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Normal for 12 year old boy?

My 12 year old stepson lives with us and displays odd (to say the least) behavior I think. He seems to require total supervision. He sneaks around if alone and steals jewlery from my jewlery box (hidden in top of closet) Will get up in middle of night to sneak things like powdered coffee creamer and hot cocoa packets to eat. He even went into the cupboard to eat creamer 10 min after dinner while my husband and I where in the next room. He collects anything he can get his hands on like acorns and rocks even dirt from outside. He also has taken to matches and glass and such.The boy has most everything he wants as far as toys his dad interacts with him all the time (plays games, football ,talks, and spends 1 on 1 time with him) He has been treated for ADD meds didnt seem to have an effect untill this last one at the highest dose. He knows his behavior is wrong we talk with him all rules are very clear he gets diciplined ( spanked, grounded, loss of privelages, strip room of all toys) NOTHING works. He has even tris to  do sexuall things with our youngest 7 his half sister. He even goes to counceling once a week. I've considered military school. My husband says the sneaking stuff in and eating crazy stuff as we rarely have sweets in the house is normal, is that true?
5 Responses
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568051 tn?1373858363
sorry for spelling errors.. was rushing..
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568051 tn?1373858363
This isnt normal! He has clear signs that something isnt right, mentally!   If he knows his actions are wrong. Then he knows right from wrong. Does he have alot of friends? Does he come off scoial and happy?

From what you describle, your step-son is on the path to living a life of a crimial. I hate to say hit. He hides things for attention... even if he gets more than enough. He could be very jelious of his sister, therefore he tries to touch her etc.... he knows what he is doing is wrong, yet he does it anyways..

Emotionally, they are cold, detached, distant, and yet deeply resentful of normal people. They know they're missing something, and often spend most of their typically short, tragic lives avenging themselves on others for what they cannot ever enjoy. So they are not truly emotionless, but they do not love, do not know true joy, and are hostile and destructive.

Does that at all sound like him just alittle??
If so.. please get him help.. coucelling once a week isnt enough!
And dont leave him alone with ur daughter!!!!
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13167 tn?1327194124
I think if he's not overweight he should be allowed to eat creamer and cocoa packets if he wants to.  If he's on ADD meds he probably is underweight and going through periods where he has no appetite,  to periods where he is famished to keep up with the lack of eating.  

Collecting things is fine,  maybe you can get him a couple fishing tackle boxes or other plastic sorting bins that he can use to sort his stuff?  

The only thing in this list that causes me concern is the sexual behavior,  and you kind of mention that in passing like eating creamer is important and this sexual thing is just kind of an aside.  

What does the counselor say about that?  
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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with your husband ,that he is taking stuff that he wants maybe as it isnt kept at home, if the child is deprived of the goodies he sees other children with very often they will sneak'it. I dont think his behavior requires punishment he is obviously in need of some help and understanding, how does he do at school and is this behavior only at home. You say he is on Meds ,ask the Doctor if he could be reacting to them as some Meds do have side effects .What does the counsellor say ,ask her opinion on how to help your stepson, Focus on his positive side and praise him for any good thing he does, maybe he is acting out because he needs more positive attention,
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603946 tn?1333941839
Maybe, but the other is inexcusable- I am sorry you are having to deal with this.

After hearing about the sexual advances on a 7 year old, at his age, I am surprised the counselor did not report it. Or if the counselor has reported it, and he gets sent to a boys ranch, it may best for him.
At this age the military school, in my opinion will teach him to possibly fix his behavior short term thru training but it may not fix his heart.

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