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Sudden brain fog and memory impairment

exactly six weeks  ago while I was out shopping I suddenly felt this cloudy sensation descend upon my brain and my vision became cloudy as if a film had been placed over my eyes. subsequently I have noticed that my short term memory has become really bad (an event that happened yesterday would seem like a week ago)my speed of thinking and word recall have also worsened. Two weeks after my sudden onset of brain fog and cloudy vision I started getting headaches behind my eyes and muscular pain( i don't know if the muscular pain has anything to do with the fact that I have remained in bed since my brain fog  started) I am an outgoing 34 yr old male with good health (I Play soccer for in a local league). Since my problem began I have become bed ridden with no interest in anything.I have used B complex, ginko, chelated magnesium and calcium, omega 3 fish oil to no avail. I have had several blood test and all have come back normal. My GP has written to a neuro but it might be months before I get to see one. Since the sudden onset of my symptoms my condition has not abated or improved. I don't konw if it is relevant but two days before the sudden onset of my symptoms I was at a party where I consumed a great deal of alcohol. I felt fine the next day and it was the second day after that my sudden brain fog began. I have no numbness or weakness in my limbs and I am not overly tired ( I  remain in bed because I feel like i am operating at 50% of my normal ability). I am mystified by the sudden onset of symptoms.I.e one minute I was fine and the next I am different. What can it be?
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A related discussion, Change in mental state was started.
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thanks for your posting but the article on CFIDS was highlighted by Monty74 so I think he deserves the credit. I see you are off on holiday.Enjoy yourself and all the best. Hope you will be much improved when you get back.Best wishes.
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I wanted to thank-you personally for the article on CFIDS.
Orange roughy fish seemed to be deemed >less contaminated along w/ watching the amount of processed meats.
I found that article to be very beneficial & helpful.
I threw my sugar free gum out- Aspartame tainted toxins.....
I now only use oil spritzer cooking instead on toxic pan sprays where you can actually see the slow erosion of your pans.
I only use real butter!!! I didn't realize they blow gases (infuse) into part oil margarines/buter combinations that are not healthy, etc.
Any specific tips from the article you have found beneficial?

I'll be in Hawaii for 3 weeks until April 11th. No E-Mail for a while. I'm told a lot of stress etc. symptoms will clear up.

JasOne.....Hawaii rocks! We are also encorporating a 10 day cruise of all the islands. We were married on Maui at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.... LUAU... here I come :)~ 7 yrs. ago
This vacation should give me tons of energy.
I'm also a gym cat & a Sports Med major.
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forgot to mention that I too eat a lot of fish per week especially tuna,salmon, mackerel, mussels,prawns sardines,trout etc. I used to eat meat and fish but after all the mad cow disease (CJD) scare I decided to eat fish only. Now I am being told that the level of mercury in fish might be harming my health. What is a man to do? starve? Am I the only one who is getting fed up with scientists meddling with our food? I personally think that this industrial age we live in is poisoning  us all.
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hi jason

