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237053 tn?1258828426

CTS and Lyme

I have deveoloped carpal tunnel syndrome from what ever I got going on.  I know exactly what it is cause I had it when I was pregnant.  It went away after pregnancy.   However, with each of these "flares" I get CTS again.  It is almost immediatey after symptoms start up again.  I notice it most at night... my hands and arms are constantly falling asleep (numb, pins and needles).  After I shake them out or hang them off the bed the feeling comes back.  Sometimes I have to do this several times a night.   However after symptoms settle down so does the CTS.  Is this common in lyme?  Does anyone else get this?
7 Responses
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428506 tn?1296557399
I've had both EMG/NCS studies done, both came back normal.  But when the bottom of my R wrist is tapped, the tingling in my R hand goes nuts.  (There is a name for this response, but it slips my mind.)  So I likely have CTS in that arm that's just too mild to show up on the EMG/NCS.  

Since I work extensively (well, part time now due to illness) with computers, I'm not surprised to have some signs of this.

It clearly doesn't explain my myriad other symptoms, so I think it is a case of finding trouble when you go looking.

skarey, the EMG is less pleasant than the NCS.  In the EMG, a needle electrode is inserted.  It shouldn't hurt if done properly, but if they hit a nerve, OUCH!  For the NCS, flat electrodes are taped to the skin, so it's not as bad.  Just a "head's up" should you get the EMG.

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237053 tn?1258828426
I haven't had an EMG yet.... had a NCS that was normal though.  Maybe it isn't, I guess I just assumed it was since I had it when I was pregnant too.  My mom also gets this, is it something that is hereditary?  My elbows hurt really bad too when I rest them on something hard.
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Even though it seems like it is it may not be.  Mine showed up on an EMG.    I have those tingly, numb feeling all over my body and the tests were normal in those areas.  I think some of these sensory sensations are just irritated nerves but not truly damaged nerves.
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237053 tn?1258828426
I wasn't actually dx'd with it (just self dx'd)  I know that is what it is though.  It is from the elbow down and i get the tingling/weakness.. the whole works.
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Yes the symptoms come and go.  My case isn't cut and dry though since I have had cervical spine surgery and have some problems from that as well.

Were you actually diagnosed with it?  It causes tingling and weakess of the hand, numbness of the fingers and other things.  The symptoms are from the elbow to the hand.
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237053 tn?1258828426
What are your symptoms of it?  I know I have it, although my NCS was normal.  Does it get worse when you have a flare?
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I got it from this disease.  This is the only abnormality that has ever shown up on testing for me.   I know it is common during pregnancy.  It is also on the lyme symptoms list.
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