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Neck Pain

I have been told that there is nothing more that can be done for me.  But I don't believe that can be true.  Even if nothing can be done to fix my pain, isn't there some way to manage my pain better so I can return to work?  


July-neck pain of unknown origin. Tests revealed a disc problem at C6-C7 and the disc was removed in November.  No fusion.  Within 10 days of surgery, I returned to my normal schedule of working 10-14 hour days six or seven days a week, including extensive travel.

January 16: Rear-ended.  Felt burst of pain at left base of neck.  Think I blacked out momentarily.  Shaking badly.  But because the pain was just a burst, I thought I was OK.  I  contacted my neurosurgeon's office  and was sent for a neck x-ray, which showed no fracture.  Within 24-36 hours of accident developed severe neck pain in left side of neck; head tilted and turned far right.

Feb - Aug:  Because the neurosurgeon said I had whiplash, I turned to a D.O., who treated me with heat and small manipulation (no cracking of neck). She also referred me for acupuncture, massage, and rolfing.  Nothing helped except that the D.O. would give me shots of pain killer in my neck and shots of torodol (spelling?) for the headaches.  These gave me a couple of hours of relief.  Weight dropped from 116 to 90 lbs by June 1996.

May 1:  MRI of neck - protruding disc at C5-C6, slight impingement on spinal cord.

June:  On the advice of my doctors I stopped working.  The neurosurgeon put me on darvocet, told me not to read, watch TV, drive, etc. and prescribed 3 weeks of daily physical therapy.

For several months, I had been having incidents where I felt I might pass out.  It was like blackness coming over me. In late June, I passed out after I got home from physical therapy.  I experienced a couple more such episodes after physical therapy and physical therapy was discontinued.  Brain MRI -- I was told it was normal; however,  EEG showed a spurt of abnormal activity in right front. A second EEG confirmed the burst.

August:  Myelogram/CT Scan.  The neurosurgeon then told me surgery was an option.  I was in so much pain, I was willing to try anything, and since he offered no other suggestions and none of my other doctors had any other ideas, I agreed to surgery.

October 24: SURGERY: As I understand it, the doctor enlarged the left side foramen at C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 and did "nerve releases."

Complications --Very low blood pressure and lost 500 or 600  cc. blood. When I regained consciousness, I could not find my left arm when I reached for it with my right hand.  I could not move my left arm.  I could wiggle my fingers and move my wrist a little, but had no wrist strength.  If my arm was not supported it just flopped; dangling in front of my body.  My neck hurt a lot.  I have a long scar running down the back of my neck.

November: EMG, which showed nerve root damage at C5-C6 and C4-C5; neck x-ray to check foramen, which I was told was normal.

December:  Physical therapy evaluation.  The physical therapist expressed surprise that my shoulder had not subluxed.  As I understand the results of her evaluation, the majority of my shoulder muscles were not functioning.


1997  Physical therapy - primarily focused on range of motion and strength of arm and shoulder and working with hand.

I fell twice during early 1997 - lost my balance as the result of stumbling over/into something.  The first time I hit my head on my treadmill and was diagnosed with a slight  concussion.  I don't remember whether I went to the doctor after the second fall. MRI neck and upper thoracic spine.  Finding: no change from presurgical myelogram/CT scan. Tried a TENS unit on my neck, but it really aggravated neck pain. I was given the following medications (that I can remember)  in various combinations and dosages during 1997-1998:  Neurontin, Roxicet, Ultram, Zoloft, Trazodone, Florinef, Duract, Demerol, Valium, Baclofen, Darvocet, Percocet, Laclulose.

Aug. 98  Moved to Oregon.  I hoped to find new doctors who would take a fresh look at my problems and to attend school as sort of self-vocational rehabilitation, because I was not receiving professional help. As of August 98, I was on the following medications:  Tegretol, Zanaflelx ,  Prevacid, Synthroid, Cycrin, Estropipate, Propoxyphene-N 100 W/ APAP 650,  Senacot-S.

Feb-Oct 99 Treated in OHSU pain program. Tried Neurontin (again) - I could not tolerate it (again); could not stay awake, memory problems. Tried Nortryptiline - allergic reaction - shaking, mouth ulcers, stomach. Physical therapy - aggravated neck pain to the point where I could not even get up. Three nerve blocks done without anesthesia to determine if I was a candidate for deenervation.  May - began taking Oxycontin 10 mg. twice a day.  It took me a couple of months to be able to tolerate Oxycontin - made me feel unpleasantly out of focus, upset my stomach, and I would fall asleep about one to two hours after taking it. As a side effect of the Oxycontin, my intestines have stopped functioning without 3 or 4 Senacot-S and Super Dieter's Tea daily. I am extremely fatigued.

