771731 tn?1239893371

Bladder Prolapse, Young and no children

Hi everyone,

I have been diagnosed with bladder prolapse.  It seems to have happened very suddenly and is escalating quickly.  I have suffered with anxiety in the past and doctors always make me feel like things are in my head.  I have been having a variety of issues for the last 3 months and have seen a cardiologist, gasteroenterologist, neurologist, rheumatologist, gynecologist, you name it. It started with a pain on my side and escalated to all these symptoms all over that just do not add up. Anyway, a few weeks ago I felt like something was falling out of my vagina.  Went to urgent care and was diagnosed with a "mild, barely there" bladder prolapse.  The doctor said I don't need to worry about it unless it's causing me problems, but it will probably get worse as I age.  As I age?  It has gotten worse in the last few weeks!  It is now to the point where it is slightly sticking out at times, I can feel a bulge 24/7, and I feel like I can't completely empty my bladder.  I did have one appointment with a gynecologist about it a couple of weeks ago (it wasn't as bad as it is right this moment), and the guy was a total jerk about it.  He acknowledged it was there, said he could do nothing about it because I was too young, and suggested kegels. He literally kept his hand on the doorknob trying to leave as I kept asking him questions.  I have now made another appointment with a gynecologist who specializes in prolapses and was recommended. I'm meeting with her on Monday.  I already know the diagnosis, but I'm terrified where to go from here.I'm pretty sure i have other prolapses besides the bladder at this point and I'm just so terrified.  I can actually feel it getting worse EVERY DAY, and don't think I will make it until Monday.  I went to urgent care the other night even though I knew they couldn't help me, but at least the doctor there listened and was compassionate.  He was shocked that I could have a prolapse as I haven't had any children, but I was proved right when he checked. He didn't have experience with this specifically, but said I would be fine until Monday, not to lift or strain, and that it might feel worse than it is.  

The thing is, I'm only 32 and I haven't had any children.  I'm convinced I must have something else going on that has contributed to this.  Some kind of connective tissue disorder or a tumor pressing on something, I don't know.  And the fact that it is all happening so fast has me terrified.  I've been trying to keep my mind off it, but it's just so hard. I basically cry all the time and feel like my life is over.  I feel so alone and that I have nobody to talk to. My husband is very understanding, but he obviously cannot relate to this. I'm so scared because even if they correct this surgically, what's to keep it from happening again if they don't know why it's happening in the first place. For months doctors have been acting like I'm crazy or just depressed, but this NOT a symptom I can make up. I can see and feel my bladder!  I had a follow up with the regular doctor's office today and all she could talk about was why wasn't I taking depression medicine and insinuating that I am making this all up.  I'd almost be willing to accept that as I have extreme health anxiety, but not when something is falling out of me!  I got very upset, told her I was resentful and that she'd be upset too if her insides were falling out for no reason.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the point of this post is other to rant. I feel so depressed, like my life is over, and just not worth living.  I feel like I'll never be able to have sex with my husband again.  I just feel so disgusted by my body and that I have no control over it.  It's so depressing that my BEST case scenario is that I have a bladder prolapse.  That's not up for debate at this point. But I honestly feel like this is a symptom of something else I will need to deal with.  What, I don't know.  I wish I could stay upbeat because this prolapse is here whether I like it or not, but I'm having such a hard time. Is there anyone else out there who can relate?  Anyone who hasn't had children?  I'm sure it's not easy for anyone, but at least if I'd had a baby I'd have some kind of explanation.  I just feel so angry and defeated, almost to the point of suicidal.  I'd never do that to my husband though.  I just don't know how I can go on like this day to day.  Help.
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Its good you are feeling less stressed after your gyne appt.  You can now get all your questions listed for your Urogyne appt in Feb.  If you feel much worse in the evening with bulging vaginally etc and your appt is in the morning you could take a photo.. yes I know this sounds odd but if there is a big difference is how your symptoms present this can help.  
Its great to hear you are doing the Hab-it exercises.  They are really good and you are right in saying they are good for you to do whether you have prolapses or not as strengthening the PF is important.
Good luck with your tests and Feb appt.  Let us know how you get on
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771731 tn?1239893371
I actually do have an appointment with a urogynecologist, but it is not until February, which is why I went to the gynecologist in the meantime (can you tell I'm an anxious and not very patient person?)

I have looked up urethrocele and it doesn't look like I have that. The urethra looks normal, just more "in" my vagina than it was before.  The gyno said it was probably always there, but I'm just noticing it more now because I'm focused on prolapse.  I really don't think so, but maybe?  I wish I had taken pictures of my vagina a couple of years ago to compare, lol.

