seeing my doctor, over the holiday weekend, i pulled the tip of my penis apart and looked in (it hadn't occurred to me to do this prior for some reason) and saw what looked like might've been a cold sore type wound about 1/4 of an inch inside.  i couldn't really get a very good look at it, but it appeared grayish.  the area immediately around it didn't appear to be any more red than the nearby skin.  i had actually assumed it had healed up and was going away because over the past weekend, it didn't bother me at all, but then suddenly today the burning sensation has come back again (to irritating level, not painful).  i haven't had any sexual activity since october 30, which was when i slept with the girl that turned out to have herpes.

i realize that a blood test for herpes can come back with a false negative if done too soon.  my blood test was done approximately 4 1/2 weeks after the exposure, but am i wrong in thinking that, since i had this sore (assuming it is herpes) for a full week prior to testing, wouldn't i have developed antibodies by then?  also, why would the burning go away for upwards of 3 days and then return?  any thoughts/suggestions are welcome and appreciated.  thanks.
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1086168 tn?1285353444

Looks like you and I have simular symptoms.  Around 3 weeks after a possible contact I bagan to have a slight stinging/burning sensation at the tip.  I saw 2 red spots that went away in about 2 days.  The stining and burning waxed and weened for the next 7 weeks.  In this time I've had tests done at 4 weeks and 7 weeks, both negative for everything including HSV 1 and 2.  The red spots inside my urethra have never returned, and just recently my symptoms have started to go away.  I've been wondering how much of this was anxiety driven causing chronic pelvic pain syndrome like urethraits....  Although it worries me to see the simularities in your and my symptoms (I don't know the HSV status of my possible cause).

To answer your questions,

Most people that have HSV 1 and 2 will test positive between 12 and 16 weeks so that is what they recomend for testing.  However, there is some new research that shows with the herpeselect test (IGG) that 60-75% of people will test positive by 6 weeks.  Around 1 in 5 don't build enough antibodies until 6 months to test positive.  

I've read alot about herpetic urethratis and from what I've seen the symptoms are supposed to be very painful...  Grace loves this one, but "like pissing on the third rail on the subway" or pudding if you mistype like I do :)  Basically it's supposed to be extremely painful.  

I'm really hoping that neither of us have herpetic urethratis and that the symptoms are just anxiety driven.  When I've described this situation to Grace and others, they don't think it sounds like herepes.

When did your symptoms appear?  Have your sores returned?  If they do, go back to the doctor and have him do a viral swab.  You'll be able to know right then if you have herpes.

Feel free to send me a PM if you want to talk more off line.

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thanks for the response, borat!

i haven't seen any red spots at all, and the sore that i thought was healed is, evidently, still there.  i tried to get a better look at it today, and it's still a grayish color in the exact same spot as i'd noticed about a week ago.  it doesn't appear to have gotten any larger or smaller, it's just idling,  so to speak.  my doctor is on vacation tomorrow, of course, so i have to wait until monday before i can see him.

i've been very anxious about this whole situation, too, and had thoughts wondering just how much of this was in my head and how much of it was the real deal.

in regards to the herpetic urethritis, what little i can find on it mentions discharge and pain during urination, which i've had neither.  the burning sensation i have is very random, and as i said, not to the point of being painful necessarily, just very irritating.  if i'm up and walking around and busy with something, i don't even really notice it.  it's just when i'm sitting or laying down doing nothing that i really start noticing it.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Sorry to hear your doctor won't be around tomorrow...  If you can get the spot swabbed you may be able to get a clear answer one way or another.  I've read a bunch of posts on hear from guys with urethral pain, usually burning on the tip.  From what I've gathered a bunch of them are guilt ridden or have extreme anxiety.  I would put myself in the extreme anxiety box and hope that's what's creating the symptoms.  It's kind of humorous, but after I read that research on 60-75 % of people with HSV test positive at 6 weeks...  my symptoms seemed to completely withdrawl.  The thing that makes me conitnue to worry about this (besides a stinging and burning penis tip) is the two little sores I saw around 10 weeks ago.  I haven't found any good sources for what may of cause those to occur and hence I'm in the same place as you.  I will be taking a HSV test again next week (will be close to 12 weeks).  Hopefully it will be negative, and I'll pass you the results.  