June - deenervation of nerves on left side of neck at four levels. After about 6 weeks, I noticed that the pain in the top part of my head had improved somewhat and that I was having less difficulty with blurred vision. However, neck pain was not better.  (The procedure was not supposed to help my left hand and arm pain/hypersensitivity and it did not.)  I was also warned that the relief provided from the procedure might last only a year. After deenervation,  more physical therapy which exacerbated my neck pain.

Misc.  I have been evaluated for RSD - the doctor concluded that I did not have RSD.  I have received psychological counseling throughout this ordeal.

Current Status


1. Unremitting neck pain.  When I sit for more than 20-30 minutes, the pain begins to escalate.  The worse the pain, the more my head turns involuntarily to the right. There is a point of stabbling pain in the mid-left side of my neck and the pain radiates up my jaw to my left eye and temple.  I also have pain at the area where the burst of pain occurred at the time of the accident.  Sometimes I feel the pain in my teeth and tongue and it feels like my throat is constricted.  I cannot wear necklaces or turtleneck - things touching my neck irritate it.  In addition, I cannot wear articles of clothing with straps, because it makes my neck and shoulder/arm pain worse.

2. Pain across the back of my head, with swelling in the ocipital area.  The worse the pain in the neck, the worse this pain is.  No one has ever explained why the swelling occurs.

3. Extremely limited neck mobility.

4. Pain in left arm and hand increases as neck pain increases.

5. I still have headaches in the top of my head and since the beginning of this year they have been getting worse.

6. I have difficulty concentrating and memory problems.

7. I do not sleep well, because I cannot get my neck comfortable or because I disturb my sleep by moving to a position that bothers my neck.  I am constantly fatigued.

8. My appetite is poor or non-existent.

9. I have low back pain when I sit; it is like the neck pain radiates down my back.

10. Activities: I can manage about two hours of activity before I have to lie down for four to six hours, but I cannot sit without support for my head and neck for more than 20 minutes.  Thus, I carry a highback ObusForme seat back in my car to use at school and other places where I must sit.

My two functional hours include dressing, etc., meal preparation, housework, bill paying, seeing doctors, attending class, and occasionally walking my dogs.  Consequently, if I have class, that and getting dressed are the only things I will be able to manage that day.  I rarely clean my apartment; I cook only the simplest of things, and I paper trained my dogs so I would not have to walk them.  I do not go to movies, concerts, the theater, church or out to eat.  I avoid shopping, using the Internet for most purchases including groceries.  I avoid car trips of more than 20 minutes and find riding the bus to be too painful because of the jolting.  Some days even the impact of walking hurts my neck.  If I try to sit at the computer for any period of time and type, it exacerbates both the hand and neck pain - my head turns to the right making it very difficult to type because my body must face the keyboard while my head is turning away from that direction.


1. I have limited mobility of my left shoulder, and it is still weak.

2. My left arm, hand, and shoulder have areas of hypersensitivity and areas of "numbness".   My left thumb and pointer finger, the back of the hand, and the palm are very hypersensitive - I cannot stand to touch paper, cold air and cold water are very painful, folding clothes is very painful, touching cold metal or cold dishes is very painful. Typing is very painful.  For some tasks, I can reduce the pain and hypersensitivity by wearing a Jobst compression glove. However, this is not practical for other tasks.   My left hand has shrunk, and it generally feels like there is electricity running through it or that it is being bombarded by sharp things.  There is also a loss of sensitivity - for example, if I have several things in my pocket, I sometimes cannot tell what an item is by touch.

CURRENT MEDICATIONS:  Oxycontin, Valium, Advil (take 4 at a time), Prempro, Propandol (for tachycardia which I developed sometime after the accident); Synthroid, Celexa, Senacot-S (3-4/day) plus Super Dieter's Tea.  I wear a Jobst compression glove on my left hand.
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CCF Neuro MD
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Dear Diane,
I'm sorry to hear about all that you have gone through.  I can relate to you because I have most of the same symptoms as you.  I had a car accident in July 96.  Since then I have had all of the problems you have with the exception of the turning head.  Most of my doctors have given up on me.  It's extremely frustrating.  I just found out that the anterior cervical diskectomy I had in Nov 97 is incomplete and that the part of the disc the surgeon left in is now herniated.  I'm supposed to go back to the neuro-surgeon on the 20th.  what bothers me more than the pain is my memory loss.  I feel brain dead.  I can't remember the simpliest things anymore.
I have found a really good chat forum if you're interested.  The people there all have spinal problems.  There are no doctors to answer your questions, but people who have been there. It is
then go to Spinal Disorders.
Hope this helps.
You can also e-mail me at ***@****
Take care and Good Luck,
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