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Headaches,muscle spasms, fatigue.

Hello I am a 32yr female (identical twin). Last year April of 2004 was first symptoms. First of all I have had anxiety and panic disorder for 11yrs.(history). I woke up one day and had this aweful headache which is in the base of my head but feel like in brain. Pressure,like sqeezing my brain, pain deep protruding, cold stiking feeling throughout my brain. Dizziness,faint feelings,also goes to this spot in my spine which hurts and makes me feel weird. Like i can feel my nerves in my spine(crawling feeling). i have heart palpitations,tremors. Have had these headaches for almost a year. Had mri,brain,spine,blood test from ,thyroid. hiv,hepatitis,cbc,sed-rate,ana,stress test,lupus. (alot of them) all normal. Then started to have new symptoms after 4months, flu-like symptoms fatigue,weakness,muscle spasms which are annoying. They are all over my body not in one specefic area. They just appeared just like the headache.(which I have everyday). I do get weakness and have lost weight. One day it is my upper arms and shoulders that ache and feel weak then next day my lower part aches,weakens. Also adding i developed hypoglycemia which has become alot worse. I used to beable to drink beer but now I cant have very many. But it feels like something is causing it (underlying). The weakness in my body feels like (example): In the morning when you try to squeeze your hand, that funny weak feeling. I dont have problems with speech,walking,cordination. Just deep depression,mind cloudy,anxiety,not feeling like me.also, i get these red spots on hand and wrist,come and go. floater(left eye.)
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It is encouraging that your tests have not shown a serious neurological disease. In that case you have a primary headache disorder which is now chronic. Muscle spasm and immobility in your neck will exacerbate the headache and may also cause dizziness (so-called cervicogenic headache). Massotherapy and physical therapy with a neck/vestibular specialist will be the best thing to do. Try to avoid excessive use of medication as this can result in medication withdrawal headache (no tablets more than 5 times a week).

It sounds like you are depressed also, and this can have a huge effect on your physical symptoms. A combination of headache psychotherapy and anti-depressants if indicated by your psychiatrists will ehlp with this. You need a multi-disciplinary approach to your chronic pain and depressive problems - this is your best chance (and great chance if you take it) to resume your previous level of functioning

Good luck
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I'm a 32 year old female as well and recently with the last 3 to 4 weeks, I've developed many if not all of the symptoms you've listed.  My brain feels heavy like it about to expand through my skull and skin.  A lot of pressure on each side of my temple.  Sometimes it feels like something is squeezing my brain out of my head.  I would call it an extense dull pain not pain like you get usually that just make you want to cry.  It's just dull and never stops.  I've had this same headache all days for almost 3 weeks now.  I also have short spasms all over my body at different times and in different places.  I can never really observe them because they only last seconds.  Sometimes I can quickly see a muscles jumping under the skin but it's gone in a flash.  I also have the pressure under my eyes and across my cheeks and nose with the headache and sometimes without.  I have tingling and burning in different areas on my face and scalp that again only last seconds.  It's not really painful just annoying.  I also have some of this tingling and burning throughout areas of my body.  Like my shoulder/back, etc. but not very often.  My muscles ache every blue moon.  It might be my upper arms one day and then my legs another but never at the same time.  As I was typing a muscle jumped in my right leg one time and stopped.  I had lost my appetite when I found out my son had to have major surgery and I was so scared I was going to lose him. This was in January. The entire time he was in the hosptial I couldn't eat.  Then my appetite picked back up for a month and then it went down again.  A week ago I didn't want anything to eat.  I didn't feel nausea, I just wasn't hungry. I'm not sure if this is related or not. Last weekend I started to eat like a pig and all this week I've been eating enough for three people.  Also the area around my lower eye lids sometimes feels a cool and tingly for a second and stops.  When I'm sleeping is the only time that my head doesn't feel heavy.  I don't feel dizzy of lightheaded but if I bend down to pick something up it awful pressure.  My head just feel like pressure and so does the area across my cheeks and nose.  This is how the pain began.  I've not had any testing done as of yet because I'm not sure if I can handle the results.  I also have a history of panic attachs.  