My trip to the urologist was uneventful, he didn't even examine me, it was just a consult. I wasn't there for the prolapse, but talked to him about it anyway.  He said (without looking) that I probably have a "normal" amount of prolapse, that all the muscles down there can move, etc.  He said he will look when I go back for the procedure he scheduled, and that he could refer me to pelvic floor physical therapist if I wanted.

He scheduled me for an ultrasound and a cystography, which I'm pretty nervous about.  He said it's much worse than it sounds, and that I really should do it because of the recurring blood.  He did mention cancer (not that I have it, just that it could be a possibility which is why they need to do the test).  That shut me right up, and I said do whatever test you want.

Would the cystography diagnose IC or endometriosis?  I've actually thought about endometriosis, but I don't have painful periods.  Just this pain in my side that was the start of everything over the last few months.  I can't tell if it's bowel, bladder, or possibly muscle related as it comes and goes in one specific spot and I don't notice a pattern. It does stop me right in my tracks though.  They've ruled out appendicitis and ovarian cysts.  

I just finished up my first Hab-It session, and I'm feeling positive about that.  I felt a little silly doing them, but they seem like they'll be beneficial regardless of what I have going on down there.

As you can probably tell from my tone, I'm a little less depressed than I was when I wrote my original post.  I think it's because the urologist said the "C" word.  Now I feel like if I come out of this with "just" a prolapse, I should be thankful. My mood about it does change throughout the day, but I'm hoping as the days go on, I'll think about it less and less.

Thanks for the hugs, it really feels good to talk about this with people who have been there.  : )
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Please see a urogynecologist...Urologists deal with the bladder, kidneys and so on...a gynecologist deals with female organs but not pop even if it is the uterus...the one's trained in dealing with pop are uro/gyns.
Yes, the fact that you went early in the morning and had an empty bladder would make a difference as when our bladder is filled with urine it is heavy and will come lower, even the bowels being filled with stool or gas can push on the bladder making it lower and definitely as we go through our days and our muscles fatigue the prolapse will be lower.
Have you been checked for Interstitial Cystitis or endometriosis? As those can both cause blood in the urine (I have both) so you definitely have some seeking to do in regards to what is going on in your body...if you have endometriosis then you need to seen an endometriosis excision surgeon and if you are lucky you can find a uro/gyn that is also an endo specialist...I was lucky to have found both for my big pop/endo surgery...I know this is hard and you are scared and trying to figure things out...just know that your organs will not fall completely out! If you are having pain or discomfort it means it's time to put your feet up and rest your pelvic floor (legs up the wall is great for this) as for the Hab-it DVD it is wonderful and a good starting point but it is recommended to see a pelvic floor physical/physio therapist to ensure you are doing what you need to for your specific pelvic floor needs. I am hypertonic so kegals are a no go for me and I have not been able to do them since 2011 because my pelvic floor muscles are in a contracted state like a charlie horse in your calf only it's in the pelvic floor.

As for your urethra...have you looked up urethrocele?  I would imagine if you are feeling the lump at the base of your vagina and your gyn said your urethra is low then you have a cystocele but your dr. is not well trained so you were dismissed...which is why it is so critical to see a Dr. who understands pop...Uro/gyn..

I have been dealing with pelvic floor issues so long it is now the norm for me and although in the beginning I was devastated mine came with endo, by the time the pop was a big issue I had been in the having health issues so long I had come to terms emotionally...but it does have a HUGE impact on our emotional and physical well being...:( I have learned through the years to fully feel each emotion, but to try to not let it take hold to tightly...Just take it day by day and keep learning...You are on the right path in getting the Hab-it DVD...so keep going ~ things will get better! Let us know how your are coming along and of course...if you need a cyber {{{Hug}}} we have you covered there too! ;)
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771731 tn?1239893371
Thanks to everyone who has responded so far.  Your kind words and knowing I'm not alone do help a little.

So I had my appointment with the new gynecologist yesterday and was SHOCKED when she said I have no prolapse at all!  I desperately want to believe her, but 3 other doctors have already told me I have, and I can physically see it and feel it.  My only thought is that it was first thing in the morning and my bladder was empty?  I even had her check me standing up and she said I had the vagina of a 32 year old?!  She is very well respected in her field, but I just cannot believe her.  As I sit here typing, I feel as if I'm sitting on a ball.  She thinks I'm feeling my urethra, which she mentioned is hanging lower than usual, but thinks that's just part of my anatomy.  It WASN'T part of my anatomy a few weeks ago though.  I'm so confused.  I've looked in the mirror and it looks exactly like the pictures of bladder prolapse online (a bulge coming down from behind the urethra area if I bare down and sometimes even if I dont). I have an appointment with a urologist tomorrow, which had been set up before I even knew of the prolapse, because of trace amounts of blood in my urine.  So maybe I'll get some more information there.  So now besides being depressed, I'm even more confused, and feel like I'm absolutely crazy.  Sigh.

