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Ovulation after Miscarriage

I recently had an early miscarriage (5 weeks) and my doc told me we could start trying again this cycle, because there was no need for a D&C.  I had been testing with OPKs and I had a few days of false negatives days after the miscarriage due to the left over HCG in my system.  But, then the tests started coming back negative again.  Late last week I started having some ovulation (pain) and per the OPKs I ovulated on Sat.  Is this possible. Is it possible to ovulate 10 days after a miscarriage?
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My husband and I went in for our first ultrasound when I was at 10 weeks 5 days.  To our dismay, we could see and the technican confirmed that there was no heartbeat.  I couldn't believe this was happening and what he was telling us. I am 40 years old and this was a first pregnancy for both of us. On top of this devestating news, we could see that there were twins. (They were adorable)  Our hearts desires were to have twins and then to learn of that was doubly heartbreaking.  I had actually gone to the Dr. to see if they would allow us fertility medicine to try for twins but of course, as it is considered a high risk pregnancy, they do not intently put you in this condition. As the Dr. was not in that day, we had to schedule another Dr. visit when she would be back and go through another ultrasound, etc.....  Needless to say, the whole process was dragged out and just devestating. They had actually grown to be 10 weeks so they had died within 4 or 5 days of our first ultrasound visit. I opted to have a D&C as oppoed to waiting for my body to react natually as it could still take weeks for my body to figure out what was going on. I was told that especially with twins there would be more bleeding and cramping(gestational sac was larger and I was already showing) and I just wanted to take this next step so we could begin the grieving process and move on with our lives to try again. I just had a D & C on August 23rd and the bleeding was extremely minimumal for me.  I had a small blood flow for about 5 days and then just occasional spotting for the next 4. I too have received mixed advice from Dr.'s as to how long we should wait, etc. after the miscarriage to try again. My primary used to be an OB so she has had years of experience and told me to wait 3 months..... My surgeon who is also an OB and deals with high risk pregnancies told us we did not have to wait.  At this point, there is no reason for us to believe there is a problem. If the body is not ready to get pregnant, he doesn't feel it will get pregnant.  In his opinion, there is no medical risk of us having another miscarriage. If we continue to have miscarriages, then we can do some testing but obviously at this point, it is not a concern. I took a pregnancy test yesterday to determine if the hormone levels have gone back down yet after the D & C but it still showed positive - meaning, after two weeks of surgery, my levels have still not come down to 0 as of yet so I will not ovulate yet.   The Dr. told me that I should expect my first cycle before 6 weeks after my D & C as I should be getting close by now for the levels to taper off. (Obviously it is not gone yet) Something I have found out is that in most cases miscarriages before 12 weeks of pregnancies are due to chromosonal issues. It is nothing that we caused or not even due to our emotional state at the time (stress).  AFter we told everyone the bad news, I could not believe how many people we knew that have come forward and have told me it has happened to them or their wives. It really encouraged me to know that ALL of them went on to have normal pregnancies, even after having two miscarriages. We know that God has this whole situation under control - We still praise Him, thank Him for the experience that we had had up to that point in the pregnancy, and plan to start trying again as soon as possible. Our next pregnancy we are believing Him for a healthy baby. We are not defeated and although I think about the twins everyday(makes my heart so sad) we are thinking positive and looking forward to the future with hopes of a healthy baby next time. I hope you all feel encouraged and if you already have children, then know what a blessing they are.
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I came across your story while trying to come to grips with my own miscarriage at about 7 weeks, and wanted to thank you for sharing your experience. Most of what I've read before this is women having just some cramps and almost all having a d and c. With mine I had excruciating pain (and I have a high pain tolerance being a chronic pain sufferer with trigeminal neuralgia) for 6-7 hours with bleeding so heavy I got woozy, and passing of lots of tissue. My fiancé and I kept our tiny angel when it came out and buried it. It's nice to know we are not the only ones to honor its remains. It's been a week since we lost our little one on a small island in the Bahamas, and it seems strange that all my bleeding has stopped already and my body shows signs of ovulating, not to mention my libido just kicked into overdrive. Not sure if we should just go ahead and resume intimate relations since my body seems to be healed and more than ready. Would really be nice to have the physical closeness with my man to help us both heal emotionally. Thank you for sharing your story, as it's helped with my own. Namaste.
