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535822 tn?1443976780

Christmas or Holidays

I have noticed recently here In California of leaving out out the Traditional word of Christmas or Xmas , and even schools are saying Holidays, I dont see it as Politically incorrect for children to have a Xmas concert at school . the stores are all wishing us Happy holidays and in fact everyone is saying that. I appreciate there is Hannukah , I dont say holidays to any jewish friends, it would be Happy Hannukah to them .What are your views and is it the same in your state or is it  only here.
45 Responses
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Since I am a Christian, I choose to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!
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Thank you so much for saying in a few words what I was trying to say and still probably didn't.I do believe in Jesus.We do give gifts to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It's that this year, we are giving in a different way. I choose to celebrate Christ's birth not on Dec. 25th but each day and whenever I have the opportunity. Again I thank you in helping to express my feelings.  Madlyn
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186166 tn?1385259382
december 25th...christmas day... celebrates Christ's birth...plain and simple...no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  it IS a religious holiday.  for the ppl who do not believe in our Lord, Jesus Christ...the answer is simple...dont celebrate this day.  if you are offended by "christmas"...Christ's birth...dont partake! !  dont buy a gift...dont take the day off from work...dont put up a tree.  we (christians) are NOT celebrating the HOLIDAYS...we are celebrating, remembering, and honoring Christ's birth...again, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.
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I was listening to a Christian TV station with my husband a few days ago. A lady was talking about how they were sending a oll or a truck to children in other country. She said to those children it wasn't the food or the clothing that was provided to these children that made the difference to them. She spoke of the smiles when they were given a simple doll or truck. I must have dreamed I had seen Barbie dolls advertised for $2, imagine my shock when I searched and found they were $14. I have never purchased dolls before..I have 4 boys. Having to rely on family for son's presents, I decided "no". What I was going to ask them was to give $20 and we would purchase 10 dolls. My 8 y/o wa so excited. Even with him sick, tonight he asked if we were going to buy the dolls for the "little girls"? You understand so well. As bas as things may be financially for us, at least for today we still have our home and food in our tummies. Today is taken care of. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Blessings.  Madlyn
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203342 tn?1328737207
Wow Madlyn! Thanks so much for the reminder of what the true meaning of Christmas is all about. It's about giving of ourselves. Isn't it amazing how when we give like this we always receive a blessing back?
We are going to have a tighter Christmas budget this year too. I was trying to think of a way to involve my kids in giving back. As bad as I might think we have it financially, I know there are others who are worse off.
Thanks so much for sharing. It really touched me.
God bless,
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It is so sad that there is such controversy over a special time of year. I, personally choose to celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ. To me, Jesus is love. I may not have money to shower those I love with gifts, but I try to give my love and self to those I come in contact. Thinking this was going to be the worst Christmas since I had no job and no money. I have had an awakening. I have chosen angels from my huge collection that are very special to me to give to friends that also collect angels. At first I was going to choose ones that I was not so fond of, then I decided to choose some of my favorite ones. After packaging them and enclosing a note, the feeling of love for the person could not have been expressed more if I had been given an unlimited shopping spree at the most expensive of stores. It's been a little harder explaining to my 8 y/o why he can't have high tech games. (I couldnot operate). I told him would he like to have things that we could all play the games in the yard as a family. Believe it or not, this was exciting to him. He told me..maybe he could go for a walk with "Daddy" at the park for Christmas. As we embrace this time of year and as our family looks to the less commercial aspect of Christmas, I ask of you that pray, remember the struggles that families are enduring and be supportive and offer unconditional love. I used to not care what I said or if it hurt someone. So many people are hurting, either r/t finances, grief,depression etc. let's all try and be considerate to their feelings and put ourselves where they are now. Many of us have been there , let's not forget how we felt. I wish the merriest of Christmas of you and the happiest of the Holidays. Most of all I give to you love and ask that you pass it on. Thanks for allowing me to be a part here. Hopefully I did not speak my felings in a way to upset others. I prayed and this is what I wrote. I love you all.   Madlyn
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203342 tn?1328737207
It might be the same story, I don't know. :) I think I read about it in Guidepost.
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611067 tn?1458591483
I remember the same thing happening in a town in Pennsylvania about the Menorah!  That touched my heart when it happened. Isn't that the way it should be - supporting each other!  That's what we should always be doing!!1  
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203342 tn?1328737207
You know if you think about it Christianity has it's roots in the Jewish religion. Jesus, himself was a Jew, after all. I heard a story about a family that had put a Menorah in their window and how someone smashed their window and stole it. They were obviously upset. When their neighbors heard about it they had a meeting and decided that everyone would buy a Menorah and put in their window to support their neighbor. Most of the neighbors were Christians, too, by the way.
The Jewish family were extremely touched that their neighbors would show such support and love for them.
THIS is how we Christians are supposed to act.

