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leg weekness, wobbly head and eyes

The last 6 months have been challenging to say the least.  Every test in the book I have been given.  The last is a spinal tap for ms.  I am really scared.  My legs are week and feel disconnected to my body at times.  I also have anxiety attacks even with enjoyable situations.  I walk my dogs in the morning thinking this will help relieve the stress but come back exhausted, weak legs, wobbly head and with little will to continue the day.  The smallest thing can turn me upside down.  This started about two months ago.  My legs started feeling heavy then weak.  Hot flashes, anxiety attacks are more evident at night.  I sometimes can't even see straight and feel nautious.  Now I am at the point were I dread starting the day knowing a long day is ahead of me with little activity I feel comfortable doing.  I love to garden, paint etc....My head gets heavy, legs  weak, eyes don't seem to want to focus right and I end up on the couch or bed.  Yuk!!!  Is this menopause?  Does anybody else have these symptoms and what do you do?  Why do perfectly once enjoyable tasks seem a hardship???  
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Hi everybody

I had all the key symptoms: shortened cycles, heavy bleeding, anaemia, dizziness, headaches, migraines for the first time, neck pain, muscular pain, crushing fatigue, ongoing insomnia. There were months and months where I was practically bedridden. On top of this, the anxiety which is probably the worst symptom of all, as it comes out of nowhere, is difficult to understand, takes all of your energy mental and physical, spiritual to manage and crushes your self-esteem.  I had all the blood tests, heart monitor, CAT scan, I saw a homeopath, acupuncturist, 3 gynaecologists (who wanted me on the pill, or the IUD), various other practitioners, did EFT, hypnosis, 2 psychologists.  I lost my reputation at the org I worked for, was stigmatised for "being sick" after years of high performance.  Finally, sought out a bio-identical clinic, who put me on a low dose of natural progesterone cream (compounded). Started sleeping again, fatigue began to decrease, muscular pain began to decrease, moods got a little better, bleeding manageable, headaches better, anxiety is still my worst symptom, but this is the second month on it and the second month in 6 I haven't ended up in ER on the day before or day of period starting.  I am also about to do saliva testing to see exactly what my hormones are doing.  I strongly suggest the both: see someone that knows about bio-identicals and get your hormones tested so that they can pinpoint what the imbalances are and then re-balance and restore.  I hope this helps.

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Hello, I am so happy to have found this site. I will be fifty one in Feb. I have been to the ER 4 times since AUGUST. First time was flooding from bleeding, and then Found out I was severely anemic, and passed out a few times. my periods are irregular now...feel like I am crazy, and been to the ER with panic attachs. I HAVE HAD THE HEAVY LEAD feeling mostly in my legs and one arm. I have a strange buzzing feeling in my body alot, and also was convinced I had MS. I expect at any minute I will collapse and not be able to walk and be confined to a wheel chair. These symptoms have made me extremely neurotic. All my bloodwork, EKG and thyroid have come back normal. It was hard at first because low iron causes some of the same symptoms as menopause, and panic attachs also can cause shaky legs and heavy lead feelings. Id rather be dead than feel like this. Thank you everybody for sharing. It helps me know I am not crazy.
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today i come home from shopping and walk in the house and my eyes where what i felt like wobbling i felt so funny and then my mouth went real dry and tingly then it happened again when i was in the car about 15 minutes later the same I am on tablets for reflux i have been taking them for 4days i am wondering if it is the tablets but the side affects doesn't mention all that stuff i have just mention.
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I just want to add that while I have some similar symptoms as listed above, I have none of the classic peri-menopause symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, etc.).

I have had COUNTLESS tests.  I'm 47.  My periods are regular.  

"I" am the one who brings up the possibility of peri-menopause with just about every doctor I've seen, and they have ALL immediately dismissed it...some almost mocking me for even suggesting it.  (At the same time, they just say all tests are normal, they don't know what is (or don't believe anything is) wrong, now please leave.  

I have pretty much given-up seeking help from the medical profession.  Everyone I've dealt with (doctors & nurses) has been dismissive or downright insulting.  

For now, I'm going with the theory that I'm in peri-menopause, but that my PCOS is causing some unusual symptoms.  I can't find a doctor who'll even consider if peri-menopause is really the cause.

A friend of a friend recently passed away, after also giving up trying to find the cause of her health problem.  Every doctor also told her she was imagining it, it was "stress", or that they just didn't know (or care to look further).  She died because she couldn't find a doctor who was competent or objective.  Such a shame.  Something is desperately wrong with me.  I hope it's just peri-menopause.
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I am 44 years old and my body has taken on a life of it's own..All by blood tests are normal and hormones when tested fine, but i am experiencing anxiety through the roof, shaky left leg.  some mornings i wake up feeling fine, then a few hours later i will be sitting at my desk and a wave comes over me, Almost feels like my sugar dropped drastically but i am not diabetic.  i feel the need to pee, i tremble and just feel horrible.  can't eat anything.  thank goodness for my klonopin or there would be days i couldn't get to work.  i have been to the ER many times in the past years with full blown panic attacks.  This all started when i hit my 40's...i have no definitive answers from tests but I am fairly confident it is hormonal.  My gyno believes it is perimenopause.  she offered to put my on a low dose birth control but not really comfortable with that. Thanks for listening
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Thank you for posting a response.  I wish I could tell you I am 100% back to normal but I am not.  Please take heart that it isn't as severe as 4 years ago but I am still putting up with many of the symptoms from the beginning.  Worrying about whether it is ms or some other deadly disease does not phase me anymore but the ugly symptoms that keep you from enjoying life like you once did are still hanging around.  I want to encourage you to keep going but be good to yourself in everything you do.  I have been everywhere and talked to many doctors and no one has any answers.  I refuse to go on HRT due to it stimulating cancer cells in the breast but I do have one hope for you that might ease your symptoms and mind.  I did find a doctor that does a saliva test and sends it to the West Coast.  The test will give you an acurate account of your hormone levels and I mean all your hormones.  Then if he is a good doc will give you suppliments to help get your energy, mood, and over all well being feeling better.  The symptoms are still there but not as severe.  The blood tests you get from your gyno are not an overall accurate account and tend to be frustrating.  If you cannot find a doc let me know and I will give you the name of the one a I use and you can do it over the phone.  He is a kind and sensitive man who has talked to and seen thousands of us who suffer.
Please remember to stay away from caffeine, alchohol and sugar.  For some reason they make your symptoms worse.  If you have gained weight do not be hard on yourself...your body is out of wack and nothing is working normally.  Don't go on a strict diet because your body needs good nutrients and lots of them.
I am out gardening, walking and participating in the parts of life I use to but it still is a struggle.  There are many women out there suffering who need our support and a good ear.  Look and watch for them so you can be a blessing to someone else who is in great dispair.
I have to tell you I connected with a women 4 years ago through another on this website.  We text daily and talk on the phone once a week.  I had the pleasure of meeting her this past week for the first time. (she was passing through...we live states away from each other).  We hugged and cried and laughed together for a couple of hours.
Don't be afraid of your symptoms no matter how disturbing they are.  So many different things set them off too.  Even pleasant times with friends will set your anxiety, nerve, and head weirdness off.  Keep passing through it calmly and the storm will subside.
I love and pray for all of you.  
This is no picnic
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