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false negative for morphine but false positive for vicodin!!

I am really glad that I found this forum...I am currently in as state of shock over what just took place at my own pain management doctors office. I have herniated lumbar discs which have also caused nerve damage, degenerative disc disease and buldging cervical discs. I have been on morphine for about 4 years, extended release and instant release. Last month the doctor gave ALL patients a urine test and when I got there today he said "we have a problem"...I was shocked and asked "what?" He said "the results of your urinalysis are in and they came back negative for morphine and positive for vicodin, I can only write you one months prescription and you will have to find another pain management doctor"... I was shocked!! I said "No way.. there is a mistake!!! I take my morphine like clockwork!! Every 12 hours!! I get home from filling my prescriptions and I take out 4 seven day pill containers and label them with each date... I put each days dose in each date and they go into a lockbox. I have not and did not take any vicodin!!" I insisted he retest me. I know there is a mistake. He said "no, it's a $900 test" he also added "the problem is not with finding the vicodin but with the morphine coming back negative"... HOW?? I insisted to him that the lab must have transposed the two drugs... but he refused to retest me and has now released me from his care!!! Does anyone know how this could happen?? I always, always take my morphine as prescribed!! I did NOT take any vicodin because it violates my contract that I have with him!! (as well as I don't have it nor do I like it!!) I don't know what to do! I even had a tooth extracted a week before that urinalysis and did NOT accept any pain meds from the dentist because it would have violated my contract with him!! The only other things I have taken are fioricet which is prescribed by him for migraines,  "benadryl" which he told me to take every night because I never get a full nights sleep due to the pain. Also "Orajel and anbesol" for the tooth extraction pain. I am also a large coca-cola drinker!! I am literally in a state of shock because I know these results are wrong!! any help would greatly be appreciated!!!
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She should have spoken to the DR before teeth appt...the methodone maybe could have been upped.just for short time.I broke my ribs and hospital gave me percocet and a thing to breath into  at home but went  to my dr first...he told me i need the extra pain meds for this and have them filled...I wasn't on methodone,which deals differently with opiates...
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'''Hi...So sory to hear this,and it just happened to me!I was shocked!.I have been in pain management over 8 years never a problem...Doc close one of 3 offices,and i had to choose to dive with one arm an houe away,or go to office 15 minutes away...girl at office who worked there ,knew me years,told me it's easier to just go to the hour away office.trust me she said you will be spinning in circles going to other office...it's a confusing ride...please let me set u up in the office where i'll be she told me.i didn't listen to her...so sorry i didn't!!!At that office same as one close had Ameritrox,right there...i watched urine go through process infront of me.all meds were asked about,for they know certain chemical compounds can make another med look  like it's in your system!I btw,have been a model patient taking only what that doc gave me.he laughed with me as i came in so ill but   would not take any mes but from him.I was beyond careful!One time tested at new office...nurse took urine and put on counter with so   many others.she asked nothing and left...I had bad feelings.and went to her asking if she wanted me to tell her all the meds i am  taking etc...no i no what i'm doing she said!I go to next appt and my pa whom i loved handed me a paper showing heroion was found in my system taken 24 hrs prior to knowing i had a urine test!!I thought i would pass out!!I was shocked!He looked so confused as he thought he knew me...i told him i would NEVE EVER TOUCH THAT STUFF,IN MY LIFE,LET ALONE ANY DRUG SEEKING ADDICT 24 HOURS BEFORE AN APPOINTMENT TO RECEIVE 120 OXYCODONE AND ms CONTIN!...I CRIEDD SO MUCH I COULD