And for the person who said they didn't like saying X-Mas, you might find this interesting.
the "X" is the first Greek letter of the word "Christos", Christ. Some say the X symbolizes the cross, too.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ. It's supposed to be a time of hope and joy.

"That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, but the angel reassured them. "Don't be afraid!" he said. "I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! The Savior -- yes, the Messiah, the Lord -- has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David! And this is how you will recognize him: You will find a baby lying in a manger, wrapped snugly in strips of cloth!" -- Luke 2:8-12 NLT

Merry Christmas everybody!
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611067 tn?1458591483
I had a good friend who is an extremely conservative Jewish lady.  She celebrates her religion and Hanukah, but she also celebrates Christmas.  She said she loves having a Christmas tree in her home.  She said for her she thinks of it as a giving time and it being about the kids and Santa Claus.  Christmas means different things for everybody and I told her I thought it was great he embraced both holidays!  In fact, for Christmas, she wanted snowmen stuff!  LOL!!!  I would give her a Happy Hanukah card and a Christmas present!  She loved it!!!  
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585414 tn?1288941302
What does "politically correct" mean to people anyway? I just find people who are politically correct annoying, not "threatening". They're just laughable to me. I had some professors like that in college. I just didn't take them seriously. Relax the ex-hippies will grow out of it and/or retire. The only threat they pose is to their ability to be taken with a straight face. On Christmas they are like the grinch but that's a cartoon character like they are. But that's another debate.
  Seriously though as a kid my stepfather was Prostestant so we celebrated Christmas so yes we said Merry Christmas, certainly on the greeting cards and my mother is Jewish so we celebrated Hanukkah so we said "Happy Hanukkah" as well. Sometimes the menorah would be facing the Christmas tree. It seemed a little strange to me as a kid but I think it was well meaning.
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518031 tn?1295575374
you back on it dude???  lmfao..you are way to much dude
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577285 tn?1706032371
                     Politically Correct Holiday Greetings
Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all;

Additionally, a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2009, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to the race, creed, color, religious, or sexual preferences of the wishes.  .... Burrpatch.

(Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit.)
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611067 tn?1458591483
I believe we should be able to say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Hanukah", "Happy Kwanza" or whatever we believe in .  I'm not offended.  I grew up in a very catholic and jewish community.  We all respected each other.  At school, we had a Christmas party and always included Hanukah in our celebrations.  But, the bottom line is that people are so worried about being politically correct and that's taking away our freedoms, and making us less tolerant of each other rather than more tolerant.  I always believe we should respect each other no matter what we believe!  
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I put happy holidays on my Christmas cards...and this is the last year doing that...I am going back to Merry Christmas....I am sick of being politically correct...That is what is wrong with our country...this nation was found on freedoms...and one of them is freedom of speech...the pilgrims came to be able to pray the way they want...we took God and religion out of everything and now look at the mess that we are in...so.....

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535822 tn?1443976780
Thanks guys you sure answered my question , I really enjoyed the reponses and has given me food for thought as always this is the liv liest social forum ever,with some really clever people,  , Happy Christmas to you all .
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460185 tn?1326077772
What about "Happy First Nations Day" - June 21.  We get upset and they send us to a worse reservation.  Yes, I'm kidding - I'm Native Indian but can't imagine a worse reservation than the one my family grew up in.  The Chinese are upset - that isn't their New Year's  lol  You can still get the fur flying  = )

