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537731 tn?1268265286

Daily Meds not enough for Hysterectomy Operation Pain

I have been on Lyme Disease meds for a month now. On top of that I had Hysterectomy Mon which i wish i could take back. My uteris was too big and compressing my spine and i had 2 previous surgerys for scar tissue. Dr said i had severe endometriosis. Last time I had surgery this hospital gives me 20 5 mg oxycodones for pain. I take 180 10mg month for all my ailments so this didnt helo. I swore I would never get another operation if I wasnt able to deal with the pain afterwards. So this time it got so bad- i decided i better get my baby making parts out since there was little or no chance of concieving and now that i know i have advanced Lyme and might have passed it on to my daughter i sure dont want to do that again. I didnt think much about surgery till day of. BIG MISTAKE. I went to preadmit nurse and asked all my questions. I then addressed that i was worried because i take 15mg  oxcodone 4 times a day for severe joint pain back pain arthritis etc.I have been on same dosage for so long and it is not as effective. I wanted to make sure i would be getting something for pain other than my reg meds so i wouldnt have to take extra pills because of pain from operation. Nurse said no problem make sure to write a note and have your mom give it to Dr right before procedure explaining you are a chronic pain patient and what meds you take.
I have everything ready did not sleep the night before at all- on the way to hospital it hit me what was going to happen and i got real scared. I wanted to go home but knew i could no longer handle the pain every month that my insides caused.I got to hospital got in the outfit-the nurse asked me if i was in pain and i said actually i am not. She stuck this huge needle in my hand- i have had alot of needles stuck in me and this was the most painful-the nurse said oh i guess i should have used a smaller one since you are so tiny but i want meds to flow freely through. 10 min later my hand still hurts but i dont want to complain. I give my mom note and tell her to make sure Dr understands my situation. They give me a valium and i am so anxious and hungry and thirsty. I am scared there is going to be a complication from the Lyme and i am going to die. I try to stay calm and not show i am nervous but my mom sees it on my face and strokes my hair. I dont like being out of control and i am. They get ready to wheel me back and anthesiologist remembers me from other operations and jokes with me. I go in and say Geez i should have Never watched that movie ALIVE. They give me a shot and all of the sudden i am on fire expecially in my vagina hot hot hot. It then goes away and I am told it is normal. Next thing i know it is over and I am in my own room. THIS IS WHEN MY NIGHTMARE BEGINS. fOR THE NEXT 4 HOURS I AM SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS I AM IN PAIN HELP ME-PLEASE WHERE IS MY DR SOMETHING IS WRONG. nOONE DOES ANYHTING. I tell my boyfriend get me outta here. The nurses could not get ahold of my Dr who was in Surgery to get it okayed to give me pain medicine. WTF The catheter which had a balloon on the end was not in me right causing major pressure and pain and all my back muscles were spasming. Well I guess they did give me a shot but it did nothing. Finally they gave something that worked after 4 hours of screaming. I threatening to rip out catheter if someone with knowlegde of what was going on didnt come fix it. Finally a nurse came in and said oh it isnt in there far enough. They put me on a morphine drip where i could press the button. Morphine doesnt seem to work that well it did allow me to go to sleep for 30 min at a time but i still woke up hurting. When they checked the drip my boyfriend was shocked i hadnt pressed button that much. Well if it doesnt work after 2nd try why keep trying i knew morphine didnt work well from other experiences but at least i got a bit of relief. I remember them coming in and giving me 2 5mg oxycodones i said i take 3 of these at a time for my normal ailments this wont help with this pain. Why would they give me pills when im hooked up to a drip and iv? They also had to give me other shots t help with the pain. No they didnt stick it in my iv they gave me a long shot in my muscle. Not once did i feel a shot they give me-usually when u get a shot u get that warm feeling and the pain goes away. Nope pain was there the whole time.
I have had a couple other operations and while in hospital was comfortable. I was so ready to get out of this country hospital because i felt like they didnt know what they where doing. Now i will never feel safe at hospital again. I stayed the night and got only liquids- i was in so much pain the whole time i couldnt even drink. The next day I was told the Dr would be in by lunch time. I felt better once they took catheter out i peed so much for like 5 minutes. My back hurt more than my stomach. I dont know if my lyme was attacking me or if this was from operation. I was allowed to take a walk and was so glad to be able to smoke a cig. I know i went from 2 packs a day to one pack a day for operation. I waited till 1:30 no dr so i went for short walk. I had to rest every couple of steps. I am so weak. I got outside and smoked my cig. Went in and got back in bed. My boyfriend asked the lady at the desk when Dr would be in. She was rude and said the Dr was in while she was out walking around. He came back and said I could see pics in a week when i follow up and i had endo really bad. He then walked out and my nurse came in and asked what i wanted to do about pain meds i explained i just needed something diff than oxycodone that might work better or something extra so i wouldnt have to use more than my 6 day. Dr didnt bother waiting for her to come back. So all i got was 600 mg ibprofen. So I am home now. I cant get up and stand more than a min because i am too weak. I usually have insomnia with the Lyme but I cant stay awake for longer than 30 min then i will wake in pain. The gas pains in my neck are killer and my muscles are all messed up and i was told not to bathe till next week.
What i want to know is should i complain about this horrible experience at hospital- I feel like i was given nothing for the pain. I am always honest and the Dr's knew i had my regular prescription but I need like double dose to help with this pain and that will cause me to be out of my daily meds early. Should i call hospital back and say look i need something and what would that something be. Im sure my insurance wont cover more oxycodone cause i just got my reg script filled last week. I am confused and hurting and this is only place i feel ok to vent and ask questions. Thanks Lesnbek
2 Responses
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I'm thinking they may have been afraid to give you more of the oxy's because they were giving you other pain meds. They might have been worried about a drug interaction.
It sounds like you had a horrible experience. They should have placed the catheter better. Those things are terrible anyway.
You need to take things easy for the next 5 to 6 weeks. Do not over do it. You are going to be tired for awhile so sleep when you need to.
I wish I could give you better advice about the hospital. It sounds to me like they don't deal with patients like you very often that have lyme disease and chronic pain.
I hope you feel better soon. We're here any time you need to talk. Take care. Remar
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599170 tn?1300973893
We have a pain management forum here that may be able to help you better than I . I am so sorry you had such a horried experience. When I have surgery I get dilaudid. Its stronger than morphine. I am allergic to morphine. If you ever have surgery again insist on a "pain management dr" and insist on a pain pump prior to agreeing to any surgery.

Since your concerned about the oxys..why not speak w your insurance co about getting a pain management dr? they do just that its their specialty. Perhaps you need to alternate oxys w something else. I dont specialise in this and really am not qualified to answer. Hope the little advice I gave helped some. Cherie
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