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Shoulder Pain

I have a question for you all.  Obviously I went to see the pain dr. on Tuesday.  I've been having some very bad right shoulder pain, like front shoulder pain.  Now I have radiculpathy (I don't know if that's spelled correctly) and normally have shoulder pain in my back, but Im having it in the front of my shoulder towards my chest, instead of my back.  The vicodin is not controlling this pain on my shoulder.  I've been working ALOT of overtime, 30 hours over the last month and I type all day long.  I was wondering if I should call the pain doctor, does anyone know about lydoderm patches?  Would that be something I could stick on the front of my shoulder to help with the pain control since the vicodin is not controlling the pain.  Do you guys think it's from over use, since I'm working twelve or more hours a day, typing and using my arm which is definitely a problem with the herniated disks, pinnacles, scar tissue, and that other word I typed earlier.  I'm just curious what to do about the pain, I don't want to spend the fourth of July taking 2 vicodin every four hours and still being bothered with my shoulder.   I have to call the pain dr. today anyway, and I'm going to leave him a message, but do you all think I should ask about those patches?  It couldn't hurt, right?
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Oh Karen:  I am so sorry!  I don't know where this is coming from but the cervical neck as it is an issue anyway, could be the culprit.  Yes, I think you should call your doctor.

I use Lidoderm patches.  I love them!!!  It certainly wouldn't hurt to try them.  They do a very good job when my nerves are so bad that it hurts to touch my skin!  They're worth a try.

Overwork could easily have aggravated this.  Stress could be another culprit.

Good luck sweetie!

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655875 tn?1295695107
I tried Lidoderm patches.  They didn't help for my pain.  The nice thing about these patches is that you can cut them to any size.  I was also give voltaren gel that worked a lot better.  It's basically the same medicine as the lidoderm patch, but in gel form.  I used it for my muscle spasms on my shoulders.  Muscle relaxers work best for my shoulders, but I'm so sensitive to them and we are trying to find one that I can tolerate.  Good luck.
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Frustrating day.from the doctor office, kind of know how Jamie feels.  Called the nurse, left message.  I work in a call center and can't take calls during the day, can only take them on my 2 15 minute breaks and my 45 minute lunch hour.  I made the call at my lunch.  At my last break she hadn't called back, but I ended up working thirteen hours so I got a third break, I went outside and there was a message from Patty from Dr. Fotopolous about my message. I called back and got the front desk lady, and told her who I was, that I was returning her call, and she told me I don't have a message from her, I can't call over head.  I said I don't think you heard me, I'm returning HER call because we have been playing phone tag for two days.  The lady said, I'm sorry because I don't have your name, I'm not allowed to page or put you in her voice mail.  SO, I said I need to talk to your supervisor right now, because this is ridiculous, got the supervisor and she said she would transfer me, and I told her that because of the arguing, I had to leave and go back on the phone.  I then got off work, and guess what another message left from Patty for me!  
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OH NO!!! I' so sorry for that mess!!! I would be climbing the walls and SCREAMING!!!

We don't need ANYMORE problems with our members and their Doctor's!! I hope that you can get hold of her some way as quickly as possible. Yes, I know that it's the Holiday Weekend but maybe your Dr. will be on call this weekend. I'm normally a VERY positive thinking person. RIDICULOUSLY SO!!! Sorry you guys have to put up with that from me. I've been that way ALL my life. It takes a LOT to get me out of the Positive Thinking Mode.

I'm thinking of you Sweetie, and I hope and Pray that you will have a Great Holiday Weekend....Sherry
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I use the Lidoderm patch and love it.  It really helps take the edge off.  I cut it for my hand.  It was prescribed for "desensitization" of my scar on my hand, but I use it on my hip for really bad arthritis there.  I have trouble with the stairs, getting up from a chair or out of car, and the patch really works well.  (My dad also has a really bad back; herniated disks, past surgeries, and arthritis, and I put it on him, nad it helped.  The nice thing is it's not another narcotic.

I also used the Voltaren gel, and I found that very helpful.  But she actually prescribed something better for me a few weeks ago.  It's a compounding cream.  You have to get it at a special compounding pharmacy.  They mix it up and it has several different drugs in it (I know it has the lidocaine, ketamine, and a bunch of others.)  They mail it to me, and I've found it works better than the Voltaren gel.

It is so difficult to get in touch with your doctor when you only have specified periods of time to make and/or receive calls.   That is so frustrating.
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1187071 tn?1279369698
With the lidodern patchs I have heard that it just depends on how deep your pain is, cause if it is really deep the meds in the patch won't reach it but if it isn't the meds have a good chance of helping with your pain.
Sorry about phone tag, I know I am not going to like that at all when i go to work for good. I am so glad right now I don't have any hours cause there is no way I can work right now. I am sorry your working so much and I think that is what is making your pain worse. I hope your able to talk to someone on Monday, I know it is going to be bad to have to wait all weekend in pain. Maybe rest and your pain pills will help with your pain. Do you work Monday thru Friday or the weekends too?
Hang in there hun I am thinking of you!
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Yea I work Monday through Friday but have been working afternoons and weekends too.  I work normally until 2:15pm but yesterday left at 6:30pm.  The reason why I'm working so much is financial, of course.  Bills are all paid, but I drive a Ford Focus and tags are due and our personal property tax is due at the same time, and it's ridiculous amount of money.  Now you guys, this is including the almost five hundred on my two root canals, 300 for two new tires, 260 car payment, insurance, rent, etc... I'm only one person and can only make so much money at one time and of course you all know about how much it cost for medication.   So I've really been over using the shoulder by typing a lot and I'm pretty sure that's the pain reason.  I'm going to put a heating pad on it and go.   I've got to work again on Saturday and am on call for Sunday too!
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Wow, you're working a lot.  My financial situation is really bad right now, but I can't work.  I keep hoping I can get back to work, but it's looking less and less likely.  

I know sometimes we have to do what we have to do, but be careful with all the hours you're working.  You could end up in a worse situation medically.  I've always found heat to be the best thing for me with my pain.  I love the ThermaCare heating pads.  They work up to 8 to 12 hours and you can wear them under your clothes.

My hip pain is pretty bad from the arthritis, but the Lidoderm patch does help quite a bit.  It doesn't take all of it away, but it makes it much easier to go up and down the stairs and getting in and out of the car.  And, for me, the 800 mg. ibuprofen helps as well.  

I find if you can piece together a bunch of things to get a little relief here and there, it can add up to a fair amount of pain reduction.
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Well the doctors office wasn't open today so I've had to wait for five days regarding my shoulder.  I'm a little upset with the front desk person and when I call tomorrow I will make sure that's understood that because of her stupidity and refusal, I missed an important call back which caused me not to be able to talk to the doctor or the nurse.  I'm not done with this little girl yet, she'll figure out that she can't say no that she will not page a nurse for you.  Absolutely the wrong thing to do, especially when the patient and the nurse have been playing phone tag for two days.
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