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Hi all,
I have been feeling numbness in whole body, extreme fatigue in every parts of body & with not able to focus or concentrate on anything with eyes & outside home i feel light too bright & head is quite dizzy but these symptoms are not permanent. they stayed for 5-9 days but do not comes regularly. I first experienced it when i gone to switzerland on college trip and really got panic first time nd i had worst symptoms. complete blurred vision, numbness nd not able to feel anything i used to chk my pants whehter my wallet is there or not or am i doing right. Then i came back to my own country..thgt tht may be due to first time exposure to outside home..may hv got panic attack due to homesickness. But again after may 2007...in september 2007 i got same feelings which stayed for same time 5-9 days..i got all my chk ups done..everything ws fine..MRI, SUGAR LEVELS, BP..jst had little deficiency in Vitamin B12..went to neurologist he told that evrything is fine..its all in ur head..as i also used to feel that moment i get little numbness in my leg..whole process starts nd i used to feel tht may be its due anxiety or panic...nd bt this time i continued doing regular things like driving car or going to college bcoz i thgt tht way i wil deviate my self..bt internally i was so tensed bcoz i had all those feelings of numbness, loss of confidence..nt vision problems.bt i used to drive like i am doing guessing abt roads..it continued for while nd all went good for another year..bt i used to gt these problems now at lower levels..like only numbness.bt wil nt so blurred vision..i ws nt able to focus bt i could see things better than before..nd used to do my work..bt now 2 yrs gone by nd suddenly this sunday i.e 13/3/11..in morning i got up early nd ws slept for 4 hrs..nd i started feeling numbness nd ws nt able to feel my body in morning nd i tht moment i began feeling all those feelings of pressure in head, no focus..nd really i gt panicked nd i m waiting to get pass 5-9 days so tht i can become normal again. I am 22 yr old & i m overweight too with 150kg of weight..Tell me guys is it really i m sick or its all in my head..bt if this thing is in my head then y i m nt able to feel anything or so much pressure in head is there nd y i m nt able to focus..HELP Me pls..wht shud i do ?????? i m fed with all this..is i m suffering with lyme disease..i wud preffered be in accident with broken bones.bt nt like wht i feel now..:((
43 Responses
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wow buddy really some useful tips out there. Just read some articles about ayurvedic treatment. nd really it seems to have like light in deep darkness.

You really get me much relaxed after just reading your comments.

May god bless you with all happiness and wishes u want. You are doing a great job indeed.

Wil definitely meet u wenver i wil get chance.
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I just saw your message about what 'frustrated' said to you.

Please IGNORE him.  He seems to have many problems, and some of them may include Lyme disease.  He has been reported to the moderators.

I was just as you are:  frightened, ill, jumpy, and confused.  I found a Lyme specialist and was treated, and I am pretty much back to normal.  I know how you are probably feeling, and it was a nightmare for me.  In Lyme, it is the effect of the disease, because it inflames the brain, which affects the emotions.  

You might try taking some magnesium supplements, which are often recommended to Lyme patients.  The Lyme bacteria use up magnesium in their reproductive process, and lack of magnesium has many bad effects on the body and mind.  You know how babies are after they have milk?  They relax and get calm and go to sleep.  Part of it is the full stomach and the warm temperature of the milk, but part of it (so I read) is the magnesium in the milk.  A doctor told me that any magnesium ending in "-ate" (magesium malate, or orotate, or aspartate, etc.) is most easily absorbed by the body.  It helps soothe the nerves and helps with sleep and against muscle cramps.  Ask your doctor.

Lyme inflames the nerves and therefore the brain as well, and that irritation helps cause the mental effects.  Don't worry, just keep trying to figure out what you have and how to treat it.  

Best wishes to you --
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Thanks alot dear... i m feeling better after jst hearing to knw tht i m nt alone.
I wil search for it nd wil get it checked. rest is upto god nd we cant control tht. bt ya wil try to be panic free.

wil tel u the status asap.
u also take care.
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Lyme and other diseases carried by the same ticks sometimes hide quietly in the body for a very long time and cause little trouble.  I think I had Lyme for several years and only felt slightly tired, then I was bitten again and got another tick disease that made me very sick.  That is when I was finally diagnosed with Lyme, and then treated.

I know someone who also had Lyme and a co-infection [another disease carried by the Lyme ticks] but he only felt tired.  It was only by accident was the infection was diagnosed.  One of the mysteries of Lyme is why it affects some people worse than others.

I just searched "india lyme disease" and there are websites that talk about Lyme in India.  (Do the search without the "quote" marks.)  From reading those references, you may be able to find the name of an MD who can either diagnose and treat you, or help you find an MD who can.  Many of us here saw many MDs of different kinds before finding an MD who understood Lyme and its treatment, so you are not alone in that.

Also, I recently saw on the internet several websites that discuss Ayurveda to treat Lyme.  If you are unable to find an MD in India who treats with antibiotics, then I would suggest you look into Ayurveda.  Search 'ayurveda lyme disease' (without the quotes).  

Finding diagnosis and treatment is not always easy, but it is worth pursuing.  I know it is frightening and lonely, but the best thing to do is keep trying to get a diagnosis and treatment for whatever it turns out to be.  Having a purpose helps fight the panic.  I know, because I've been there.

Let us know how you do, okay?  Take care --
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Y u r not giving info in public. Its really freaking me out mann. I know you are trying to help bt let me get some opinions of others too on this. I Really gets frightened. Dont get me wrong buddy bt it seemed to me like you are selling or forcing something to get bought.

JACKIE please give me view on his msgs :

Sent by shanks1988 39 minutes ago
ya msg me the information.
Sent by frustratedexchronicfatiguevictum310 36 minutes ago
Send an email to ***@****

They will be able to help you. This will be a new life for you. I promise.

You can only get this in the united states.But they could mail it too you. So you will have to send them your address.

Sent by frustratedexchronicfatiguevictum310 28 minutes ago
Lyme disease is very progressive and you will suffer the rest of your life and will probably die early on in life. But I know this will help you.

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nd wt abt the worst part in whole this thing ?..wt can worst happen to me if i dont get it diagonosed or treated ?...
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