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Burning Sensation

Hi there,

I just wanted to get your thoughts.   I was having sex with this girl I have been seeing the past few weeks, and the condom broke.   About 15 hours later, I started to get these brown circle marks in a 2 spots.  There is some small little bump on the vein.  A bit of a red rash and a frame work of a small lesion that is starting to form.  

It has been pretty itchy and irritable around that area, and I have had a few times where my penis has a burning sensation.  Not terrible, but I definitely felt something.   I do not have any blisters at this moment.  

Can you still get burning sensations without any symptoms for herpes?   Any thoughts?

I just came back from the doctor for something else as I had a bacteria infection on my nose.  I really do not want to go back again.  I might just get the girl to get checked out.
16 Responses
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101028 tn?1419603004
you worry too much!!!
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I agree!   Thanks for your comments.  I appreciate it.   However, do you think it is possible, that if you do have herpes on your lips, you can pass it on to your throat, through kissing?

Just, as I said earlier, I had severe throat pains the night after I kissed and exchanged saliva with this girl I was seeing.

I do not think it was cold sores on my lips, but I am still not 100% sure, specially after having severe pains in my throat, within 24 hours after that situation with that girl.

My throat is just starting to feel a bit better, and its about almost 10 to 11 days later.  I could barely talk though and it was just on one side of my throat.
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101028 tn?1419603004
this is the way the lips normally heal when the skin is ripped off of them!
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Yes I know, that is what I am thinking.

Like there has not been any puss or fluids coming from sores.

My lips started randomly to just get these blisters, but there is no fluids coming from them.   Then the sores just scab into yellow or brown circle scabs on the lips.

It is just weird that chapped lips would cause this.   I have not been feeling well either and have been under the weather.
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101028 tn?1419603004
sounds like really chapped lips that you have been picking at and making much worse.
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Yes, I have stopped picking them.  The reason why I am not sure, is because there is no fluid filled blisters.   It really goes from chapped lips to blisters that turn red and then go into brown scab.    

Does this sound like herpes?  
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101028 tn?1419603004
STOP PICKING AT YOUR LIPS!!!   good grief - do you not want these to ever heal?
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It kind of resembled this in some respect:

Third picture down of the individuals lips

http:// users.telenet.be/bloemen-online/impetigo-school-sores/face-impetigo-pictures-photos-images.html

It was a little bit similar to this picture of a fever blister in some degree, but it was more brown and yellowish and when I pulled it off, it was just dead skin and started to bleed abit.  It was more over all of the bottom of my lip.

http:// feverblisterspictures.com/Blisters-On-Lips.php

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It was soar a little bit, as I was pulling the scabs/dead skin off, but it was only soar after I pulled it off, and you could see abit of blood in those particular areas that the yellowish/brown scabs were from.
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I did not get seen for the lips, because I thought they could of been just chapped, and I was not sure.

This was the time frame.   I kissed a girl Tuesday night.

Wednesday I started having all my lips break out and chapped.  There was like little indents that had like brown/yellow scabs on them.  

I pulled the dead skin/scabs off and it started to bleed as it took off the skin.  As a result of pulling off this skin my lips were red in certain parts where I pulled it off.   The dead skin or yellowish/brown scabs appeared again in the same spots a day later and again I pulled the skin off.

This process was consistent for like 5 to 6 days.  It did not get better until Monday really.  There was not really any soares, it was more of just blisters that came about from me pulling these yellowish/brown scabs off my lips.   Around Friday/Saturday I noticed I had a canker soar right underneath my lip as well.

Here is the thing I am not sure about.   I did hang out with someone again, on Sunday night and we kissed even though I knew I had this canker soar.  The next day the rest of my throat felt swollen and was very soar.  It took about 3 days before my throat was a bit better.   I did not see any other canker soars.

I am thinking its either impetigo, cold soar, or chapped lips and just a regular canker soar inside.

Impetigo:  Maybe after I kissed the girl, I spread the infection to my throat, which cause a strep infection in the back of my throat.

Cold soar:  It could of been this because the chapped and yellow scabs showed up within 24 hours the next day.  However I did not have any soars really, they kind of just showed up as yellowish/brown scabs and chapped lips.

Chapped Lips:  It is the cold season, as I live in Ottawa, Canada, it could of been just chapped lips.  And, canker soars are normal if you have not been the healthiest or sometimes how up randomly.

Any thoughts???
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101028 tn?1419603004
have you been seen again yet and had all of this looked at?
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No problem!

Thanks for your response, I appreciate it.

Just out of curiosity.   If you were to get regular cold sores.   How fast do the symptoms usually appear?   I did seem to have chapped lips and when I peeled it off, it bled.  I just assumed it was nothing because it was getting colder.  However I have some canker in my bottom lip that has not gone away for a week.  Also, after kissing and making out with this girl, the rest of my throat has been very soar and swollen about 24/48 hours after.

There are a few white patches in the back of my mouth and it just hurts a lot at the bottom of my mouth.  Any thoughts?   I am just not sure.   I did have fever symptoms about a week, before the onset of this lip and mouth canker.
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101028 tn?1419603004
1- I don't respond to pm's
2- we don't allow pictures of genitals to be posted here either.
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Grace, I sent you a message, not sure if you have gotten it.

I posted two pics of the red rash thing.  If you could let me know what you think that would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.

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Thanks for the response.

I actually think the burning is from an ointment I put on my penis to see if it would help.  I put on pro topical ointment that I was prescribed for my breakout rash on my nose, and I am pretty sure that is what's causing it.

Any ideas, what the other symptoms are such as the brown patch or circle, and the bump on the vein?   There is a bit of a red rash type of thing, but it is small and scaly.
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101028 tn?1419603004
the best thing to do is to be seen promptly and have this looked at. that way you get the most accurate answers quickly. a pain to go back I know but important to do so.

will you get symptoms of a newly acquired std 15 hours later? no you will not.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.