If you are still in contact with the girl you had sex with, I would ask her if she had an outbreak or symptoms anywhere near your sexual encounter.  While she could of had asymtomatic shedding, you're chances of contracting it are smaller if she didn't have any visible sores or physical symptoms.  

Do your best to try and relax (trust me I know this is hard to do) and not think too much about it.  The mind is a powerful thing and can cause all kinds of symptoms to pop up that are not related to an actaul illness.  

By the way, did the symptoms start before or after you found out she tested positive for HSV 2 and how long after the possible exposure did the symptoms start?
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well, the story with the girl goes that she and i had intercourse on october 30.  on november 11, she started in with what i presume were prodromal symptoms - low grade fever, fatigue, that lot.  by november 13, she had started to break out with blisters and sores, and by november 16 it was full tilt boogie.  she said it felt like someone had taken a sandblaster to her naughty bits.  and this was her initial/primary breakout that happened, so i'm really not sure if i could've got it from her prior to her prodromal symptoms, or if maybe i contracted some kind of weird bacterial infection from her and that's what's causing this, or... what.  i'm assuming for the time being that it's herpes, though.  when we were outlining the timeframe, she said she'd slept with another guy on november 9, and he broke out with blisters and sores almost immediately; i think she said it was 3 days after intercourse that he broke out.

anyway, my symptoms started not quite a week after hers did (she was positively diagnosed with hsv on november 16) - november 18, i believe, was the first day i noticed a burning sensation, which would've been 19 days after the exposure.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
So the guy that she slept with on the 9th could of had herpes and not known it, and given it to her...  or vice versa.  From what I've read, close to three weeks is a bit delayed if you are going to have and outbreak after being infected, but the norm is 2 - 20 days so who knows....  For me it was three weeks until I started to feel the stinging and then burning.  If you can't get to your doctor, any planned parenthood can take you as a walk in or via appointment.  Trust me, from someone who can't get a sore swabbed and know the answer for sure for a while....  I would go to PP and get the test done.  

Your symptoms started after finding out she was HSV postive, so the anxiety thing still plays...  Hopefully that's all it is.  

Grace, as I'm no expert on this subject....

Please chime in and tell us nutcases what you think.
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oh, i don't know how i could've possibly forgotten to include this - the girl found out a guy she had dated previously (through the month of october) had herpes, so he's very likely the person who gave it to her.  she didn't sleep with him through the entire month save for twice, both times around the very end of the month, october 23-26, somewhere in there.  so that's very likely when she was exposed, because she gets tested for stds roughly every three months anyway, and she had tested clean as recently as october 1.

of course, it's totally possible she had gotten herpes before then and it just wasn't showing in her test results because she might not have had it 6+ weeks yet, but based on what i've read, i don't think it follows the norm for her to have gotten it way back in august or september and then have a huge initial outbreak in the middle of november.  or am i wrong there?  (cause i'm certainly no expert here)
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Well, the norm for herpes seems to be there isn't one.  They say the norm for a symptoms to poop up is 2-20 days, although I believe most people that do have breakouts have them in the first week or so.  With that being said, people can have HSV2 and be asymptomatic for years, and have a random break out later.  Regardless, it sounds like the chain went this guy to her then to the next guy and you may be in the middle.  It's frustrating that there is so little information about herpetic urethratis.  I only found one post from around 2006 on another forum that details two guys that have it.  No discharge, no external sores, just really bad urethratis.  However, unlike us, they have extreme pain and they both seemed to have a symptom like battery acid travelling through the urethra following ejaculation.  Other than that I found a medical journal from the 1930's depicting an obreak of urethral herpes in a male.  Very different from what we are going through.  

The best thing you could do is go and get the sore swabbed before it goes away...  that way you'll know for sure if you contracted it or not.  Seeing how we seem to have simular symptoms, I'll let you know how things work out with me next week.  12 weeks isn't a 100%, but it's in the thick of the bell curve for people buildig enough anti-bodies to test for HSV2.  

