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Shrinking Penis / Buzzing Groin / Prostatitis tie-in


First of all, apologies for the very long post - but please read it through.

It seems like a lot of people on this forum have one of three penile problems:

1.)  Shrinking Penis Syndrome
2.)  Buzzing Groin Syndrome
3.)  Chronic Non-Bacterial (Type III) Prostatitis

What I'm interested in is:  How many of us have had symptoms of all three diseases?  I'm wondering if this is one big syndrome with three distinct manifestations.  I think this myself because I have had symptoms of all three disorders - the Buzzing Groin Syndrome a couple of years ago, which led to CNBP which has led to the Shrinking Penis Syndrome.

So, let's gather some data.  Try to reconstruct the progression of your symptoms as best you can.  Give as much detail as possible.  It may seem like a lot to ask, but the more data we can gather on these disorders, the more likely we will find a treatment.

I'll try to give a good example.

I have always had slight numbness in my penis since I hit puberty.  Most of my penile sensation has been at the base of the penis, or lower third.  It caused problems when I was single because I could never ejaculate through intercourse - not enough feeling.  I could sometimes ejaculate during oral sex, but only if the woman went down my shaft all the way, or stimulated my base with her hand.  I always thought this was normal.  Then about seven years ago, I met my wife - a doctor (radiologist) who is also a chiropractor.  After we became intimate she said she was surprised how scarred my penis looked where my foreskin had been removed.  This led her to believe I may have had a nerve severed when I was circumcised due to a botched procedure.

It is interesting to note that all of my life I have been told I have a "boggy" prostate.  And when the docs would do the digital exam, boy did it hurt, both in my anus...and in the tip of my penis!  Two of my doctors commented "wow, that's unusual you would hurt there", but they thought it was not worthy of follow-up.  Nice call, docs.  

I've also always bent to the left when erect - no pain was involved, just freaky bendage.  Intercourse never hurt for me or my partner - I just had to aim very carefully.

About two years ago, I started noticing that "buzzing sensation" in my groin.  It would start for no reason, then stop for no reason.  It literally felt like I had a cell phone in my groin (not my penis), and would keep me awake at night.  It lasted about a year, then tapered off.  During this time, my sex life was almost non-existent, and I would go weeks without masturbating, easily.  My wife noticed that whenever we did have sex, and I ejaculated inside her, her whole groin/uterus area would be inflamed badly, then taper off over a couple of days.  Hence, she had no great desire for sex, and frankly neither did I!  In addition, I noticed about a year ago that I had a bad case of ringworm on both thighs - no idea where that came from.  It disappeared about seven months ago - and shortly afterwards, my troubles began...  

Seven months ago, I noticed that I was gradually having more and more trouble shutting off the flow of urine - it felt like I was pushing against more and more resistance to stop the flow.  It got worse and worse, until about a month into the symptoms, I strained really hard to see if something was trying to come out.  Got a bright red drop of blood for my efforts.  I panicked, of course, and went to the doc the next day.  They found a lot of blood in my urine (naturally), and did the bacterial culture to see if I had an infection.  Well, of course, no infection was detected.  NO CULTURING WAS DONE ON MY PROSTATIC FLUID.  

I was put on antibiotics as a precaution and sent home.  The antibiotics took away my symptoms completely - until I was off them.  Then they returned, with a vengeance.  I had the worst pain of my life on September 10th.  I thought I was going to die, it hurt so bad.  Felt like my penis was on fire, and my groin was ripping open.  My anus felt like someone had tightened the ring of muscle so tight it could have ripped off bottle caps.  The next day I felt a little better, so I went to the docs for emergency treatment.  I was immediately put on antibiotics and an analgesic for the pain.  My symptoms diminished again, but I still had tremendous discomfort.  

I read somewhere that during antibiotic treatment for prostatitis, you need to masturbate frequently to get blood in there, because the prostate has a tendency to "seal up", which makes it inflamed.  I masturbated for the first time in about three months, and I thought I was going to die.  The semen was BRIGHT yellow (might have been due to the analgesic), and boy did it hurt coming out.  