LOOK THROUGH THE WHOLE TEST RESULTS.i HATE WHAT PEOPLE DO ABUSING HEROIN AND NOW  THAT IS IN MY BLOODWORK?NO...i SAID WHY WOULD I DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT WHEN YOU HAVE MADE ME SO COMFORTABLE.i WOULD NEVER EVEN  THINK TO GO LOOKING FOR THAT!i TOLD HIM HE KNOWS MEAND HE LOOKED DEEPLY INTO MY EYES,i FELT HE KNEEW I WAS TRUTHFUL.BUT JUST GOT HIT WITH IT HIMSELFAND TOLD ME HE  DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THIS HIMSELF,UT HEAD DR SAYS HE CANNOT CARE FOR ME ANYMORE...i TOLD HIM i KNOW HE MUST GO BY THIS,BUT TO LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND PLEASE SEE i AM TRUTHFUL,I NEVER PUT IT IN MY BODY.WOULD NEVER RIDE BEING IN BED DAILY WITH AGONIZING PAIN FOR A BAG OF HEROIN! HE could not do anything or look into it, as the dr i only saw 3 times is head...he did give me wean off for ms contin,valium but told me b/c oxicodone is so close to heroin the head doc wouldn't let me wean off...right there is a point of why would after 8 yrs,i go do a bag of heroin,when I had a good medication like that every month!!and only had to make  it to a dr appt.sick as I am with tons of nerve damage,can hardly walk w/o meds,rhuemitoid arthritis...Why would I now risk losing a man who has helped me and was a huge part of the quality to my life!?I had changed my original appt from the 5th to the 1st to attend a funeral....My Pharmicist took out script and it says dr weote it on 1st of last  month,which is day my real urine was taken...the,5th was on the urine taken that had heroin in it!I filled my meds on 4th to head out of state to a funeral,so the 5th when this test  in front of me was taken,i was no where around office...my daughter saw weight of person was 148...5'2'I never ever wighed close to that even pregnant! to top it off,this pain manage,ment dr,never weighed me until the day the head Dr,kicked me out!My sweet PA who somehow I fel he believed me but could not understand,and it was just given to  him that day,so he only read heroin page for one gets bootted out the door w/o question,and honestly,if i saw this bloodwork,I would have done same if i was a dr...but i was worried weaning off of 3 addictive meds at same time pushing 60 and being so ill...so PA wote a decent medication in place of the oxicodone which he was told hee was not to give me for it was so much like heroin.At home daughter also looked stuff up on rest of test.I only was being monitered for MScontin according to these test  results...so it showed up oxicodone was found in this persons system and a script for it had not been reported,so showed as being in my system but should not be.opana was found  in that test,vicidin,which years ago my family had to call an ambulance when I got a vicadin script.I took one and could not breath.hospital told me never  to take it again..so I havent!And diloidid was also in that report!If the Dr's had read past the heroin,and saw all that,they wouild not have allowe the script of diloidid to wean off of the oxicodone.Its pretty clear that was not my bloodwork!It is bloodwork of a drug addict who needs help,not a  serMy brother who saw me in bed agonizing in pain without meds was so upset with me for not seeing all thios stuff in the office,while i still had a chance to see and show dr.someone whop took my original appt went home and nurse must have checked who had that appt last one of the day.they forgot to delete my name when  appt was changed to the first,(when  my real urine was taken...)now where an who has my  real urine?My bro is right,it would have been easier to recognize,these inconsistencies before leaving that office,but my emotions got best of me.I was shocked.even thinking  someone drugged me!Wondering what secret enemie I had...Now...once one leaves they don't want to ever hear anything from that person again.but I am going to fax the papers...showing,i wasnt even there on 5th...and only 106lbs and 5'5''plus,my first name was spelled wrong...I don't know how I will get them to speak with me or look at what i send,but my family says they want me to speak with a lawyer for having a record of heroin abuse is not good.I will carry that to my detriment the rest of my life unlss i fight to straighten this out!And it wont be easy going through withdrawal and being in horrible pain.
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7721494 tn?1431627964

