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Currently Unexplained Stomach Pain.

Hi. I'm completely new here. And I have a problem.
I am a fifteen year old female and I've had excrutiating pain in my upper stomach since about October (or so) or 2008. The pain is just below my breast bone, in my upper stomach. Sometimes the pain also hits me in the center of my chest. Lately, it's been getting worse.
More on the pain...When I find myself in a stressful situation, the pain spikes. This has happened two or three times in the past two years, and each time it happens I feel as though I'm going to pass out from the pain.
I'm the kind of person that worries over everything. And it does not take much for me to feel nervous, stressed, angry, or sad. Any negitive emotion makes me hurt worse.
The pain is constant. When I say I've been in pain for two years, I mean it. For nearly two whole years, I've been in pain. It never fully goes away, but some days are better than others.
I have gone to a doctor for this, and I have been put on Paxil and an acid reducer whose name I can not remember.
Also (and this is embarassing to mention) but I have not had a 'cycle' for two years or so, though I started at an early age.
I do not know what to do about the pain. Nor do I know how to tell my ma that the Paxil and the acid reducer are NOT working. I have been on them for a month and I have seen no results what-so-ever. I am still in a lot of pain all the time.
I would like to know if there are ways to find the cause that are NOT invasive. I do not feel comfortable when it comes to the thought of having a camera inside of me.
Also, with this pain, comes the feeling that I will vomit. Usually my stomach will twinge and the uncomfortable-ness won't cease untilll I finally vomit.
I would like to know what is wrong with me.
Can anyone help me out?

~~ Earthy
9 Responses
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oops, cut myself off there,
I was just going to say that for me the anxiety reducers like clonazepam and alprazolam really helped a lot.  If your in hellish pain already, then why go through something that makes it worse if you can avoid it.
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Hi Earthy,

I'm a 22 year old male and I've been in pain since Sept. 2005  My story started out exactly like yours,  I have continuous pain right in the top of the stomach area, mostly centered but a little to the right.  I was eventually diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, and had a very invasive surgery to get my pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and appendix out.  I sincerely hope you don't have to go through the nightmare that I had to, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  
It sounds like you are still pretty early in the line of diagnostic tests to solve unexplained abdominal pain, so let me give you a few tips to try and make this easier for you.  The most important thing is to tell your doctor everything, especially the embarrassing things, they tend to be the most telling.  Take for example your lack of period, that could be from malnutrition, which could lead to a whole host of problems.  Remember, doctors have seen and heard it all, nothing embarrasses them.  Another very important tip is to stay away from narcotic painkillers for as long as you possibly can, you might think you want them but its a nightmare.  The last tip I have for you, for now, is to start a journal.  Write down everything that goes in and everything that comes out, yes blood, stool, and all, and note things like pain spikes.  You should do this for at least two months, this can be an invaluable tool for you and your doctor.  Final note, t to worry as little as possible, and ask your doctor for something like clonazepam.  Like you stress makes my pain worse, even-though the source of the pain comes from something else entirely.  The clonazepam
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I read about h. pylori. Isn't that caused by the taking in of to much medicine like aspirin and ibuprofen? I've been told that ibuprofen and aspirin especially can damage ones stomach if used to much, which I probably do. Before going to the Dr, I'd take aspirin at least once every other day if not once every day because I get headaches often, though I'm glad to say that I haven't had a severe headache in a few weeks.

I will speak with my mother, no need for any one to worry about that. I promise I'll speak with her today if I can.

And none of you have any reason to worry about me consuming alcohol. I know better. (:
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82861 tn?1333453911
You poor thing.  It does sound like you have GERD - gastro-intestinal reflux disease - and the medication is not working.  Yes, stress and anxiety make it worse.

There are many reasons for GERD to happen.  Sometimes it's entirely diet related; in other instances it's due to a problem with the sphincter muscle where your esophogus connects to your stomach, or a hiatal hernia (bulge in the esophogus).  

While your doctor correctly treated you with what is likely a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) such as nexium, protonix or aciphex, it is obviously not working.  You MUST speak to your mother.  Period.  End of story.  I do think you need a referral to a gastroenterologist.  When initial treatments don't work, you must go back and tell the doctor.  If you don't, nothing will get better and reflux over enough time can badly burn up the esophogeal tissues and eventually cause serious trouble.

My husband and I have had countless endoscopies (camera down the throat) and never knew a thing.  I know you're scared at the thought of it, but that's exactly what it sounds like you need based on your symptoms.  If you have an ulcer, the camera will see it and the doctor will know what to do.  Also, if you have an ulcer the medication you are on now won't help it.  Most ulcers are caused by a bacteria called h. pylori and require antibiotics for treatment.

Another cool thing about the camera is that, depending on what is wrong, sometimes the doctor can take care of things right there and then.  The scope has a whole lot of tiny instruments in it in addition to the camera.  It really is a miracle when you realize that not so long ago, someone with say, a bleeding ulcer, had to have major surgery to correct it.

Try not to fear endoscopy if that turns out to be what you need.  It typically takes only about 15 to 30 minutes depending on what the doctor may need to do.  Honestly, it takes more time to get the patient ready and woken up in recovery than for the actual procedure.  You won't know a thing and you'll probably just sleep it off the rest of the day - BUT, you'll likely find out exactly what is wrong when you wake up.