hope you are doing OK? In response to your question as to my line of work I am an interior designer so yes I do sometimes go on sites where there are chemicals in use. I have thought about that myself but I don't want to jump the gun (especially as we have decorators who have worked with chemicals for 25 yrs with no neuro problems) till I exhaust all the testing available. I saw a neuro recently and he has scheduled my to have a CT scan shortly and I will be keeping you posted on this forum as your situation is similar to mine. I am also seeing a new GP next week as my current GP is the most condescending, unfeeling and callous individual I know.He is totally useless!!! How people like that qualify as medical doctors is beyond me. Before my problems began I have always respected doctors as I felt that they are compassionate individual who got involved with medicine to save lives. How wrong am I !!! I now realise that most doctors are in medicine for the money and prestige. If you have a good doctor consider yourself lucky as the ones I have seen just make my blood boil. They are paid to look after me yet I have to spend hours scouring the internet looking for info on what could be wrong with me. Sorry about my rant but doctors are not my favorite people at the moment. I see that you have had an MRI. I wish you the best of luck and hope that it is something benign and treatable. If you feel that you have excess heavy metal in your system type in "heavy metal chelation" in a google search and you should find supplements you can buy to rid your system of heavy metal. I will get some myself shortly. I will keep you informed of my progress on this forum as what can help me might help you and vice versa. Also ask you doctor if you may  be investigated for vascular problems(insufficient or malfunctioning bloodflow in the head). I am fast learning that with doctors if you don't ask you don't get (they just send you away with a few pills claiming you have anxiety or depression).
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well how ironic you greeted me with aloha.  i'm actually born and raised in hawaii.  and as far as the high level of mercury, that's still yet to be known.  growing up in  hawaii we do eat a lot of fish.  a lot of raw tuna, octopus, and anything other than tourist or surfers that come out of the ocean.  also besides the fish from the island i've been accustomed to eating canned tuna to subsitute protein shakes, cause i did a lot of weight lifting.  could be from the tap water i've drank out of all my life.  but it's not related to dental fillings cause i don't have any.  so to answer your question in all honesty, i don't know.  but there's so many ways we are exposed to heavy metals.  the symptoms i have are synonomous with the symptoms from mercury posioning.  still in search.  today i finally got my MRI done, so i'm awaiting the results.  it should take 48-72 hours.  so i've narrowed the causes down to... mercury posioning, brain aneuyrsm or tumor, ARBD (alcohol related brain damage), and i haven't totally ruled out depression (but i know there's an underlying cause for that).  but i don't think you could've gotten mercury posioning from anything alcohol related.
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Aloha! How could it be that you have a high level of mercury in your system? A Job? A location of living? Please explain.....
Or do you have any underlying info. to expand on this?
I'm looking for answers, also.  Could it have something to do with alcohol consumption? I owned a Full service restaurant/ lounge for 3 years before I was set free. My employees were always making up some concoction to impress me. I came to the point where I would watch them pour my drink due to safety precautions... so I don't believe anything bizarre was ever put in my drink. Thanks!
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Absolutely, Need 411! Nutriton is #1 and Fitness is #2
Malden, my mom has been on the heart team for 37 years + and I would definately get your blood vessels (MRI)checked out. I always think of the famous marathon runner who dropped dead at an intersection in his 30's. If he had had his heart checked the vessels could have been cleaned out and he would still be with us.  Sometimes we cannot outrun genetics or impairment issues that we can have fixed or repaired.
Unfortunately CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) = not being in our invincible 20's anymore - Ha! Just a joke... hits us all in the 30's!  Cut out any processed foods...dangerous to energy levels and health! You're doing fine w/ supplementation however we cannot stick to one routine ever in life... variety is imparitive. Once your systems develops a tolerance time to spice it up again.Try strawberries or fresh fruits w/ splenda sweetners. Stay away from the artificial sweetner - aspartame. Dangerous and chemical levels do build up in your system.
Let go of any white breads and go to whole wheat pastas, etc. You'll feel the difference in 2 weeks or less. Add fresh vegetables to any frozen or boxed rice, pasta, etc. Update us!
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Hi, I was having problems with the brain fog and I've been doing research on Candida overgrowth. I have muscle aches, fatigue, digestive problems, muscle weakness, stiffness, problems concentrating. After doing research on candida overgrowth and how it's the root of a lot of medical problems, I eliminated some foods from my diet. Such as refined sugar, milk and processed foods. I think more clearly now and able to concentrate more. The fatigue isn't as bad now. I still have the other symptoms. I haven't gotten a diagnosis yet. I've taken all sorts of blood test. They've all been negative. I'm in the process of being referred to a rheumatologist by my primary physician. I've learned you have to be aggressive with these doctors. They really don't seem to care. I pray one day I find a doctor that will listen to me and follow through until there's a diagnosis.
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i just got my heavy metal test results back and there was a high level of mercury found in my system.  that was the only heavy metal that showed up.  i've been doing online research and there is a direct relation with mercury and brain fog, memory loss, loss of concentration, depression, and the other symptoms i've had.  so i'm going the next step to inquire about heavy metal detoxification.  maybe some of you should look into the heavy metal test as well.
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hey malden.  i have had one test done,  a heavy metal test which tracks the level of 12 metals and their toxic level.  i did not initially want to get this test done, but my caring mother insisted i have the test performed.  researchers say heavy levels of toxic can cause chemical imbalances in the body and brain.  i'm supposed to get the results today.  i'm not completely convinced this is causing it, but i'm open to anything at this point and it will eliminate one of the possibilities.  