A little about my childhood. As a child I would wake up crying because of knots in my calfs.  I would wake everyone up.  My calf would get tight and hurt for a few minutes and then subside but it was horrible pain. This happens through my childhood and continued into adulthood.  I remember walking and getting these awful foot cramps.  I'd had to sit on the side of the road and just hold my foot in place until the pain stopped.  I also remember being in high school and standing up in ROTC and just feeling fatiqued.  My lower back would hurt and I just felt like I could stand on my legs any longer.  I also used to have terrible nightmare and sleep walk.  I was wake up screaming and often time wake up and find that I had opened my front door and apparently went back to sleep.  I also used to have severe panic attacks and I also went through a period of years where I didn't want to leave the house because I thought everyone was talking about me.  I stayed basically locked up for 3 or 4 years.  I only went where I had to go.  I also went through a period of years when I didnt' watch the news because the crime would freak me out so bad that I couldn't sleep for fear the someone would break in and rape or kill me.  I still go through that. When my husband goes away on business I jump up in my sleep several times throughout the night with a panic attach thinking someone is going to break in.  I'm not sure if any of this relates to my new neurological symptoms or not.  Can anyone give me any advise on what might be wrong with me. I know I need to go get an MRI, CT scan, all that stuff but I'm just to scared and unsure of myself right now.  I just want to know some possiblities so I can prepare myself for the result because as of today, I couldn't deal with some particular results.  For and entire week, I stayed on the internet 15 hours a day looking up neurological disorder and I just freaking myself out but I can't stay of the net.  HELP!!!
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I forgot to mention that my symptoms started in January but in March, I had a complete blood count done and everything on it was within normal range.  My cholestrol was moderate/borderline but I only eat burgers and junk food.  I'm recently quit smoking again for 27 days and 3 days ago I started back because I've freaked myself out so about my neurological problems.  I'm 32 and I've been eating "happy meals and junk food combos" for as long as I can remember.  I never really each anything else.  I get off work and go straight to McDonald and get a combo. This has been my routine for at least 10 years or more.  I don't like sweets or salt I don't get much of that.  I don't like fruit or veggies.  Also about a year ago, I gained like 20 pounds when I quit smoking.  After I started back smoking I lost about 10 pounds over a years time.  Is that normal?

Lastly, about 5 years ago I surprisingly found out through a routine visit to my doctor's that I had syphilis.  I was treated with a series of shots.  I had a follow-up test after treatment.  Could this be a relaps or symptoms of late syphilis?  I called the health department a couple years after treatment and told them that I had saw online where some people have to be retreated and the nurse said that I didn't need to be rechecked. I thought that was crazy but I took her answer.
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Sorry to keep posting but I just want to include everything.  I recently just a month ago had a complete eye examine because my left eyes stays blurry all the time.  My right eye is great.  He did all types of testing with light etc. and saw no signs of eye disease.  So again my complete blood count was normal in March and my eye exam was normal in April.  The neurological symptoms started 3 weeks ago.  I have no lightheadedness, dizzy spells, or coordination problems. I do also have sharp pains at different times in my right and left temple and behind each eye at different times.  I've had this on occasion for years not. They too only last a second or two.
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I just remember something else. All my neurological symptoms started when I started taking Welbutrin to quit smoking.  I found these welbutrin side effects online:

Dizziness, Akathisia, bradykinesia, Cutaneous temperature
disturbance, Dry mouth, Excessive sweating, Headache/migraine, Impaired sleep quality, Increased salivary flow, Insomnia, Muscle spasms, Pseudoparkinsonism, Sedation, Sensory disturbance, Tremor, Agitation, Anxiety, Confusion, Decreased libido, Delusions, Disturbed concentration, Euphoria, Hostility, auditory disturbance, Gustatory disturbance, blurred vision

Is this true?
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I'm a 33 yrs old and physically fit.  I've always been a physically active person and the occassional muscle twitches in my legs was common, usually after I would hurt my back (which I do pretty often).  However, I have just recently started getting symptoms that have perplexed me.  I started getting tingling sensations in my left foot and soreness of my neck and either my left forearm or my right arm near the elbow.  I also developed what my doctor said was ocular migraines.  I would see "wavy lines" that would last for about a minute or two, but were never painful.  I would get those maybe once or twice a week just and it would only hit me once.  It's been 3 or 4 weeks since first getting these symptoms and now my left foot feels like it's constantly "falling asleep" and I've notices portions of my feet that when I push it, it feels almost numb.  This is on both feet now and I'm just starting to get the same tingling feelings in both feet now.  Also, the falling asleep sensation in my left foot has moved up my ankle.  I'm getting tremor like feelings in my neck, shoulders and arms.  I'm looking for answers and feel like I'm not getting any from the doctors I've been seeing (I'm in the Army and thus have only been to an Army hospital).  I have to add that the building that I work in may be contaminated with mold.  Is it possible that these symptoms could be coming from a type of mold infestation.  And there is another person in the office that is having similar symptoms as me.  Please, I need some kind of information besides what I have been getting so far.
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Nothing against the Army medical staff but you obviously need more. If I'm not mistaken, the insurance you have through the government will cover these expenses. I had a baby while my husband was in the Army and I chose to see a private dr. and the Army paid for it as well as the off base hospital. Don't let that get in the way of your finding answers. You need a Neurosurgeon. Damage at different locations in the spine can cause all sorts of problems in the arms and legs. So find one that takes champus and get in there ASAP.
Good luck and thank you!
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Hello everyone,

