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Non-medication Pain Relief

I am tapering down with my medications since the baby will be born in about 3 months and I want to be as med-free as I can before she is born.  Some days I really think I can't stand it anymore, but I am hanging in there.  I've been resting in bed as much as I can and really taking it easy.  

Now I am on just the oxycodone 30 4xdaily.  Since this is the first month without the Soma and Klonopin, I am not too concerned with tapering that down.  I'll talk to the doctor about what we're going to do at my next appt.  I am taking tylenol and the Fish Oil and Magnesium that my doctor prescribed, as well as the Melatonin to sleep.
I am, however, doing whatever else I can to control the pain non-medicationally.  Meaning without medication.  

I do heat and ice, pretty religiously every day.  Alternating between the heat in the recliner and soft-gel ice packs in bed.  I tried a BenGay menthol patch and that helped with the "buzzing" nerve pain when it got really severe.  I tired Capsacin and it burned for hours on end, so I don't think I'll be doing that again.  I take hot baths, but not too hot and not for too long because it's not safe for the baby too hot or too long.  I also do hot showers.

So I am wondering.  Is there any other OTC/holistic pain relief method that you have tried that works well?

I can't do TENS right now because of the pregnancy, but I am thinking about massage and maybe acupunture.  I am slightly concerned that if I have a good deep tissue massage, it will release toxins for the muscles that might not be good for the baby.  I am going to talk to the doctor and do some more research on that.
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547368 tn?1440541785
You are to be commended for your strength to endure chronic pain as you advance in your pregnancy. Bless your heart.

I have mentioned before that I use Thermacare. It's unlike the usual sticky "patch" heat products. It's like a wrap that stay comfortably warm for 8-12 hours. It's warmth penetrates amazingly deep and yet not does not have the burning stinging heat of Capsaicin. It is also odorless. You can purchase this at any pharmacy, Walmart or similar business. It's a little pricey but there are discount coupons available on several web sites. It may be worth a try.

Best of luck as you count down the days to the birth of your precious daughter. :)

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I love the Thermacare patches!!!  I cannot tolerate ice.  Even the cold of winter and air conditioning bothers me.  I've been trying to get accupuncture approved, but have had no luck so far on that.

I can't remember where your pain is (sorry!)  I have a topical cream that's compounded at a special pharmacy that helps a lot.  Before that I had a prescription for Voltaren gel that helped too.  Maybe you could try those?  I also (with a script) use lidocaine patches.  Putting all these things together brings better relief.

I've read your posts all along and you've done so well.  I don't respond to all posts as it's really hard for me to type with my hands.  I had difficult pregnancies (but very easy labor and deliveries) and can't imagine going through them with chronic pain.

Looking forward to pictures of your new baby girl.  My first baby girl is leaving for college tomorrow and I am so teary ... can't imagine her not being here every day.  I feel like I'm losing my best friend!  (And she's only going about an hour away!)

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My Sweet Jaded,

You are such a STRONG Woman!!  I'm totally in awe of the strength that you are showing in being able to do this for "Our" MH Baby!!  This shows the love that a Mom has for he children at it's BEST!!!

Just think how much BETTER your meds will work for you AFTER she is born.  THe Therma-Care Patch is what Tuck recommended for me after I fell a couple of months back and it helped me TREMENDOUSLY!!  It's definitely worth a try just as Tuck and Mellie4 (Mary) suggested.

We are ALL so anxious for this Beautiful Little Baby to be born - as I know BOTH you and your Hubby are.

Hey Jaded, can you answer a question for me?  I believe I've seen you use the abbreviation "DH" before.  What does that stand for?  I think it has something to do with Husband but I don't know for sure.  Thanks - see My generation is having to learn a WHOLE new set of abbreviations.  When I came on here and got the sweet "Welcome" message that Tuck sends to each and every one of us, she stated that if there was ANYTHING that she could do to let her know - well after what I did to her I'm not sure if she STILL includes that phrase in her notes anymore or not!!!  LOL  I asked her about the abbreviations as I couldn't understand WHAT on earth you guys were talking about!!!:)  She was sweet and kind enough to take her time and wrote me out a Lengthy list of ALL of the abbreviations that were used on here. (It must have taken her forever to do that!!)  But this abbreviation wasn't being used at that time and so can you clue a Grandma in on what it means?????  Please????  :)

I'm VERY PROUD of My Adopted Daughter.........Mama Sherry   :)
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Thanks everyone!  I don't feel like I'm being that strong when the pain has me on my knees, but at the same time feeling the baby moving so much is a great motivator.  

