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Indentation in top of head

I was really hoping for a suggestion as to why I may have developed an indentation in the top of my head. At first I thought I was crazy, and that it was impossible for that to happen, but over the last few months it seems to have grown and now anyone who feels the top of my head can easily feel it. It scares me, especially since my husband had brain surgery less than 2 years ago- (symptoms completely different of course) I am 35 years old, the only time I remember hitting my head really hard is when I was in elementary school and I fell and hit my head on a tile floor. I have had a history of passing out and having seizures but the doctors never figured out for sure what caused it and it hasn't happened for a few years. The best they came up with was blood sugar, and dehydration as a cause for those episodes, although I never had a MRI or anything of my head. I don't get pains from it, it may be a little tender if I press on the indent kind of hard. Is there any condition that would cause my skull to cave in? please help!
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I just noticed a narrow little dent in my head near the front side close to the hair line...I didn't think much of it, until NOW...it seems a tad BIT wider...hmmm. Time to see the doc I think... This is so freaky. I know for a fact if I wasn't on antidepressants for the past 4 years, I would have gone bonkers with worry....
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In response to my situation its really weird but whatever here's what happened.

Couldn't get in with my GP for at least a month or so, since i'm not really in immediate danger of anything they just told me to keep headphones and such away from it. This was easy as i'm in between contracts right now and when I do wear headphones I wear them near the back of my head now rather then across the top.

The indentation I had, over the next little bit, lessened slightly week by week until now its almost completely gone. I would like to think of my skull as a thick piece of bone protecting my brain but maybe its more malleable then I thought.
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I am experiencing the exact same thing that happened to you.  I woke up this morning to find a dent, like someone poked me with the tip of their finger, in my forehead.  It was not there before this morning.  What the heck?  Did you ever find out the cause of yours?
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Thank you for your response We all need to take it upon ourselves to find answers.  In the end ...we are responsible ....

Morgellons Disease Symptoms List


    Bumps, lumps, lesions or "channels" on head

Brain and Personality

    Memory loss (short term, recent memory - "What was I saying?
    Where did I put my coffee mug? What did I do yesterday?")
    Brain fog - groggy, unclear thinking
    Thought processing becomes very taxing, difficult
    Unable to think of specific words when communicating
    Writing, and especially spelling, becomes difficult
    Inability to focus or concentrate - ADD/ADHD symptoms
    Mood disorders and mood swings, including loss of temper
    Libido - lack of
    Loss of interest in things that normally interest you
    Depression and/or confusion or disorientation
    Personality changes, like loss of creativity or loss of existing skills
    Neurological problems - clumsiness, stumbling while walking, impeded speech

  "There are thousands people and families all over the world that are afflicted by Morgellons. It is and ancient disease from the 1700's.  People have died from this.  It definitly was in my collon clothes and I did get bit in my garden several time...I wondered what was in the dirt that I bought and where it was from.  Farmers and warmer climates seem to have more problems with moregellons." Lmac42

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Holy ****.  I am a farmer living in Arizona and have these symptoms and recent dents in my head.  This is scary!
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The sinus tube run up from our noses to the top of the forehead and back across our skull.  Something could be growing in this small tube.  I am taking silver water and have had an IV of it.  My dents are totally getting smaller.  The one in front has almost disapeared. ...and so has the one on the crown.  I have a microscope and look at everthing.  I bought my doctor's old one.  This is the era ov Bio Technology, Nano Technology....things we can't see with the human eye.  I can't believe the stuff I've seen.  But I do have real parasites in My blood...from spending 3 mo in Indonesia...probably..the things I ate...not being totally careful bout it.  ...PORK, beef, fish..full of them. Beware of Sushi...raw and undercooked ...anything beware.  Go to this site , start reading about Morgellons..they too, have the dents and ridges...I do have moregellons. It is also called "smart Dust"  the things in this dust is frightning. It is contagious.  
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No kidding? Wow! Thanks a bunch for sharing that!! You are the first person to share any type of answers to what causes the dents.

I am wondering if surgery is necessary for that. But at least your Surgeon opened you up and discovered that.

Thank you again for taking the time to write!!

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