In the meantime, I ordered those Hab-It DVD's as I figured that couldn't hurt either way.  Has anyone tried those?
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Hi Emma82.

I am also recently diagnosed same month as you, and shocked to experience rapid worsening. I feel exactly the way you do, because I know that my quality of life is now gone and surgeries are no guarantee. I'm sorry we both have to go through this. While I am older than you and have two children, it is still a big blow. I do see other women posting their experiences and wisdom, and I truly appreciate that.
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Hi Emma82.  ipurr2 is right about the beginning the prolapse journey being rough as it very often comes as a complete surprise and as you can see, you really dont have to have had a baby to have prolapse.

I am so glad you have posted here and I can relate to all you have said regarding you feelings and fears about prolapse and about how fearful you are regarding related areas of you life including your relationship.
Now... I have better news, as it looks like you haven't tried a pessary.  I have several prolapses etc and use a T pessary type R which holds up my POPs and in very comfortable and I can do kegel exercises with it in.
There are many other pessaries to look at and try that can help to push your bladder up in the correct position which also helps you to pass water more normally.  If you want to know about pessaries I am happy to tell you about a wide range and point you in the right direction.  Please feel free to private message me.  
Wearing pessary can help to buy you time as well to look at other options for you to consider while your bladder prolapse is supported.

Like ipurr2 says, you need to have a Urogynecologist you trust and like and this can take time to find and you also need to have a good womens physio therapist to help you to strengthen your pelvic floor whether you have an operation or not.  
You ask why did you get bladder prolapse.... well I got bladder prolapse as well as my other POPs due to low thyroid causing slow digestion, slow motility of the bowel, chronic cough, incorrect breathing ( breath holding) and a difficult birth as well as a hypertonic ( tense and cramps ) pelvic floor plus lifting heavy weights.  Having a baby is a only one of the many reasons for getting POP and Drs are often not educated to understand this.  See a Urogynecologist and a womens PT to get both a correct diagnosis as well as a way forward as to how to solve your present bladder prolapse problems and remember to ask about pessaries.  Take in a leaflet on pessaries and do some research.  The silicone ones are really good for holding up the bladder.

Best of luck and let us know how you get on
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unfortunately it is not that uncommon to have pelvic organ prolapse at a young age...I was in my 20's when my uterus was falling...even though I have never had children everything that could fall has fallen and I have had 2 pop surgeries and many other surgeries from endometriosis.
You may never know the "why" you developed prolapse, but my suggestions for you would be to see a urogynecologist as they are the experts not gyns...so many gals are dismissed by their gyn but then when they see the right dr. they get the facts.
second ~ get a referral to a women's pelvic floor physical therapist to ensure you know how to best care for your weakened pelvic floor to prevent it from becoming worse.
avoid bearing down to pee as well as keep your bowel movements soft like soft serve ice cream so as to no put more pressure on you pelvic floor. get a pessary fitting from your uro/gyn and yes they may say you are too young and it's inconvenient for sex, but many young women use them with success and some kinds you can leave in during sex others you just take out and put back in...this is much more convenient the the issue of not having your prolapses supported. Make sure you limit or at least lift properly when lifting heavy things. Running and high impact exercise can make things progress more rapidly so do at your own risk.
Last thing I would suggest is to take a deep breath and a moment to know that although this is a bad situation to find yourself in ~ it is not life threatening so you have time to educate yourself on what is available to help you~whatever that might be, conservative treatment (physio/physical therapy, pessary) or surgical intervention, but I strongly recommend before doing any surgery you know that this may not be a quick fix and we women with pop have to always take good care of our pf by keeping it strong, not allowing ourselves to become constipated, resting when our body tells us too, but not to quit living ~ it's all about balance! Watch your lifting and so on.  I would say your first step should be to get to a uro/gyn rather then a gyn and get a referral to pelvic floor physical therapy. While doing this learn and ask questions and in time you will manage this emotionally much better! The beginning is rough, but just know you can still live a full happy life despite pelvic organ prolapse. Let me know if you have any more specific questions as this is just a general info to give you! Things can be better so just hang in there while you learn all you can about pop!
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