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11423986 tn?1418387329
Amen:-) hi,there I have had 3 miscarriages my first two passed but my 3rd one didn't pass so I had to have a DNC 12/1/14 now I waiting to get started again cause I know there is hope,faith on my side how long did you wait my Dr said 2week before having sex again and I'm 38 one day it will happen I will not give up God is in control
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I misscarry 7/20 and its no 9/29 & my hcg is 11 its dropping can I still get pregnant even with hcg in my system I was told I ovulated and should bleed around 9/20 but no bleed hcg still droppin
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6081058 tn?1379059603
I  had a miscarriage and D&C on 28 February 2013, I tested pregnant on 30 July 2013, on the 1st August 2013, I started bleeding and on the 9th September 2013, I had onother D&C.  it took me 4 months to get pregnant again yet I had a miscarriage
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I too had an early miscarriage (no D&C).  My doctor said that we can start trying again whenever we feel ready. She reassured me that this is very common and in no way makes me more likely to miscarry again.  The bleeding has stopped after a week now, and I am wondering if I will ovulate this month. From the posts it looks like it is likely!  Good luck to you all.
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I had a miscarriage on 9/17/12 i only bleed for a week. Its been 2 weeks since the miscarriage. Should i wait longer or try to have another baby now.
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I had a miscarriage on 9/17/12 i only bleed for a week. Its been 2 weeks since the miscarriage. Should i wait longer or try to have another baby now.
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Sorry for everyone's loss. I had a tubal reversal the first week in April of this year. Starting in the month of June, I felt pregnant and only got sick one day. I took pregnancy tests every week on Tuesday & Saturday mornings. They were all negative. I knew I was pregnant (after already having four children) but was just waiting on a positive result. In June, I had a light bleeding for about 2 1/2 days. I thought maybe that was a side effect from my reversal in April. I was craving weird things but didn't have any other symptoms. In July, the day that my period suppose to have started, I woke up wet with sweat. I ran to the bathroom with a test in hand. After about 5 minutes it showed a positive. I just started thanking God and ran back and called my husband. I started going to the doctor right away because deep down inside I felt something wasn't right. My doctor started to monitor my hcg levels because my ultrasound was showing a very early pregnancy. After about a going to bloodwork every two days, I miscarried 2 weeks after finding out I was pregnant. I was getting ready for work and started having pain. I layed down in bed thinking that it will pass. Tried getting up and couldn't. Called my husband and he rushed me to the hospital only for my doctor to tell me that he felt it was going to happen and didn't have the heart to tell me the day before. I didn't bleed out or anything just had alot of pain. I was given one dose in two shot of a mediccation that they use for cancer paitents that flushed me naturally. But the pain was worst than the actual miscarriage. Two weeks later I felt better and no pain and the doctor gave use the green light to try again. I just started my 1st period today since my miscarriage. I pray it is just the spotting from the sperm meeting with the egg. Good look to everyone.
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I had a miscarriage on 2/27/12.  The bleeding lasted for about 7 days.  I stopped bleeding for 2 days, then bled for about a month straight.  Then, I stopped for 2 or 3 days, and continued to bleed again. I went to the doc on 4/11/12, and the US showed nothing - everything was fine.  I stopped bleeding then for a week, and since, have been bleeding every other week.  I have not ovulated at all.  I went to the doc 6/12/12, and my pregnancy hormone was down to a 3. I had a terrible period that week, and actually passed something - doc thinks it may have been the rest of the miscarriage.  I basically miscarried for 3 1/2 months with no D & C or meds. Doc did nothing... I still have not ovulated.  I feel like I should get a new doctor?  Any help with this would be appreciated!
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Is it true that after a miscarriage you are more fertile than before?? I had m/c on April first n we kept trying soon after that. I'm now 14 days late for my period but all the pregnancy test I have recently taken are negative.  Could it be that I ovulated late or what could it be ???
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Hi Abi,

I'm new to this forum thing and have been reading this page for awhile. I've read your message and felt I should reply.