Grace is like an angel on this website...  I'm sure she will chime in when she gets a chance and tell you what she thinks.  Keep posting if you have any other questions and I'm hoping the best for you brotha.

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1086168 tn?1285353444

poop up.

To bad there isn't an edit function on here :)
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1086168 tn?1285353444

after posting with you my symptoms returned..  I've had a stinging to burning right at the tip since around 12 last night.  Not sure if it's the anxiety again, or just the cycle that's been going on for 10 long weeks.  

Hope you're feeling better today,


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i'm sorry to hear that, borat.  i've got some very,  very mild burning this morning, which is basically par for the course for me by this point.  i called my doctor's office this morning, hoping maybe to get an appt with one of the other doctors in the building, but nobody had anything open (the clinic closes at 1 on fridays).  i'm not sure where the local planned parenthood chapter is, but i probably couldn't get away from work as it is anyway... looks like i'm waiting until monday.
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     I too had the same symptons as you. about 2 days after sex, I tip of my penis hurt reall bad. the first night was unbearable, but later was tolerable. about 3 1/2 weeks I got tested for HSV1 and 2. problem is I don't know what type of blood test. I was told all blood test were 100%. When I went to get tested the doctor didn't see anyhing visible. I got my test back and it just said it was positive for HSV 1 and 2. No numbers and my Dr told me that there were no such things as false positive. I knew I had HSV1 but not 2. I am really hoping my test was a false positive. I am going to get a type IgG test when  I get back to the states. It's been 8 weeks and my penis still burns a little. but not as much. The possitive herpe test really freaked me out. and started getting tingling feeling. But I believe that is comming from anxiety. I was told burning on the tip of your penis for that long is not a herpe sympton.
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1086168 tn?1285353444
Grace just replied to my other post " urethral herpes? Please help". She still doesn't think this is herpes.  Your positive test could if been an Igm test that tend to have alot if false positives, and if you don't know if they tested for HVS 2 or not there's no way your doctor can say you have it.

When you get back get an igg test,

I'll let you know how this works out from my side, if it is anxiety then hopefully it may be for you guys as well.

Mirvus,  you'll be the first one with results if they do a viral swab on Monday.  Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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    Even my Dr told me it didn't seem like Herpes and told me the pain was in my head. I was told I was becoming a hypocondriate (sp). I am really hoping it's not herpes. Once I started educating myself about possible false possitive and anxiety level went down. the itching and numbness in my pinkie finger went away. I have had that in the past when I got real nervous. I was expressing myself one morning and I had a long golden crytsal type came out of my penis. I was hoping it would be kidney stones. I thought that might be the reason my penis was hurting but it continue. it's starting to get better 8 weeks from the start. I just can't wait to get home.
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   One more thing, It never hurt when I was urinating. I thought it was odd. I have two very small lesion on the uretha but my doctor told it wasn't anything.
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    The Dr gave me a hand a hand out he printed from the computer and it just saidn HSV1 possitive and HSV2 possitive. I also read that 3 to 4 weeks to pretty early get tested.  I started googling burning senation on tip of penis and started to freak out. I just don't think it's normal herpes sympton to be going for 8 weeks. I started to think maybe HSV2 gave me NGU. but no lesions.
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i went to the doctor today.  the burning had stopped completely for the better part of a week, but starting coming back day before yesterday, and had actually progressed to a light stinging sensation by this morning.  so went to the doc, and had to see a doctor which isn't my regular, but one of his partners.  i showed him what i thought was the aforementioned sore just inside the tip of my penis, and he said he barely saw anything at all.  the sore is ever so slightly smaller than what it was a week or so ago, but just barely.  anyway, he decided against performing bloodwork or getting a culture (he didn't see much to get a culture FROM, he said, and i was just tested with bloodwork two weeks ago) but still wrote me a prescription for valtrex just in case.  he said if the burning was still bothering me in a week to come back and they'd do blood work again and see if it had turned positive (i'll be seven weeks post-exposure by that point).

all in all, i guess it's a relief that he didn't believe it to be herpes, but i'm still in the same boat that i've been in where i don't know for sure one way or the other.  i'll be glad to get bloodwork done again in a week, because i figure that will likely be my answer, for better or worse.
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1086168 tn?1285353444

glad to hear the doc thinks you're HSV clear!  My 11 week test results came back
negative, and ever since I started to doubt this was herpes related my symptoms have almost gone away.  I'm still not sure if it was just anxiety or what, but it doesn't look to be HSV.  This is good news for you as we seemed to be in the same boat as symptoms.  If you get a test done after 6 weeks it should be 60-75 % accurate for antibodies, that should give you some peace of mind.

