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Shrnking penis (II)

Restarting the shrinking penis thread that reached the maximum number of posts further down the board.

Penis continues to get thinner and be painful.  

Anyone got any developments, good or otherwise, to report?
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Since 2004, I have had a tight foreskin (possible BXO). In '05 I had a dorsal slit (like a partial circumcision) and all was well until last year when the tightness returned, making sex very painful and, eventually, practically impossible. By this point, when masturbating, I was just rubbing over the penile skin and not retracting. This wasn't my usual method but I had to adapt, naturally.

Last month had to have a full circumcision. A week and a half later, I could get an erection without intense pain from the stitches and looking at it, it seemed smaller than usual. It was maybe 70% erect so I put it down to just that. I coaxed out as full erection (being very careful not to disturb the painful stitching) and there it was. Same size. Just harder.

Could it happen? Could it be psychological - afraid of bursting my stitches (and I was after a torrid time with my partial circumcision)? Or is it more sinister?

I told my GP and he ran some tests for testosterone levels, blood sugars and all that. All were fine, the testosterone levels were normal he said, 20 or 25 I think he said. He said I had high ALT which could mean a fatty liver but the rest were all clear. As the ALT results could be skewed by my antibiotics for post op, he wants to run it again, along with some other tests.  He also said to wait and that it could take up to 8 weeks for things to return to normal, especially if I have a worry (and I do) that getting fully erect is going to cause injury to the surgical wound.

Flaccid size seems normal - it's the erect size.that has changed. Dunno if this is important, but pre operation, I had 2 sensations which I attributed to the tight foreskin.
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im 26 male and i can understand all ya blokes out there and how you guys must feel as i have the same situation for the last 3 years as i can remember i have been suffering the shrinking of the penis.

when this started happening. I began to get self conscious and i lost alot of self esteem. i started to become more of lights out and under the blankets for sex which i hated. at the ages of 16-19 i was in a serious relationship and having sex upto 3 times a day and doing it where ever we could. after that relationship ended i went out and partied my *** off. for 4 years i was taking just bout every party drug + Weed you could imagine. at about 23 i started to noticed my penis was shrinking it now hangs just above my balls and some days looks really wrinkly....sometimes i can feel and watch it shrink after i have had a play with it.

Since i havent seen anyone else ask this yet as far as i know.

have any of you blokes taking party drugs ie speed eccys, coke, weed do anyone think that this would affect this problem when i was partying with mates you sometimes hear the word bicky **** which means your penis was shriveled up but then go back to normal the next day. wonder if this could be a permanent effect..

my girlfriend just broke up with me after being with her for 3 years for many different reason mostly because shes 21 and wants to run free for awhie like i did, but i know for the last year the sex hasn't been that great. i dont need to say why that is now do i........

this is the First Site that i clicked on after googling "Shrinking Penis"
I did't know that this was such an occurring problem for Men...

"All in All we are Men and what we need is a good spoon full of cement and Harden the F$$K UP"

What Doctor should i see? like do i just walk into an medical centre and have some random inspect my gadget or do u need to goto a specialist???
any help would be most appreciated
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Wow, I had no idea there were so many other guys experiencing the same thing. Good to know there are others that want to deal with this head on.

Am 28, up until 24,25 I was erect at 6-6.5 without effort, now its 4 when I'm lucky and has lost girth.

I've noticed that during this time, progressively I've had to urinate more frequently, my stomach is bloated and I have grown a beerbelly ("all of a sudden"), I don't get angry anymore, just frustrated.

To be honest, I sometimes think my size is beginning to vary with lunar cycles (not joking)...that's when I got scared and started to take my observations of size seriously.

I've tried the pump and jelqing. The pump is a joke and jelquing was short lived for me and my penis seemed to decrease regardless.

The link for the Science of Sex when Dr Pezza states that he knows how to initialize a second puberty growth period sounds promising. Does anybody know anymore of this?

Also I think possibly an unclean colon can really do alot of damage generally to your system.

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hey yossa,

   He said that my levels are very normal... but he doesnt know if when i was younger i had higher levels... so he said hed try me on androgel for a little to see if it raises my levels.  what other circumstances are you looking for.... by the way someone i think you has been talking about the problem being related to masterbation/sex and i think you might be right if i go a few days without masterbating or having sex w my girlfriend it seems that my lenght and girth seemt to get better... but once i orgasm it takes that like three or 4 day period to get it back.... idk
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I have seen these jelking techniqes also. Does it actually work, and if so what kind of results did you have?
By the story you have told I doubt you would recommend me tryn this.
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I have this worry all over me is that i am not good as my girlfriend complains.
Because i really release very early during intercouse.Well any help from you
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I really think the best about this is to stop musturbation period.
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No idea but I'd say your doctor is beig negligent if he's just sticking you on TRT without further examination.  ANy more details about your circumstances?
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i am a 22 year old i have been losing girth nd width for around 2 years now.... i saw a doc recently andhe put me on androgel... even though he said my testosterone level was normal high.... i was wondering if anyone knew if androgel was bad/good. hanks
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Hey all,

I have been experiencing something similar to this shrinking problem.  The only difference is I think I know what caused it.  A little background -- I'm 24, no previous penis problems, and overall in good health. However, about 4 months ago, I broke up with my latest gf and decided to use the extra time I gained to restarting a jelqing routine that I had done off and on for several years (and seemingly with good results until now).  I assume that I did this too hard this final time, and ever since I've had problems with my penis.

