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severe body odor changes

I'm 54, very healthy and definitely in menopause. About a year ago the most bizarre of all my menopause symptoms began: I stared having a very masculine sweat odor under my arms and no matter how much I wash and bathe and deoderize nothing helps. I also strated having foul & strong smelling urine and a very "male" smelling vginal area. I am on Avian 28 birth control pills which control hot flashes and other symptoms - but nothing is helping this decidedly male smell I now emit. I have never before had any body odor, even when sweating hard. My female area exudes the same kind of smell that men have in their sexual organ areas and it's all the time. No amount of washing or bathing stops it. HELP!!!
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Purchase a bottle of Hibiclens from your local pharmacy.  Place in on all affected parts (external not internal)  Scrub it in for 30-60 seconds.   Even rubbing your affected parts by hand for 3-5 seconds would work as it’shighly effective.

Instructions indicate not to use on genital, eyes, or anal area as it’s a medical disinfectant for your body.

In reality it can be safely applied to armpits, feet, hands, exterior genitalia, anus, labia Majora, and labia Minora, (outer and inner vaginal lips), pubic mound (pad of fat under belly that goes down all the way to the top opening of the vagina), and anal cleft (between butt cheeks).  

Men can use it on all their sexual parts.  

It’s basically a disinfectant for humans, so you don’t won’t to get in your eyes, ears, or squirt it into any body openings.

Douches under the direction of an OBGYN may consists of 25 parts water and 1 part Hibiclens.  Do not douche with diluted Hibiclens without the approval of your OBGYN.