Good luck and let me know how it comes out.

One last thought, I read a big about CPPS and it talked about muscle relaxing.  I noticed I was finding my muscles that stop urine flow/move the penis contracted alot.  I started trying to relax them, like the feeling when you urinate and it seemed to help.  Anxiety may of caused the muscles to over react and thus the stinging and burning.  Let me know if that helps.  Have a great weekend!
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sounds like we are all going through pretty similar situations (not to say we necessarily have the same thing going on in our bodies). Borat, it's definitely very encouraging to hear your HSV 11 week test is negative!

So for the past 1.5 months I have been going through the same tingling/irritation at tip of penis, some short stretches where it seemed to go away then come back. I was checked twice by an std clinic, chlam/gon/ngu negative no physical problems. never any pain during urination, sometimes right after but usually i would already be having pain before anyhow. never was treated as they could not find anything.

a new symptom for me this week was a dull ache in my left testicle that was coupled with small amount of clear/mucus like discharge. happened twice this week so I went back to a new std clinic in my area and the dr decided to treat me for the first time.

i received a shot of ceftriaxone and azithromycin orally. as he explained it, even sometimes the ngu tests can be too sensitive and there can actually be something there. plus my testicle ache/discharge was a classic example of possible epididymitis.

Mirvus - have you been treated at all with any medication? it can't really hurt i dont think and if may also help you out anxiety-wise.
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the doctor gave me two prescriptions today - one for generic valtrex (twice a day for a week), and an antibiotic called azithromycin that he said was used for some urinary infections and chlamydia (even though i tested negative for chlamydia two weeks ago).  i took the antibiotic, but i'm holding off on taking the antiviral just yet since i'm not actually broken out.  i figured i'd give the antibiotic a couple of days to do it's thing, and things aren't getting any better, i'll move over to the antiviral and see if that does it.
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So is hopeful the only one in this thread(besides myself now) who has had testicular pain?  Any others?  2 days after the dreaded intercourse which was on the night of the 18th, I began to feel the tingling in my thighs and tip of penis.  It was the feeling as if it were being pinched at the tip.  Three days after the incident and bringing anxiety to the woman involved she noticed a "bump/blister" on herself.  It did sting to be inside her but I hadn't had skin contact in so long I thought this might be a little okay.  Though on the way home I was sure something was wrong.  Even before I was sure something was wrong, like the world was screaming at me to not go see her.  I almost shut my phone off but didn't want to be rude.  Wish I had.  Or just call to talk instead of going over to hang out per her invite.  Last tues she had a positive culture.  She slept with a guy in October, not sure how many times and before then was in a 9 month relationship and before then was married for x years.  

Anyhow last Sunday, the 2 1/2 week mark, my urethra and testicles became swollen.  I can't remember any urine discharge but it just hurt so much in general.  And this was during work where i'm on my feet the whole time.  I walked as if i'd just ridden a horse.  Upon returning home the pain somewhat subsided as I wasn't so stressed.  I went to the store and bought L-Lysine and Zinc and the swelling went away that night.  Although I had taken about 5 pills of bayer and aleve that very early morning when the pain begain after midnight.  Urine had smelled foul and was dark but after that it hadn't been so much.  Was dark today but I drank a glass of tea.  Burning still there a little in my thighs, teste pain is mostly gone aside from a light throb.  Haven't noticed blisters but I saw little bumps on each side rear.  A little bigger than goose bumps.  I should have waited for later this week(4 week post exposure) but the hsv and planned parenthood counselors suggested I get it done for ease of mind.  That I could wait but since I was so high anxiety to just go have it done.