Sorry to hear this is happening to you. It happens a lot, as most doctors would rather undergo root canal than treat chronic pain with chronic opioid therapy (COT).

False negatives / False positives happen all the time and because of them, people in pain are finding it more difficult to get treatment.

Many of these people are in their 60s and 70s, like yourself
(and like me). So, when misused, the state association of medical boards recommendation that doctor who prescribe COT do regular UDT and have patients sign controlled substance agreements.

This combination of requirements is responsible for leaving many grandparents w/o pain treatment.

The problem a doc using sophisticated UDT is that they don't have the training in pharmacogenetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics.

This is the realm of Doctors of Pharmacy, who are trained to understand the results of a chromatographic UDT.

Here's a website recently created by a PharmD who specializes in pain medication. He is developing a set of smart phone "apps" to help docs properly interpret UDT.

Even patients can use a demo version of the UDTapp online.


In the mean time -- find a better doctor.

Best wishes
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hi Again,

I'm just getting up-to-speed on the specifics of drug testing as for may years I was not tested - and because I have been absent from MH for a few year. Phil really is up on the specifics of these drug test and their results/interactions. He' s out for a bit with a procedure. So with the help of his previous posts and what I have learned and know here goes.

There are two kinds of UDT (urine drug testing), immunoassay and chromatography.

Immunoassay is simple and can be done by an untrained medical aid. Indeed you or I could do it. It simply gives a yes/no answer by color, sort of like a pregnancy test. If the strip matches the color on the bottle, then it says yes to the presence of opioid.  It's cheap and quick. Many PMP use this test to so an initial "screen". If not as accurate as one would hope.

Some PMP are use a much more accurate (and expensive) test called chromatography. It is more sensitive and specific when used for drug testing.  It seeks out metabolic fractions of specific drugs.

Do you know what form on testing is done by your physician? If  immunoassay was performed they may be doing the chromatography for accuracy. That may be why the nurse she he was checking with the lab again.

Sadly you're right. There is no legal recourse at this point if we have a false positive. Most PMP will not give you the benefit of the doubt. If you are dismissed you will have a difficult time finding another PMP that will treat you - however they do exist.

I wouldn't put the horse before the cart. Your PMP may understand the reasons your test was abnormal. Indeed it may not even be able. Don't feel alone it's happened to many of us. I've always "passed" but am terrified that someday I too will have a false positive.

Please let us know what you discover. Again I encourage you to begin a new thread. I wish you the very best and will look forward to your updates.

Take Care,
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547368 tn?1440541785
Hello and Welcome.

I am hoping you'll begin a new thread instead of tacking your onto a six year old one that was began by someone else.

Beginning a new "question" will get you better visibility and most likely more responses. If you need help please let me know. Your questions and comments are important to us.

My Best,
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I am 72 and have received a false positive for morphine. My doctor prescribes vicodin 7.5 and has for 4 years...chronic pain. I also just got over pneumonia for which he prescribed cough med w/codeine. I was taking dextromethorphan in during the day. I am currently waiting to hear back from his office, the nurse said he was "going to call the lab again". I am so upset to learn that I have no legal recourse if he dismisses me from his practice. He prescribed the 2 drugs that caused the false positive!!  There must be something I can do! Anyone have a suggestion?
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I know just how you feel, I have been seeing my PM doctor for 2 yrs and now I got a letter saying that he could no longer write my pain meds due to fact that I didn't honor the terms of the controlled substance agreement. I love this doctor because he is not only my doc but my kids and wife as well, and he actually made me feel like he cared about my quality of life and not just the dollar signs. Tommorow is my last visit and I will be without my meds and don't know what I am going to do. In my urine analysis it said that my oxycodone didn't show up and I don't understand, although I had ran out early becuase it doesn't seem to work anymore, but I have never had an issue with this before until now.         Frustrated and Unsure about the future.
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I have two degenerative discs and one slipped disc.  I have been seeing a pain managment Dr for three and taking morphine sulfate long lasting and quick release for three years and seen every nuero surgeon he recommend mo one will do surgery because of the location .  Monday I had my monthly appointment and his new nurse had me take a ua no big deal.  The doctor told me he won't see me anymore because no drugs showed up on my ua.  What happened I am still in shock and depressed now and I took everything four times a day everyday for three years what happened what do I do now??? Scared..depressed... and in pain
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535089 tn?1400673519
It's always wonderful to hear of members updates after a long break. I am very happy that you've found new pain management. It is so important for us to have a good support system.

I was able to take a break from opitaes and regain my ability for the meds to actually work at a lower dose. I never thought I could do it but I did. I can now take a 15mg Oxycodone and that alone will work for me.

I doubt that I will ever use the Fentanyl Patch again.

Well, I am glad that you're ok. Nice hearing form you.
My best,
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I would sue the doctor. Not on the grounds of dumping you as a pain patient, but on the grounds that he allowed your reputation to be scarred through unclean testing. I would sue just to get his name on the lawsuit and get it said, I would not even care if I won. But while you may not have recourse to get reinstated in his office, you should surely have recourse to false information in your medical file. This information in your file can tarnish every emergency room visit you ever take. Not to mention give you some serious trouble at the pharmacy
If you had a toxicologist backing you up, I would say things would come around pretty fast.

