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531005 tn?1286515532

Hypertension symptoms and questions.

Hello, everyone!

My father and grandfather suffer from high blood pressure.  My Grandfather was a smoker since he was 14, and recently quit... finally.  My father is overweight.  I'm not a smoker or overweight but I do suffer from some anxiety.  

Now, for the past two months I've been waking up with headaches.  Eyeballs hurt along with them sometimes.  Some back(maybe kidney) pains, and right abdominal paiin(maybe liver).  Pain in what feels like my veins, random aches in my inner arm(joint) for example.  And pain in the left side of my chest(Heart).

I've checked my blood pressure in the last 2 months, and all has been normal.  But yesterday I had 120/78... that's the highest I've ever had it.  I'm 5'1", and 127.5lbs.

I don't understand what I've read about hypertension.

1) Do I have prehypertension!?
If so, does that mean I'll have High Blood Pressure in my life?

2) If one exercises and eats right, and the blood pressure goes down, why isn't that considered a cure?  

3) Any tips to keep it down naturally?(I want to hear from actual people, not websites trying to sell me aloe vera juice or something)

4) Should I discuss my 120/78 with my doctor?

5) Can stress spike your blood pressure but it not be a cause for concern?

6) Can my lower back, abdominal pain, and/or pain in left side of chest a sign of hypertension?

Thank you all for reading!  
2 Responses
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180749 tn?1443595232
Follow the pranayam to build up your immune system and in turn reduce your symptoms. The extra oxygen getting into the blood helps, and the contracting of the stomach exercises your body's software(internal organs).You may call it control or cure.Tell others, when you feel the benefits.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
Kapalbhati pranayam -(Do it before eating) Push air forcefully out through the nose about once per second. Stomach will itself go in(contract in). The breathing in(through the nose) will happen automatically. Establish a rhythm and do for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day. Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
Not for pregnant women. Seriously ill people do it gently.
Anulom Vilom pranayam –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 15 to 30  minutes twice a day.
Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.

Bhramri Pranayam -Close eyes. Close ears with thumb, index finger on forehead, and rest three fingers on base of nose touching eyes. Breathe in through nose. And now breathe out through nose while humming like a bee.
Duration : 5 to 21  times.
October 6, 2011
Helpful - 0
159619 tn?1707018272
Welcome and thanks for your question. here's my thoughts;

1. No, you don't have high BP. Hypertension is diagnosed after three readings over 140/90 over three weeks. You number is right at what is considered normal which is 120/80.

2. BP is dynamic and changes throughout the day based on the body's needs. If you exercise and keep the sodium to a minimum, you should have normal BP but could still spike to a higher number if your are being affected by stress, illness or an outside stimuli such as caffeine.

3. It's really simple, cut back on foods high in sodium such as most processed or fast foods. Also watch out for soft drinks as the average can of soda contains up to 90 mg of sodium. Stay as natural as possible, fruits and veggies. Also, exercise is great for BP, 30 - 60 Minos of a moderate exercise most days of the week will do wonders, but get it cleared with your doctor first. For more information, look at the DASH diet below;


4. Your doctor would tell you your levels are normal.

5. Stress or anxiety can increase you BP considerably.

6. It takes a very high BP to cause symptoms. at 120/79 you would feel no  symptoms what so ever.Usually symptoms of high BP such as 190/120 will be headaches, blurred vision and dizziness.

I hope this helps!

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