finally tomorrow i see my neurologist.  i don't know really what to expect, or even if i'm going to have an MRI or other brain imaging done, but i'm going to be very adamant about that happening. i have written a list of things i'm going to talk to my neurologist about.  is there any advice any of you can give me to make my appointment the most productive it can be?

kind of going back to a comment someone wrote along the lines of stretching the truth a little just to create a sense of urgency, i agree 100%.  especially dealing with your general physician, hence GENERAL, these doctors (and i'm not saying all) are very broad in their diagnosis and are very quick to prescribe a pill to get you out of their sight.  sad isn't it.  so sometimes we have to be persistent in having them make a recommendation quickly (not 2weeks to a few months), in a day or two, as possible because not knowing what's causing a problem with our bodies is a scary thing and by not seeing a specialist ASAP could result in something extreme or fatal.  

i can't believe i waited over 2 months just to see a specialist, maybe it's because there are a limited amount of neurologist in the area i live, but nonetheless, it all goes back to a patient expressing their concerns to their main doctor and feeling the sense of neglect and not being heard right.  i don't know if that makes sense, but just needed to get that off my chest.  

oh yeah, malden one more question, what line of work are you in?  could there be harmful materials or chemicals you've been exposed to?
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Hello everyone.

I'm suffering from the same thing it sounds like.  Around mid November I started to notice that I was having trouble concentrating and the phrase "...don't you remember" was said by my friends and family a lot.  I'm a network engineer for a large company so when I'm trying to work and I'm having trouble putting 2 and 2 together, I know something is very wrong.  Anyway, right now I don't trust myself to drive because it's very hard to concentrate on the road and other things going on.  I get the feeling that I'm being overwhelmed with "stuff".  When I
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thanks for the post JasOne

