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356518 tn?1322263642

I am just feeling so down and depressed...

I know we all have these times when we go thru this but I just can't seem to shake it this time. I do not want to get out and do anything. I just feel like it doesn't really matter if I get dressed today or not. I have always gotten up and got dressed every morning and the past week I do good to get out of my gown and put my hair up!
I have tried antidepressants in the past and could not take them due to side effects or they didn't work but I have got to do something!
My family is suffering because they do not do anything unless I get up and go too. I had to get my hubby to dress the girls this morning and take them to the park so they can have some fun and not have to see me so down.
It is tough trying  to hide this from them and dealing with it too.
We got back from a wedding out of town on Sunday last week and I haven't even unpacked the suitcases! This is sooo terrible and not like me at all!
I have never ever left dinner dishes in  my sink and I have done this twice this week already. What is so bad is it doesn't bother me and I am NOT like this.
I do not know what is wrong with me!
What do you do when you can't seem to get out of this kind of mood?
I am up for anything at this point!
11 Responses
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547368 tn?1440541785
We have chatted about what is happening to you..but I will remind you again that we are here for you.

No one can explain why all of a sudden their feet are knocked out from under them. We seem to be running in the right direction and bam, we hit the floor, emotionally speaking of course.

Sometimes we just take on too much. We get into the denial phase of our chronic pain and take on too much, often without even realizing it or out of necessity.  Reality snaps us back and we are left feeling over-whelmed and depressed. It's normal. It happens to many if not all of us to one degree or another.

The important factor is that we get back up. We do what we need to do to deal with our depression, rather that is self healing or therapy, antidepressants or a combination of all three. There is no apology needed and no explanation required, it happens.  

The journey through chronic pain is not an easy one. Be good to yourself. Go to the beach when you can. Take time for Sandee. As my Grandma use to say, understand that thought the spirit is willing but the body may not be. So treat it well, let your mind, body and spirit heal. Take a well deserved and earned break.

If it helps to know we all have your moments. I am still dealing with the loss of my dad. Some days between the grief and the chronic pain I can barely pull myself out of bed. Food (my comfort) has lost all appeal. But I allowed myself some time to grieve, the heartache can be over-whelming and all consuming. I still have many moments that my world comes crashing down. But I get back up and keep going. I come here to MedHelp to be surrounding by my cyber-friends and see if I can make a differance in one person's day.

When you are able, come back to us, if it's only for a post or two. I firmly beleive that helping other's can help you heal but only when you are ready and strong enough to do so. Till than and as always, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

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You have been so great to me.  I hate that you are going through this.  I have had my very depressed times and it's so hard to go through, I know.  
Thanks for being there for me when I really needed a perking up.  You are such a great person. :)
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You are so amazing. There is NO way that I would be able to do the things that you are managing to do!!! It's no wonder that your Hubby and Kids love you so much.

How wonderful that they took you to the breach to help you relax!! They are an amazing family and LOVE you so very much. They are returning thelove that you have given them for all of this time.

You take care of yourself and get better as we miss you BUT we understand!!!!

(((HUGS!))) from all of us here...Sherry
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356518 tn?1322263642
I want to thank you all so very much for your support and prayers and kind words. You have been great!
I am sorry I have not been back on and let you know I am okay, well doing better.
My wonderful Hubby made me take a few days off and got my sister to watch the girls and took me to the beach for a few days to rest and recuperate. I do feel better :)
I am going to talk to my doctor about some of the newer antidepressants this week.
I just can't figure out why I can't get out of this depression! I have always been able to work thru it and bring myself out of it but this time it is different. I can't really explain it.
I had a wonderful time at the beach but I wish I was feeling better. It could have been alot better for my great Hubby if I were feeling better.
I have made myself get up and do the things I always do. I get dressed before the girls get up and run errands and clean house/yard. Take care of the office and cook. The whole nine yards. I just hope this ends soon. I have no enthusiasm about doing the things I do at all. The girls are on summer break thank goodness. I will not be home schooling the next school year. I enrolled them in school.
That will be a huge weight off of my shoulders!
God has been awesome in my life and has always been here for me, I know He must have some plan in mind for me and I will see what it is when the time is right. Until then I will push thru this and hope to come out a better person for it:)
Thank you all so much:)
You have no idea how much it means to me to have all of your kind words and support.
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535089 tn?1400673519
Hey Sandee:

I was in the very same position as you not too long ago. I was feeling hopeless and extremely desperate that I wasn't going to make it past tomorrow. I could not get out of bed, didn't see the point anymore. I literally could not answer the phone. I knew that if I didn't do something soon...well, I don't know. What I did do was listen to my family and sought help that day with both a Psychiatrist and psychologist.

After a month or so, I started to wiggle my way out with their weekly talk sessions and a change in dosage of my Anti-Depressant. I was suffering from PTSD as well as deep depression.

Please seek their help. They really can help you...I've been there myself. I hope you can find peace soon. I do care Sandee.

My best,
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I just wanted to let you know that you are still in all of our Thoughts and Prayers!!