This is beyond ridiculous. This person had no right to not listen to you. I know that you wanted to remain a patient but beyond that there should be human respect for a long standing patient
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Thank you so much Tuckamore,
Your post brought tears to my eyes after yet another long night with dad! I know that I will have no regrets when he does pass... I couldn't have done more for him than I am doing now! Even his own doctor said that he looks better than he has in 10 years! Amazing for someone who was sent home to die!
I will definately check out the caregivers forum!! After his morning meds and insulin shot, my mom cares for him for a few hours while I nap, however she is 79 and I have noticed her slip with things here and there....3 times now I have found 1 of her pills on the floor, her hearing is going and she can barely walk!
I know it took me a while to find another understanding doctor... and although he is also in the process of switching practices I managed to get the new doctor to understand that if I am not functional... then there is no one to care for my father and I am functional on morphine. Now he just asks me how my father is doing! Its a really hard shock to ones system and ego when that false negative comes back and the doctor who you had all your faith in treats you like you have done something wrong!! BUT there is hope.
Have a great day and thanks!
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547368 tn?1440541785
Thank you so much precious-woman for your updates. So often we never hear the end of the story. I am glad that yours eventually had a happy ending.

There is also a Caregivers Forum on Medhelp that you may find helpful. I am also the Community Leader there.

I truly understand the challenges and rewards of caregiving. For eight years I cared for my father until he passed a few months ago at the age of 81. I know how difficult it is to watch you dad deteriorate. It tears at you heart. Rest assured that you are giving your father a very wonderful gift. You'll never be sorry. Hug him every chance you get...and don't miss an opportunity to tell him how much you love him and what a great father he has been. You'll never regret that either.

I hope you'll stop back again.


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hi flower12345,
Thank you so very much!! I believe in prayer, so I am thankful that you will pray for him. Last Thanksgiving he was in a coma and on a respirator, at the age of 80 we never thought he would make it! I truly believe it was the power of prayer that pulled him through, and although he has no short term memory because of damage caused by the coma... he did pull through!

As far as the incompetence goes.... I totally agree!! I know for a fact that it was my old PM doctors assistant who made the mistake! They had tested everyone that day & there was another patient there when I was there!! So., keep an eye on your tests. Now I sit right down with the nurse & I watch her write everything down on the requisition form. I think that the only way for us to keep ourselves safe from these errors is to become more educated about the whole process and to make sure they're done properly! I understand that these doctors are being watched like hawks and cracked down on., however its not a good enough reason for us to be treated like criminals when we have done nothing wrong and the mistake is on their end!! (but they would never, ever admit that the mistake could even remotely be their fault!!)
Again thanks!!
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Hi Precious. I just read your whole thread. I'm so shocked that you went through that. It's awful. I am happy that you have a good PM now. CP patients should not be treated that way. It's just so wrong. My mouth dropped while reading your story! It really made me think about the last time I had a urinalysis. When the girl (she was very young) listed my medications, she didn't write down dosage or frequency. I didn't have to initial the specimen, but I think I had to sign a form.
It's ashame that sometimes some of the people working for doctors aren't kinder, and it's ashame that there are incompetent people working for the urinalysis companies, since the medications that we take help us to live a more normal life.

I'm sorry that your father is so very sick. I will keep him in my prayers.