Tuck- I forgot all about the Thermacare and I will get some of those, especially for the car where the heating pad I have can't go.  I think the Thermacare is also safer than an electric heating pad, although I follow the rules to the "T" with the electric one as It's only safe when used on the back and neck during pregnancy.

Mary- I have a hard time in cold weather and cold AC as well.  Here in FL the AC is usually the bigger problem and I am SO grateful in the winter to live in a warm place.  Hopefully I will always live in a warm climate as we may be moving to AZ at some point.  My pain is in my neck, shoulder, and down the arm.  Occasionally a little arthritis in my thumb as well, but nothing near what your hand pain is.  I know it must be hard for you to type, especially since you just had the surgery!  It's so sweet of you to respond to me.  I hope you are resting that hand between posts!  That is so bittersweet about your daughter going to college.  I bet you are very proud, though! My oldest is 13 and in 8th grade so I have about 5 years left with him at home.
Please let me know how the acupuncture goes if you get it.  I'm really curious about that, but I'd like to hear from someone else who got the needles first! :)

Mama Sherry-  DH is Dear or Darling Husband.  Then there's a number of other ones like DD Darling Daughter, DS Darling Son, etc.  I think you have done exceptionally well learning the lingo and doing all you do with computers.  I have learned quite a few of the anacronyms around here.  CP, PM, etc.  This forum is no where near the complexity of the anacronyms on the pregnancy forum. They are speaking another language over there!

I have a few pics from the last ultrasound so I will try to get those posted!  I really appreciate all of your suggestions and support.  You are the best group ever!
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You are so brave! I admire you so much! I know I had mentioned this to you before, but I to Percocet for the last three weeks of my pregnancy (with a couple of Demerol shots in there for severe migraines) when I was in the hospital and my son was born perfectly healthy. So I really admire your choice to become pain-med free by the time your baby is born. And if you try and it's something you decide you can't do, I know you have done your research and that you know that it's possible to keep yourself comfortable if you need to. But seriously...props to you, sister.

I use Voltaren Gel and it works wonders for my hands, neck and back between pain med doses when I'm hurting. I don't know if that's ok with pregnancy or not. I know that it was mentioned on here before. I have also tried the Lidocaine patches, but had pretty poor luck getting them to stick and just about crapped my pants and the price when I went to pick up my rx at the pharmacy. They are pretty spendy. But worth a try if you have good coverage?

Other than that...pillows, pillows, pillows, heat, heat, heat! :) They laughed at my "nest" in my bed at the hospital. I think I had about 12 pillows in it. :) And that was with one of those fancy beds that blows up and deflates all the time. :) Hang in there!!!
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Thank you My DAD (made up my own for Dear Adopted Daughter) !!  Do you like that?? :)

I think that you are doing Fantastic!! There's NOTHING more motivating than when your Sweet Baby moves!  :)

((((HUGS!!))))......Mama Sherry
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Kitty- Thank you for sharing your experience and for your support!  May I ask if your son had any trouble after birth because of the medication?  If you don't feel comfortable answering here, you can send a PM, or I understand if you don't want to talk about it.  I am just wondering because I have met some other moms who had to take pain meds in their pregnancy and their babies didn't have any problems on a higher dose than I am on, so that was encouraging.  I am going to look into the gel and lidocaine as well.  That could really help me.  
I had to laugh about the "nest".  I am also a "nest-maker".  I even have a special pregnancy boppy pillow for sleeping with that is such a luxury.  I steal my husband's pillows every chance I get, too.  It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
Mama Sherry-  Or should I say DAM?  That just doesn't sound as good as DAD!  I do love DAD, though.  It's very sweet!
Thanks again for the support and helpful answers.  I appreciate you all!
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I am comfortable answering here. No problem. He did not.He was born early due to my pre-eclampsia to he was in the NICU for 2 days because he was a little small, but that had nothing to do with the meds and when tested he had nothing in his system. He is a beautiful, smart, bouncing 1 year old! I took Fiorocet for a good part of my pregnancy for headaches, and then the Percocet and Demerol for the last three weeks or so. He had no problems at all. I had a C-section, was on post-op Morphine and then Percocet, and still breast-fed my son. There were lactation consutants at the hospital helping me, and nobody had any sort of issue with the meds I was on. I did end up discontinuing breast-feeding early as a choice due to meds I was taking at three months though.
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I just know our little one will have absolutely no health issues Bree.  I am so proud of you, you've taken such great care of yourself  and the little one throughout this whole pregnancy. I know I don't tell you enough how proud I am of you, but also how excited I am to see this addition to our big family (and to your own family) and please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.  I would love to send the baby a gift, I know we aren't really supposed to share information like that, but if I gave you my phone number in an email, could you tell me where I could possibly send something for you?  If you feel uncomfortable about it, please let me know, I know I get so excited when babies are coming, that I know I sometimes may over step my boundaries, so please if you are registered somewhere maybe I could order it and they could mail it to you?  Anyway,  I don't have a lot of suggestions, except maybe some accupunture, or mommy massages to help get you through some of the pain that your experiencing.  Please let me know if you need anything, or if I can do anything for you!  

