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post thoracotomy pain

I had a thoracotomy on Dec. 20 to remove a tumor on the surface of my lung near my spine.  Luckily, the tumor was benign.  However, I'm still experiencing quite a bit of pain, especially near my shoulder blade and along the incision.  

Currently, I'm taking Ultram 50 mg every 6 hours during the day.  I'm scheduled to return to work a week from today, and I had hoped that I would be pain free by now.  I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon in mid March.  When I went to see him 2 weeks ago, he said some people have pain for a longer period of time than others and we need to treat my pain until it subsides.  That's when he gave me the perscription for Ultram.

I was wondering if anyone out there has had a thoracotomy and could let me know if it is atypical to have pain 6 weeks after surgery. I have read about post thoracotomy pain syndrome and I'm concerned that this is what I'm experiencing.  I sure hope it will get better because I can't imagine having to live with this pain for the rest of my life!  Any advice/information would be appreciated.  I'm especially interested in advice about long term pain management after a thoracotomy.  Thanks.
87 Responses
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572713 tn?1237094902
Wow!  You had quite a journey.  I will pray the cancer goes away.  You're right - the docs don't usually understand what patients are going thru because most of them have not gone thru it.  My primary care doc is wonderful, but the surgeon was a pompous a**.  We have to be our own advocate, and good for you speaking up!   I will keep you in my prayers.
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hi everyone im new to the computer stuff and im just a goodolboy so dont mind my spelling and stufflike that my kids are i think smarter then me  but i have read all youre storys and i feel bad for everyone who has to deal with any type of pain i had a thoracotomy in febuary of 2008  and it is may 2009 and im still in pain they done the surgery because i had pulmonary embolisms and pneumonia in july 13 2007 then in september 2007 had pneumonia again and was in hospital they took more scans and the shadow in my right lung they thought was a infarct now they told me looks like cancer long story shor ******* who done the surgery said it did not look like cancer he took biopsies they came back no cancer but im telling this *** im in pain after surgery and he says its normal it will get better  well it didnt so i go looking for a new docter and he diagnoses me with plasma cell granuloma puts me on prednisone 80 mg a day after seeing this new assh-le he didnt like me asking questions so he told me if i didnt like his diagnoses i could get another opinion and i did went on my computer and looked up words on my catscans and found sloan kettering memorial hospital in ny city made an appointment seen new dr december 2008 he made a broncoscopy for january 5 2009  iwas diagnosed with cancer in my right lung  i was in the hospital a few weeks ago with more pulmonary embolisms and a new bloodclot id my left leg and on top of all that i have a lung herniation from the thoracotomy that has to be repaired so this means another surgery so if you are in pain keep complaining i know it makes ya mad but they dont know our pain i told one dr did he have a thoracotomy he said no and i told him then how do you know how i feel remember these drs are not youre friend we are only a pay check to them im sorry but thats how i feel maybe there are some nice drs out there but i have not found one yet so i guess thats it for now take care everyone
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572713 tn?1237094902
I understand completely how you feel!  
It's almost a year since my surgery, and I still have at lease some level of discomfort each & every day.  
Really & truly what helped most was exercises - treadmill and rowing machine - getting strong again and building up my capacity.  
I was back teaching EMS after 6 weeks, but it took 4 full months to get back into the firehouse.
It was NOT easy!  and still isn't.  But I figgure if a fat ol' broad like me (49) could make it back onto "Big Red" fire engine and ambulance, anyone can.
NTNG:  my surgeon also wanted me to believe the pain is in my head, but we all know it's real.  
Some of us can deal with it better (or are more stubborn?) than others.
I used Vicodin for a couple months, but didn't like the long term risks.  I now use it ONLY when I cannot relieve the pain enough to sleep with Advil 800mg.  I also found muscle relaxer like Skelaxin can help.
VFLady:  Because of the scar line, it's only the past week or so I can start wearing a bra again.  Never thought I would say this, but it's nice to get into something girlie girl again (as opposed to compression tops)!
Stay positive and reward yourself when you reach goals.  You can do it!
Let's go Cubs!  
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535089 tn?1400673519
This post was started almost 2 years ago. I would suggest starting a new thread with your information. You will get a better response........Cheers
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I just had my thorocotomy on March 11th, 2009. The surgery was needed after a 1.3 cm mass was found in the apex of my left lung. Today is my 1st day back to work, after being home almost a month. While the pain has lessened, I am still VERY uncomfortable. Muscles feel like they are burning, left pectoral area is numb, and I find my self "compensating" when I sit in a chair. Walking feels like each step of my left foot causes an immediate increase in the discomfort level of my left side. I was on Oxycodone 20 mg and Oxycontinin 20mg.   At my 2 week post surgery visit, asked the Dr. to give me something that did not make me as groggy. He Rx'd Tylenol 3 w/ codene.  They dont even take the edge off!I've tried 800mg Ibuprofin, they make no differance.   Pre surgery I ran 3-5 miles a day, and did the resistance machines at the gym when done with the run. Now a cup off coffee in my left hand feels like a ton, and I fear i will drop it! After  reading all the posts, I am depressed thinking it may be 2 yrs or possibly never before the pain and discomfort subsides.  I am a voluenteer Paramedic and there is no way I can carry the gear we use. This *****!
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I can relate.  I had two thoracotomies a year ago; one to remove a nodule caused from Valley Fever which they thought could be cancer, and the second to repair a fistula caused from the Valley Fever fungus still in my lung which became activated and collapsed my lung.  I still have unbelievable pain a year later and also go to a pain specialist.  They are trying several meds, although Percocet works OK along with a nerve med.  Lyrica put on weight and gave me a headache so we need to look for something else.  I also have the "frozen breast" and different types of pain all the time.  I may have this a long time, and it's so frustrating.  I wonder if just opening up my lung in the first place activated the Valley Fever fungus as I must always stay on anti-fungal meds which have a list of side effects of their own.  I'm glad I found this site and I don't feel alone with this pain!!
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