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I actually have been on... however briefly.
I had to find a new pain management doctor... my old one just wrote me off and had nothing to do with me since then except to send me a bill! It took me quite some time to find another pain management doctor who WOULD listen to me,  run the tests (MRI's and CT's) and verify how severe my condition is and that I was more functional ON morphine than I would be on any other medication.
What I did was the same path that you are taking.. talking to the lab, taking other tests. However, I made sure that I faxed two letters to my prior pain management doctor stating that I was told to "leave the cup in the bathroom" and I did not see that cup after I left it in the box!! I did not see them put my name on the specimen cup. and I was not aware of the "chain" regarding the urinalysis... but I am now! I sent a "letter of rebuttal" informing him of the facts surrounding how my specimen was not handled or labeled properly. They HAVE to put the letters or faxes that you send them in your file also, so this will show any future physician that you disputed the results and why!! So he can have his letter saying why he let you go... but your letter of rebuttal will also be in your file!! I know that every single test that I have taken since then has been positive for morphine, so I know that his "assistant" made the error and mixed up my sample with someone else's sample!!
NOW... I make sure my name and information is on every specimen cup that they give me before I even pee in it!! They test me every month and it has been positive every single time!! It's so sad that we have to go through that type of ignorance! We should be given a second test however they act as if they don't even care!!
I am sorry that I have not been on often.... I no longer have a computer because mine died!! I am using my son's computer. I take care of my 80 year old father who was in a coma last Thanksgiving, he was sent home to die (literally) and he has no short term memory. He has congestive heart failure, sleep apnea, diabetes, dementia, triple by pass and the list goes on. So it's hard for me to find the time to log on. as well as the computer problem!
So, Cporovich, I am sending you a private message!! And for all my other pals out there., thank you for your support in my time of need!! and if anyone has an old computer they don't want I would be more than happy to take it off your hands!!  :-)
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I wasn to let you know that Precious-woman hasn't posted on here since Jan. 2010. This is an older post would you mind re-posting by clicking the Green Tab at the top of the page that says Post Question and start a new thread?  :)

There are LOTS of people that can help you with this on here.

Thank you so much....Sherry
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I would be interested in finding out what became of your situation with the false negative,  I started reading your first post to my husband and he says it sounded like i had written it.  I have been on Morphine 2x daily as well for 14 months now yet my surprise drug screen test came back as Zero usage and positive for Marijuana.  I drive 4 hours to my Dr. I take my morphine 9:30 n 9:30 so i KNOW i had taken it on the way down to Pittsburgh.  Yet it came back negative? of course he immediatly gave me 30 days and dropped me.  In the process I have been trying to find new Dr. but my Dr. wrote a letter in my file.."patient tested negative on morphine with zero usage even though i have been prescribing it for many months" this letter he typed out as we were sitting there.  Both of us in complete shock, my husband telling him he gives me my meds, he KNOWS I take them. I also as you immediatly was on phone with lab, etc.  I also called a hair follicle place to find a local clinic that would do one for 109.00 out of my own unemployed pocket.  I called the lab back and said this test goes back 90 days, which exceeds your lab testing, will this negate the test and PROVE i have been taking it all along?? She says yes i suppose that it would. So now i am scrambling to get the money together to get this test done so that can be added to my file disproving the lab results.  Just blows me away to find out how many people out there are in our shoes.  
I hope it has all worked out for you I live in a rural area and finding a new pm is going to be rather difficult as my clock has started ticking.
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did you eat a poppy bagel? let's see could it be that your morphine was excreted faster than usual? it does leave your urine quickly.  when you see a new pain dr. he's going to want to see your prior records so you're looking at a possible problem unless you can prove otherwise.  be honest with the new doctor when you see he/she before they get the records and you can be sure there will be a note about this in there always is.  how to avoid this from happening again?  ask a pharmacist they know the chemical composition of all drugs and could give you a better idea as to what may have happened.
beer has opium in it did you have a beer? sounds funny to me that they tested you for vicodin when you're taking morphine both in the same family basically.  fishy very fishy.
find a new dr. fast or start over
completely and get a primary and referrals and do your own research come up with how this happens alot to pain patients to hand to your new pain management doctor.
it's a terrible shame and alot of stress for you to start over again hang in there!
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Its too bad they wont admit that the tests AND the STAFF are not infallible. I have seen the physiatrist again, he tried eliminating my instant released morphine and gave me 1 week of time released and the name of yet another doctor!! I thought that because I was on time released morphine I would not have withdrawal from the instant released morphine........Boy was I wrong!!!
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356518 tn?1322263642
It all depends on the doctor and/or clinic individually how they practice. Most are very strict when it comes to narcotic medications and the guidelines and rules you must follow. It doesn't matter if the doctor is pain management or another specialist there seems to be problems with these urine test.
The doctors needs to realize and understand these test are not infallible.
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1176986 tn?1264917842
WOW! I am so glad that I am not going to a Pain Management clinic, it sounds like they really keep you on a tight leash when it comes to getting meds and stuff!! I see a Neurologist at a regular , what would you call it, an outpatient clinic, where there are lots of different kinds of doctors. Anyway, I do remember having to sign some sort of contract when I first started going there almost 3-4 years ago, I think it just said that I wasn't supposed to get any narcotics from anyone but him.  there have been times that I didn't count right and called in for a refill early, and I never had a problem. Maybe you should try getting a Neorologist that's not at a pain clinic, ya know?