You guys seem supportive of each other and I could use some too.  So far i've only told two trusting coworkers.  I fear I might have spread the infection via a small cut on the top of my index finger to my lips and eyes before I found out she did have herpes.  Eyes itch but could be to lack of sleep, lips also, maybe from not drinking enough water.  Your 11 week results are wonderful and I hope I can join in when the time comes but I fear come tomorrow or tues my Hselect will show positive.
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from what i understand, if you do have herpes, it Can be spread during the initial breakout, but only if you did something touched an open herpes lesion and then within a very short time (a minute or two) rubbed your lips and eyes with the same finger.  i could be totally wrong there, but that's what i've been led to believe.

you say you've seen bumps, but are there any red areas surrounding the bumps, or just simply bumps?  it's real easy for the anxious mind to trick you into seeing things that aren't really there, or making what is there into something that it's not.  if there are red splotches surrounding these bumps, i'd make an appointment with your doctor immediately and have a culture done.  if they're just bumps on normal looking skin, it may be something you've had for who knows how long and are just now noticing because you're looking so closely.

all that being said, though, burning sensations and testicular pain/swelling are both evidently common early symptoms of herpes, but then, they're also symptoms of several other things as well.  best advice i can give you, beyond trying to stay relaxed and calm, is to make an appointment and talk to your doctor about all this.  he can get you pointed in the right direction.  good luck to you.
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meanwhile, this burning sensation i started this thread over is starting to drive me up the wall.  it's been going on for almost a month now.  i'm almost starting to believe that it's not herpes related, because herpes - so far as i know - wouldn't burn for a week, go away for 3 days, burn for another week, go away for 3 more days, then come back and burn some more.  it'd just burn straight through until it had run its course, right?  plus with the doctor not seeing any obvious herpes lesions and the blood test at 26 days post exposure (for whatever it's worth...) coming back negative and all... i don't know.  by this point, i'm more flipped out about "what IS this?!" than the burning sensation itself, although the burning sensation is most definitely more pronounced now than it was when i originally made this thread.

i can't find  anything on the internet that even comes close to fitting my symptoms, under neither herpes nor urology related items.  it's really starting to bug me out, and it doesn't help that the burning is strong enough now that i have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep because of it.

i took the antibiotic that the doc prescribed to me on friday, which doesn't seem to have done anything 48 hours later, so i started taking the valtrex tonight.  i guess if this suddenly clears up in the next few days, then we can probably thank that, which means it's herpes after all.
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livelihoodlost - please keep us updated on what your hsv test results are, and more importantly stay positive and calm as hard as I'm sure it is. I think it's important to realize there is something going on (we're not going out of our minds, these are not just anxiety related symptoms) but at the same time all is not lost.

the glaring facts which really support this not being herpes is that as we've ALL experienced, herpes is not supposed to come back every 3 days or every other week etc. we've all had for the most part constant symptoms (a few good days here and there) also WITHOUT blisters/lesions and herpes from everywhere I have read and from Doctors I have seen is not supposed to work this way.

my symptoms have gotten a little better but i still dont feel 100% but I'm also waiting to see what tomorrow brings.

Mirvus - hope your pain gets better soon, let us know, if symptoms do improve for a prolonged period will you consider getting an hsv test again for confirmation?
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i'm going to be scheduling yet another appt with the doctor today to request another urine analysis and another blood test for hsv2, though this feels now like a full blown UTI of some sort.  the pain was enough that i only got a few hours sleep last night, where before i could usually still pull down a good eight hours. and hopefully he'll write me out some antibiotics that (fingers crossed) will do the trick.  i'm thinking that i've got some kind of bacterial infection in there, and the fact that i was exposed to a girl with herpes is masking the proper diagnosis, since that obviously is getting all the attention.  i haven't presented any *obvious* herpes symptoms from the get-go, so here's hoping it's just something some antibiotics will knock out in a few days time.  but just the same, like i said... this is week six, post exposure for me, so i'm going to get another blood test anyway to see if it's turned positive.
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