To start, it hangs much looser and looks thinner at the base, hanging more straight down than in the sort of semi-arch that it used to hang in.  There has also been loss of girth toward the glans, where it seems more tapered than it had before.  Like a lot of you, I have noticed a tendency for it to be a lot smaller in the flaccid state -- it feels shrunken and rubbery much of the time.  I still get erections but it's more difficult without manual stimulation and they rarely seems 100%.  In particular, the glans and corpus spongiosum do not seem to engorge properly.

In addition to the penis problem, my scrotum now hangs much lower and feels overheated, so that has become uncomfortable to sit down for lengthy periods of time.  I have a reoccuring pain in the left side that extends from (seemingly) the testicle to the back of my leg.  I feel that these problems are directly related to the penis problem, as if some sort of disruption in blood flow may be affecting everything in that area.

I have been to the urologist twice -- once a month ago and once today.  Initially, he thought I might have prostatitis, and gave me antibiotics.  That didn't help.  I went back with my whole laundry list of symptoms that wouldn't go away -- he said he couldn't feel any plaque in the penis and there was nothing else obvious to go by, so he prescribed my Cialis and told me that it would "loosen up things down there" and that my erections would bounce back and whatever.  I would hope so, but I doubt he has a clue what's really going on.  So here I am, reporting to you guys about my problem.

A lot of you with similar symptoms have suggested theories about hormones, masturbation, fungal infections, etc.  I'm not sure how much these things might apply to you, but in my case, it definately seems like it's more likely physical injury.  I think a lot of people may have experienced something similar but that these injuries are too subtle to be detected my typical urologists.  My 2 cents.

The issue has definately affected me psychologically and I wonder how much that might be exacerbating my symptoms. Regardless, I've been pretty hopeless about the situation and have contemplated suicide, though not very seriously. I have everything else going for me -- I'm a good looking guy, highly intelligent, highly talented, but to me, it doesn't amount to much if I can't make love to a woman, so I've been pretty low.  Just hoping to hang onto some optimism.  I'll be sure to post any updates that might help the rest of you.  

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yes exactly 12 yrs ....during the first few yrs I had moderaate erection but forthe 9 yrs i completely lost erection.GOne to multiple doc ..but no use....All my blood test hormones looks okay ....
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No erection for over 10 years?
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I think i might have the same condition. The only difference between me and the rest is that i already had this condition before, but it fixed itsself completely! But now i have it again and i think its a stayer this time.
Symptoms are:

Rubbery hard penis, but the size is "ok". The feeling to it is just weird.
No libido, where before my libido was going overdrive

Its possible to get normal erections, but i need to wait 2-3 days between any sexual sessions

But i'm actually sure what caused this: Masturbation! Who else here masturbated (a lot) (since young age?)
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I'm 29 now .My flaccid  penis reduced abt 2.5 inches & no erection throuhout my teens and till now.
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How bad is your shrinkage and how old are you now?
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Hi iam having   the same problem as you r having.started  to mastrubate as early as 7..had dry orgasms by squeezing my flaccid penis.As you said i did not know until 14 that penis is supose to get hard ....I think matrubating young  has damaged my penis .I completely don't have rection at all .I have been to four diffrent urogolist but no luck .....not sure what to do now ...very much depressed .
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Interesting read which may be relevant to you guys. Discuesses the role of DHT and penis size
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Sorry to hear that man.  Please don't do anything rash.

What is finasteride?
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Thought I'd join this. My problems started on and right after quitting finasteride(Gefina 5mg) as my genitals went completely numb and new veins emerged along my shaft. After 8 months the feeling has returned to 80%, but the texture of my **** is still greyish, rough, my **** is narrower and points to the left and the new veins are still emerged and old veins sit more loose. After quitting fin my T-levels also crashed and I developed gyno and gained like 30 pounds in a few moths and felt like complete ****.
My libido is still gone and having an erection does not even feel ejoyable. Plus my **** is always dry now, no pre-*** to speak of.
A urologist diagnosed me with PD and prostatitis.I've nearly killed myself over this many times, but forums like these help a bit. I have no doubt in my mind that fin caused this. Just a warning.
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I don't know how many of you are interested but I've started a blog dedicated tot his subject.  I hope to develop it into somewhere everyone can share their experiences and the info they've gleaned.


Please help support it - would be good to see some of the old posters like cjones84, Meagazoid, 421 etc checking in to let us know how they're doing.
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your previous post ;

"and here i am now.23 with a half an inch penis soft and 3 inches hard. "

yes that is very small , I suppose your scrotum is bigger than your penis

what caused your problem and do you masturbate ?
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morning erection = 5 inch long and circumference is 12 cm - that was measured by wrapping a piece of paper around it

If I had used my hand it would have been bigger I suppose

en.wikipedia / wiki/Human_penis_size  top right photo - I would say mine is similar to that

the wikipedia article indicates that my penis is of normal size so I have to assume the problem is in my head even though I know what caused the shrinkage and felt it happen while trying to sleep


5 inch erect length is normal 4.85 inch erect girth is normal

3.5 inch flaccid length is normal according to wikipedia

so it may be slightly too small flacid
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Hi there.Cheers yossarian for leading me to this forum as i am a major sufferer of this shrinkage as well.Mines got so severe that i dont know what to do about it anymore.Has a solution or anything been found yet or What are people doing about this?
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after 12 years of having this problem - don't you think it is worth it abstaining from masturbation for a while eg a month (I assume you will still get morning erections so will know the size from that)

My morning erections have never been as big as the one's I get when aroused.

My penis is still withing the normal range although it has slipped down the scale clightly over the years.  Erect it's around 1-2cm thinner, flaccid it's about 60-65% what it once was.

Saw a private urologist who seemed as clueless as his NHS counterparts.
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