If you have allergy concerns, moisten a Q-tip with Hibiclens and place a small inconspicuous dot on your armpit, groin, anal area (external not internal), foot wait for 5 minutes, wash it off completely and wait for 24 hours.
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I am glad that I am not the only one going through this!! It is awful sometimes and I feel so embarrassed because of it.
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Ugh, supersharon.  I just love getting older.  ha.  What are you trying to counteract it?  Share your ideas, I'll share mine!  :>))  
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I am 47 years old and I am going through perimenopause. I have had the male testosterone odour on and off for about 3 years. I never sweated before this occurred and I thought there was something seriously wrong with me. I went and explained it to my doctor who did not seem interested. I got my blood and hormones checked and they were fine. I have less body odour when I take magnesium, baking soda and water, and eat a more alkaline diet. But I have done a lot of research as I am highly embarrassed by this and I feel that perimenopausal women should be given free medical treatment as I am left in the dark about all of this. Anyway I have decided to buy the natural supplement Macafem as it is supposed to regulate hormones of the endocrine system. I just can't keep smelling like a sweaty bloke.
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You need some diflucan, you have a yeast infection on your skin.
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Hello, I have never commented on here before but I wanted to tell as many women as possible about Red Clover that you buy online from Simply Supplements, I had never heard of it before and told a friend about my terrible night sweats, within five days of taking it I haven't had a night sweat or hot flush since, I hope this helps other ladies out there .
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Ok, I have the masculine smell, yuch!!! Im 50 and have always been very clean smelling, so much so that people would comment about how good I smell. I miss those days. Now people cant stop rubbing their noses around me and standing back a few feet. I feel so discouraged. One thing that I tried was this ritual that I saw on one of these menopause help sites (actually I stacked them): I get into the shower. Soap up my pits very well with dial gold bar soap and rinse. I repeat two or three times. Then, using a cotton ball (or two), I wet it then add some dial body wash to it and scrub (not too harshly or it irritates) for sixty seconds. Then, rinse. I reapply the dial bar soap (to remove the residue from the body wash) again, and rinse.  Then, using steel soap, I rub each of my under arms for thirty to sixty seconds. Then, everything else that needs to be done before or after the ritual. Get out of shower, dry well. Next, I  apply Stridex oxy face pads to an under arm. I use a piece of cardboard to fan dry (takes about three to four minutes per arm). Then, I apply my deodorant (I used Arrid XX dry, then switched to Right Guard, either gel or solid). It seemed to work for about a week. Now, it seems that my pits are dry mostly but the odor remains but not as much. Still, the stinky lingers in the air like old dried sweat, pew!!! Hope someone can help!!!
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Hi Lori. I have had the same problem. In addition to low estrogen, it can also be a PH imbalance. Try testing your PH levels (by a PH test at the drug store).  Woman in general tend to lean towards the acidic side. The old we get, the more acidic our bodies become. A pungent body odor is a symptom of high acidic ph levels. I drink lemon and cucumber with water throughout the day and noticed a drastic decrease in the acid levels in my body.  Contrary to popular belief, lemon become alkaline as soon as it hits the stomach and assist in balancing our PH. Some people use baking soda and water,but you can't beat a refreshing glass of water with fresh lemon. I also enjoy bathing in vinegar water. I cup of vinegar and about 10 drops of your favorite scented oil in a bath is very luxurious and will help with the bacteria that causes odor. Give it a shot.  
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Hi Lori. I have had the same problem. In addition to low estrogen, it can also be a PH imbalance. Try testing your PH levels (by a PH test at the drug store).  Woman in general tend to lean towards the acidic side. The old we get, the more acidic our bodies become. A pungent body odor is a symptom of high acidic ph levels. I drink lemon and cucumber with water throughout the day and noticed a drastic decrease in the acid levels in my body.  Contrary to popular belief, lemon become alkaline as soon as it hits the stomach and assist in balancing our PH. Some people use baking soda and water,but you can't beat a refreshing glass of water with fresh lemon. I also enjoy bathing in vinegar water. I cup of vinegar and about 10 drops of your favorite scented oil in a bath is very luxurious and will help with the bacteria that causes odor. Give it a shot.  
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I'm having all the same issues and have been for 2 years now, but when you say no sex and there can't be a bacterial infection that is wrong!  It has happened to me but by an over abundance of GOOD bacteria, I didn't know it could happen until I couldn't take the odor any longer.
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I thought I'd report on the developments over the past 1year+    The odor problem has abated somewhat.  I shower daily and still use powder "just in case"  but I can actually work an entire day at my job and come home without feeling like a barbarian.  Was it just a matter of "time heals all wounds" or dietary changes taking hold??   I am not regular about taking the zinc or magnesium pills so I cannot attribute it to that.  Too bad, it would have been some nice research.  Anyway, unless it takes a turn for the worse again, I am at a point where I can live with it.  Thank goodness.
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Insightful comments, thanks. I have noticed that I have to shower every day or I will have a stronger odor but I have attributed it to this "change" into maturity, to rotting. I think I actually have had official underarm B.O. for the first time a couple weeks ago, but I had not showered in a day and had done yardwork in 80 degree weather with hot flashes. And I do suffer major hot flashes. I'm not sure if I have had the masculine body odor yet, no one has commented and I haven't noticed other than the underarm thing a couple weeks ago. However, unlike some women who say they experience increased anxiety during menopause, I feel reluctant acceptance, a decrease in anxiety. I spent my entire adult life trying to look and smell just right -- and that comes with its share of anxiety -- and now I don't care so much, it is what it is -- aging. I figure as long as I shower daily and don't stay out late, maybe I'll be o.k. Also, I try to carry femine wipes but I always forget I have them on hand. I don't think I'm depressed, I'm just tired now after a lifetime of trying to look and smell nice all the time. Now I just am who I am. I just wish the hot flashes would stop, they drain me and are difficult when in public. I might need something to help with that when I'm back on insurance but for now I'm going natural and hope to make it through this without meds. I'm with all of you on odor concern and will probably go back to body spray, but you know many public places outlaw perfumes now along with cigarett smoke, too. I think I'm just tired of it all so people will have to accept me as is or stand back or downwind.  
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I don't have the odor of a man sweating, but of a "dirty butt".  I don't know any other way to put it.  It comes from under my breasts and in the rolls under my belly fat.  I have to shower every 18 hrs to keep the smell at bay.  I went through menopause at 41 and I am now 63...never been on horomones, never had hot flashes, night sweats or any of the horror stories I have heard...very lucky I guess....until now.  Not only do I get this horrible odor, it breaks my shin out in a red rash that is very painful.  I have researched it on many MD sites, but I can't seen to find exactly what  is wrong with me.  I sure appreciate you sharing your stories.  It is easier to sit here and talk to the cyber world than to go try to explain this to my doctor  But I quess I will go next week.  Getting to where I can't stand to be around my self...either I'm wet all the time or I stink!  Thanks ladies
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I read on another website that a non-medical treatment to try is minerals. Specifically they recommend zinc and magnesium supplements, though they warn about not going overboard on the zinc because an overdose isn't good either. It prevents copper digestion. So they said 15mg of zinc should balance out whatever is the problem. They didn't mention a specific amount for the magnesium, but I think moderation would probably be a good idea there too.