PLEASE speak to your mother, and do it today.  Be honest and tell her everything - including your fear of any invasive procedures.  She's your mom!  That's what she's there for, so let her do what mom's do best.  :-)

In the meantime, be very careful about what you eat and when you eat it.  Don't eat one little thing at least 2 hours before you go to bed.  If possible, sleep with your head and shoulders elevated with an extra pillow.  Rather than 3 large meals a day, you'd do better to eat small amounts more frequently.  Try to avoid really spicy foods and certainly NO alcohol.  Even though you still have pain, keep taking the medication.  It prevents stomach acid from forming in the first place instead of trying to neutralize it when it's already produced.  With the reflux and vomiting, you can do serious damage to your esophogus.  Now step away from the computer and go find your mom.  :-)
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I, personally, have thought my pain is a stomach ulcer for a while now. Though my Dr. said something about my pain also being abdominal migraines...

No, I haven't tried Tums, but I have tried other acid reducers prior to the one my Dr has recently told me to take.

I might ask my Dr (or my mom, seeing as she knows a lot about medicine. She's something like a nurse...) about Nexium. If you don't mind...How costly was it?
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1187071 tn?1279369698
I say to get the test done. It sounds like it cool be a stomach ucler tho i am not a dr but I also have had stomach ulcers and the pain is just like your saying. And with your periods it might be stress for the reason your not having them. I would sit down with your mom and talk to her about what is going on so you can get into the dr and see what more can be done. I know when your young you can deal with alot of stress maybe talking to someone will also help. have you tried like tums when it is hurting? I know tums made my stomach feel better but not for long. They also say milk will help but it can also make it worse. If your having blood in your bowl movements (sorry) I don't know if you are but that could be a sign of a bleeding ulcer and needs to get check out asap. I was on Nexium for mine and it worked wonders for me, they call it the purple pill. And it was the best thing that worked for me. It is also costly.
I hope everything works out and talk to you mother so you can get it checked out again. Oh I had the test with the camara in my stomach and it isn't a big deal, they put me to sleep during it and when I woke up I didn't remember anything.
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I'm so very glad that you are going to tell you Mom.  :)

She can be your best ally in finding out what is going on. I don't blame you for not wanting to be on pills. They aren't fun to have to take. However if they can help you I hope that you will follow your Dr's directions.

I was hoping that your Dr. had a Follow-Up appointment coming up for you to see how the Medications are working for you. I'm sure that they can find something that will help you other than the Paxil.

Will you please let us know how your appointment goes? I really care about how you are doing. :)

If you have any other questions or just want to come and and get reassurances, we are here for you!! Even if you just want to chat.

We also hope that you will post on here about your experiences that you are having while you are going thru all of this. We have found that it really helps us to get others feedback and we hope that you will give feed back to other people also.

We're really glad that you found us here!!

Good luck , Sweetie. Looking forward to hearing from you.....Sherry
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Stress is a huge part of my pain. And as I said, I feel stressed a lot.

I don't think my doctor suggested having an endoscopy done, but if she does, I'll probably go ahead and have it done. At this point, I honestly don't care what's done so long as this pain in completely taken care of or at least eased.

I do plan on telling my mom about the medication. I should have a a doctors appointment in the next week or so, seeing as I'm nearly out of Paxil and my mom wanted me to talk to the doctor before getting more.

I just hate being on pills. I've heard bad things about Paxil. My aunt told me it can cause severe weight gain, and my grandmother and mother both told me it could make me have darker thoughts, though this hasn't occured. Thankfully.

And thank you for wishing me luck. I get the feeling I'm going to need it.
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Hello earthy_Kat,

I want the welcome you to the Pain Management Forum and let you know how glad we are that you have found us here. You need to understand that we are NOT Doctors on here. All we have are CP (Chronic Pain) Patients. We all share our experiences that we each have had and try to help each other with our knowledge that we have gained from our own illnesses.

I'm so very sorry that you are having these Gastrointestinal problems right now at such a young age. Unfortunately, stress can cause these symptoms to increase and become much worse.

Has the Dr. suggested that you need to get an endoscopy done to find out what is going on? If your Dr. suggests this you should go ahead and find out what is going on so that they can help you. I've had this done and you don't feel anything as you are asleep. Not only that but you don't feel anything afterward. At least I didn't, not even a sore throat. Nothing!!

You MUST let your Mom know what is going on with your medicine. If they don't know then they can't change it and try something. Very seldom do they manage to hit on the right combination of meds the VERY first time. Please go and talk to her now.  :)

Also, do you have a follow-up appointment set with the Dr.? If so when is it?

I wish you the very best and hope and pray that you can find out what is going on and get the proper meds to help you feel GREAT again!!

Why don't you go and have that talk with your Mom and that way you will be that much closer to  getting the relief that you need.

And PLEASE don't worry about that camera. You will never know it was there. :)

Please keep us updated as I really care about you. I have a Granddaughter almost your age. I just hate knowing that you are having these problems. Good Luck....Sherry

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