I've been typing you a message of my story to help you feel not alone and I've just burst into tears so I'm sorry the story wont be shared but know that you can feel any way you want. Friends say 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger', 'It's wasn't meant to be', 'When it's right it'll happen'... now you and I both know all that and appreciate their support and encouragement but I've never ovulated. I've been told I'm infertile, I honestly thought I couldn't not have a baby and to find out that I am pregnant (about 5 weeks) and that there is no heartbeat all within 90mins, I'm devasted! Boo to you and you words, I want to feel very upset. Because I am.

I want you to know that you are not alone. I don't know where in the world you are but we're on the same planet and that counts to know we can be upset and happy together.

I'm not telling you how to feel, I'm saying you should feel what ever you feel and embrace those feelings. My husband is too very upset and we talk a lot. It's OK to be confused. I'm still in shock (it happened 4 days ago) and I can tell you confusion, unfairness and loss are just the first three feelings that come to mind.

I send you big big big hugs and love and light and really hope this helps x Just know you do what is best for you and you look after you so when the next time comes around you're healthy, happy and ready x I know I need to look after myself now. (stress is the worst. don't allow it in.)

xxx Love ECOD xxx
PS Love to all of you out there too x I'm sorry and thank you for sharing, it's helped x
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I am very sorry for your loss. I think people say everything happens for a reason because there is NO good reason to lose a child, no matter how early. I do believe that if it's meant to be it will happen. I had two miscarriages and lost a twin and still wonder why and how I will get through it. But every day gets better and you need that one person to help pull you through. This seems like a sign of hope! You are in my prayers.
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I just want to know how to deal with a miscarriage.. I had a miscarriage on feb 13, 2012 I was only 5 weeks preg. but I had been trying for many years to have a baby and this preg. was a tatol surprise never even expected I had gotten pregnant I even thought I couldnt have any babies.  But now Im so confuse on how to feel and every one tells me every thing happenes for a reason but I cant understand those resons and I feel like no one around me understands how I feel.
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I received an update on this site and looked back to the last time I posted. With happiness and sadness I looked at my post. It was in Feb 2011, when I was 5 months pregnant with identical twin girls after 2 miscarriages and 1 healthy boy. I was so happy (Although very nervous) to be having 2 little girls to add to our family. 1 month later I began having lots of pain. Long story short I found out I had Twin-Twin transfusion. My girls were in critical condition. On March 22 my husband and I went to the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia to hopefully have a procedure called laser ablation. They said we were a 5 on a 6 scale, 6 meaning we would lose both babies. They did the procedure that night at 5pm. There was a chance I would lose 1 or both but if I did nothing I would lose both probably within days. The next morning, my 1 little girl died. I still remember that feeling, I wish I would have died. If it wasn't for that dr who told me I had to fight every moment of this pregnancy to keep my other baby alive, I probably would have lost her. I was on strict bedrest for a week and then resting for the rest of my pregnancy. They gave her a fair chance of living through this with a most definite chance of needing heart surgery right after and having to deliver in Philly. To fast forward through this long painful story, Aimee Grace came 2 weeks early and is perfect. She is now 7 months and in perfect health. She needed no surgery. I do believe that without her sister passing, we would have lost both and I am sure it would have been even harder to deal with. I will never forget my little girl, but know she gave her life for my little Aimee. It is very close to the time when this all happened 1 year ago. I hope some day the pain will subside and I can just look at my family with happiness. I wish everyone on this site luck and happiness. I am truly blessed, even with the hardship I had to endure. Good Luck!
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I know your post is years old, but I was so touched by your story after experiencing a miscarriage this week myself, but with the belief that God is in control and I will have another chance..... So just wanted to find out what happened to you and if you and your DH went on to have a baby or perhaps even twins? :)  Blessings to you!