Anyway, I am going to try it because I am really not crazy about the idea of going on hormones. I really hope this zinc-magnesium thing works because I am at my wits end with this.  :-)
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It is so refreshing when you find others dealing with the same thing.  Like you I am a clean woman.  I am menopausal and for about 6 mos. to a year I have experienced this vaginal body odor that smells like I have been working out and a lingering smell after using the bathroom.  In addition, my underarm pits sweat more which is uncommon for me.  I have felt so embarrassed and I don't want anyone to go in the bathroom after me.  I haven't been sexually active for several years, so I can rule out infections and bacteria.  I am not on any meds or birth control.  I take a vitamin, calcium, and B12 daily.  I have not discovered a remedy, but I am seeking.  For now, it is good to know that there are others out there who are experiencing the same.
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The last 3 months i have bad underarm order. I am 49 now 50 in May. Last period was maybe 3 years ago. I have not noticed any other issues with going thru the "change". I have no health insurance at this time.Not sure but i am thinking maybe my urine might also be strong. Will have to start keeping a nose on that.
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Never in my life have I been able to smell myself.  Well, not until this year!  Its awful.  I am 50 and in perimenapuase.  My periods sometimes last a month.  Thank God no clots or pain...Anyway, what I have found helps is Dial soap. It kinda drying... to my skin. but works much better than all the others.  I also use Norform suppisitorys in between bleeding.  I also use whatever else I can get my hands on that day...  Baby Powder, that actually lingers nicely!!!!!!!!!!!!  But believe me....  its not fun trying to cover up this odor!!!  Swimming in the pool this summer seemed to help too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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That smell, like a man that has been working all day, I had that for about 4 weeks I am 61 years old and oh my word it was horrible, now get this !!! BANG it just went away ??? I havent had the odor again and never befor that, been menapasal for 12 years ??? What goes on with our bodies is a mistery to me.  Still don't know what brought the odor on, but it is gone, and hope it never comes back. katie6247
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Loni & MinuteMaid
Please see my post (actually I entered it as a question because I didn't know how to post anything).  Try using a fiber product.  For some reason, it's working for me--not sure why.
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See, the fact that you got off the hormone replacement and then started having the odor change leads me to beleive that I'm right - we need more female hormones. My odor change didn't start until I started menapause and got off the birth control pill - now I'm back on the pill and they have stopped the hot flashes and night sweats - but not the male smell. I also noticed my urine does smell like chicken soup sometimes and lingers in the air for a while. I think if you explain to your doctor that you feel your hormones are out of balance and want a full work-up done on your blood chemistry to see if you're low in female hormones, there shouldn't be a problem with him/her arranging the bloodtests. Even your hormone levels show "normal" (which mine did), I believe an increase in femele hormone would stop the male small - I look at it this way; if men that go in for a complete change in their gender can take female hormones and start to smell feminine, which is what they say occurs, then I must believe that an increase in our female hormones will erradicate this testosterine smell in women. I'll keep you posted. Loni 22  
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I would be interested to hear the outcome  I recently came off HRT and noticed this body odour.  Like you, previously I had been aware of no smell - even though I have been suffering from severe sweating for the past two years - other than the pleasant aroma of warm bread.  Now I definitely have the testosterone smell you describe, despite my scrupuous personal hygiene.  However, the whole time I was on Estracombi, I had the chicken/ egg urine smell, and this is still the case.  It is so strong that I feel embarrassed if someone goes into the toilet after me as it seems to linger in the air.  

I live in the UK and am not sure how one goes about asking the GP for a hormonal check, especially for such an odd symptom!

Let me know how you get on, please!

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I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone! Yes, even my doctors look at me as if it's all in my head. Very exasperating when I know my own body well and know that a real pysical change has occured in my bio-chemistry. My theory is that we are low on female hormones - I'm assuming it's these hormones that cause either a male or female scent. Since I've always had a feminine "clean" smelling body odor I beleive that a change in hormone level might be the problem - and the answer. I'm going to ask my docter to increase my female hormone dose and see if that helps. You're also right about it not being diet because I did a 2 week raw juice fast/cleanse and the odors didn't change. It has to be hormonal.
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I am glad you brought this up and I will watch for responses.  I am of similar age and am experiencing the same symptoms although I find my urine smells like chicken soup or eggs.  I am vegetarian so I know this can't be due to my diet. There is obviously something hormonal going on but can anyone explain what it is?
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I am in perimenopause and have a similar urine odor that comes and goes over weeks. It smells like cooked or smoked meat. I have not had it before and I am a 51 year old woman who has had UTIs. My lab work showed no infection. The smell is not coming from the vagina either, as I can smell it in my pee even when it is clean. I have not changed my diet, my fluid intake, my meds, or anything else. I cannot find any other reference to this meaty smell online. I am in urology for blood in urine, and my peeing habits have changed, but I have no diagnosis yet.
Any ideas what is causing the smell of steak or hotdogs in my pee?  
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