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MS and high (absolute) Lymphocyte count

I am an MS patient - diagnosed approximately 12 years ago.  I am currently on Copaxone, Depakote, Neurontin, for the MS; Evista for osteoporosis, Tenormin, (as a beta blocker),for Migrane headache, Cinestin - an estrogen replacement (I had a complete Hysterectomy in 1991), Vesicare and Oxytrol for my neurogenic bladder and Tylenol with codine for acute pain.  I recently had blood work and my WBC was slightly elevated at 11, RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit were slightly low and my lymphocytes were above 5000, (high normal is 3900).  I have been in acute pain, (legs and arms), and have been suffering with extreme fatigue for about 3 months now.  Is there a relationship between an MS flare and a high Lymphocyte count?  Has any one else had a similar situation?  I have contacted my neurologist to get a copy of my previous blood work for comparison, (the recent blood work was not ordered by him).  Any assistance any one can give would be greatly appreciated. I am a bit nervious that something else is going on.

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Hi there, Ive been reading everyones comments and just thought I would tell my story, I have had high platelets, high neutrophils, high lymphocytes, high c-reactive protein. It started in my twenties and has continued untill know, I am now 45. I didnt think much of the results when I was younger as I moved alot and traveled alot and each time I was in hospital for something or visited the doctor they said to me you have a high white cell count.....must be some sort of infection.....here are some anti biotics bye bye. It wasnt untill about 5 years ago I became very fatigued, heart palpatations, major depressive illness, sinus infections every 3 weeks, carpel and ulnar nerve entrapment blah blah blah, i went to my doctor and she looks threw my notes and realized Ive had this high white cell counts for years...she calls it chronic acute inflamatory response. Ive had every test imaginable even as far as a bone marrow biopsy which showed " reactive" Ive been to specialists Ive had sinus surgerys I have had evrything under the sun, they simply dont know what it is. I am going to a immuneoligist next week for more testing. I have had horrific spasims all around my chest, my legs, back etc, I drop things and opening stuff is getting alot harder I was looking at MS on the internet and thought .....maybe??????  Thanks for reading my post and support would be welcome.
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Have you been tested for lyme disease?   You should have a western blot test at a qualified lab.  It doesn't matter if you remember getting bit by a tick.  If you've had it for years, it is chronic and can be debilitating.
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