How you feel is exactly how I feel and I can relate totally especially the part about shuting out everyone and not taking phone calls. It is just so difficult to enjoy life when you know your mental capacity is diminished. Like you I was prescribed anti deppressant. I used it twice and gave up as it was not helping at all. I also realised that this is almost every doctors solution for every illness they can't diagnose (here son pop a few of these upper !!!). I also realised that my condition was what made me unhappy and not depression per se. Like you I can sleep but I get racing thought as well (especially as I am about to fall asleep) with anxiety. I don,t know if this happens to you but when I am outdoors I find it difficult to focus and concentrate with all the activitie going on (something that should not normally be a problem as the brain is more than capable of multi tasking when it is working well).In the past fifteen years I have been in a hospital only once (food poisoning) but in the past eight weeks since my condition began I have been to my GP and the local hospital seven times (this condition is really getting to me) yet this is not enough to show these overpaid glorified researchers (doctors) that maybe this man genuinely has a problem we should investigate properly . I am also appalled to learn of how long people have to wait to see a neurologist in most countries. Is money all that matters to the medical authorities? how about our health? I have also come to realise that most Doctors are not compassionate individuals (I have seen five so far and only one was not abrasive and dismissive). I pray to get I recover so i never have anything to do with Doctors and hospitals again.Have you done any test JasOne? I am seeing a neuro in March and I will keep you informed on this board.
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hey malden.  i've been trying to find a forum like this because for the last 8 months i've been going through a lot of the same symptoms you have described.  i'm 26 year old male, who is known to be outgoing and a people person.  back in july 2005 i started feeling a sense of cloudiness hanging over my head.  it has effected my ability to focus, think clearly, retain new information, has lessened my self esteem and confidence in doing mostly anything, hindered my ability in reading and retaining what i read, set me in a state of isolation (wasn't returning calls or taking calls from close family or friends), i left work temporarily because i couldn't focus, and am also awaiting my appointment with my neurologist. in the beginning i thought it was severe depression, so i saw my GP, which he was so quick to take out his prescirption pad to prescribe zoloft (which i took for 2 days had adverse affects and stopped the pills), he basically said if i took it i wouldn't have to do anything else.  i went to see a psychologist (who did what's called a neuro-psych testing which tests people for learning disabilities, ADD, early stages of alzheimers) which i did pretty well and she didn't see any signs of a learning disability.  went to a psycho therapist and she was very caring but i left not remembering half of what we discussed, started following her program which was a combination of self hypnosis (repeating, "every day in every respect, i'll get better and better") which hasn't been the case and a step exercise which levels out the right and left brain, which also hasn't shown any noticable results.  went to a naturopahtic school and did what's called a heavy metal test and am awaiting those results.  my blood results have also came out really healthy as well as my physical just fine.  i do have a history of brain disease in my family, a grandfather with alzheimers, a aunt with schizophrenia, as well as an aunt with brain tumors, and alcholism has been a problem in my family.  as far as alcohol, i used to drink socially excessive in high school, college and the last two years on the weekends while working.  since december i have quit alcohol completely until i find some answers to this brain fog or whatever i have.  i question things that might have contributed to this condition, alcohol for one, i have been hit in the head a few times through fights when i was young and dumb, lifted weights since the age of 15 and question my breathing patterns and maybe not enough oxygen was going to my brain in the last 10 years.  so as you can see, i'm trying to eliminate all options and look at all possibilites.  i've come to my own conclusion that there is depression, but there has to be an underlying cause, maybe a brain dysfuncion, chemical imbalance... the hardest thing which i'm sure you deal with is NOT KNOWING what is causing all of this.  i'm doing a lot better as far as trying to stay positive, have the belief that i will get better and trying to talk to friends who have been the best support system, and of course my family.  i want you to know that you'll get through this, we'll get through this.  ask your neurologist as many questions as you can, keep taking those supplements and keeping a healthy diet, get those brain scans to see if there's something there, and even if nothing shows up on one, get another if not a MRI, a CAT or SPECT.  i know they're expensive, but you can't afford not to get those done if it's something really serious, obviously it is serious because it's put both of us in a lifestyle we don't enjoy and are hindering us from living a happy life.  i have a question for you, do you have problems with sleep?  for me, i can sleep, but i have racing thoughts and get anxiety while sleeping, when i get up the whites of my eyes are a little bloodshot.  have you experienced any of that?  anyhow i'm glad i found this site and keep me posted on your progression, i'll definitely keep you posted on mines.  and thank all you others for being so caring and informative, citizen t, fcar, vega, zzzzzzz, CCF-Neuro-M.D.. peace and love,