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I do not think you should try to conceive yet. It is better to wait until you've had a period. I just experienced two miscarriages in a row, and I worry that it was because we didn't wait.
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I've been sifting these sites for a long time hoping I could eventually add some good news but unfortunately I cannot. I had a m/c on October 1st at 6 weeks and my OB told me I could start trying immediately, which we did. I had my next period 46 days later. I tried again using OVK, but got my period 38 days later, ovulating on day 25. I then ovulated on day 11, which is extremely odd or me, and I tested at 14dpo with a negative. I'm wondering if I'm actually ovulating or if the OVKs are wrong. I'm 25, very healthy, with what used to be a very reliable 28/29 day cycle. We have been trying for 7 months now. I just don't know what to do- would it be too early for me to speak to a doctor?
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I was told that the risk will be there whether you wait or not!! I had my third m/c on 12/4 and my husband and I were told to wait a few months before we tried again...which is not what I wanted to hear! We both think that I might be pregnant again, not even a full month later. God knows what's best for us...as he knows what's best for you all!!! Good luck to all of you, stay strong, and Happy new year!!!!
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I had a miscarriage at 3 1/2 weeks back in Aug. 2009. Bleed a few days, lighter than a normal period. Got pregnant the next month with a healthy baby boy. I never got a period after my miscarriage. Good luck getting pregnant again. Sorry for your losses. It will happen before you know it.
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Well they say 3rd times the charm ;) so fingers crossed! I've been having cramping feel, nasisated, and tird but my mind could be playing tricks on me! I'm trying not to think about it but it's hard ya no!
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1907646 tn?1321905625
Stay positive, Smiles! I know it's not always easy to smile when things aren't going your way. I've had 2 miscarriages in the past 3 months, one in mid Sept. at 7 weeks and one at the end of Oct. at 4 weeks. I got pregnant the second time the first ovulation after the miscarriage, I ovulated exactly 4 weeks after I started bleeding, and if it's 4 weeks this time again, that'll be this weekend. My husband and I decided that we will wait until January to try again, but I'm wondering if we even need to wait. I didn't need a D/C for either. Hopefully the 3rd one sticks for you and me both Smiles77! :)
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I had a mc about 2 wks ago I was around 5 wks all natural no D&C bleed for 8 days then the following week that Sunday we started trying again. Idk if I'm am or not but my fingers are crossed! I had an ectopic back in June which needed surgery then 3m later found out I was pregnant again just to miscarry it was very sad for me and my husband but we want a baby so bad so we're gonna keep trying ;) baby dust to everyone!
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We had a sono Monday and learned that there may be something abnormal.  She saw fluid on my fillopian tube but also saw somthing in my uterus.  I measured about 5 weeks.  Tuesday we learned that my hcg levels were very low but still had hope that I was just very early in the pregnancy.  Wednesday morning I started bleeding and cramping and knew that I was losing the this baby as I have had 2 miscarriages in the past.  I learned Thursday that my levels had dropped even lower conferming the miscarriage which I will pass naturally.  My husband and I are so devistated as well as my 10 yr old daughter.  We just got married and we are still young but I would like to have our next baby very soon because my daughter is not getting any younger.  The nurse said that we can start trying again as soon as the bleeding stops which I would love to do but we will try to wait until I visit the doctor in Nov the 21st for a check up just to make sure that there is nothing we can do to prevent another miscarriage.    I am so scared that the miscarriage was caused by my past history with pregnancies and other unhealthy choices I have made.  I will surely be praying for all of you...though heart broken and scared we are very hopful that we will get a healthy baby at the perfect time!  Love to all!!
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