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4939681 tn?1361299299

Low blood pressure

Me, again!  Sorry, I pose so many questions, but with so many symptoms it is impossible ( even with 2 hr appts) to cover everything during a dr visit.  
Update to cover previous posts:  I have a neuro opthamologist appt tomorrow.  Appt with vasculitis clinic is being set up (though, I don't propose anything will come of it).  LLMD is calling me back regarding the addition of LDN to my daily pile of pills and for permission to step up doxy to at least 200 a day.  I am also still pondering getting an opinion from another LLMD.  Made an appt with dermatologist regarding ACA possibility from "back surgery" post.

Today's question is about my chronic low blood pressure.  It gets so low that it usually sets off the bells and whistles of the expensive Bp machines and when a nurse is manually taking it, it's so low that they take it several times to be sure they've done it right.  Lately, it's been about in the 80/50-ish mark.  Considering that I was a smoker and eat mainly a fatty/high sodium diet, it concerns me, as those things should have me in a higher range.  I get very dizzy and black out nearly every time I stand.  The drs solution was "get up slower", but that doesn't make a difference.  I believe a lot of my dizziness, fatigue, shakiness, weakness, and heart skipping beats issues to be due to the low blood pressure, but doctors seem only concerned with high Bp values and have no recommendations for me.  Does anyone know if Lyme affects Bp or does anyone else suffer from low Bp and have a recommendation?  I think low Bp should be taken more seriously if symptoms are bothersome, so I'm frustrated that drs aren't investigating.  
Thanks, in advance!

47 Responses
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Beef has some nutritional positives, and the occasional grass-fed, hormone free beef probably won't hurt anyone.  But since most beef is corn fed with antibiotics, resulting in a high fat content, and since it's hard to digest, it can be counterproductive for someone who's chronically ill.

For the year my Lyme was its worst, I found that beef would just park itself in my gut.  It took waaayyyy too long to digest and it was unpleasant. I only did that once or twice.  Now that my gut is much better, I splurge every few months and have a lean, grilled filet, usually when I know I need an iron boost.  I also chase it down with a couple papaya enzyme tablets which definitely help in digestion.

Frequent, high-fat beef consumption is just hard on a body and not helpful for a Lyme sufferer.
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Beef is not ... a good source of protein?  I haven't had any red meat for years, so it's just an academic question ... but -- ?
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I have also read that sugar is bad news for a Lyme patient. I have noticed that when I give in to a sugar craving and eat more than just a little, I feel terrible later.  I've some some articles from people friendly to good nutrition and natural remedies who say that sugar seems to suppress the immune system a bit.  I don't know if there are any scientfic studies on that, though.

Sugar definitely feeds yeast, especially on an empty stomach. If you're on antibiotics, you definitely don't want to drink any sugared drinks.  Eat watery fruit instead, such as melons in addition to drinking lots of water.  Add some lemon juice to your water, as it reduces your body's acidity, which helps the immune system and antibiotics to work better.

Since you're looking to put on weight rather than lose weight, you don't want empty calories.  You need nutrient and calorie dense foods to keep your weight up. You need plenty of protein, too.  Eggs, legumes, nuts, and lean grilled meats are good sources.  (Beef is not.)
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Leila -- I don't know about dosage -- I'd go with what the bottle says ... More is not always better.  

Docs often aren't interested in stuff like that -- imo, it's one of failings of modern medical education.  Sigh!

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5248641 tn?1367587247
I take nystatin which was prescribed by my LLmd. Probiotics are a must.
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4939681 tn?1361299299
Great suggestion for the YeastCleanse!  I will look for it today as I needed to get a pill form of magnesium anyway.  The Calm is just way too sweet for me to handle anymore.  Thanks!

As far as the probiotics go, I take Metagenics "Ultraflora Balance" a 50/50 blend of Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis (15 billion live organisms).  Do you think one of those a day is enough?  Or should I bump up to 2 a day, since I'm on doxy 200, plaquenil 100, and LDN 1.5.  LLMD didn't really give instructions:(
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