JasOne (or jason)
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Thanks Malden. Yes, it seems I don't have MS thank god, but what I do have is not great. Complicated migrain is not your average type and only occurs in 1% of migraine sufferers - its been pretty debilitating, and while I've been determined to have a good life anyway, it has placed a huge restriction on my daily living at times. The good news is I can now begin to do the things neccessary to control it - this will take time and may not be completely successful, but at least I can start. I really had no idea that migraine can occur without headache or that it can last for months, so I only made the connection when my head hurt. I have to admit the excitement that I don't have MS, has been overridden by the reality of what I do have and the frustration that it has taken all these years to get a diagnosis. The neuro said it had to get this bad to be diagnosable, so its noones fault I guess. I'm just taking a day to feel sorry for myself and then I'll move on again. A sunny day is forcast for tomorrow (late summer here) and I'm going to the beach to have fun - best place to go when you're feeling bad. I've recently learned that the best approach is not to give into it if possible and to get out of the house. You feel like theres no way you can, but once you get past that its amazing what you can do. I guess it helps that I have a daughter hassling me daily. Anyway- enough about me. Glad you're feeling a bit better. Was the neuro's answer helpful at all? - I've been looking out for it. All the best.
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I read your response to sally's posting and I was so happy for you. In my heart I did not think you had anything really bad because you have done quite well over along period of time and your life has not been terribly compromised. With your new diagnosis and your positive attitude I am sure you will recover and make progress from now on. As for me I feel a bit better but I don't wan't to raise my hopes prematurely but I am up and about a bit more now. Best Of luck. I don't know you but I think you deserve it.
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I was diagnosed with ME 15 years ago, so I do know quite alot about it. Asked the doc if thats what it could be this time, but she didn't think so due to the kind of symptoms - tingling & numbness & associated weakness etc. I haven't given you all my symptoms, I also get vertigo, bladder problems, nystagmus, ataxia, falls for no reason, and others consistant with MS and there have been remissions. The physician I saw did an eye exam and diagnosed bilateral interneuclear opthalmoplegia - a condition that occurs mostly in MS and causes double vision. Dibeties is another cause, but that has been ruled out. The physician ordered an urgent MRI (I'd already been ill for 2 months at that point) but the hospital stuffed up and I didn't get it till a month later when most symptoms had resolved. I only had numb left toes and nystagmus left. They also did'nt use the dye that would have shown old scars. The physician was very suprised that the MRI came back negative as was I. I have recently had another attack, tho not as bad as last time thank god, but the numbness has spread a little further up my foot and my eyes are a little worse. So ther you have it. Who knows what it is - I'd certainly like it not to be MS, But my doc says I fit the profile. Still, I guess there will be alot more tests yet and wednesday's appointment will just be the beginning so whats the use in worrying about it!. The woman at the MS society said "be prepared to wait up to a year before you know and strangely that took all the anxiety away and snapped me out of it. I've been alot more relaxed and happy ever since. Anyway Malden. I'm glad you don't feel alone in this. Do you have supportive friends? I found my friends didn't know how to deal with me when I first got ill - thats because I only hung out with fitness freaks. The people in my life now are better, but I do feel more comfortable talking to people who know what its like. Good on you for getting out of bed. I thought you might not appreciate me for saying that - I know I wouldn't have liked it in the old days. Take care hun. And have as much fun as you can!
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by the way zzzzzzzz have you considered the prospect that you don,t have what you think you have. From what I have read of your history above it seems that it might be chronic fatigue syndrome or ME. I know that they are both debilitating diseases but the long term prognosis is usually good and most people get well in the end . I hope this is the case for you and all is well in the end. Good luck with your neuro appt in the week.
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thank you for your concern zzzzzzzz.

