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Doxy Sunlight, Herx

I just started Doxy 3 weeks ago. I have been herxing for the entire time. When I was on Ceftin I would herx on schedule every month for about 10 days. The ringing in my head has become more intense, my neck is very stiff it feels like inflammation, and my hearts palps are back. It is puzzling to me because I seemed to have been on a steady course of improvement. I am thinking the Doxy has had a more profound effect on killing the Lyme although Ceftin worked but not as aggressive. My palps seem to come with the worsting of other symptoms. Especially the neck stiffness.  I just ride them out until they fade. About every 15 beats it feels like there is a delay before the next. I am sort of getting used to them however they are annoying. My cardiologist is aware and on board with my Lyme diagnosis. Any tests I have taken has always been at a time when there are no palps. I am only in my 7th month of ABX's and as I said just switched from Ceftin to Doxy. One other thing, I have become extremely sensitive to the sun. I know this is from the Doxy. My knuckles get burned from just holding the steering wheel in my truck. SPF 50 sunblock doesn't always get it. Was wondering if anyone had any insight on this possibly from experience or knowledge.

Thanks Stephen
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Hi ! I purchased the Neuro-Antitox II Basic. When I first used the product alone, I had herxing symptoms. After a month, I slowly added another formula to the mix and was surprised at how well the Neuro-Antitox helped me with herxing symptoms. Dr. Jernigan has some interesting views on herxing.... he doesn't believe patients should have herxing symptoms. In his book, he mentioned that our organs are already weakened and so his treatment plan does everything to prevent herxing symptoms. I must say... that compared to the antibiotics, I feel better on his program. My only complaint is that the protocols that I am on take years (at least for CFS patients), but I am making so much progress and this treatment is restoring my health.

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Thanks for the info. I have the epson salt and hydrogen peroxide. I will try it. Did you use the Neuro-Antitox CNS/PNS™ formula? How long did a bottle last you. I will try this also. I researched mycoplasma hopefully it is something your are able to get rid of.

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Hi Stephen,

Yes... I also have the herxing symptoms and I think that is why I frequently post on this forum and can relate to what you guys are going through. The protocol that I was originally on (Marshall Protocol) has several patients who have chronic lyme disease. I chatted with a few of them and read their posts online and it was nice to see that we all shared the same symptoms. Even the patients who had sarcoidosis and autoimmune diseases were on this protocol.

Here is what I frequently do that is mentioned in Dr. David Jernigan's book, "Beating Lyme Disease". In addition to these detox baths, I frequently add lemon juice to my drinking water and take Dr. Jernigan's neuro-antitox formulas. Dr. Jernigan's natural formulas target the body's ability to break down and remove pathogens. The only thing I can tell you is that it works for me and I highly recommend !

Detox Bath # 1:

4 cups Epsom salt
32-64 fluid oz. of 3% hydrogen peroxide
2 T. of ginger ---- grated and wrapped in a tea ball or fine piece of cloth  (I often skip that part)


Fill the tub with warm water and soak for at least 20 minutes. They say that the benefits of this bath are cumulative and increase in effectiveness the more you use them. You should consider doing this 3 or 4 times a week.

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Thanks all for replying

My palps were gone today. My herx seems to be lessing. Neck not as stiff, as usual the ringing is still there. My energy has rebounded.

I do take Magnesium. My cardiologist did a EKG, Holter and Echo on me at a time when I wasn't experiencing palps. My LLMD told me the same thing that Lyme uses magnesium. My palps seem to occur when I have a strong herx. I tried to find out more by Googling "heart palps Lyme" but the information was vague. Basically describing the different levels of heart block. Couldn't find out how it happens.

My heart rate isn't as high as yours. Usually around 65 to 75bpm. I have had PVC's in the past but very intermittent. The palps I get from Lyme feel different, more like a delayed beat. You are right about the Doxy sunburn it is a different type of burn.

I agree with you statement especially in my situation that cardiac symptoms are most always due to herxing. I assume detox baths are something that you put in bath water. What have you tried that has worked. Was also wondering with mycoplasma did you experience a herx.

Thanks, Stephen

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I don't have lyme, but I do have a bacterial infection (mycoplasma) and I've been on the same treatment as many lyme patients. The treatment that I was on recommended staying out of the sun as much as possible. Now that I'm getting better... I can tolerate more sunlight than when I originally started the protocol.

Also, the cardiac symptoms are most always due to herxing. Are you doing anything to help you with your herxing symptoms... such as detox baths ?
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I have palpitations all the time.  My heart rate is usually around 110.  I have PVC's too.  I'm pretty much used to it.  You have probably had a holter monitor????

As far as doxy goes, yes the burn is bad.  I got one last year mowing the lawn.  I had 30 sunblock on but missed a spot on my hand.  It was bad.  Different than a typical sunburn.  My first llmd would not even prescribe it from April through Nov.
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I'd suggest you call your cardiologist and ask about the palpitations and skipping beats.

I was having problems with my heart rate too, but my docs weren't very interested.  I began taking magnesium supplements, just up to the recommended daily limit, and it helped a great deal.  I still get a little delay in heart rhythym when my abx are kicking in almost like clockwork a certain period of time after taking the meds.

I understand there is some thought that Lyme bacteria use magnesium in their reproductive process, and my personal theory is that my heart is affected when the bacteria are active.

I do not know if this is true, and because your heart is involved *please* call your doctor and ask if you can take magnesium supplements.  This is too sensitive to mess around with guessing and taking supplements.  If the dr doesn't object to you trying magnesium supplements, then you might try them; if he/she does object, then ask why and work through the problem.

Some antibiotics cause sun sensitivity; you could ask you dr or pharmacist on this point.  Let us know what you hear back.
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