280418 tn?1306325910

Headache and nausea and Tinnitus for about 2 wks is getting worse! Is this Lyme or a weird migraine?

Help.  What do you guys think? I feel terrible every day.  After I eat lunch, I'm sick.  After I eat dinner, I'm sicker.  Pressure type headache, tinnitus and nausea ruined my day yesterday.  I can't do this EVERY day!  Ugh, I don't know if it's sinuses, Lyme, migraine, hormones or what?
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Hi Hope,  What are you eating?  Have you started any new meds or supps lately?  Has your wheather changed, etc?  Hoping maybe it's something like that.

As far as the "pressure" headaches and tinnitus, I am right there with you.  I do have medication rxed for me for severe headaches, it is called "Midrin".  It helps to a certain degree, but as you know, nothing takes away the stinkin' tinnitus.  God bless you.
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Amyloo asks good questions.

What meds are you on?  Sometimes I react to something I've been on for a while simply because it builds up in my system.
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428506 tn?1296557399
I remember for the first many months of my treatment I was so confused as to what symptoms were coming from the Lyme & co., what were side effects, and what were Herx reactions.

In my case, I ended up trying a lot of different antibiotics and also an antimalarial.  Even though I was on different classes of abx, I had the same sort of reaction to them all.  (Of course, there was some variation but too much in common to ignore).  Plus, very slowly, I started to feel better.  So in the end the best I can conclude is that I was experiencing die off reactions, and it was just a long ugly phase that I had to endure in order to get through the worst of it (which, touch wood, I hope has happened!).

There's no easy answer, time will tell if you stick with treatment.  I hope the discomfort is a productive Herx reaction and that you're nailing the underlying cause.  I also hope it lets up and gives you a break!  At times, I would back down from meds if it got to be too much, esp. around my period.

Take care.
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280418 tn?1306325910
Good points guys.  Yes, I am PMSing, so that always makes it worse.  It seems that I've been doing this tinnitus and headache thing since I first started Minocycline (this summer, I don't remember!), had a bad allergic reaction with hives and a swollen throat.  I noticed tinnitus increase at that time with some pressure like headaches.  I started on doxycycline after that allergic reaction with breaks on weekends..  Lately, the increase is back and headaches are worse.  I think I've been feeling this way for a couple weeks and now the headache is accompanied by nausea.  I was stressed yesterday, but not more than usual!  
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Migraines don't usually last for weeks.  I have had chronic headaches on a daily basis in the past.  I have had head pressure for the past couple of weeks.  I think mine is sinuses related to the weather.
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1067297 tn?1255030564
Wow, i get sicker 90% time after i eat also. Not sure why, but the fevers are worse and i feel horrid, then have to lay down.
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280418 tn?1306325910
The weather has been crazy.  I don't know.  I'm still ringing and the headache comes and goes.  I worry that its the doxycycline.  Who knows.
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