Just reading about the people that go to a PMC, I am in shock! I have never been treated this way whenever I had a doctor that was giving me narcotics.

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356518 tn?1322263642
These are some of the drugs known to cause a false negative.

The reactivity of 13 quinolones (levofloxacin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin, enoxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, trovafloxacin, sparfloxacin, lomefloxacin, ciprofloxacin, clinafloxacin, norfloxacin, and nalidixic acid) was tested in 5 commercial opiate screening assays from September 1998 to March 1999. In 6 healthy volunteers, we confirmed the cross-reactivity of levofloxacin or ofloxacin with these opiate screening assays. be positive, therefore some will and have failed these test.

Also there is more information on this in one of my journal entries which can be found here...

I am so sorry this happened to you. it is getting to become common here as new members ask the same question you have, why?
I would suggest trying to find a new doctor and be honest and tell them what happened and that you will gladly take test on a regular basis to prove your taking your medications as prescibed. Do not give up, there are doctors that realize these test are not accurate.
Let us know if we can help and we are here for you:)
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tying to post my story not good with computer lol anyway i tested negative for pain med that should have been in my system i dont get it now my pcp does not believe me  sent me a cert letter refusing any more meds suggested i 30 day to find a new doc on mass health new doc with this ya right , pending ssi disability case i think doc sent negative results to them now what ssress has been trigerng my eplipsey anxiety soon to be out of meds i do have thyroid cond could this be why also took antibiotic week before test yes the same doc could this be if so what are my rights if any lab has been nice they cant treat me or take all this away from my recored
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Hi guys,
sorry, with the holidays and my getting the "rebuttal" together and faxed out to his office. I have been a bit busy the past couple of days.
Yes, I did state that my doctor is an NP and ARNP, I am not sure IF he has since graduated to a PM doctor all together but I do think that he did. It is New Hampsire. My boys and I lived there for 6 years, but after my guy walked out on us (after more than a decade together), I couldn't make it on disability and child support, although I tried my hardest. After a long and difficult attempt to keep them up there where the schools are much better (as well as with thier friends) we came back home to my parents in Massachusetts. So, My oldest son has been driving me back and forth to his office every single month because I am no longer able to drive that far, as well as I am not supposed to on those medications. Yet another term to the contract that I adhered to all the time.
Since he has chosen not to bother to call me back, despite the discreptancies and errors discovered by myself AND the lab (who also contacted his office on my behalf regarding the errors) I can only assume that he is ignoring me. I am glad that I got the "letter of rebuttal" off to him via fax. It had all the errors, facts, etc and they are required to include that in my file, which would be forwarded or faxed to the new PM doctors office.
I did not initial the specimen cup. NOR was it collected in front of me. I now know better. I am more educated in that area and that is a huge mistake that will NEVER happen to me again!!
The gentleman at the labs has been even more helpful. He is sending me a copy of the requisition form and the results. This way here I can see exactly what was and was not listed under "daily meds". I have been contacted by a nurse (not associated with him)who informed me that he should have been aware that benadryl would cause a false negative.
I can only hope that new years eve will be a good one.
and I continue to pray that I will get the medical care than I need. It's scary.... to think the number of years that I have been on this medicine. I don't want to end up 100% bedridden due to the pain again!! They have said that "all they can do is keep me comfortable" and "I will never be pain free even with my meds" ..but  if I am still in pain ON my meds I don't even want to imagine how much pain I will be in without them!! I swore I would never let my kids see me like that again. Where I just laid there crying. Not able to walk or get up to make them dinner, etc.. Let alone be able to make it to the food store to use a cart to buy groceries. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that!
Thank you all so much for your support!!
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