I couldn't take it anymore.  I've been married for 5 years and I just had this thought in the back of my head that I was somehow HIV positive since I have neurological systems.  I purchased two of the FDA approved Home Access testing kits.  I took the test about 10 days ago but I was afraid to call for my results.  I called today and punched in my number.  I didn't plan to hear the call all the way out. I had planned to see if any of the pre call materials suggest I might have a positive result waiting for me.  Just as I was about to hang up the phone I heard Negative.  I was in my office at work and ran to the bathroom to cry the most amazing cry.  I'm not sure if I believe the test results or not.  I thought that if I have HIV, I would have had to get it before my marriage because I'm 100% sure my husband does not cheat and neither do I.  I just knew someone in my past had given it to me and I just tried to deny it for 5 years but now my result has negative.  I called the number 3 times in a row just to hear it say "your hiv test result is negative.  I'm still not convinced so the other test I planned to have my husband take, I'm going to take today and put it in the mail.  I'm going to freak myself out again but it'll be worth it if it say negative again. If the FDA approved test says negative twice then I'm going to be tested by my doctor and put my mind at rest about the possibility and then have the courage to find out what's really causing my neurological symptoms.  I'm almost happy today for the first time.  Keep me in your prayers because prayers really do work!!!!!!!!!
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I went through the same thing.  I still have headaches and lightheadness and getting better.  I though I had HIV also.I drove up to Trenton, NJ to get the quicktest.  It took 20 minutes and they said negative.  I went to my car and cried like a bady.  I then though maybe the test was wrong.  That though was in my head for awhile. But then i realized headaches and the like is caused by 10000000000000000000 other things.  STOP READING THE INTERNET!!!!   YOU DON"T HAVE AIDS!!!!  Kiss and hold your husband and be thankfull nothing is wrong.  I would tell you to get a new test like I got, but if you are like me you would have the same doubts.  So don't think about it and be glad you did not hear postive.
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Talking most to headache lady because she gave more details, ie. junk food, etc. I woke up in the middle of the night with various aches and depression --have been under lots of stress caring for my mother, with two sisters who do not help plus one is taking all kinds of legal and familial action to get our mother back in her control but will not talk to me at all or inquire even about Mother's health. Anyway, I just took 2 Nerve and Osteo Support by Country Life (brand) it is magnesium 666 mg and calcium 400 mg (in 2 tabs) and can give a bit of diarrhea in the morn --best to take at night to avoid accidents -- I use it (the magnesium)to lower stress and let me go back to sleep, also to stop muscle aches and spasms. Because you check out OK in most ways, I would suggest you check your caffeine intake (try to get it down to 0 ) -- also try not to take any aspartame or other artificial sugars --they lower blood sugar and can cause some of these effects --read "Sweetener Dearest" by H.J. Roberts (at your library, or ask for it), also, start taking a calcium-magnesium supplement (take enough --read the label-- should be 1000 of Calcium at least and 500 of magnesium -- also, although you "don't like fruits and vegetables", they are almost essential if you want to feel good --write a list of ones you will eat, then gradually start adding to the list. Also, see that you are getting enough protein --lots of vegetable sources available--needed for nerve maintenance. Good luck --Let me know how you are doing! If anyone has any advice for me --please let me know --thanks!
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For professional female, if I was a betting person my guess would be that you have Lyme disease and possibly some other tickborne co-infections. The rash doesn't always look like a bull'seye.

Most if not all of your symptoms would be explained by a Lyme diagnosis.

Go to http://www.lymenet.org and click on Flash Discussion and then Medical. Also post in Seeking a Doctor.

Even if you have been tested before, the routine labs and the standard tests are not always accurate.You need to see an LLMD -- a Lyme Literate MD.

Best Wishes
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