Then, the next day, my symptoms were MUCH better.  I kept taking antibiotics (no more analgesic, it had run out), and masturbating.  The next couple of times were rough, but not nearly as bad as the first time.

And now, we come to the present day.  I'm currently on a course of antibiotics, my symptoms are negligible (about .5/10, mostly achy discomfort).  However, I have noticed that my penis is shrinking up a lot - it feels like it's withdrawing into my body.  I have a persistent itch sometimes (not today), that feels like it's both outside and inside my penis.  My balls are all over the place and my scrotum can be so loose it hangs like a sack or so tight it feels like I'm Uniball.  I did notice I have a squishy lump on the top of my right testicle which my wife says is probably a spermatocele, and the veins in my penis are more prominent than ever.  I've always had irritable bowel syndrome, and now it seems worse, but sometimes better.  I too am at my wit's end trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Most recently, I've been thinking perhaps this is a fungal infection - I've been applying tinactin to my penis, perineum and anus, and taking zinc in case it's hormones.  My symptoms yesterday were TOTALLY GONE the day after a Tinactin application and zinc ingestion.  I did neither yesterday, and my symptoms are about .5/10 today.  I'm going to Tinac/zinc and see if they go away today or tomorrow.


I know this is a very long post, but I hope you have stayed with me.  IT IS ESSENTIAL WE GET AS MUCH DETAIL ON THIS PROBLEM AS POSSIBLE SO THE DOCS KNOW HOW TO TREAT US.
9 Responses
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Interesting post. I have suffered some similar symptoms for around 3 years now, yet the urologists and proctologists can't seem to find anything concrete wrong with me. May I ask you a couple of questions? Did you ever practice delayed orgasm or have sex/masturbate for long periods of time (an hour or more) before ejaculating, and do this on a regular basis? I believe this is what has attributed to my symptoms. Also, I was wondering if, after meals, you have somewhat of an acid reflux condition but where chunks of undigested food come up? This is increasingly worse after sex/masturbation for me.
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Ask away :)  The more questions we ask, more data we get.

1.)  I've sometimes taken a very long time to reach orgasm, yes.  I don't do it on a regular basis, because it does actually make my symptoms worse.  Sometimes I get a very bizarre feeling as I ejaculate that there is some kind of "backflow" going on.  

2.)  I do have mild acid reflux.  I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome as well - kind of like acid reflux on the other side of the body haha :)  I don't really notice any tie-in between my acid reflux and/or sexual activity.  I do notice that if I have marathon sex or a long masturbation session, my IBS does tend to act up.
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Thanks for the answers. I understand what you mean about the "backflow" feeling during ejaculation. This is more prevalent the longer I wait before "shooting".

My biggest issues after sex/masturbation are:

1. The aforementioned reflux issue,
2. A "tightness" in the anus/sphincter area, which does allow for easily passing gas.
3. A limp feeling in my unit but I believe this is scar tissue inside it. I have not had very many erections in the last 2 months but that is maybe because I am apprehensive as I had some blood in my semen just before that and it kind of freaked me out.

Anybody else with similar problems, please add to this post so we can determine any solutions, etc.

My biggest peeve is that 5 yrs ago (BEFORE any symptoms were present but on the advice of a concerned friend) my GP told me I had nothing to worry about by delaying ejaculation, that it was not possible to cause harm.

When that physician passed away I got a new one in 2005 who also didn't seem concerned. (It was at the point when I noticed the symptoms that I continue to have today).

In Oct 2006 a urologist checked everything he was supposed to (I am assuming he did) and told me he couldn't see anything wrong despite my discomfort.

I suppose my age may make them skeptical (I am 38) as all the Docs have said it is a little early for someone my age to have prostate troubles.

I am trying some new herbal remedies soon and will post if I notice any difference from them.
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In the above paragraph, I wrote
My biggest issues after sex/masturbation are:

2. A "tightness" in the anus/sphincter area, which does allow for easily passing gas.

Of course, I meant to say

2. A "tightness" in the anus/sphincter area, which does NOT allow for easily passing gas.

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Our symptoms sound almost exactly identical, especially the three you listed.  I'm 37, so we're almost exactly the same age, too.

The one comfort I take is that there are others out there with the exact same symptoms.  Now we just need a brilliant doctor to cure us!