Take Care and If we can do ANYTHING at all please let us know....Sherry
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547368 tn?1440541785
Oh my dear friend, I did not know you were struggling. I have been so over-whelmed with grief and taking care of the details of my father's passing that I have not been as observant as I should be. Please forgive me.

I know how important it is to you that your home, children and yourself are just so. This must be very difficult for you..my heart goes out to you.

I don't handle antidepressants well either. However there are a few newer ones available. I was able to take one for about 10 days. It got my depression out of the basement before I had to stop taking it and I soon improved. You might want to reconsider one of the new ones.

And don't forget that a good therapist can do wonders...it's worth a try  if you can't shack this on your own.

I have several activities that I normally love to do....and when I am down, I do them. I have sometimes had to make myself get up and go,,, or my husband has stood over me and said, "Come on, we're going." Getting out and doing something may help. You have a heavy load, drop it and try to do something you enjoy for an afternoon or a day.  

I know you are a woman of faith, as I am. Prayer does wonders! Maybe a chat with your minister, priest, pastor or whatever you call the leader of your place of worship would be helpful. Sometimes their input and good ear can be so helpful.  When we feel down it's so difficult to see our blessings but you are so blessed.

I am here if you need to vent or chat. You'll be in my thought and prayers. You have all my contact info...please use it if needed.

My Best to You,
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I'm so sorry you're going through this.  Pain is so tough to live with.  Sometimes, it just doesn't want to let up.  You give so much.  Maybe it's time to do a little taking.  Let your husband do things for you.  It's good that he does.  Not all do.  It's not being selfish or lazy, it's survival.  And a well deserved break for you.

All the suggestions above are excellent.  I use Sam E and antidepressants.  You might try St Johns Wort.  It is commonly prescribed in Germany for depression.  Even so sometimes I find myself in the depths of depression.  A great, deep pit with slippery slopes and no hand holds.  All I can do is hang in until it passes.

Please just take it easy.  Dirty dishes never killed anybody.  Dust bunnies aren't lethal.  And take out food can be pretty good.  Hang in and know that you have friends in your corner.

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1187071 tn?1279369698
I am so sorry you are going thru this. I know how hard it is to get your self to do stuff. I wish there was something out there you can take that would help. When I get like that I make myself do stuff, I have to push myself to get stuff done and push myself to go to games or to the store. I do it not only for me but for my kids. When I push myself to get stuff done I sit back and think wow look at the stuff I got done today and then I feel better about having to push myself to do it. Sometimes you just have to make your self do stuff well I do. Is there anyone you can trust to call and talk to? Or can you go talk to someone to get you thru this? I would talk to your dr to see if there is anything that can be done. I am so sorry you are going thru this rough time.
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875426 tn?1325528416
Well, as a Christian, I look to God, the lifter of my head and try to listen to what He has to say through His Word.  Sometimes, he uses other people to remind me what I have to be thankful for.  Casting my burdens on the Lord can help.  His Word says anxiety leads to depression.  And I tend to get anxious about my pain and other physical problems.

Other things that you can use to fight depression are uplifting music, looking at the beauty of God's creation, and trying to help other people instead of focusing as much on your own pain.  

Pain, I've heard, can actually alter the chemicals in your brain.  So, you may want to eat certain things that contain omega fatty acids known to help mood (and inflammation as well)- like pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, freshwater fish, flaxseed meal, or take enteric coated fish or flaxseed oil capsules (I take 1000 mg flaxseed oil capsules w/morning and mid-day meals), Sam-e (Naturemade brand did scientific study on this, a psychiatrist told me) which helps to improve mood.  And take magnesium supplementation.... all things which can be bought over the counter that may help your mood.  If you are a dark chocolate lover, you may want to eat some of that occasionally- chocolate I've heard is an excellent source of magnesium.

Also, while you listen to some uplifting music, try to exercise- maybe your husband can exercise with you- exercise helps produce those feel-good endorphines.  As does laughing ("laughter worketh good like a medicine") and hugging they say produces endorphines as well.  Another excuse to hug your husband and your dear little girls!
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Sandee - I'm SO sorry that you are going tru this!! You have so much on your plate and with all the pain you are in I think that you are one of the MOST REMARKABLE people that I have had the good fortune to meet on here.

We all go thru this and sometimes it IS hard to overcome it. I have never figured out how to overcome this. I always have just had to wait it out. I wish I had a magic bullet to bring us all out of the dumps. I hope someone else has one to share with us ALL!! I'd love to know the secret. I noticed that you hadn't been on as much and was beginning to get concerned about you!! I wish I could help you as you have helped ME so many times I can't even count.

You and Tuck are ALWAYS there to help us and I just wish I could do the same for you.

The only thing that I can think of possibly doing, is to check whether, for some unknown reason, you meds might be interacting against each other in some way and causing this depression.  Your pharmacy hasn't changed to a different generic that you haven't taken before have they ? I did have that happen to me once. It didn't work the same and so my Dr. prescribed a certain generic ONLY for me.

I'm so sorry that I can't be of much help!!! Please know that we are always here for you!!!! I HOPE and PRAY that you will get relief QUICKLY!! Your in my thoughts and prayers.....Sherry
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