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694961 tn?1228732588
Darn...not much chance of blood on the snow with this one, or even a bit of fur flyin'. Ev'ryone seems to have kissed and made up (sigh)............anyways, "Happy Holidays" sounds a bit wishy-washy to me, and it hasn't filtered down under yet. Maybe we should start saying Happy Aging so we don't offend any Jehovah's Witnesses cos they don't celebrate birthdays, or Happy 1st of January so we don't upset the Chinese....GIVE ME A BREAK
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460185 tn?1326077772
I'm about as far left as a person can go and still think there is nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas nor would I be offended - in fact, I'd be complimented, if someone wished me Happy Chanukka or the Muslim, Hindu or other religious/cultural equivalent.  IMHO it's a lot better than hostilities.  Who am I to judge the validity of someone else's belief system.

Sarah - amen, you got that right.

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585414 tn?1288941302
Well exactly my point and more power to you!! And let everyone enjoy their holidays as they see fit.
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495284 tn?1333894042
I have been following this thread today.  I am from the substance abuse forum.  I am a drug addict in recovery.  Everyday i come to this forum and try and help others who are struggling.  Doesnt have to be Christmas or not.........Look at all the forums and journal entries........they are being answered.  Everyone is trying to help the ones who are suffering and yes this is a bad time of the year for many but we are here and we are doing what we can...why? because we all have moral standards too and try to give back what we have been given.   I know you help others who have disabilities and that is great but look around these forums and see the great things the rest of us are doing.     sara
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585414 tn?1288941302
No I think I got what people are saying. There are three reasons people celebrate Christmas.
1. The religious celebration
2. Just to give gifts
3. As a nice occasion for children
I got that take. The people who are religious see the other side as detracting from their relgious freedom and the people are non religious perhaps see the way its presented as invasive. That's my take. I'd really be more interested if we could all find something in common. I certain wouldn't detract from anyone's Christmas celebrations. Perhaps I'm a bit depressed that I am still homebound from my physical disability which wasn't true last year and won't be able to attend any occassions whether they are called "holiday parties" or "Christmas parties" or the like. But I would never take away anyone's happiness or enjoyment in life. But I try to do the best to live mine within moral standards and give back to others.
   And if anyone has any kind words of support for each other for the holidays (and this does apply, I know some people in my family who celebrate Hanunkah and in a serious religious manner) it would be wonderful. I am recovered mentally and my disability is physical. But I know for many people with depression or other mental issues they are coping with have things worsen during this time of year. If that happens, let's give them a word of support, regardless of belief system and I do think within the spirit of Christmas it would be a kind thing to do especially as people are downsized during a reccesion. Let's all remember our humanity and give some support to those less fortunate including people who may post here. Its the decent thing to do. And I'm not saying people don't. It would just be sad if what is supposed to be a joyous occassion brought out any other feelings in us, myself included.
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518031 tn?1295575374
hey burrrrrr.. i think he has a burrrrrrrrrrrrrr under his skin god bless and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT  HO HO HO
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585414 tn?1288941302
Actually I read your profile and saw that you were in the Marine Corps. I'm sure you've done a lot to defend our country and I wouldn't say otherwise. I wasn't saying America as a country has treated its soldiers badly. I was saying that I have worked with people who returned from active service and didn't get what they deserved in the way of healthcare and I supported them in their cause. Of course if you were in active duty in war you did far more than me in putting your life on the line for our country. I was pointing out that I don't see myself as the opposition to people who are patriotic or believe in God. I am not Christian. Truthfully my family was Jewish so if I were to go back to being a believer it would be to that.
  But America was founded on religious freedom. So although I wouldn't detract from your beliefs I wouldn't have to subscribe to them either. I actually do understand what people are saying in that they feel their right to celebrate Christmas in an observant manner is being taken away from them. And that would be considered a violation of religious freedom. That would be a concern. I don't detract though from the teachings of Jesus. They preach love, understanding and compassion for others. They are just not my specific belief system.
  There are some things we will have to agree to disagree on. But we can agree that America is a country founded on freedom. And that religious freedom is part of that. And that on Christmas you will have a freedom of religion our country was founded on. And we as Americans have many freedoms other people in the world don't have. And you have actively defended them. And with what I do as an advocate for people with disabilities I am able to because of many of those same freedoms. And I should be thankful for people like you regardless of any differences we might have otherwise.
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