P.S. - This may be related to our symptoms - are you able to urinate with an erection?  I certainly can, and it's supposed to be near impossible...
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Did your symptoms start with an event you remember?  I noticed it was gradually getting harder and harder to shut off the flow of urine several months ago, then the symptoms began.
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The symptoms were so gradual I didn't wake up one day and notice a problem.

To urinate with an erection requires a bit of strain--it won't just naturally flow like it would when flaccid. But then I have friends without this problem who say the same thing, so I think most men have to push a little to get the urine through an erect penis.

I feel there is scar tissue inside mine from being stretched out with blood for so many hours at a time. Morning erections are almost non-existent now and member just sort of hangs there; it doesn't have the spongy tissue anymore that it used to. I have noticed also it doesn't spontaneously "spring up" at certain thoughts like it used to. It requires direct stimulation. I'm not sure this problem can be corrected. From everything I've researched, once these tissues and muscles are damaged, they cannot be repaired.

Right now I am easing off any and all sexual activity. I planned on doing so for as long as possible, but the longest I went was two weeks. I would have abstained longer, but the build-up in my testes of semen was getting to be as uncomfortable as the regular symptoms. I quickly got rid of a load, but it was only to relieve the pressure in the area, and did not get any enjoyment out of it.

I am not sure if this practice of "emptying" only when needed every few weeks is going to help, but I will try it for a while and see what happens.
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I experience the buzzing feeling, along with pain and itch in my penis, mainly at night as I'm trying to get to sleep.  I don't know if I've any underlying prostate trouble but I certainly think it's possible as I can take an age to start urinating sometimes, along with needing to go during the night and a weak flow.

My doctor said prostate trouble was highly unlikely though because of my age although he never carried out an examination.  Prostatitis is something I've looked as as being a possible cause of my main problem (shrinkage) but no medical evidence seems to back this up.

From what I've read atrophy is almost always caused by either lack of nourishment, poor circulation, loss of hormonal support, loss of nerve supply, disuse or disease or infeciton of the tissue.  The nerve supply theory might help to explain the vibrating/buzzing feeling.
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I have had most of the experiences Morgannon has had. The vibrating feeling is indeed strange, and acts up at different times of day as well as at night while trying to sleep. I never knew anyone else experienced this. I've also had prostate trouble - it felt like it was inflamed and it was difficult to urinate. When the Eurologist did the exam, it hurt like hell inside as well as the tip of my penis. One thing he did say was to ejaculate more often to "clean out the pipes," and to also use a saw palmetto tincture. I got some at an herbal store and my symptoms went away within a few days. I keep some around because of occasional flare-ups. I also experienced a painful vein below the head of my penis on the top. It swelled to the girth of a pencil and was about a half of an inch long and would last for days, painfully. Then, all of a sudden, it would go away and made my penis feel like it was in a vice for a good five minutes. It would return about a week later with the same painful results. The doc looked at it and said he didn't know what it was all about, but gave me some samples of Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra to try. I was also on Cymbalta for depression at the time, prescribed by him. I stopped taking it after about a year and the vein thing went away and has not returned. My wife also noticed that my penis had looked smaller lately. I thought she was being funny and was going to make a comment about it "being cold" in the room, or something. Being a male, I, of course, grabbed the tape measure for the next morning's erection. Sure enough, she was right - I have lost about an inch and a half in length since we were first married. I weight maybe 15 pounds more than twenty years ago, so weight is not a factor. I believe there is a correlation between all of the meds he had me on and the symptoms outlined above. One thing I have that I didn't see in your post is painful urination. That is to say that sometimes when I pee, my penis feels like it's being twisted inside with a pair of pliers. Not the eurethra or the bladder where the pain is, ust the lean mass of the penis itself. I can stop mid-stream to make the pain subside, but sometimes it is unbearable and I can't finish peeing. I asked the doc about it and he said he didn't know, but take these pills... (He's no longer my doctor, by the way). I wish there was more research done on these conditions. Not all penis issues are centered around sex and perversion (i.e.: "Let's talk about my penis...") I feel these are very serious issues that need to be addressed in a serious, clinical and professional manner.
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