Love ya,

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I also want to congratulate you on being able to wean down off your medications - I know that can't be easy for you with all the pain you have to endure.  You are definitely a very strong woman.

I'm afraid I don't have much else to suggest for pain relief other than what you've been doing.  About the best I can say is whatever gives you the relief at the time - if it's ice one time, then do that, if it's heat the next time, do that.  Same as one time a medication will work well for a person but then not so well the next time, you also have to play around with non-medicinal treatments as well to find what works the best at that particular time.  

I know you've been using the heating pad and there's been suggestions of the Therma Care patches (I've used those on my knees before and they do work pretty well).  I also have a microwaveable heating pad that works quite well.  It can also be put in the freezer to be used as an ice pack.  I actually have two of them - one larger that kind of sits over your shoulders and upper back and then a smaller one that is just rectangular shaped.  you can also use the larger one for other areas such as the lower back and even knees, hips. etc. -- it works really well because of the shape of it, it doesn't tend to slide or fall off areas like the knees or hips like the smaller one does.  I usually keep the smaller one in the freezer and use the larger on in the microwave for heat, as heat usually works better on me - I'm pretty much the same as you and some others that cold makes my pain worse, but I have found recently that with the hip problems I've been having lately, if I start off with some ice (for just a few minutes or else it makes it hurt worse) and THEN go directly to the heat, it helps more than just sticking with one or the other.  I guess teh ice kind of numbs the hip and then the heat helps it all to relax better.

Please keep us all posted on how you're doing.  
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You are all so sweet and I appreciate your answers!
Kitty-  I'm SO glad to hear your son is healthy and happy!  That is very encouraging.  I have been hearing a lot of good things from a lot of women about this and it's really helped to set my mind at ease.  I'm also so glad that you were able to breastfeed.  From what I've heard that is somewhat rare and if I could nurse the baby even for a few weeks, it would be good for us both.

Karen-  That is so sweet of you!  I will PM you.  I understand about being excited when babies come.  I am the same way when my friends have babies.  Baby stuff is so cute!  I know you went through a lot with your neice and I appreciate you being so concerned and caring for me.  
I think you said in another post that you tried acupuncture.  Did you feel like it helped the pain?  I am a little nervous about a whole lot of tiny needles, but I have heard some good things about it.  I don't think I've heard anything about someone using it for pain, though.

Gemini-  Thank you!  I never used to be able to use ice for pain relief.  I don't know if my circulation is different now or something changed because now the ice works better than the heat sometimes, it's weird, but I'm glad.  My PT office had a big over-the-shoulder one and it was so luxurious.  I have been thinking about getting a new one, so I think I'll look for one like that.  I will also try ice for a few minutes going directly to heat.  I find that if I use the ice, then go outside (here in Florida), it makes the iced area feel warmer and it almost takes the pain away for a few seconds.  They are wonderful seconds, though!  Of course, my kids wonder about me when I'm laying down on the ice, then getting up and walking outside, over and over, (lol) and it's a little tiring, so I don't do that much.

Thank you everyone for your helpful suggestions and for all your support!  I don't know what I would do without this group.  You've all been here for me for nearly the entire pregnancy.  I wish I could give everyone a big hug and show you just how grateful for you all I really am.  (((( BIG GROUP HUGS ))))
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356518 tn?1322263642
I do not want to sound condescending but I ant to tell you that I am so proud of you! :)
It was a real accomplishment to ween off of the Soma and the Klonopin and you did great! I know it is not easy for you and you have all the support of everyone here.
I am looking for some alternative options for you that is safe for the baby too. I know a great massage would do wonders:)
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