I feel pretty much the same but thanks to your inspirational messages I have perked up a bit and managed to get out of bed and do things.For a few weeks I have been dealing with this on my own but coming on this board has helped me realise that there are tonnes of people worldwide dealing with difficult illnesses as best as they can and trying to make the most of their lives . I have finally been able to get an appointment in March which is not terrible as I thought I might have to wait for months.Thank you for your concern. How are you? I hope you are fine and in good spirit? Best regards.
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Hey Malden- How are you doing? Are you feeling any better? Do you have a neuro appointment yet?
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Hi Sally. You say you've never been a strong person, But I think it takes a strong person to recognise and admit that they're paying more attention to health issues because they're avoiding dealing with marital issues. You could give yourself more credit girl. I have a 6 year old daughter so I know how scarey it is to think that you may not be able to be the parent you want to be, but I've realised lately that there is still so much I can do. My daughter used to complain often that it was'nt any fun having a sick Mum and I'd feel pretty useless focusing on the big long list of things we couldn't do together. But lately I've taken up swimming - never thought I'd be seen dead in a swimsuit, but I got over myself and now the water feels so good and we have so much fun, that I really don't care. And it helps my muscles alot. I tried yoga, but found I siezed up after it  - probably pushed myself too hard. But swimming is great because I'm supported by the water and my girl is so happy that I'm finally doing something physical with her.
I will say this to you Sally, its not easy being a single mum - especially when your health isn't good, so if you can do anything at all to be happy in your marriage, do it. Maybe you would be better off getting tests done? at least then you'd know. But then, I'll be honest with you and admit that sometimes I think I've been more afraid of being told theres nothing wrong and that its all in my head, than I am of MS. Is it like that for you?. I think that since the symptoms got so much worse, its given me a bit of a reality check. Life is precious etc etc. And of course it helps being a mum, because I have to get up every morning no matter how bad I feel and do what needs to be done so every day I think "well, I managed to do that, so surely I can manage this". Anyway, I'm rabbiting on again - They'll probably ban me from this site soon for using up too much space. It certainly does me good to do this tho - kind of reinforces my stance - sort of like a possitive affirmation I guess.
Best wishes to you sweetie - I hope you can get things sorted with hubby.
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Im 38...had symptoms since 21. Im not rushing for a diagnosis because ive been doing well so far with only very mild symptoms and im too afraid of the diagnosis of ms.  Ive never been a strong person and right now im having very bad marital problems, so instead of focussing on that ive been focusing on my possible ms because i dont want to deal with my marriage issues.  I also have 2 beautiful daughters ages 8 and 11 and they need their mommy!!!  I do believe in a hire power and pray to him to make me well and heal me....It helps but i need to have even more faith...
I actually wuld like to take up  painting...maybe i will!!
Keep up the great attitude and take care of yourself...you still should excercise if you can...yoga maybe, and take vitamins, and get enough sleep...
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Yes it is amazing how life can change so quickly. We all resist change, but sometimes its forced on us and the only choice we're left with is to accept and embrace the new, or resist resist resist. Sometimes it helps if you have a faith - like acceptance of god's plan - if thats what you believe - I just like to believe that I'm here to learn something this time round and that there is a bigger plan.
When I was 19, I thought I had it all. I was a rowing champion, a road cyclist, had a great job and my favourite past-time was showing off at the gym. Well, one day I was in an aerobics class (advanced of course - up the front, showing off as usual)and suddenly I ran out of energy. I couldn't do a thing. At first I slipped to the back where nonone could see, but soon had to leave and go home to rest. I couldn't believe it. Turned out I had to spend six months in bed and man did I feel worthless. I didn't know who I was anymore - if I couldn't be miss ultimate fitness freak then surely I was nothing!. So I tried to get fit again and every time I started to make progress, Bang - back to bed. Naturally I had bouts of pretty bad depression until I stopped trying and took up painting to pass the time. Since then, I have never been completely well and when I've come close, its never lasted long. I've spent the last 5 years in terrible pain most days and of course this latest thing has come along, And yes there have been times when I've felt terribly sorry for myself and angry that theres never been a diagnosis that can give me any real answers. Its only now that the symptoms have come together to fit a particular picture and I'm now 37yrs old. And you know what I'm doing? - I'm painting and I'm bloody good at it too. But I've waited all these years to love and appreciate it because I was angry that I had to give up my super body for it! But painting is perfect for me because its something I'll always be able to do one way or another - look at Freda Carlo - she did it lying down in bed. I'm not saying you should paint. But look at yourself - who are you besides this guy who lives life to the max? Why do you have to do that? Could it be that your body is simply saying ENOUGH!?  Well, better stop filling up so much space - thought I would have reached a word limit by now. Anyway sweetie, Its great you went and pushed for something to be done - good for you, you'll at least see the neuro quicker now - sadly, its the ones who jump up and down who get ahead. Your health system is much like the one here in NZ - slow. But at least you kow they've found nothing that suggests anything life threatening in their tests so far aye. All the best.
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BTW sally what are your symptoms and what tests (if any) have you undergone?
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